Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 921: Nonstop sneak attack!

In the grass maze.

The Chosen of the Flame Warriors were disgusted and speechless by those Galens who pretended to be themselves and gave orders.

"It's abominable."

"If you want to fight, fight, what are you doing!"

"Drilling through the grass, building mazes, it's disgusting enough. Now it's even better, they're all starting to pretend to be me to command our people!"

"Isn't this a mentality?"

The chosen one of the flame warriors began to tremble with anger.

But soon.

He exhaled.

"Forget it, think about what to do now." The Flame Warrior Divine Chosen rubbed his face and forced himself to calm down.

Wisdom flashed in his eyes.

"Now that we have lost contact with other squads, the strong men hiding in the grass pretended to be me and commanded those squadrons that were exploring the path. It must be to expose their flaws and then eat them one by one."

"But on the other hand, these Galen's actions will get bigger and bigger."

"As long as they make a little movement, we kill them in time and don't let them get back into the grass, then we can surround and kill the enemies who do it."

"As long as it is handled properly, it can even lead out other enemies hiding in the grass."

Having said that, the chosen person of the flame warrior sneered: "Oh, although they are very smart, unfortunately, I am smarter."

"They thought that pretending to be my command would allow us to reveal more flaws. But in fact, they will also reveal flaws!"

"Come on, let's see next, who catches who's flaws first."

After the chosen person of the flame warrior finished speaking, the chosen person of the water warrior next to him was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a smile: "That's a good way!"

After speaking, the two were no longer anxious, but waited quietly.

They are waiting.

Wait for those gallen stalwarts to hunt down the other squads.

As long as there is a shout or the sound of fighting, they will immediately kill with a large army!

And right now.

"Enemy attack!"

"The Chosen One, help!"

Two shouts suddenly sounded from behind the grass on the left!

The voice was extremely shrill, and at the same time there was the sound of the collision of swords.

"It's good to come, you're waiting for you to do it!" The flame warrior god-chosen suddenly raised his head and shouted: "The squad over there is being attacked! Everyone, hurry up with me!"

The large army of nearly 30,000 people quickly bypassed the grass and rushed in the direction of the sound!


Just when they rushed there with all their attention, a large force of nearly 30,000 people rushed there eagerly.

At the back of the line were clusters of grass that remained motionless and silent.

Suddenly, hundreds of strong men popped out!


"The power of Noxus!"

"Look at the hammer!"

"Bone and courage, all interrupted!"

The giant sword slammed into the face!

The blood-colored cloak flew in the air, and the sharp axe slashed to the head!

The huge and exaggerated hammer collided with the force that distorted the space!

There are also huge white-haired bears, wrapped in thunder and lightning, pressing down like Mount Tai!



Those flame warriors, water warriors, and elemental envoys are all focusing on the front, just thinking about hurrying, and never expecting the enemy to appear behind.



Hundreds of flame warriors were directly cut to the ground, their heads rolled down, and their heads flew!

Those strong men who jumped out of the grass ran away after killing them, without any hesitation, not even the thought of continuing to fight.

Before the other flame warriors could react, they ran back to the grass and disappeared without a trace.

Even some Garen, Nuo Shou, and Bear bear a few guys who didn't have time to kill on their shoulders and dragged them into the grass together.


"Don't run forward, you will be attacked from behind!!"

"Turn around, chase them, don't let them run away!"

"Even our large troops dare to attack? Don't you know we have 30,000 people? Hunt them down!"

The remaining flame warriors came back to their senses, and immediately turned around and ran towards the grass behind them!

The 30,000-strong army, turned the direction directly, and rushed towards the back!

The Fire Warrior God Chosen, who was still leading the team forward, saw the troop who were rushing forward in a mess, turned around and chased away, and his face changed suddenly: "All come back! Keep the formation!"

But before he could finish.

Just when all the flame warriors turned and ran to the rear, ready to hunt down those big men.

In the grass in front of the team, hundreds of big men jumped out and launched a sneak attack on the enemy's back again!

"Cunning villain!"

"Push out the wicked!"

"Those who violate my German state will be punished even if they are far away!"

The giant sword slammed down again.

The long lance came out, and the silver spear swept away.

More dragon turtles collided!


After a wave, run straight away without fighting.

The figure disappeared into the grass in an instant.

This wave directly killed 300 Water Warriors and Water Elementalists.

Those 30,000 troops who were rushing to the rear were confused again.

"They are ahead!"

"Damn, there was another attack in front of you!"

"Don't run back, the front is attacked, go after the enemy!"

For a time, the 30,000-strong army turned around again, ready to hunt down those strong men who had just jumped out.


This time, in the grass in the middle of the team, hundreds of strong men popped out again...

for a short time.

Twenty-eight sneak attacks!

They are in different Every time these flame warriors and water warriors want to chase and kill, they are attacked in other directions immediately.

For a time, the 30,000 horses were hanging and beating in the grass.

Those enemies seemed to be everywhere, and every time they attacked, they ran away, and they couldn't catch up.

And every time I was about to chase, the other side was attacked!

These 28 sneak attacks can be said to have occurred within a minute.

Almost as soon as the last wave of Garen strong men jumped out and ran, another wave of Garen strong men jumped out and attacked in another direction.

To put it simply, it's like whack-a-mole. Once you come out here, go back, and come out there and go back again.

This hasty multiple sneak attacks directly made the scene chaotic.

It was impossible to organize an effective counterattack and chase. The 30,000 army didn't even know which one to chase. They were about to chase in one direction, and they were attacked in the other direction.

"Damn, be quiet, don't shout! Don't run around!"

The flame warrior god-chosen shouted with red eyes, but at this time, he was simply unable to stabilize the chaotic situation in this constant sneak attack.

Those flame warriors were just like crazy, running and screaming one by one, constantly changing their attention by the sneak attack again and again, and turning the direction of the pursuit again and again.

"Hack them!"

"Follow it!"

"Stop chasing, there's another sneak attack from behind!"

"Turn around and chase after!"

"There was another sneak attack in front! Go ahead!"

The 30,000 army was forcibly dragged by these elusive Galen strong men, and they were almost unable to carry out any pursuit and killing on the spot, but turned around again and again...

Every time you run less than ten meters, you have to turn around and run to the other side.

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