Global Lord: One more god-level talent every month

Chapter 202 Guarding the Soul-Living Pearl

Finally, when the black dot in the distance turned into a shadow in the field of vision, and the blurry outline could even be seen clearly, Fang Xiao's skill was fully charged.

At this time, an extremely huge lightning sphere condensed above Fang Xiao. The lightning flashed in it, making people feel an inexplicable sense of oppression just by looking at it.

The next moment, Fang Xiao fiercely waved his hand, and suddenly, the huge thunder ball above hit the barrier fiercely.

The terrifying thunder and lightning ball hit the barrier hard, instantly turning into countless thunder and lightning wreaking havoc.

Fang Xiao's thunder bombardment was a ranged attack, and there was no way for him to avoid this barrier.

The damage received at all locations is accumulated together.

Therefore, Fang Xiao's thunder bombardment hit this barrier and immediately exerted extraordinary destructive power.

The originally shaky barrier was shattered in an instant under the ravages of countless thunder and lightning.

Seeing the barrier shattered, Fang Xiao's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he no longer hesitated. He waved his hand and gave an order to the flying troops and close men under him: Everyone, follow me and rush over!

After the words fell, Fang Xiao took control of the Feishuang Elephant leader and took the lead in flying towards the Elf Tree quickly.

As he approached the Elf Wood, Fang Xiao did not relax his vigilance, because he still remembered the tree elf priest who controlled the leader of the blood butterfly.

What made Fang Xiao feel extremely strange was that as he continued to approach the Elf Wood, he did not see the tree elf priest and the blood butterfly leader at all.

This strange situation cannot be explained by Fang Xiao being careless.

After all, he didn't believe that the other party would just let Fang Xiao approach the Elf Tree unscrupulously.

As Fang Xiao approached, he kept looking around with the corner of his eyes to prevent any accidents.

Just when Fang Xiao led his flying troops and was about to approach the main trunk of the Elf Tree, suddenly dense saplings appeared on the ground.

Then these saplings began to grow wildly.

Before Fang Xiao could lead his men to the main trunk of the Elf Tree, these wildly growing saplings were already rising into the sky.

Then the densely packed branches, like living creatures, fiercely swept towards Fang Xiao and the flying troops under his command.

Not only did Fang Xiao's expression change, there was no need to think too much about it. If nothing else happened, it was definitely the trick of the disappearing tree elf priest.

However, now that it has reached this point, Fang Xiao can't care too much.

He directly rode the Feishuang Elephant leader and wildly waved the Blood Drinking Sword in his hand, cutting off all the surrounding branches that were trying to wrap around him.

Then he drove the Feishuang Elephant leader and quickly approached the main trunk of the Elf Tree.

However, Fang Xiao relied on his own strength and forced his way in. The flying troops behind him were not so lucky.

Under the entanglement and beating of these branches that were like living creatures, the damage was very serious very quickly.

Fang Xiao had no time to worry about these subordinates at this time.

After his crazy breakthrough, he finally came to the trunk of the Elf Wood.

After taking a look at the Elf Tomb in front of him, Fang Xiao immediately took out the Soul-Living Bead from his lord's warehouse, and then attached the Soul-Living Bead to the main trunk of the Elf Tree.

This was the method of using the Soul-Living Pearl that Sunset had specially explained to him before.

You only need to attach it to the main trunk of the Elf Wood, and the Soul-Living Pearl will stick tightly to the body of the Elf Wood.

Unless it is destroyed artificially, it will not fall.

Then it will slowly integrate into the body of the Elf Wood. When it is completely integrated, Fang Xiao's mission will be completely completed.

When he saw the Soul-Living Pearl in his hand attached to the main trunk of the Elf Wood, Fang Xiao breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he turned his gaze back.

At this time, he could see that the flying troops under his command at the rear were being attacked crazily by the raging branches.

Fang Xiao couldn't help but narrowed his eyes subconsciously, and then gave instructions to the legendary henchmen who had just broken through: You must guard the Soul-Living Pearl, and you must ensure that there is no problem with the Soul-Living Pearl.

I'm going to get rid of these damn trees.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, these confidants immediately bowed and obeyed the order, and then guarded beside the Soul-Living Pearl.

