Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1386: elegant outdated

The second elder of the blood clan was extremely angry.

But with an elegant smile on his face, he was not in a hurry to shoot.

Because for vampires.

Elegant and timeless.

"Now, let me introduce myself," the second elder of the blood clan looked at the young wolf master who killed his grandson with hatred in his eyes, but he still tried to remain elegant, and said, "I am..."

"I care who you are!"

At Lin Fan's fingertips, the golden cards instantly condensed, and he flicked them.

The golden card swirled and drew a strange curve, roaring towards the second elder of the blood clan!

From Lin Fan's point of view, only idiots would babble and pretend to be graceful during a fight.

Lin Fan is not a fool.

So get right to it!

The second elder of the blood clan was still elegant, looking at the golden card that was spinning, hehe smiled: "Just a card..."

He didn't even think about dodging.

After all, this young wolf master is only a seventh-order strength.

What can you do with a weak card played?

The blood race stood there gracefully and said softly: "I will let you know the gap between you and the real strong..."


The cards hit him and instantly turned into a ray of light.

The voice of the second elder of the blood clan stopped abruptly, and the expression on his face instantly froze.

This card did not cause him any harm.

But at this moment, his mind went blank.


And at this moment when the second elder of the blood clan fell into a state of [dizziness], standing there gracefully and motionless.

"Hahahaha, you can have fun!"

Situ Lan, who couldn't help it for a long time, laughed happily, her young face full of excitement, frantically pulling the cluster transmitter on her shoulder.




Thirty-two missiles, flickering with terrifying rays of light, crashed into the air!

It doesn't stop there.


Behind Situ Lan, the Divine Realm unfolded.

In the God's Domain, there are many steel cannons, fighter jets like steel falcons rush out of the God's Domain, and the armored vehicles reflect the icy luster, like angry beasts made of steel, roaring out.

The soldiers and believers set up machine gun positions, carrying light and heavy machine guns, RP/G, and mortars, all aimed at the second elder of the blood clan.

at the same time.

The second elder of the blood clan also regained consciousness, looked at Lin Fan, and sneered: "As expected of the young wolf master, he really has some means... eh?"

His face suddenly changed.

There is a sound of breaking air from behind!

Thirty-two cluster missiles have arrived!

Before the second elder of the blood clan could react, thirty-two cluster missiles exploded on him.




The scorching flames rose into the sky, and the violent airflow overflowed with fragments and the impact of the explosion, frantically tearing up the elegant cloak.

The terrifying explosion instantly drowned this elegant second elder of the blood clan.


When the explosion is over.

No more elegance.

The second elder of the blood clan, who was still wearing the noble costumes before, was completely black, and his body was like coke.

But it is worthy of being the second elder of the blood clan. As a fifteenth-order high blood clan, even if one of his arms was broken by the blast and his body was bloodied, he still stood there.

He turned to look.

Immediately, he saw the most terrifying scene in his life.

A little girl in a tutu with Gatling on her shoulders.

The whole body exudes an aura of destruction, and the blood-red word "God of War" spreads out behind him.

Behind her, there are thousands of troops!

"Fifteenth rank, high military god!"

The second elder of the blood clan shouted out loudly. He never imagined that this hostage, who was originally caught at random, just to prevent the young wolf master from escaping, turned out to be a fifteenth-order high military god!

Aren't you the personal ration of the Young Wolf Lord!

Aren't you a **** raised by the wolf clan? !

This Nima, the fifteenth-order military god?

are you crazy! You have this strength, do you still use it as a personal ration? Is there a hole in the brain or is it not easy to use?

At this time, he also understood why this young wolf master didn't panic at all after seeing himself appearing in person... With such a big backer, you should have said it earlier!

But then, the blown up **** vampire suddenly smiled gracefully again.

"God of war, can you do whatever you want?"

The sea of ​​blood surged behind him, pouring into his body bit by bit.

The body that had been blown up to a **** bloody body healed quickly with the naked eye.

The second elder of the blood clan smiled gracefully: "I am the second elder of the Aiman ​​family. In terms of rank, I may not be better than you..."

Situ Lan said with an expressionless face, "Full firepower!"

She also doesn't understand very much. Fighting is fighting. You are better than Nima.

On this concept, Situ Lan and Lin Fan are highly consistent.

Only an idiot would bark in a fight.

Situ Lan is not a fool.

So it's straight to the point!


Cannon fire roars!

"Da da da!"

Machine guns swept across.

The rotating bullets and cannonballs shredded the air like raindrops, and gathered into a dazzling hot river in the night, sweeping away!

The terrifying explosion directly covered the vampire elder completely.

But the second elder of the blood clan was still in danger. When he was about to be enveloped by the explosion, he laughed: "The little trick of the eagle! Look at my blood magic!"

Then, he turned into a blood mist and melted into the sea of ​​blood.

The terrifying fire explosion lasted for half an hour.

Half an hour later, the artillery fire ceased, and the smoke filled the air, leaving only the scorched brown earth with Within a five-kilometer radius of where the two elders were, except for Situ Lan, Lin Fan, and Duke. The ground on which Gucci is standing, and the other grounds are all sunk by 100 meters, as if a **** had punched here!

Breathing in the hot air with the smell of gunpowder smoke, Situlan frowned and looked around: "Where did he hide? Did he escape with blood magic? Is the blood magic of this blood clan so powerful?"

Lin Fan: "..."

"Have you ever thought that the sea of ​​blood may have been directly blown up by you..." Lin Fan lifted a piece of dry blood from the ground.

He watched the terrifying explosion with his own eyes, completely tore the sea of ​​blood into pieces, and directly blew the figure that had turned into a blood mist to ashes.

The blood race's methods are indeed strange.

Powerful resilience that feeds on blood, and blood magic.

Although blood magic is not very explosive, it is extremely terrifying in terms of survivability and continuous output.

There is a description of the vampire in the God Realm, "Once you meet a vampire, unless you can kill him with one blow, don't fall in love with it".

Facing vampires, unless killed in one hit.

Otherwise, if there is a little wound on your body, he can continue to draw your blood to restore himself.

Among the gods and **** hunters, vampire hunters are the most dangerous professions.

But this second vampire elder is very unfortunate.

What he met was the war **** Situ Lan, who was famous for his explosive firepower... Not to mention killing him with one blow, even the sea of ​​blood it accumulated was directly blown into coke, and the blood mist that was turned into was directly torn apart.

Elegance hiding in the shadows, facing guns and guns, is vulnerable.

"Elegance is outdated..." Lin Fan sighed.

Duke Gucci on the side looked at Situ Lan, who was holding a huge Gatling and lined with guns behind him, swallowed silently, and stood trembling in place.

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