And just when Fang Xiao was about to approach this flying creature with legendary strength, a large number of black feathers suddenly shot out from a distance.

The shooting speed of these black feathers was so fast that even Fang Xiao had no time to dodge.

So Fang Xiao immediately raised the shield in his hand to block it from the side. Suddenly, these black feathers shot at the Flame Heart Shield in Fang Xiao's hand, making a series of collision sounds.

However, these black feathers did not cause any damage to the Flame Heart Shield.

Fang Xiao glanced into the distance. It was a black bird covered in pitch black. This black feather skill was exactly what the other party had emitted.

It seems that the other party should also know that close combat with Fang Xiao is quite dangerous, and he will be killed instantly if he is not careful.

Therefore, the opponent chose to find the right opportunity from a distance to carry out a sneak attack.

However, he obviously underestimated Fang Xiao. His sneak attack had no effect on Fang Xiao.

Fang Xiao just glanced at the other person, then took it back, and then continued to approach the legendary flying creature in front of him.

Although this legendary flying creature flies very fast, the leader of the Flying Frost Elephant that Fang Xiao is sitting on has the blessing of Fang Xiao's skills and can move much faster than the opponent.

Soon, Fang Xiao caught up with the opponent. Then, he raised the blood-drinking sword in his hand and slashed directly at the opponent's body.

This is a legendary flying creature, and a flash of fear flashed in his eyes.

Then he twisted his head violently and pecked Fang Xiao's head hard with his sharp bird.

Obviously, he wanted to use this method to get Fang Xiao to avoid him, so that Fang Xiao would not be able to continue attacking him.

However, facing the opponent's attack, Fang Xiao did not dodge at all, and directly blocked the Yanxin Shield to the side, immediately blocking the opponent's beak.

The opponent's beak collided with the Flame Heart Shield in Fang Xiao's hand, making a crisp sound.

Obviously, the strength of this legendary flying creature is not enough to threaten the Flame Heart Shield.

It was blocked easily.

While Fang Xiao was taking advantage of the moment to block the opponent's attack, he used the Blood Drinking Knife in one hand to swipe directly across the opponent's neck and shin, leaving a huge wound on the opponent's neck.

Suddenly, a large amount of blood spattered out, and the legendary flying creature let out a scream, then spun and fell downwards.

After killing this legendary flying creature, Fang Xiao turned his attention to the strange black bird in the distance.

However, after thinking for a moment, Fang Xiao still did not pursue the opponent.

Because the other party is really far away from Fang Xiao, if Fang Xiao wants to approach the other party, then he needs to stay away from the location of the Li Soul Pearl.

In this case, it is very easy for accidents to happen just by relying on these confidants and ordinary soldiers.

Protecting the Soul-Living Pearl is now the top priority.

Fang Xiao still knew exactly what to choose.

After Fang Xiao withdrew his eyes from the strange black bird, he continued to rush towards another legendary creature nearby.

This legendary creature, which was originally fighting with Fang Xiao's henchmen, couldn't help but have a flash of panic in its eyes when it saw Fang Xiao riding on the Feishuang Elephant leader and approaching him.

The pressure on him was not that great when he was fighting against Fang Xiao's henchmen, so he had seen the whole battle.

Naturally, he knew that Fang Xiao could easily pose a threat to his life.

So after hesitating for a moment, he immediately retreated towards the rear.

Seeing the opponent retreating towards the rear, Fang Xiao immediately changed his target and approached another legendary creature.

Fang Xiao's current goal is not to kill these legendary creatures, but to force them to no longer be able to get closer to the location of the Lihun Pearl.

Preventing them from threatening the Lihun Pearl is Fang Xiao's true purpose.

Of course, not all legendary creatures know how to temporarily avoid them. There are always a few flying creatures with strong heads.

Their fate was naturally to be easily beheaded by Fang Xiao on the spot.

