Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 815: I am inseparable from sin!

Huo Rulong also glanced at Lin Fan with complicated eyes, and took his team to the other side to start preparations.

Zhao Yaxin took Lin Fan and the others and walked not far away, while complaining, "Why are you so careless, how can you tell them the rules, and just say that you haven't found out?"

"When you dealt with me before, you weren't so upright."

Lin Fan chuckled: "Don't worry, I didn't tell them all the rules."

As soon as this word comes out.

Zhao Yaxin was stunned for a moment, but she heard Lin Fan continue: "In addition to not trampling on flowers and plants, you are not allowed to fight, you are not allowed to swear, you are not allowed to defecate anywhere, and you are not allowed to spit anywhere."

Zhao Yaxin's eyes lit up!

"I'll just say it," Zhao Yaxin looked at Lin Fan with admiration in her eyes, "You're still the big devil you used to be."

Lin Fan actually discovered so many rules!

What's the point of telling someone a rule?

On the contrary, if Xingye and Huo Linglong really thought they had mastered the rules, they would be taught to be human by this strange resting place in minutes!

The highest state of cheating people is to cheat people with the truth.

"However, why are there so many rules inside?" Zhao Yaxin looked complicated, "and it sounds so...positive energy? And what does it mean not to fight?"

Lin Fan casually said, "Who knows, this place is really weird."

Lin Fan didn't tell Zhao Yaxin the real rules, but gave a bunch of specific expressions of "being moral and polite".

In fact, the requirements of being moral and polite include more than that.

After all, Lin Fan wouldn't treat Zhao Yaxin as his own, so he should be pitted.

"Then why did you tell me?" Zhao Yaxin suddenly frowned.

Lin Fan looked at Zhao Yaxin sincerely: "You are my girlfriend, I won't help you."

a time.

Zhao Yaxin blushed for no reason.

Could it be... this guy really likes him?

But his charm was on this kid, and he obviously didn't succeed.

a time.

For the first time, Zhao Yaxin's heart that belonged to the devil trembled.

"Could it be,"

"This is true love?"

Zhao Yaxin looked stunned, but then she bit the tip of her tongue and regained consciousness.

Succubus, such a dirty life, cannot have love.

Even in the eyes of demons, they are extremely lowly races. Although the innate ability to charm is powerful, it is precisely because of this that no race will fall in love with succubus from the heart, but regard them as a base race that manipulates lust.

And even if he really had love, he could never be with the despicable big devil like Lin Fan!

What's more, Lin Fan is still a god.

Gods and demons are not compatible at all. The gods are even more despised for the succubus.

As a god, Lin Fan couldn't have anything against him at all.

In addition, Zhao Yaxin knew even more clearly in her heart that no one of the teams that entered the forest would be able to leave.

Even Lin Fan would die on this island.


That one should be here too.

And right now.

Following behind Zhao Yaxin, Li Qiang, who had suppressed his speech all the way, suddenly clenched his fists.

"Lin Fan, you can't get close to us!"

Li Qiang suddenly shouted, agitated by divine power, and then rushed forward viciously: "Today I will represent justice and fight to the death with you!"


A basic attack that cannot be avoided.

Lin Fan slapped Li Qiang directly to the ground, and then slammed Li Qiang while looking at Zhao Yaxin expressionlessly: "Doesn't he know I'm good at fighting? Has this guy always been so brave?"

Seeing Li Qiang being beaten and screaming, Zhao Yaxin frowned and said, "Let him go, you also know that this guy is a model of justice, and he doesn't deal with you very well..."

"Take care of him." Lin Fan punched Li Qiang and flew to Zhao Yaxin's side: "Otherwise I wouldn't mind killing him here."

Li Qiang got up from the ground, still looking at Lin Fan full of hatred, gritted his teeth and said, "I am inseparable from sin!"

"Lin Fan, I fought with you!"

Divine agitation.

Li Qiang's body began to swell in an instant, his skin turned into pitch-black rocks, and hot lava flowed in the crevices.


"Stop." Zhao Yaxin grabbed Li Qiang.

Li Qiang was full of unwillingness, looked at Li Qiang with hatred on his face, gritted his teeth and said, "That guy is a great devil with corrupt morals, how can we cooperate with him?"

"Let me beat him!"

Zhao Yaxin saw Li Qiang's disgraced face being beaten and still gritted his teeth.

Inner emotion.

A true example of justice.

Sure enough, as in the rumors, he didn't deal with Lin Fan at all.

But it is precisely because of this that Zhao Yaxin will allow him to join his team. After all, he can never betray himself.

The enemy of the enemy is the friend.

Although Li Qiang is not his own. But based on his deep hatred for Lin Fan, this guy is definitely the most reliable.

"Be patient, business matters!" Zhao Yaxin forcibly pulled Li Qiang to her side and whispered, "Don't worry, we won't really cooperate with him. When you take care of him."

As soon as this word comes out.

Li Qiang was slightly taken aback: "Then you..."

"Cooperation is only temporary." Zhao Yaxin whispered, "When the time is almost up, I will help you defeat Lin Fan."

Li Qiang clenched his teeth: "Haha, a word is settled!"

"When the time comes, I'm going to step on that guy on the soles of my feet!"

"He never imagined that we just pretended to work with him!"

After speaking, Zhao Yaxin looked at Lin Fan and saw that Lin Fan didn't hear the whispers between him and Li Qiang, so he felt relieved and smiled at Lin Fan a little embarrassedly: "I'm really sorry, but don't worry, he won't do it next time. It's going to mess up again."

"Looks like I'd better stay away from you, lest this lunatic can't help but take action against me. I can't guarantee that he will stand up next time." Lin Fan snorted coldly and walked not far away by himself.

Then he quietly opened his palm.

Inside is a ball of paper.

Li Qiang was his own undercover agent.

That was not to attack himself at all, but to deliver a ball of paper.

When Zhao Yaxin saw that scene, instead of doubting it, she trusted Li Qiang even more.

After all, in the eyes of outsiders, Li Qiang was an example of justice that was inseparable from the great devil, Lin Fan. The entire Lengcuicheng knew the hatred between the two.

Lin Fan looked at the paper ball.

Inside is a ring.

Or the familiar ring...

Lin Fan put on the ring and turned to look at Li Qiang.

Li Qiang, who was being comforted by Zhao Yaxin, saw that Lin Fan dared to look back at himself, and immediately shouted: "What are you looking at, do you really think I'm afraid of you? Come back if you have the ability!"

Zhao Yaxin hurriedly held Li Qiang again: "Kick off the gas, cool off."

Li Qiang gritted his teeth: "The perfect goddess, if it wasn't for your face, I would have killed him long ago!"

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