Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1388: The barbarian king

Seeing the flesh and blood of these gods, Captain Raleigh softened his attitude, nodded, and said in a low moo: "This time you came relatively early."

"The meeting doesn't start until the day after tomorrow. You should go to your last residence to rest first."

"Remember, don't enter deep restricted areas."

After finishing speaking, Captain Raleigh didn't bother to look at Patriarch Duke, and directly took a group of wild wolves and started to carry the flesh and blood of the gods.

The mixed-blood wolf clan, when they come to the meeting every year, must turn in the offerings to the pure-blood wolf clan.

Although he was slightly neglected, Patriarch Duke did not have any disgust. He greeted Lin Fan and the others, and then took the lead in walking towards the forest in front of him.

It is still the same primitive architectural style as before, even more primitive. The Duke family has also built a village with stones and soil, and these pure-blooded wolves are very easy to open holes in the mountains.

Lin Fan followed Patriarch Duke all the way, and was even more shocked by the sheer number of pure-blooded wolves.

Every hill has countless caves, which are densely packed.

There are even wolves running through them.

Looking around, the mountains are endless.

In the deepest part, there seems to be a towering mountain range, and a huge entrance can be faintly seen, as dark as an abyss.

"That's the restricted area, where the ancestors slept." Patriarch Duke whispered: "Before your election is successful, go and don't approach. Only the core members of the pure-blood wolf clan are allowed to enter."

Lin Fan nodded and couldn't help but sigh, "This place is quite big."

"Nonsense, this is the pure blood wolf clan, the settlement of hundreds of millions of pure blood wolf clan."

"Although they are divided into groups, they are more united than our werewolves. All groups live together,"

"Look at the more than 30 hills on the side, which are the settlements of the Colin family in the pure blood wolf clan. They have five million people."

"That area over there is the Jeff family. They are the largest pure-blood family, with tens of millions of people."

"Whether it is the average strength or the top powerhouses, they are stronger than our mixed blood wolf clan!"

Having said that, Patriarch Duke gave Lin Fan a deep look: "The three young wolf masters of the pure blood wolf clan who participated in the campaign are not as good as Panila, but they are more powerful than the young werewolves you have seen before, and , their bloodline also has a second generation, you can't underestimate it."

Lin Fan nodded.

This is also the reason why Patriarch Duke was neglected by an eighth-order pure-blood wolf leader, and did not dare to have the slightest dissatisfaction.

Behind the other party is the pure blood wolf clan!

Every pure blood wolf clan, taken out alone, is enough to knock the Duke clan to the ground!

The Duke family, a million werewolves, is already one of the largest families among the mixed-blood werewolves.

But in front of the pure blood wolf clan, it is not enough to see.

Not only Captain Raleigh, but other pure-blooded wolves occasionally saw Lin Fan and the others with a trace of disdain in their eyes, not to mention sending people to serve.

Patriarch Duke is placed in the Duke family and has a noble status, but it is really nothing here.

Patriarch Duke stopped in front of a cave entrance, and then said: "Have a good rest tonight, tomorrow morning, we will have a meeting with some werewolf families, and everyone will unify their attitudes in advance."

Lin Fan nodded and entered the cave.

The entrance of the cave is very rough, as if it was dug out by a giant wolf with its claws. The walls of the cave are all marked with sharp claws, but the interior is very spacious, and even separate rooms.

Situ Lan and Situ Hong didn't pay much attention to it. He just picked one at random. Situ Hong warned Lin Fan again: "Don't come in in the middle of the night, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

She always keeps her mission in mind... Be optimistic about this lecher, and don't let him attack her sister.

Lin Fan nodded helplessly, and immediately found a room.

Duke Gucci didn't watch the door for Lin Fan. After all, this was the living area of ​​the pure-blood wolf clan, and the blood clan came in to seek death.

Lin Fan lay on the bed made of straw and exhaled.

Only now, in this wolf's den, did he really feel completely safe.

A world that is truly isolated from the gods and from the blood race.

But Lin Fan knew that this was not the time to relax. Lin Fan stood up, closed his eyes slightly, and entered the realm of the gods.

As soon as they entered the realm of the gods, the believers felt the coming of the Lord God and rushed towards the central altar.

Looking at the believers coming from all directions, Lin Fan was stunned for a moment.

I saw Yasuo's nose and face bruised one by one.

"Yasuo, why are you injured? Did someone bully you..." Lin Fan's voice rolled down.

Yasuo looked at the simple and honest dragon turtles a few times, and then said with a strange expression: "Return to the Lord God, no one bullies us."

Lin Fan was stunned: "Then you..."

"Let's bully the dragon turtle..." Yasuo sighed,

They were also speechless.

Originally, I was slashed by Juggernaut, and I felt that I lost face and wanted to prove my strength.

I specifically looked for those dragon turtles who looked like tortoises who looked easy to bully.


Alas, UU reading is indescribable.

In the end, those dragon turtles didn't even want to let them go, they blocked the road and told them to cut them off!

Their butterfly movements are completely useless in front of these dragons and turtles, and their little pompous mouths can make them unable to slide...

In the end, it was the Picheng policewoman who persuaded them to bring them out...

"Ahem, be honest." Lin Fan was also helpless, and then looked at the Sword Saints who became gods: "Have you finished refining all your Divine Realm fragments?"

"Refining is over!" The Juggernauts also nodded.

At this time, Lin Fan's divine domain already covered 3.5 million square kilometers.

Although Lin Fan himself only has more than 20,000 square kilometers, he can't stand it, believers also have God's Domain...

"It's still five billion Faith Points away from the eighth rank..." Lin Fan breathed out, but in the wolf clan, it was difficult for him to obtain Faith Points, because Faith Points were also needed by the werewolves.

Although they can't use the stolen faith value, they can go to trade with the gods' caravan to buy gods or some supplies.

In other words, the Faith Points obtained by werewolves from hunting gods were shared by the tribe, and it was difficult for Lin Fan to deduct it.

Immediately, Lin Fan put his thoughts away.

There was an extra mass of life energy in his hand.

That life energy is like the shadow of a knife, with a chilling breath.

The next moment, Lin Fan directly pressed this life energy into the source of God's Domain.


The blue crystal spins wildly.

One after another, blue rays of light poured down like meteors and landed on the altar of the source of the gods.

only for an instant.

A roar full of fighting intent sounded!

"My broadsword is already hungry and thirsty."

"Now they can die."

Under the blue streamer light, silhouettes with large swords appeared one after another.

Barbarian King, Tryndamere!

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