Fang Xiao knew that the leader of Feishuang Elephant was not dead yet, because it was the mount of his skill contract and they were connected to each other.

However, the injury was definitely serious. After all, Fang Xiao was on its back when it was injured, so it was definitely unable to fly up and continue fighting.

Just as Fang Xiao gained a foothold on the branch, several flying creatures with legendary strength rushed over crazily.

Less than 10% of the flying troop soldiers under Fang Xiao were dead, and now the defense circle has completely collapsed.

Fang Xiao's other confidants either had their mounts killed and fell down, unable to fly up to fight again, or they were held back by a large number of flying creatures and were unable to support Fang Xiao's side.

The current situation can be described as quite dangerous.

Seeing these legendary flying creatures gradually approaching, as well as a large number of epic flying creatures, Fang Xiao tightened his grip on the Flame Heart Shield and Blood-Drinking Crazy Knife in his hands.

Just when these flying creatures were less than two meters away from Fang Xiao, a giant shield with a diameter of twenty meters suddenly condensed above Fang Xiao.

This skill is another of Fang Xiao's large-scale destructive skills.

In the past, Fang Xiao didn't use it just to prevent any unexpected situations, but now he didn't expect that it would actually be used.

The difference between this skill and the Thunder Bombardment skill is that the Thunder Attack skill needs to be charged for one minute before it can be activated.

That's why Fang Xiao chose to use thunder bombardment to attack the barrier.

Because in actual combat, if you don't want to hold back the enemy, it is actually not easy to hit the opponent with thunder attacks.

After all, as long as the opponent is fast enough and can predict the direction of Fang Xiao's attack in advance, he can still avoid it.

But this Taiping Shield Strike is completely different. The giant shield is condensed directly and instantly.

You won't give the other party time to react at all.

Especially these flying creatures, Fang Xiao didn't understand them at all, let alone knew that Fang Xiao had this skill.

So when this giant shield condensed, the flying creatures rushing over had a look of astonishment in their eyes.

However, before they could react, the giant shield had already been smashed away.

Instantly, there was a collision with these flying creatures that came over.

Accompanied by a huge roar and countless screams, terrifying air waves pushed away towards the surroundings.

A large number of flying creatures were seen, like raindrops, falling crazily downwards.

Under Fang Xiao's attack, those legendary flying creatures might still have a chance to survive.

But those epic flying creatures are definitely killed in one hit.

In an instant, a large space cleared in front of Fang Xiao.

Fang Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, and then immediately turned his gaze to the soul beads on the main trunk of the Elf Wood next to him.

I saw that I was still a little bit away from the Soul Pearl and was about to be completely integrated into the Elf Wood.

When Fang Xiao saw this, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

But the tree elf priest was still roaring incompetently, urging the remaining flying creatures to continue attacking Fang Xiao.

It has to be said that these creatures in the ring spirit forest really obey the instructions of the tree elves.

The power caused by such a terrifying blow from Fang Xiao was completely incomparable to the order issued by the tree elf priest.

I saw the flying creatures behind, rushing toward Fang Xiao desperately again.

After Fang Xiao looked at the distance between the two parties, his expression became relaxed.

Because at the speed of these flying creatures, when they rush over from this distance, there is only a little bit of the soul-living beads left that have not yet been integrated into the Elf Wood, which is enough to completely integrate them.

And in this way, Fang Xiao can be regarded as completely successful in completing the task.

As for whether these flying creatures will attack him desperately next, Fang Xiao is not very worried.

If Fang Xiao only tried his best to protect his own safety, it would be quite difficult for these flying creatures to threaten his life.

At least Fang Xiao believes that after the Soul-Living Pearl is completely integrated into the Elf Tree, the time it will take for Di Xiyang to clean up the Tree Elf King will definitely not be too long.

Just as Fang Xiao expected, when these flying creatures rushed towards Fang Xiao again, the Lihun Pearl happened to be completely integrated into the main trunk of the Elf Wood.

It was at this moment that the Elf Wood suddenly began to emit a faint black light.

This black light looks quite silent, and just looking at it makes people feel uncomfortable.

But Fang Xiao didn't have time to take care of this now. Facing these flying creatures that were desperately charging towards him, Fang Xiao held a knife in one hand and a shield in the other, constantly resisting attacks from all directions.

At the same time, the driver found the opportunity to fight back.

One after another, the flying creatures had their wings chopped off and their necks chopped off by Fang Xiao, and they fell downward one after another.

In the process of defense, Fang Xiao inevitably made some mistakes, which resulted in a lot of wounds on his body.

However, overall, the situation is relatively stable.

Under the siege of these flying creatures like a violent storm, Fang Xiao tried his best to resist and counterattack.

At this time, Fang Xiao had lost the concept of time in his heart, and all he could see were these various flying creatures that completely occupied his field of vision.

Fang Xiao didn't know how long he persisted. He only felt that his arm wielding the knife felt a little sore, and his arm lifting weights was slightly weak.

An unknown number of flying creatures died in his hands.

Finally, the situation in front of us changed.

I saw that the entire ring spirit forest shook slightly, as if there was a small earthquake.

At the same time, the Elf Wood under Fang Xiao's feet began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a short moment, it shrank by more than half.

The tree elite priest who was roaring crazily in the distance suddenly froze, his mouth wide open, unable to make a single sound.

And these flying creatures that were desperately attacking Fang Xiao and wanted to turn Fang Xiao into a deadly enemy also stopped one by one and did not continue to attack.

At this moment, Fang Xiao knew that he had won.

