Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 814: please don't die so fast

Scalp tingling.

Even if everyone is the leader of the new generation of gods in the Lieyang Divine Kingdom, seeing this scene, they can't help but feel their scalp tingling.

Although a believer like a pork pig is not strong in combat, because of its racial characteristics, it is actually rough-skinned and thick-skinned. The eighth-tier pork hog weighs ten tons, like a small tank.

Even in the face of half-orcs of the same rank, it would not be so easy to be killed.

But in the resting place of the gods in front of him, the eighth-order pork hog had not yet rushed in completely, just because it stepped on a grass, it turned into a pile of bones.

If you say it, no one will believe it.

At this moment, everyone suddenly had a feeling.

That forest, like a fierce beast with its mouth open, lured its prey into it with a divine treasure.

"These are the rules." Lin Fan whispered, "The rules of the resting place of the gods."

Although the people present are all gods, who can master elements, or possess supreme divine power, they seem to be so insignificant to this forest.

There seems to be a will in the forest, and it seems to be watching everyone from a distance.

"Just now..." A team member who was bought by Xingye swallowed his saliva with a pale face: "Those ants, are they divine beasts?"

"Golden Swallowing Ant." Xingye's voice was also trembling indistinctly, "The fifth-order divine beast."

"Although the individual strength is low, the defense of the hard carapace is amazing, invulnerable to water and fire, and there are a large number of them. At most tens of thousands of them can appear at the same time, which is enough to make the gods below the eighth rank terrified."

"Just now... I'm afraid there must be a million."

"The last white tiger that appeared, has the strength of the eighth-order. It is only in its infancy, and it can reach the tenth-order in adulthood, and its body length is fifty meters."

As soon as this word comes out.

Everyone's faces became more and more ugly.

That earth-shattering white tiger, with its eighth-order strength, is actually nothing in the eyes of everyone. After all, everyone is a **** of seventh or eighth order. If there is a fight, there are still believers who can help.

Believers are always the strongest power of gods, and they are also not found in beasts.

But the appearance of a juvenile Earth-shattering white tiger proves that there must be a group of earth-shattering white tigers in this forest!

As the saying goes, one mountain does not allow two tigers, but in fact it is not accurate. If there is one tiger in a forest, there must be several other tigers to form a group, otherwise a tiger cannot reproduce at all.

That is to say.

In this forest, there must be a mature white tiger with tenth-order strength!

Although there are no believers in the tenth-order divine beast, the power far beyond the gods and the innate skills imprinted in the blood are enough to make any lower gods fear.

Lin Fan was also startled. It was only at this time that he realized that there were not only plants but also animals in the forest.

"Fortunately, I didn't encounter any carnivorous beasts just now..." Lin Fan had a lingering fear in his heart, but he was suddenly stunned. "Animals are also part of the forest. So, this skill [Friend of the Forest] is also effective for animals..."

After all, the skill description of Ivern [Friends of the Forest] is that you can make friends with wild monsters...

a time.

The nervousness in Lin Fan's heart suddenly turned into excitement... Others are worried that these divine beasts are too powerful, but for Lin Fan, the more powerful these divine beasts living in the forest, the better!

This is my family!

And this time.

Xingye's expression became more and more cautious, staring at the trees and grass.

Originally, she thought that these were just ordinary plants, and she didn't care at all.

Unexpectedly, after being contaminated by the flesh and blood of the resting gods, it mutated into a strange life with fighting ability.

"Just now, that grass should have shown the strength of the fifth-order." Huo Rulong said with some solemn tone, "As for the big tree, although it can't break the defense of the eighth-order pig, it can also If you are temporarily trapped, there should be a seventh or sixth order."

"The strength of other grasses is generally around the fifth and sixth orders, and most of these big trees are also in the sixth and seventh orders, but the ones that grow in the depths are more lush...should be stronger, because they are closer to the gods and are polluted. deeper."

Fifth-order sixth-order, sixth-order seventh-order, it sounds as if they are not as scary as those ants and the white tiger that split the ground just now.

But in reality, it's even scarier.

Because whether it is an ant or a white tiger that splits the ground, including any poisonous snake or any bird, there are traces to follow, and it is nothing more than careful avoidance.

But in the forest, there is nowhere to hide from those flowers and trees.

Once the rules are violated, it will lead to endless attacks!

There is no way to escape, because they are in the forest themselves.

"After entering, try not to violate the rules," Huo Rulong turned around and looked at his four teammates, "If you really violate the rules, don't think that I will help you, and quickly run out."

"If you are lucky, run fast enough, and with the cover of believers, you should be able to leave alive."

Xingye and Zhao Yaxin also whispered to their teammates.

It was indeed the miserable appearance of Lin Fan's team that escaped, and the strangeness of the forest after the eighth-tier pig violated the rules, making everyone nervous.


"Fortunately, thanks to Lin Fan, we already know the rules." Xingye looked at Lin Fan and smiled.

Although what happened to the pig just now made everyone nervous, it also showed that the rules given by Lin Fan were correct, and there was no way to deceive them!

The forest that grows in the resting place of the gods may be weird, but as long as you don't violate the rules, that's fine!

Those plants will not attack them, and as for those powerful carnivores, you only need to pay attention to dodging in advance to avoid fighting.

For a time, the three teams trusted Lin Fan more and more.

Xingye and Huo Rulong couldn't help but admire Lin Fan in their hearts. He really deserved to be the spy he sent in the past, and he actually told himself this rule in front of Zhao Yaxin.

On the other hand, Zhao Yaxin looked helpless, she didn't want Lin Fan to say it, but she didn't expect Lin Fan to be so upright, he didn't even know how to lie... I've never seen you so upright on weekdays!

But Zhao Yaxin couldn't stop it.

After all, if she didn't let Lin Fan say it, the Xingye and Huo Rulong teams would probably form a group to attack her team in minutes. Although Zhao Yaxin wasn't afraid, revealing their true strength in advance might be troublesome.

Seeing that Lin Fan was still looking at the forest in fear, Zhao Yaxin comforted: "Don't worry, it doesn't matter if they know."

"I know you were injured inside, but you went to explore the way to give me a head start, and I also remember it in my heart."

"Follow me for a while, and I'll protect you."

Lin Fan was moved: "Yeah!"

"Okay, now that you know the rules, let's go in next." Xingye looked at the crowd and said, "It's so dangerous inside, let's go in together?"

"I don't want to act with you." Zhao Yaxin smiled.

Huo Rulong also said blankly: "We'd better split up to avoid... accidental injury."

None of those present were fools.

They also know that facing this strange forest, everyone is a companion to explore the treasures of the gods together.

But on the other hand, they are three-way forces fighting against each other, and they still have to compete for Shenzang.

If there is a chance will attack each other for sure.

Sometimes the most dangerous thing is not the environment around you, but the people around you.

Instead of staying together and dealing with the eerie forest while guarding against each other, it is better to spread out and focus on how to deal with the eerie forest.

Then, look for opportunities to attack other teams.

"Okay, you refused." Xingye smiled: "Then there is nothing to say, so prepare yourself and enter the forest from different directions."

"I hope you don't die so quickly."

Xingye said, looked at Lin Fan deeply, then turned and left.

I found a corner and discussed with Xiaohong and the team that had been bought. Then, they closed their eyes and crossed their knees, entered the realm of the gods, and told the believers about the next rules.

After all, the next thing is to summon believers to fight.

If believers don't know the rules and step on flowers and plants, then they will have fun.

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