And in fact.

Li Qiang's fingers hidden in his sleeves were shaking slightly.

Li Qiang: "Zhao Yaxin doesn't plan to really cooperate with you. She said that after she finds Shenzang, she will find an opportunity to kill you. Be careful later."

"In addition, she showed her strength before, it is estimated to be eighth-order. And there is an additional faith race, holy bow angel, **** race."

"The priesthood... It doesn't seem like a **** of beauty, but a **** of bows and arrows."

"Because I saw with my own eyes she took out a bow and arrow and prepared to fight."

"As for the remaining three black-clothed youths, they haven't shown their strength so far, so I haven't observed anything yet."

Lin Fan watched the news silently.

I have to say that these pieces of information are very valuable, and Li Qiang has been undercover for so long and pretended to be beaten by himself.

"I didn't want to cooperate with me." Lin Fan smiled, thinking in his heart, "It's okay, I was going to trick her."

"The Holy Bow Angel... It's a bit powerful. Another **** race."

"And the most important thing is that Zhao Yaxin is not a beauty god?"

Lin Fan was a little surprised.

Before myself, including everyone, thought that Zhao Yaxin was the **** of beauty.

After all, she looks good, and people can't help but "Ou ho".

But now that I think about it, Zhao Yaxin has never officially revealed her priesthood, and she always relies on powerful believers when fighting, and rarely uses the power of her priesthood.

"But the **** of bows and can there be such a weird charm method?" Lin Fan had seen Zhao Yaxin's powerful charm methods.

That made the system of the virtual battlefield have bugs, and showed Zhao Yaxin, the perfect goddess, as the super high charm value of the succubus.

Lin Fan is very curious now, what exactly is Zhao Yaxin's priesthood?

And the other side.

After sending the message, Li Qiang gritted his teeth again: "Lin Fan, take good care of me, sooner or later, I will trample you under my feet!"

Lin Fan put away the ring, turned his head cheerfully, and sneered: "Okay, I'm optimistic."

The two seemed to be scolding each other, but Li Qiang was actually making sure that Lin Fan didn't see the message he sent.

Zhao Yaxin, who was on the side, was not suspicious at all, but held Li Qiang again: "Don't provoke him now! We will use him to deal with other teams in the future."

"When he gets hurt again, I'll help you out!"

Li Qiang nodded with emotion: "Yeah!"

Then passed Zhao Yaxin's words to Lin Fan again.

For a moment, Li Qiang even felt a little guilty...

"Okay, stop fighting both of you. Now we are a whole, and we must abandon our previous hatred and cooperate." Zhao Yaxin took a deep breath: "Everyone, repair in place."

"Get ready and enter the resting place of the gods in half an hour."

Saying that, Zhao Yaxin closed her eyes cross-legged and entered the realm of the gods.

Li Qiang glared at Lin Fan fiercely: "Lin Fan, wait for me."

Then, he also entered the realm of the gods.

Lin Fan couldn't help but praise Li Qiang's acting skills.

As expected of a brother who has cooperated with him all the year round.

This acting is getting more and more skilled.

Smiling, Lin Fan also closed his eyes with his knees crossed.

Divine Sense entered the realm of the gods.

And those believers who were working felt the arrival of the Lord God, and they put down their work and looked up into the sky.

"The Lord God is here!"

"Great Lord God, you are here."

"Aren't you competing with the gods for things, isn't it very dangerous outside?"

"Do you want us to go out and help?"

"Fight for God!"

For a time, the believers picked up their weapons one after another.

Lin Fan silently looked at the gun barrel in the hands of the Picheng policewoman, always feeling weird...

"Don't get excited yet." Lin Fan's voice was like a muffled thunder, rolling out, "It's not for you to fight now."

The Galens were stunned: "Huh?"

"Don't fight?"

"Bai is excited, isn't it a waste of emotion?"

For a time, the believers were a little lost...

To tell the truth, after Nuo Shou, an iron-blooded emperor who likes power and war joined, under his leadership, all believers in the entire Divine Realm were invisibly infected, and they were all full of fighting spirit.

Anyway, even if he died in battle, he would be resurrected after three years.

This has caused these believers to think a little bit off track one by one, completely treating the fight with the Lord God as an entertainment activity.

This is more exciting than playing mahjong...

"Don't worry, the fight will definitely be fought." Lin Fan silently looked at these believers who looked like warmongers, "But before that, I have to warn you in advance."

"The next fight is weird."

"If you want to be safe there, you must follow some rules, otherwise even I can't save you." Lin Fan's voice was extremely serious.

Hearing the Lord God's solemn warning, many believers were also slightly taken aback.

"Lord God, then, what is that place?" a Poppy asked with some doubts.

Other believers also whispered.

"Still abide by the rules?"

"Once we violate it, even the omniscient Hephaestus can't save us?"

"Is it that dangerous?"

For a time, all believers were extremely nervous.

Lin Fan said in a serious voice, "That is a place where life rests so powerful that it is almost beyond the definition of gods. There, everyone must abide by the rules left by comforting and resting gods."

"That's a rule that even the gods need to abide by."

"Once violated."

"Even me, if I don't get it right, I'm going to die inside."

As soon as this word comes out.

All the believers were shocked.

In their eyes, their Lord God is omniscient and omnipotent.

But there is such a place where even the Lord God has to abide by the rules?

For a time, the believers became nervous, and even Galen's face was solemn.

The air was silent.

All believers listen attentively.

Then I heard the solemn voice of the Lord of the Household from the sky.

"Don't step on flowers and plants."

"Do not defecate anywhere."

"Don't spit on the ground."

"Don't swear at people."

"Don't fight."

"By the way, still can't fly."

Lin Fan didn't hide anything this time, and told all the specific rules he knew so far.

All believers: "..."

The believers looked at each other dumbfounded, and the atmosphere fell into a strange silence.

A Galen couldn't help sighing: "What, what is this? Kindergarten Civilization Code?"

Other believers were also confused.

"Lord God, are you giving us a moral lesson?"

"It always feels wrong..."

"So, in such a terrifying place, this is the kind of rule to abide by?"

Even the princes couldn't help being a little dazed, as if they were back when they were taught the etiquette of the royal family when they were young...

"It's a very simple rule indeed."

"What I just said is not complete. In general, you must behave politely and obey the moral constraints." Lin Fan said slowly, "But think about it, can you really fully obey?"

As soon as these words came out, the Galen stopped talking.

Everyone felt how strange this seemingly ordinary rule was.

For example, don't talk dirty.

When fighting, everyone would use a few swear words from time to time to add to the fun.

"Wait, that's not right." Sword Saint Wuji suddenly felt something was wrong: "We can't fight, so what are we doing?"

Other believers also Yes.

If we don't help the Lord and God fight, what are we going to do, be a cheerleader?

"Precisely speaking, it is not allowed to fight without courtesy." Lin Fan said lightly, "But it should be possible to learn from friends."

"Before you start, make friends with them and say hello. By the way, don't forget to apologize when you hit them."

"Of course, just click until it's over. Pay attention to controlling your own damage, don't really kill it."

The believers nodded and took it to heart.

Say hello and make friends before you go.

Just be crippled, don't kill it.

Then when you hit, apologize and be polite.


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