Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 920: Who is the cunning villain?

"So." The chosen person of the flame warrior exhaled and concluded with a complicated expression: "This matter may be worse than we thought."

"I don't know how many of the teams who reported the number before are pretending to be themselves."

As soon as this word comes out.

All the flame warriors and water warriors present, as well as the elementalists, were silent.

The neat sound of counting numbers once gave them great peace of mind.

But now that I think about it... I just feel that the fear is endless!

I don't know how many strong men disguised as their own people and shouted the number of reports.

Can't get it right... all?

"Damn it!" The Chosen One of the Water Warriors gritted his teeth fiercely, "I didn't expect those guys to be so cunning while shouting cunning villains!"

"Don't talk so much, the most important thing now is to let all the teams sent out give up their exploration and stick to the spot! Otherwise, there will only be more deaths!"


Just when he took a deep breath and was about to shout.

In the depths of the grass, a cry suddenly came.

"I am the chosen person of the flame fighters. Now all the teams that are sent to explore, speed up the exploration! Don't be afraid to stay in place!"

As soon as this word comes out.

The Chosen of the Flame Warrior was stunned at the time.

I haven't shouted yet!

The Water Warrior God Chosen on the side was also stunned: "This is different from what you said."

"Are you stupid?!" The Chosen One of the Flame Warriors was already incapable of complaining about his pig teammates. He gritted his teeth and cursed: "That's not what I said, those guys are pretending to be me!"

After speaking, the chosen person of the flame warrior shouted loudly: "All the teams that sent exploration, don't listen to that person, that person is pretending to be me, I am the chosen person of the flame warrior!"

"Now all squads obey my orders..."

Not finished yet.

Only more voices were heard.

"Everyone, I am the chosen one of the flame warriors. Don't be deceived by that person. Now listen to my orders, continue to explore, and don't shake the military's heart..."

"I am the chosen one of the flame warriors..."

"You are all fakes, obviously I am..."

"I prove that the Chosen One is by my side!"

One after another shouts sounded from all over the green grass maze, everywhere.

The desperate cry of the flame warrior god's elector, at this moment, was directly drowned out by the countless voices that suddenly sounded!

Not to mention that the teams that were sent out couldn't tell who was their own god-chosen.

Even the large troop behind the Chosen One was a little confused, and almost obeyed the orders of the "God Chosen" from all directions and divided into teams to continue exploring...

As for the teams that were sent out, they were all blinded.

They can't tell who is the chosen one at all!

"The Chosen seems to want us to continue exploring boldly?"

"Which God Chosen said that? This is all the God Chosen shouting!"

"Don't listen, that's someone pretending to be Lord God's Chosen! No matter what they say, let's not listen! Don't forget the God's Chosen's previous order, which is to let us explore this place!"

"Yes, that's right, we continue to explore! Don't stay where you are!"

Originally, some teams felt that the situation was not right, and they no longer moved forward to explore, but formed an attack formation on the spot, carefully guarding against the surrounding weeds.

In this case, the Galens are still not very good at doing things. After all, it is difficult for them to make a surprise attack under the defense of others.

But after being misled by these "chosen people" at this time, those teams actually started to explore again... This is the opportunity!

"What am I..." The chosen person of the flame warrior was so angry that he was speechless at this time.

I really didn't expect those guys to be so cunning!

Just hide in the grass and attack.

I especially want to command those teams that I sent out, but you all have to intervene, and you have become the commander?

In the end, am I the Chosen One, or are you the Chosen One!

The chosen person of the flame warrior can already imagine that if those misguided teams continue to explore boldly, they will die even more!

in the grass.

"The Lord God is really cunning..." Garen, who had just pretended to be the enemy's chosen one, laughed.

"Can you speak?" The prince next to him glared at Galen speechlessly, "Is this a compliment? It should be said that the Lord God is resourceful!"

"Right, right, resourceful. Hehe, the Lord God has long expected that once they find out that we are secretly dealing with these separate pathfinder teams, the chosen person will definitely try to command..."

However, the fact was exactly as Lin Fan had expected.

After the Chosen found something was wrong, he immediately began to command.

But under the harassment of those Galen, his command has no effect. At this time, the teams that were sent out to explore the way have become a mess!

The more than 10,000 flame warriors, water warriors and elementalists sent out to form the Pathfinder Team have been besieged and killed by Galen and other strong men!

Melee races such as Garen have almost no damage.

After all, every time it is an ambush and sneak attack, and it is more than a Hundreds of promises start at the same time, and the average team of 50 flame warriors may not even call for help!

"Okay, don't flatter the Lord God, the Lord God has heard it." The prince urged: "Hurry up and move on to the next step!"

"Okay!" Galen laughed.

the other side.

Under the delay of the melee races relying on the green grass maze and the enemy, Lin Fan's shooters and mage disciples had already reached the range covered by the firepower.

But not directly.

"Hehe, mages and shooters, don't do it for now, let Galen and the others play with those flame warriors."

Lin Fan's spiritual incarnation looked at the green grass maze with a smile, and waved his hands condescendingly, "Remember our true purpose."

"Don't pull the rhythm of the battle too fast, the enemy doesn't take the initiative, and we don't take the initiative, just delay the time."

Lin Fan never thought that he would use these believers to defeat the enemy from the front!

Because of the difference in quantity, it is impossible to make up for it.

However, if you want to win the battle of God's Domain, you don't need to defeat all the enemies from the front!

Just like in a lol game, although the number of heads has some relationship with the outcome, sometimes, the side with the disadvantage in the number of heads can win instead!

What Lin Fan has to do is to let these melee races and mage shooters delay enough time for himself.

at this time.

A team that had never appeared from the beginning to the end, and was not even considered a believer of Lin Fan, had quietly left Lin Fan's realm under the cover of some weeds that had grown quietly.

Infiltrated into the realm of fire like dragons.

With the help of the cover of those weeds, their stature has not been exposed, and even Huo Rulong has not noticed, and their God Realm has ushered in a group of uninvited guests.

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