Soon, as Fang Xiao killed several legendary flying creatures with strong heads, the remaining legendary flying creatures all had a serious psychological shadow on Fang Xiao. Every time Fang Xiao wanted to approach someone, When the time comes, the opponent will immediately make a tactical retreat and temporarily stay away from the location of the Lihun Pearl.

For a while, the situation was temporarily stable.

Although the flying troops on Fang Xiao's side have been losing money, at least these flying creatures have never been able to break in.

As long as this continues until the Soul-Living Pearl is completely integrated into the Elf Wood, then even if all the flying soldiers under him die, it will still be worth it to Fang Xiao.

No war can be won without suffering any losses.

Fang Xiao knew this clearly in his heart.

He naturally has a standard in mind when making necessary trade-offs.

Finally, as time passed little by little, under this stalemate, the Soul-Living Pearl gradually merged into the Elf Wood.

Seeing that half of the Soul-Living Pearl had been integrated into the Elite Wood, Fang Xiao breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, you just need to continue to persevere, and the ultimate winner of this war will definitely be yourself.

However, just when Fang Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, he saw a dark figure in the distance approaching quickly.

And above this black shadow, there was another person sitting, a tree elf priest.

This tree elf priest is not the same tree elf priest who rode the blood butterfly leader before. He has obviously just arrived from afar.

When the other party rushed over, he immediately saw the Soul-Living Pearl that had been half integrated into the Elf Wood. Not only did his face change drastically.

Obviously, as a high-level person in the Ringling Forest, he should also know something about the Soul-Living Pearl.

Seeing those legendary flying creatures that would temporarily retreat tactically every time they were approached by Fang Xiao, the tree elf priest not only looked a little ugly.

Then he roared fiercely: For the sake of the Tree Elf King! All living creatures, break through immediately! Destroy the bead attached to the Elf Wood! No one is allowed to take a step back!

After hearing the roar of the tree elf priest, those legendary creatures who chose to give in temporarily not only paused slightly.

After hesitating for a moment, they all launched a desperate attack towards Fang Xiao's defense circle without fear of death.

Fang Xiao not only frowned fiercely.

Looking at these legendary creatures approaching together, he not only felt a little troubled.

They never expected that the tree elf priest would have such great prestige in their hearts.

However, there is no better way to deal with it now. Now half of the soul-living beads have been integrated into the Elf Wood, and they can only carry on.

As long as you carry on, your side will be able to win the final victory.

And if you can't bear it, then all your previous efforts will be in vain, and you will be the final loser.

And after this precedent, it would be sheer fantasy to use the same method to deal with the Tree Elf King in the future.

Therefore, this is Fang Xiao's only chance and his only choice for territorial expansion.

If he fails this time, he will have no future.

A fierce look flashed in Fang Xiao's eyes, and then he shouted loudly to all the flying troop soldiers around him: Before we all fall, no enemy is allowed to touch the beads behind us!

After hearing Fang Xiao's order, all the flying troops present raised their weapons and roared: For the Lord! Guard to the death!

The next moment, all the flying creatures rushed towards them and collided with the defense circle formed by Fang Xiao's flying soldiers.

Suddenly, a large number of flying creatures and a large number of flying troops fell down together.

Fang Xiao also fought several legendary flying creatures at the same time.

Facing the opponent's siege, Fang Xiao used the Flame Heart Shield in his hand to continuously resist their attacks from all sides. At the same time, he used the Blood Drinking Sword in his hand to quickly chop at various tricky angles. .

Soon, he hacked to death the legendary flying creatures that besieged him, and then fell down.

Then, Fang Xiao turned his gaze to the side and saw that these close men under his hands were also facing the siege of several legendary flying creatures.

They do not have legendary quality shields like Fang Xiao in their hands.

There are no five professions like Fang Xiao.

There aren't a ton of skills that can be used interchangeably.

When facing the siege of these legendary flying creatures, the crisis suddenly continued, and a large number of wounds appeared on the body.

Fang Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly and immediately killed the nearest legendary flying creatures.

