This knife directly pierced the wing of the blood-feathered eagle leader.

The opponent's wings suffered such a heavy blow that he could no longer maintain his stability and instantly fell downwards.

Fang Xiao naturally would not let go of this excellent opportunity, and immediately drove the Feishuang Elephant leader and rushed towards the fallen Blood Feather Eagle leader.

At this time, Fang Xiao's close men had also intercepted the remaining Blood Feather Eagle leaders.

Therefore, no other Blood Feather Eagle leader came to hinder Fang Xiao. Soon Fang Xiao quickly rushed to the fallen Blood Feather Eagle leader, and then swung his Blood Drinking Sword fiercely towards the opponent's The neck was chopped off.

At this time, the opponent's wings were severely damaged and there was no way to balance his body and dodge.

Facing Fang Xiao's extremely swift blow, not only a fierce look flashed in his eagle eyes.

Then he raised his paw and grabbed the Feishuang Elephant leader directly under Fang Xiao.

Obviously, he should realize that his attack would hardly threaten Fang Xiao.

And he had no way to dodge Fang Xiao's fatal blow, so he chose to give Fang Xiao's mount a heavy blow before he died.

Obviously he also knew that once Fang Xiao's mount was severely damaged, Fang Xiao would be unable to continue flying in the sky. In this case, the threat to the Ringling Forest would naturally be greatly reduced.

Fang Xiao also saw through the opponent's thoughts in an instant, and the blood-drinking sword in his hand continued to slash at the opponent's neck without stopping.

The Flame Heart Shield on the other hand thrust out suddenly, blocking the opponent's claws.

The next moment, the blood-drinking sword in Fang Xiao's hand swiped across the opponent's neck, and immediately cut the throat of the leader of the blood-feathered eagle.

And the other party's final blow with all his strength hit Fang Xiao's Flame Heart Shield hard.

Fang Xiao felt the Flame Heart Shield in his hand tremble violently, but that was all.

The opponent's deathbed counterattack did not have much effect.

In fact, even if Fang Xiao does not block it and the leader of Feishuang Elephant blocks it, it will definitely not pose a fatal threat to the leader of Feishuang Elephant.

At most, it would only cause some injuries to the leader of Feishuang Elephant.

However, since I can help the Feishuang Elephant leader to block it, there is no need to let the Feishuang Elephant leader fight on his own.

After all, if the leader of Feishuang Elephant is injured, it will be Fang Xiao himself who will be affected.

Seeing the blood-feathered eagle leader falling to the ground without making a sound and bursting out with a bunch of loot, Fang Xiao looked back directly, and then continued to fly upwards with the flying frost elephant leader.

These blood-feathered eagles must be dealt with as soon as possible. If they are dealt with slowly, they will be seriously delayed by the opponent, and no one knows what reinforcements will come later.

Although in normal times, most of the power of the Ring Spirit Forest is used to defend against the intrusion of the White Elephant City forces.

But now in this crisis situation, Fang Xiao felt that the tree elves in the Ringling Forest must have a way to notify important forces located everywhere.

The reinforcements that are now arriving in a steady stream can undoubtedly prove this.

Therefore, we must get rid of these blood-feathered eagles that are blocking us as soon as possible, and then break the barrier that protects the Elf Wood.

Your actions must be swift. Once you delay, it will only become more and more disadvantageous for you.

Although, in one-on-one situations, those single-class legendary creatures basically have no resistance in front of Fang Xiao, but they cannot withstand the large number of opponents.

If the delay continues and more and more legendary creatures come over, far more than Fang Xiao and his legendary henchmen, then even Fang Xiao will not be able to defeat more with less. I guarantee there won't be any problems.

Immediately, Fang Xiao turned his attention to the blood-feathered eagle leaders who were dueling with his henchmen, and then rode the blood-feathered eagle leaders and quickly approached them.

Then began to launch a sneak attack on the opponent.

Almost all of Fang Xiao's legendary confidants are multi-professional beings who use the Hero Order.

