Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 919: Can't get it right, all?

"Look at us?" The Chosen One snorted coldly: "Those guys are hiding in the grass, and they don't dare to confront us head-on."

"This shows that they are afraid!"

"Oh, don't say secretly watching us, I'm afraid we've run away now."

Speaking of which, the Chosen One said coldly, "Don't think so much, now it's time for us to find an exit! As for why you are looking at us secretly, it's you who scare yourself!"

Listening to such an analysis by the Chosen One, the flame warrior only felt inexplicable peace of mind.

Not sure.

Are you really thinking too much, are you scaring yourself?

And the other side.

"I was scared to death, I thought I was discovered." A Galen, who was hiding in the grass, muttered in a low voice.

There is nothing wrong with that flame warrior.

There are indeed countless eyes, watching them hidden in this green grass maze.

In these green grass mazes, wooden sticks with eyes are hidden among the blades of grass.

Under the cover of green grass, the rolling eyeballs silently looked at these dizzy flame warriors.

All the flame warriors who entered this green grass labyrinth were shrouded in the sight of these eyes.

These eyes share the every move of the flame warriors and water warriors with the Galen strong men hidden in the grass through the unique vision of lol.

That is to say.

At present, there are only more than 30,000 flame warriors and water warriors left, as well as elementalists. Any actions of each of them are seen by all Galen strong men.

This is the reason why the Galens can silently kill groups of enemies in this green grass maze.

The ability to drill through the grass without a sound, coupled with the blessing of this vision, makes these Garen the masters of this green grass maze!

Like a ghost, every time it appears, it represents the death of a team!

The chosen person of the flame warrior family was walking on the road among the green grass, and suddenly saw a group of figures walking in front.

"The Chosen One of the Water Warriors!" The Fire Chosen looked stunned, "Why are you here? Didn't you take the Water Warriors and separate from us at the first fork in the road?"

"I still want to ask you," the Chosen One of the Warriors of Water also looked bewildered: "I've been walking in a straight line, why did you guys come out in front of me..."

Both of them had expressions of disbelief on their faces.

The chosen person of the flame warrior family seemed to understand something, and his scalp was numb: "How many people are there left on your side?"

"I brought 9,000 people and 4,000 elemental envoys, and the rest were sent out as a pathfinder team to explore other forks."

"I also have 8,000 flame fighters and 5,000 elemental envoys." The chosen person of the flame fighter family had an ugly face. "In this way, there are nearly 30,000 people left in the main force..."

"It always doesn't feel right. These grasses don't want to look so simple. They are all green when you look at them. Those identical weeds are dazzling and have no sense of direction at all." The Warrior of Water was also silent.

And right now.


"Enemy attack!"


Several miserable cries for help came from the depths of the grass on the other side.

The two chosen people immediately looked at each other: "Hurry up and have a look!"

"The big troops, keep up, don't split up teams to explore!"

After finishing speaking, the two chosen people led people towards that direction quickly.

the other side.

"Damn, why did you let them shout out!" A Garen hurried out of the grass and looked at the promises who had just finished killing a team.

A few promises were a little embarrassed: "I killed too much, I'm a little tired, I didn't shoot at the same time just now."

"If you're not careful, you won't kill them all immediately."

"In the end, these guys were still allowed to shout."

Galen said directly: "Okay, don't talk about it, don't clean the battlefield!"

"Hurry up and get into the grass and get out of here from the east along the grass!"

"Those guys have been alerted and are rushing towards here!"

Through the eyes stuck on the wooden stick, Galen had already seen that the large troop of flame warriors and water warriors had been attracted by the shouts just now and were heading here.

But you must not be discovered by them!

Fortunately, because of the comprehensive vision, before the arrival of the large troop of flame warriors and water warriors, the Nuo hand and Galen who "committed crimes" here have disappeared along the grass again.

When the large army of flame fighters came here, there was only one group of dead flame fighters' bodies left.


The Chosen of the Flame Warriors clenched their fists as they looked at the corpses of the flame warriors in front of them, who were in miserable state of death and whose expressions were still terrified.

"Those guys... No, they must have started it long ago!"

"Not necessarily, we just reported the number, and no team was attacked..." The Chosen One of the Water Warrior was stunned and puzzled.

The Chosen One of the Flame Warrior didn't explain anything, he just said loudly: "All teams, count again!"

From all directions blocked by the grass, there were shouts again.

"The first team, be safe!"

"Second team, be safe!"

"...Team Thirty-six is ​​safe!"

"Team 38 is safe!"

"Team 203, be safe!"

Hearing the number of reports around, the Water Warrior God Chosen exhaled: "Only the thirty-seventh team is missing. It seems that those strong men have just started, and this dead team is the first to be killed. They attacked."

"It is estimated that they want to nibble away all the teams we sent out a little bit, but we never expected that, as soon as they started, they made a noise and were discovered by us."


"No... The face of the chosen person of the flame warrior was even more ugly. He shook his head and walked forward.

He lowered his head and looked at the squad leader's body carefully.

After being silent for a long time, the chosen person of the flame warrior closed his eyes and said in a complicated voice: "This is obviously the captain of the seventy-two squad..."

As soon as these words came out, the face of the warrior of water suddenly changed: "You mean, it's not the thirty-seventh team that died, but the seventy-two team?"

"Then I understand!"

"It must be that after those guys killed a team, they were afraid of being discovered by us, so they secretly reported the number... Wait, it's still not right, the thirty-seventh team didn't reply just now..."

The Chosen of the Water Warrior looked puzzled.

The chosen person of the flame warrior nodded and said expressionlessly: "Unless, the thirty-seventh team, all died."

The Chosen One of the Warrior of Water was stunned for a moment, widened his eyes and said, "You mean..."

"It is very likely that the teams that were counted before have already died." The Chosen One of the Flame Warrior said in a complicated voice.

"We didn't find out that any team died before, so they only need to report the number of the team that no one responded, and they don't need to know which team they killed."

"But just now, we found out that a team died, so they had to choose one at random, and they chose the thirty-seventh team."

"Unfortunately, I know this dead team leader. He is obviously Team Seventy-two."

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