For such a huge change, there is no doubt that the tree elves were directly killed by the setting sun. Otherwise, such a huge change would not have happened.

Finally, the tree elf priest, whose mouth was wide open and unable to make any sound, slowly spoke.

His eyes were dim and absent-minded, and he kept mumbling: How is it possible? This is absolutely impossible, absolutely impossible...

Seeing this scene, Fang Xiao couldn't help but grin.

Blood dripped from his hair to the corner of his mouth, causing him to subconsciously lick his lips, and the smell of blood suddenly poured into his mouth.

If he had just come to this world, Fang Xiao would definitely be nauseated, but now that he has adapted to the rhythm of this world, he does not feel any discomfort.

At this moment, only crazy joy filled my heart.

He knew that the biggest enemy standing in front of him had finally been dealt with. Next, the development of his territory would enter a very rapid phase.

You can look forward to your future.

In this weird atmosphere, after a long time, the tree elf priest finally reacted.

Immediately, he turned his hateful eyes to Fang Xiao, and then pointed at Fang Xiao with his finger, his whole body trembling: You damn human being, you actually used conspiracy to kill our tree elf king, even if you are here today All living things die here, and you will definitely die without a burial place, buried with the Tree Elf King!

Hearing the other party's extremely hateful words, Fang Xiao showed a look of contempt on his face, and then his eyes fell on the tree elf priest, and then he slowly said: It has been so long, and you haven't been able to kill me. What do you think? If you want to really kill me, how much time will you need to waste next?

Now that your tree elf king is dead, how long do you think it will take for the person who killed him to get here? When he arrives, do you think you still have a chance to survive?

You still want to kill me, are you daydreaming? I'll give you two choices now.

The first is to let all the creatures present attack me and see if they can really kill me. But I can tell you the consequences now.

That is, all the creatures present must die, and after you all die, I will slaughter all the tree elves in the entire Ring Spirit Forest without leaving a single one behind.

Starting from today, the tree elves in the Ringling Forest can be declared completely exterminated.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, the tree elf priest trembled even more violently. He pointed at Fang Xiao, his lips were trembling but he couldn't say a word.

Obviously, he knew very clearly that what Fang Xiao said was all the reality he was currently facing.

And he also understood that Fang Xiao was definitely not simply intimidating him. If he really gave the order now to let all the remaining flying creatures on the scene continue to launch a desperate attack on Fang Xiao, then Fang Xiao would definitely fight with their tree elves in the future. liquidation.

So, his lips moved around, but in the end he still didn't say the words about Fang Xiao launching an attack.

At the same time, he was obviously waiting for the second option mentioned by Fang Xiao.

Looking at the shivering tree elf priest, Fang Xiao smiled contemptuously again, then stretched out his arm, stretched out his two fingers, and said slowly: The second option is easier.

It is because of you that my men suffered heavy casualties. As long as you commit suicide now, I am willing to accept the tree elves in the Ringling Forest as subjects of my territory.

In the future, we will treat them just like we treat other subjects, and we will treat them equally. They can continue to reproduce and enjoy the benefits of my territory, and they only need to contribute to their obligations as subjects.

And these flying creatures present all followed your instructions and caused the current consequences. Therefore, as long as they are willing to surrender, you can choose to let them go, but you must die.

After the words fell, Fang Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the tree elf priest, waiting for his choice.

After listening to Fang Xiao's two choices, the tree elf priest seemed to have lost all his strength.

After sighing slightly, the tree elf priest's eyes stayed on Fang Xiao's face for a long time, and then he slowly said: Human Lord, how should I believe you in the second option you mentioned? ?”

After hearing what the other party said, Fang Xiao was slightly relieved. If the other party really made the first choice, then Fang Xiao would really settle the matter afterwards.

The reason is very simple.

His men suffered such heavy losses, and several of his closest men also died, and the rest all suffered serious injuries.

If the other party continued to issue orders and attacked Fang Xiao and others with all their might, then the subsequent casualties would be even more severe. Fang Xiao didn't know how many people would die again before Di Xiyang arrived.

Even Fang Xiao couldn't accept such a result.

Even if the tree elves can bring considerable benefits, Fang Xiao can no longer tolerate their survival due to the continued expansion of hatred.

Now that the other party has chosen the second option given by Fang Xiao, there is still room for relaxation.

After all, as Fang Xiao said, if it weren't for the tree elf priest who came over, the outcome of everything would actually not be that bad.

Now the tragedy caused by this tree elf priest can be completely blamed. As long as he dies, the hatred caused before can actually be reduced or even eliminated slowly.

In this case, Fang Xiao doesn't have to feel too much pressure to take over the tree elves next.

And they can also successfully take advantage of the huge benefits that the tree elves will bring in the future.

And these flying creatures in front of them can also be incorporated into Fang Xiao's territory later and become Fang Xiao's new flying troop mounts.

Fang Xiao stared at the tree elf priest, and after a moment of silence, he slowly said: Do you think I need to lie to you? Do you think I need to make this promise to you?

You don't have any chance to kill me now, and as long as the existence that kills your tree elf king comes, then you will all die.

After that, I can do whatever I want. Why bother talking to you here? Think about it for yourself. Is this true?

After listening to Fang Xiao's words, the tree elf priest finally closed his eyes gently. After more than ten seconds of silence, the other party opened his eyes again.

Then he took out a small dagger from his arms: Okay, human lord, you are right. You really have no need to deceive me now, and I believe you.

Now I will use my death in exchange for the fire of my ring spirit forest tree elves clan...

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