When Fang Xiao saw this, he didn't say anything more and directly drove the leader of Feishuang Elephant to rush towards the trees rising from below.

Every time he approached a tree, Fang Xiao waved the blood-drinking sword in his hand and cut the trunk of the tree in two.

After the main trunk was cut off by Fang Xiao, the tree, which was like a living creature, suddenly lost its vitality.

Obviously, this method is correct.

So, Fang Xiao relied on his extraordinary strength to quickly attack these trees that looked like living creatures.

Accompanied by loud roars one after another, the trees fell to the ground one by one, raising waves of smoke and dust.

And in the sky, the soldiers of the flying troops who were originally in a mess after being hit also felt that the pressure dropped suddenly.

Then they quickly reorganized their formation and began to counterattack.

At this time, Fang Xiao's eyes were looking into the distance, because he saw the flying creature reinforcements coming, getting closer and closer, and now they were less than 2 miles away.

For these flying creatures, this distance is obviously very close.

It doesn't take much time at all.

At this time, Fang Xiao had just eliminated nearly 1/3 of the trees that looked like living creatures.

The only consolation is that at this time, the flying troop soldiers under Fang Xiao's hands have temporarily stabilized their formation and can barely resist the attack of these living tree branches.

But now the approach of these flying biological reinforcements will undoubtedly make things worse.

Once approaching, facing the double attack from branches and flying creatures, the flying troops will inevitably become chaotic again.

Fang Xiao thought for a while and quickly made a decision.

While he continued to chop down these trees that looked like living creatures, he gave orders to the flying troop soldiers under his hands, asking them all to get closer to the main trunk of the elf wood.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, the flying troops present did not dare to hesitate, and then quickly approached the main trunk of the Elf Wood.

And because Fang Xiao kept chopping down these trees to reduce resistance, when the flying creature reinforcements finally arrived, all the flying troops under Fang Xiao gathered next to the main trunk of the Elf Wood.

Fang Xiao breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, and then drove the Feishuang Elephant leader back to the main trunk of the Elf Wood, and then turned his attention to the flying creatures approaching from the distance.

There are a lot of these flying biological reinforcements. They are densely packed at a glance, and their number is at least tens of thousands.

In front of these flying creature reinforcements, Fang Xiao saw at least dozens of people with legendary strength.

If nothing else happens, the main air reinforcements that can be rushed from other parts of the Ring Spirit Forest have basically arrived.

Fang Xiao not only took a deep breath, but his face became more serious.

Until now, Fang Xiao, the former tree elf priest, still hasn't seen it.

Fang Xiao couldn't help but wonder if the other party had sacrificed himself to create the forest that looked like a living creature.

However, this forest that looks like a living creature cannot move. It can only constantly shake its trunk and then use its branches to attack.

So the attack range is quite limited.

This led to the fact that after Fang Xiao chopped down the trees close to the main trunk of the Elf Wood, and then gathered all the flying troops under him, the remaining trees that looked like living creatures would no longer be able to attack. Fang Xiao's side.

However, it doesn't matter whether these trees that look like living creatures were created by the tree elf sacrificing himself.

The most important thing now is how to deal with these flying biological reinforcements coming over.

And under their attack, they protected the Lihun Pearl safely and waited for the Lihun Pearl to be completely integrated into the main body of the Elf Wood.

So far, there seems to be no good solution, except for frontal resistance.

After these flying creature reinforcements arrived at the forest that looked like living creatures, they paused for a moment.

Then, accompanied by a high-pitched bird song, the next moment, these flying creature reinforcements rushed towards Fang Xiao and the others.

Fang Xiao narrowed his eyes, then raised the Blood-Drinking Sword in his hand, and then spoke loudly: Everyone is prepared to protect the Soul-Living Pearl to the death and will never be allowed to retreat.

After the voice fell, Fang Xiao drove the Feishuang Elephant leader to the front of everyone, held the Flame Heart Shield and the Blood Drinking Sword tightly in his hands, stared at the flying creatures approaching, and did Get ready to fight desperately.

The flying troop soldiers behind him looked at Fang Xiao's back, and then their eyes became firm.

