Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 922: Light the grass

Looking at the chaotic battlefield in front of him, the eyes of the flame warrior god-chosen became extremely flustered!

The 30,000-strong team, although it sounds like a lot, looks very powerful.

But there are also disadvantages.

That's why the tail can't fall off!

In layman's terms, it is difficult to mobilize flexibly.

And most importantly, because they are in the labyrinth, everyone subconsciously avoids those potentially dangerous weeds and only walks on the road between the weeds.

This led to the fact that the 30,000-strong army was advancing in long queues, with only ten people in each row.

From the front row to the end of the team, the total length is hundreds of meters.

It looks mighty, but in fact, this formation gives the enemy too much room for sneak attacks!

Just like a chopstick, people can hit you in front of you, behind you, and in the middle of you. It can be said that there are weak points everywhere!

In the face of the enemy's attack, this slender team could not gather in a short time to launch an effective counterattack.

At this time, they encountered a sneak attack, and the waves of strong men ran away, but those flame warriors and water warriors couldn't keep up.


It is also difficult for an army of 30,000 people to fully command it. This is not something that can make 30,000 people work together with one voice.

The team behind could not even hear the voice of the Chosen One.

If an order is to be fully conveyed, it has to be passed several times.

At this time, these uninterrupted and multiple sneak attacks from different directions directly confuse the 30,000-strong army!

Even if the chosen person of the flame warrior roared loudly, the flame warriors and water warriors who were far away did not listen to the command at all, or they could not hear the command at all.

He still dealt with the uninterrupted sneak attacks on his own, only to be attacked from different directions again and again, hanging around in place.

"All quiet! All quiet! Follow orders!"

That flame warrior god-chosen is still trying to issue orders.


next moment.

In the surrounding grass, shouts came from all directions.

"Be quiet, listen to the order! Chase and kill!"

"I am the chosen one of the flame warriors, follow my command and hunt down the wave of enemies that just popped out!"

"No! Chase and kill in the direction of the last enemy!"

for a while.

The voices calling themselves "Fire Warrior Divine Chosen" sounded from all directions.

Under this messy command, the already chaotic army of 30,000 became even more chaotic, and they didn't even know which one to pursue.

I can only chase this side for a while, and chase that side for a while.

The flame warrior god-chosen was stunned in place, and said in a stunned manner: "It's all at this time, haven't those enemies forgotten to disgust me?"

You help me direct my ass!

Do I need you to help me direct?

At this moment, the flame warrior god-chosen suddenly thought that there was the sound of the team being attacked before, I am afraid that it is not a team that was attacked at all.

But these guys made it by themselves hiding in the grass!

Just to bring myself here.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain why these enemies kept attacking from different directions when he just came here.

They must have been prepared here long ago!

"These guys... are too cunning!"

"What kind of character is their main god? To be able to cultivate such cunning believers!"

At this moment, the chosen person of the flame warrior, looking at the chaotic situation in front of him, really fell into despair.

10,000 people, even 40,000 flame warriors, water warriors, water elementalists, and fire elementalists.

There is absolutely no power to fight back!

"It won't work if it goes on like this." The Fire Warrior God's Chosen had a complicated expression.

At this time, he was able to effectively command only the more than a thousand flame warriors and fire elementalists closest to him.

The other flame warriors didn't listen to him at all, or in other words couldn't hear his calls at all, but instead listened to the calls of other "chosen people".

More than a thousand flame warriors and fire elementalists are completely useless to this chaotic scene.

Drag it further.

These 30,000 warriors are really going to be hit hard by these 10,000 melee enemies!

It can't even be done well...

The whole army was wiped out!


A flash of determination flashed in the eyes of the Fire Warrior Divine Chosen.

"It can't be dragged any longer!" The flame warrior god-chosener looked at the water warrior god-chosen beside him, his eyes heavy: "If we are trapped in these grasses again, we are afraid that we will all have to die here!"

"Now, a decision must be made!"

"I have a way to get us out of this grass maze quickly!"

As soon as these words came out, the Warrior of Water Divine Chosen was overjoyed: "Then what are you waiting for, hurry up!"

The Fire Warrior's Chosen voice was a little tangled: "I haven't finished yet... This method may not be very good for you Water Warriors and Water Elementalists."

The Water Warrior God Chosen was slightly taken aback: "Not so good?"

The Fire Warrior God Chosen nodded and said with a complicated expression: "You know, our Fire Warriors, as well as the Fire Elementalists, have the power to control the Fire Element."

"We can release flames and attack. The Fire Elementalist is itself a flame with life."

"As long as we want, we can completely set this green grass labyrinth on fire!"

Having said that, the chosen person of the flame warrior looked at the chosen person of the water warrior with a frown, and said with a heavy voice: "I didn't want to use this method before, one because, at that time, I felt that even in the green grass maze Here, those enemies are not to be feared.”

"The second is because...once it is ignited, the flame will cover the green grass maze, and you water warriors and water elementalists, under the burning of this sea of ​​fire..."

"If you don't die, you will be seriously injured!"

The voice of the Chosen One of the Flame Warriors is extremely complex.

When he first discovered the strangeness of this green grass maze, he had already thought of this method.

After all, grass will be burned by fire, this is the most basic common sense.

Even the green and verdant grass blades, under the raging fire, are still only fuel, only the end of being burned to ashes.

But he didn't release the flames directly, and even when the flame warriors walked in these grasses, they subconsciously avoided these weeds.


Fire and water are inherently mutually exclusive!

Their main **** Huo is like a dragon, and he is a true genius, capable of allowing the originally opposite fire and water to exist in the body at the same time.

But it still can't be changed, water and fire are essentially opposites.

It can't change the awkward relationship between the flame warrior and the water warrior. In the end, they are still mutually resistant.

To put it bluntly, if fire is like a dragon, it is his own ability to mix water and fire, but his followers can't do it...

"I don't want this either, but now I want to get rid of these weeds, the only way is to use flames."

The Fire Warrior God Chosen looked at the silent Water Warrior God Chosen, and said in a complex voice: "Otherwise we will be trapped I'm afraid we will all die here."

"If you can use fire, it only takes three minutes. This seemingly terrifying maze of green grass will instantly turn into fly ash."

"At that time, your water warriors may become weak due to the high temperature, and even suffer casualties, but the power of our flame warriors will be stronger due to the high temperature, and the combat power will also increase again."

"And those enemies don't have the grass to hide in, even if it's just relying on our flame warriors, it's enough to clean up them."

"But to be honest, I don't want to use this method either, but there is really no other way..." The chosen person of the flame warrior sighed.

The Chosen One of the Warrior of Water took a deep breath, and determination flashed in his eyes.

"I agree."

"I'll order the water warriors and water elementalists to get ready. When everyone is ready, you can let them release flames and set the grass on fire."

The water warrior's face was ugly.

He also knew that once the green grass labyrinth was ignited, the water warriors and water elementalists who were in it, and what would happen to him.

But he's not a fool either. The Chosen One of the Flame Warriors is right. If he is trapped here and continues to develop, the entire army will be wiped out!

Must give it a go!


"However, now I want to know more," the Chosen One of the Water Warriors said with a complicated expression, "What does the Lord God think, and why did the two races of us set foot on the battlefield at the same time?"

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