Therefore, when dealing with these blood-feathered eagle leaders, they did not fall behind at all, and even completely suppressed the opponent and entangled the opponent to death.

It’s just that they are not as powerful as Fang Xiao. In addition, Fang Xiao does not have many legendary confidants in the flying troops this time. The rest are leading the ground troops, so there is no way to gain an advantage in numbers. For a while, There is no way to completely eliminate these blood-feathered eagle leaders right now.

But now with Fang Xiao's sneak attack, these blood-feathered eagle leaders who couldn't escape were suddenly in trouble.

Those who were attacked directly and accurately by Fang Xiao died on the spot and fell towards the bottom.

After a while, these blood-feathered eagle leaders were all attacked to death by Fang Xiao, leaving only the ordinary blood-feathered eagles.

There was nothing to say. Fang Xiao and his henchmen led the flying troops under their command and began to crush these ordinary blood-feathered eagles.

Speaking of which, Fang Xiao has not seen any ground troops until now.

It seems that they must have encountered a lot of trouble over there and been dragged down.

The reason why Fang Xiao originally decided to divide the force into two forces, the flying force and the ground force, was very simple.

It is to let the ground troops involve the important ground forces in the Ringling Forest. Otherwise, although the ground creatures in the Ringing Forest cannot fly, they have long-range skills that can attack air units.

Once Fang Xiao has a duel with the aerial creatures in the Ringling Forest, and these ground creatures use long-range attacks to attack Fang Xiao's flying troops, then Fang Xiao's flying troops will be severely damaged when they are attacked from both sides. .

Therefore, it is necessary to deploy part of the force to rush in from the ground and attract the attention of the creatures on the ground in the Ring Spirit Forest.

At least it made it impossible for them to concentrate again and carry out a focused attack on Fang Xiao's air force.

In this case, the purpose is considered accomplished.

Now, although the ground troops have not broken through, Fang Xiao feels a little regretful.

But in fact, their goal has been accomplished. At least they have held back the ground creatures of the Ringling Forest, preventing them from participating in the duel between Fang Xiao's flying troops and the aerial creatures of the Ringing Forest.

Under the hard work of Fang Xiao and his flying troops, these ordinary blood-feathered eagles finally fell one after another.

It was cleaned up by Fang Xiao and others.

After cleaning up these ordinary blood-feathered eagles, Fang Xiao immediately gave orders to his flying troops to immediately turn their guns and continue to attack the barrier protecting the Elf Wood. The barrier must be broken as soon as possible.

After hearing Fang Xiao's order, all the remaining flying soldiers who were still alive immediately drove their flying mounts to approach the barrier again, and then launched their own powerful attacks and began to carry out follow-up attacks on the barrier.

At this time, the tree elf priest who was controlling the leader of the blood butterfly saw that Fang Xiao and the others had killed all the blood-feathered eagle reinforcements that had arrived, and then continued to attack the barrier.

He immediately drove the leader of the blood butterflies and flew to the side of the barrier, and then turned his attention to Fang Xiao: Human lord, there is no need to waste your energy. This barrier is the core method of our tree elves, and you can only reach the legendary level at the highest level. The existence of strength makes it impossible to break this barrier.

If you are sensible, if you leave now, you may still have a way to survive.

Otherwise, if you continue to waste time here, when the follow-up reinforcements arrive, you won't be able to escape even if you want to.

Once our tree elf king returns, you will all die without a burial place.

After hearing the threatening words of the tree elf priest, Fang Xiao not only showed a contemptuous smile on his face: If we really can't break this barrier, then you won't tell me this nonsense at all now.

You will not kindly persuade me to leave. You must know that we are enemies, and you must not have forgotten the heavy damage I caused to your Ringling Forest before. You must be eager to eat me alive, right? You will kindly persuade me. Me, let me get out of here alive?”

If you hadn't said this to me, maybe I would still have doubts in my heart about whether this barrier can really be broken completely. However, now that you have said this to me, I am completely sure. Once it’s down, we can completely break this barrier.”