More and more flying creatures rushed towards them crazily, Fang Xiao's men became more and more popular, and the defensive circle formed became smaller and smaller.

This made Fang Xiao a little anxious. However, he himself was unable to do anything at all. He could only kill as many ordinary flying creatures with epic level strength as possible as he could, as well as those legendary flying creatures that were more threatening.

This is already his limit.

Fang Xiao was not sure whether he could survive to the end.

The arrival of this tree elf priest is really too deadly.

An epic flying creature, its sharp beak directly pierced the mount of a flying troop soldier under Fang Xiao's hand. Immediately, the severely damaged mount was about to fall downwards.

And the soldier on this epic mount, after seeing this scene, jumped up fiercely and instantly grabbed the neck of the epic flying creature opposite.

Then a knife penetrated the other party's body.

This epic flying creature was severely injured, and it suddenly let out a shrill scream. Then its two claws came out fiercely, and directly grabbed the epic soldier who was hugging his neck, and opened the opponent directly. Broken belly.

This soldier with epic strength used his last bit of strength to pull out the long knife in his hand, and then inserted it into the opponent's neck. The two spun together and fell downwards.

Similar scenes are happening constantly.

Even Fang Xiao couldn't help but feel a little moved.

At this moment, Fang Xiao couldn't help but feel a little distressed for these soldiers who were fighting desperately to resist those flying creatures.

However, he knew better that he must not retreat. Even if he was the only one left dead, he could not retreat even one step.

He can only win this war, he cannot afford to lose!

Fang Xiao roared angrily, then cut off the head of a legendary flying creature with a knife, and kicked the opponent's head away with a final kick, hitting the body of an epic flying creature next to him, making the opponent unstable and facing towards Fall down below.

At this time, Fang Xiao's body was covered in blood, both from his enemies and from him.

Under the desperate siege of so many legendary creatures, even he couldn't avoid making any mistakes.

Therefore, even if you wear armor with improved quality for epidemic prevention, wounds will inevitably appear on your body.

Fang Xiao had no time to take care of these minor injuries at this time. He only had one thought in his mind now, that is, he could not let any enemy get close to the Soul-Living Pearl.

You must not let everything you have done before go to waste.

On the other side, seeing more and more soul-living beads integrating into the Elf Wood, the tree elf priest beside him not only shouted anxiously, but also became more and more anxious towards those flying creatures. , the roar became louder and louder.

Listening to the continuous roars of the tree elf priests, these flying creatures became more and more fearless of death.

All kinds of life-threatening attack methods were used.

At this moment, a legendary creature whose wings were pierced by Fang Xiao, before falling, took advantage of Fang Xiao's lack of skills and gave it a sharp mouthful, and entered the abdomen of the Feishuang Elephant leader where Fang Xiao was sitting.

A large hole was opened in the abdomen of the Feishuang Elephant leader, and a large amount of blood immediately flowed out.

This made Feishuang Elephant suddenly unsteady on its feet and almost fell down.

It swung its trunk violently, slamming down the legendary bird creature with injured wings.

However, the leader of the Feishuang Elephant was severely injured, like a hole in a solid dam. Then, more and more flying creatures left wounds one after another on the leader of the Feishuang Elephant.

As the master of the Feishuang Elephant leader, Fang Xiao naturally knows the state of the Feishuang Elephant leader better than anyone else.

It is very clear that the leader of Feishuang Elephant can no longer hold on.

After narrowing his eyes slightly, Fang Xiao then stabbed the neck of a legendary flying creature that was approaching.

Then the whole person jumped up from the Feishuang Elephant leader and instantly jumped to the Elf Tree next to him.

Stopped on a branch of the Elfwood.

Due to the extremely terrifying size of the Elf Wood, even a branch has a diameter of more than two meters, which is completely enough for Fang Xiao to settle down.

And this branch is the one closest to the main trunk where the soul bead is located, and it is already Fang Xiao's best choice at the moment.

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