Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1387: Enter the pure blood wolf clan

Looking at the little girl who directly killed the second elder of the Aiman ​​family, Duke Gucci felt stupid at this time.

Situ Lan now looks polished and polished. He had always regarded this little girl as the personal ration of the Young Wolf Lord...

The result was unexpected.

Fifteenth order, high military god?

The cannonball exploded beside him, and when countless bullets and fragments passed him by, he was about to urinate.

"If you tell others about this," Situ Lan glanced at Duke Gucci, slowly lifted the heavy sniper, and showed a cute smile: "I will kill you."

Duke Gucci swallowed again.

at the same time.

the other side.

The giant wolf that Duke Patriarch turned into was fighting against the figure in the sea of ​​blood. Every time he dashed, he could smash into a large sea of ​​blood, but the figure was hidden in the sea of ​​blood, and he only shot to drag him from time to time.

"Ayman, what do you want!" The giant wolf roared.

"Hehe, not so much." The middle-aged man smiled gracefully, "I just want to kill the young wolf master of your family."

"Don't worry, play slowly."

"I prepared another surprise for you today."

Patriarch Duke's heart sank suddenly, and the middle-aged smile became more elegant.

But the next moment.


On the other side of the mountain, the roar of artillery fire sounded.

The fire light illuminated the night, and the terrifying roar made the world seem to tremble.

Patriarch Duke's expression suddenly changed: "You actually found a military **** to cooperate!"

That explosive divine power, as well as the iconic fire bombing, is obviously unique to the God of War!

Patriarch Duke really couldn't understand that this blood race actually joined forces with the gods.

But what Patriarch Duke never expected was.

Patriarch Aiman ​​was also stunned for a moment, looked at Patriarch Duke in disbelief, and said coldly: "Your wolf clan actually colluded with the war god!"

Duke Patriarch: "???"

Patriarch Aiman's face suddenly became more and more gloomy, and he could feel that the second elder was gone!

"This hatred, my blood clan has written down!"

"This blood race meeting, I will tell the existence of that kid to the pure blood race! When the time comes, your wolf race will never try to protect him!"

Without any hesitation, Patriarch Aiman ​​finished speaking, instantly turned into a blood mist, wrapped in the sea of ​​blood and left.

Patriarch Duke looked confused.

He was somewhat incomprehensible.

But it was too late to think so much at this time, Patriarch Duke gritted his teeth fiercely, and the huge wolf body rushed towards the area where the firepower erupted.

The moment he saw the terrifying firepower scene, Patriarch Duke's face became more and more ugly.

But then, Patriarch Duke was stunned and saw Lin Fan and the others standing in the crater completely, nothing happened.


Lin Fan pretended to be afraid and said, "Just now, the second elder of the Aiman ​​family was going to attack us, and a war **** happened to pass by..."

Situ Lan also looked scared: "Yeah, it's scary,"

Duke Gucci is also scared...

As soon as this word comes out.

Patriarch Duke immediately looked around nervously, and after seeing that there was no one else around, he exhaled: "It seems that the war **** has left."

"But anyway, it's not advisable to stay here for long."

"The blood clan will definitely attack you. We must hurry to the core area where the pure blood wolf clan lives. As long as we go there, even the blood clan will not dare to take a step!"

There, there are hundreds of millions of pure blood wolves guarding it!

Patriarch Duke said, and once again transformed into a huge wolf body, carrying Lin Fan, Situ Lan and the others to the depths of the jungle.

For the next two days, the group did not have time to rest and rectify at all.

Patriarch Duke also knew that once those pure blood races knew about the Son of Prophecy and the fighting power that Lin Fan showed now, they would definitely not be willing to let Lin Fan live!

Vampires and werewolves are inherently opposite races.

One brutal, one elegant.

The strength of the two clans has always been in a weak balance, and they have faced each other for tens of thousands of years, and there is still no winner.

But the potential that Lin Fan has shown now is enough to break this balance!

Therefore, the sooner you enter the core area of ​​the wolf clan, the safer it will be for Lin Fan!

It was not until the next night that the group finally entered the core area.


Patriarch Duke slowly stopped, sent Lin Fan and the others to the ground, and then turned into a human figure again.

Lin Fan looked at the forest in front of him.

The wolf shadows shuttled, and the dark-haired wild wolves patrolled in an orderly manner. Wolf moos were heard from time to time in the distance, and black silhouettes could occasionally be seen passing by in the mountains and forests.

These wild wolves exude a more powerful and pure aura than werewolves.

The real wolves do not have the blood of divine beasts in their bodies, so they cannot be transformed into humanoids.

Their strength and strength, as well as blood, are generally stronger than werewolves!

Duke Gucci is considered to be the best among the younger generation of Duke family, but Lin Fan can clearly feel that the captain of any patrol team here has the strength of the eighth rank, and he is young The blood of the werewolf is also mostly above the sixth generation!

Of course, in this pure-blooded wolf clan, the bloodline of more than three generations is still rare, and the most powerful captain in the patrol team has only four generations of bloodline.

But it is undeniable that these pure blood wolves are indeed stronger than the Duke family!

"Who." A team of wild wolves came slowly and stopped in front of Patriarch Duke, and the wild wolf who took the lead let out a roar.

There was no respect in his expression, and there was even some disdain and pride.


Patriarch Duke was reprimanded by the young wolf who was only eighth-rank, but he did not show any unhappy appearance, but smiled in a pleasing manner: "Captain Raleigh, you forgot, I am Patriarch Duke, I am. I saw you when I came to the meeting last time!"

"Patriarch Duke." The young wolf headed up to smell the smell, and then nodded: "What are you doing here?"

Patriarch Duke hurriedly said with a smile: "Isn't this here to attend the meeting, ah, you should also know this, Duke Gucci in my clan, this is our new young wolf master..."

"The new young wolf master?" The wolf named Captain Raleigh growled, then looked at Lin Fan and wrinkled his nose.

His eyes were a little suspicious.

This guy has the smell of gods and demons, as well as the smell of fox clan, dog clan, and leopard clan... But he can also feel that this guy has the same bloodline as himself.

But then, Captain Raleigh looked at Situ Lan and Situ Hong, and suddenly said with a smile, "Hehe, you're here, what gifts do you bring?"

Having said that, Captain Raleigh looked back at his subordinates and shouted, "Pack these two gods, and bring them into the warehouse to be slaughtered."

Situ Hong and Situ Lan immediately looked very scared.

"No, Captain Raleigh, don't get me wrong!" Patriarch Duke hurried up and said hurriedly, "That's my Young Wolf Lord's personal ration. As for the food I handed in this time..."

Patriarch Duke touched a ring on his hand.

It was a space ring that was rare among the gods.

In an instant, piles of gods’ flesh and blood, which were disassembled and neatly arranged according to their parts, were listed, including thigh meat, front elbow meat, god’s ears, god’s brain flower, god’s heart…

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