He raised his weapon and shouted to Fang Xiao: I am willing to serve the lord to the death!

Then get ready for battle.

Finally, these dense flying creatures swarmed over.

The leader of the Feishuang Elephant underneath Fang Xiao swung his nose and instantly knocked away the two approaching flying creatures with epic strength.

Fang Xiao slashed at a legendary flying creature that was approaching.

This flying creature obviously didn't know how powerful Fang Xiao was. Faced with Fang Xiao's blow, the opponent didn't even dodge. Instead, it opened its mouth and bit Fang Xiao directly, and there was a trace of blood on his mouth. Has a light blue sheen.

Apparently, this should be his skill set.

Fang Xiao's expression remained unchanged. When the opponent's mouth came to bite him, he directly raised the Flame Heart Shield in his hand and blocked it in front of the opponent's mouth.

The opponent's mouth, glowing with blue light, bit hard on the top of the Yanxin Shield, without causing any damage to the Yanxin Shield at all.

Fang Xiao's knife directly split the opponent's neck, splitting almost a third of the opponent's neck.

Suddenly the flying creature let out a shrill scream, blood spurted from its neck, and it fell fiercely downwards.

Even if he doesn't die, he will definitely have no fighting power in a short period of time.

Fang Xiao took down a legendary flying creature head-on, which immediately boosted the morale of the flying soldiers behind Fang Xiao.

As for other legendary flying creatures, some of the legendary flying creatures that originally wanted to rush towards Fang Xiao immediately stopped themselves after seeing how ferocious Fang Xiao was.

Then he turned around and attacked the flying troop soldiers behind Fang Xiao.

Obviously, they have realized that Fang Xiao is quite difficult to recruit. If this is the case, then they changed their minds and planned to get rid of all Fang Xiao's men first, and then turn around and besiege Fang Xiao.

Their idea was good, but Fang Xiao would not let them attack his men unscrupulously.

After getting rid of this legendary flying creature, Fang Xiao immediately took control of the Flying Frost Elephant leader and quickly rushed towards the nearest legendary creature.

The epic flying creatures blocking the road along the way were directly waved by the flying frost elephant leader's trunk and flew out instantly.

Fang Xiao didn't even need to take action.

As the leader of the Flying Frost Elephant with legendary strength, it is relatively easy to deal with these flying creatures with only epic strength.

Soon, the leader of Feishuang Elephant led Fang Xiao to rush to the nearest flying creature, and then kicked it hard.

This is a legendary flying creature that is quite flexible. Facing the attack from the leader of the Flying Frost Elephant, it easily turned sideways and dodged.

Just that he escaped the attack of Feishuang Xiang leader, it doesn't mean that he can also escape Fang Xiao's attack.

At the moment when the leader of Feishuang Elephant passed by the opponent, the Blood Drinking Knife in Fang Xiao's hand made a very tricky arc and instantly pierced the opponent's neck.

Suddenly, a large amount of blood spurted out from the opponent's neck, and along with the opponent's screams, it fell fiercely downwards.

Fang Xiao did not stop at all, and continued to control the Feishuang Elephant leader, rushing towards the next legendary flying creature.

The strength of these single-professional flying creatures is not too high, and the highest is the legendary 4-star strength.

Facing Fang Xiao, if they let down their guard or underestimate Fang Xiao, they would be easily killed by Fang Xiao.

When Fang Xiao rushed towards the next legendary creature, this legendary creature also noticed the movement on Fang Xiao's side.

The scene where Fang Xiao killed two other legendary creatures was also seen by him at the same time. His eyes were quite wary. He looked at Fang Xiao who was getting closer and closer, and then violently vibrated his wings.

Suddenly, two groups of rotating air currents appeared around the two wings, and then condensed into two groups of tornadoes, sweeping towards Fang Xiao in an instant.

Fang Xiao's expression remained unchanged, and then he directly drove the Feishuang Elephant and rushed upward.

The two tornadoes passed by the feet of the Feishuang Elephant leader by a hair's breadth and did not attack the Feishuang Elephant leader.

Fang Xiao took the opportunity to approach the flying creature again.

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