You damn guy, just wait for us to break the barrier, and then take off your upward head.

Fang Xiao was arguing with the tree elf priest over words while attacking the barrier with all his strength.

There was no trace left under his hand.

In fact, Fang Xiao had already guessed that this barrier could be broken when he saw the inadvertent change on the face of the tree elf priest.

What the other party said now only made Fang Xiao more convinced of this conjecture.

And on the other side of Di Xiyang, since Di Xiyang said that he could 100% entangle the Tree Elf King, then he would definitely be able to entangle him.

Fang Xiao doesn't need to feel any pressure in this regard at all.

After hearing Fang Xiao's answer, the tree elf priest not only had a flash of regret in his eyes.

However, it was obviously too late to say anything now. He moved his mouth slightly, as if he wanted to continue saying something, but in the end nothing came out.

Obviously, he no longer knew what to say to convince Fang Xiao that there was no way to break this barrier.

In the end, his eyes stayed on Fang Xiao's face for a moment, then he snorted coldly, and drove the leader of the blood butterflies to fly quickly towards the Elf Wood.

When Fang Xiao saw this, he frowned observantly.

This behavior of the other party made him a little uneasy.

It's easy to hide from an open gun, but hard to guard against a hidden one. No one knows what kind of hidden plot the other party is planning now.

However, no matter what the other party is planning, this barrier must be broken.

Therefore, Fang Xiao quickly retracted his attention from the departing tree elf priest, and then continued to attack the barrier in front of him with all his strength.

As Fang Xiao and his flying troops continued to attack, more and more ripples appeared in the barrier in front of them. It was obvious that the damage reduction effect of the barrier was constantly weakening.

This effect was not only discovered by Fang Xiao, but also by all the flying troop soldiers present.

After all, every attack they make will definitely not become stronger, but the reaction of the barrier is getting bigger and bigger. They know what this means.

Not only did everyone feel energetic for a while, but then the frequency of attacks under their hands obviously increased.

And this time, Fang Xiao didn't see any black spots behind him out of the corner of his eye. In other words, the flying creatures closest to here should have already come to support him.

The remaining flying creatures that have not yet arrived should be relatively far away from here.

So it will take a lot of effort to get here.

At least for the time being, I can't come here.

This is undoubtedly good news for Fang Xiao.

Because in this case, no annoying reinforcements will come to prevent them from attacking the barrier for the time being.

Finally, under the continuous attacks of Fang Xiao and his group, about half an hour later, the barrier in front of him began to tremble violently. With every attack, ripples appeared on it like waves, making it look shaky.

At the same time, out of the corner of Fang Xiao's eye, he suddenly saw a large number of black spots approaching.

This made Fang Xiao's expression change slightly, because the number of these black spots was far beyond what the reinforcements who had arrived before could match.

This shows that it is very likely that the flying biological troops who are relatively far away have come to support. This is definitely not good news for Fang Xiao.

This barrier must be broken before they come over, otherwise it will be very troublesome.

So Fang Xiao immediately issued an order to the soldiers under his command, asking everyone to attack with all their strength.

The barrier must be broken before those reinforcements approach.

After hearing Fang Xiao's order, all the soldiers concentrated their attention and tried their best to attack the barrier in front of them.

After Fang Xiao hesitated for a while, he no longer hesitated and directly started to use the thunder bombardment skill to charge up.

Previously, this kind of skill had a very long cooldown and was a large-scale attack. Fang Xiao was reluctant to use it, because after breaking through to the Elf Wood and placing the Soul-Leaving Orb on it, it would still take a while to guard it.

Because the fusion of the Soul-Living Pearl and the Elf Wood takes time.

This period of guardianship is undoubtedly the most stressful.

Therefore, Fang Xiao wanted to save the skills with large range and long cooling time for that time before using them.

However, it seems that we can no longer wait until that time, because once these large numbers of flying creatures approach, the situation will be difficult to say.

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