Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1374: vampire invasion

Sion's two passive skills!

W skill [Soul Furnace] passive effect, each time you kill a unit, you will get 2 maximum health plus!

Double the kills of important units!

Passive [Death Glory]: After being killed, Sion will flash back for a while, but when he flashes back, his health will decrease rapidly.

During this time, he can move and attack. He gains 100% life steal, attacks super fast, and reduces the target's maximum health by an additional 10% with each attack.

All skills will be replaced with [Death Impulse], which can provide explosive movement speed when activated.

These two passive skills are a nightmare.

One can go up to unlimited meat!

The other one can still perform powerful output even after death.

Also because of these two passive skills, Sion has two branches in lol.

A passive that mainly values ​​the accumulation of the W skill [Soul Furnace], come out of the flesh.

The other valued [Death Glory], put out all output equipment, and kept sending death to push towers.

Lin Fan exhaled.

The influence of this unlimited growth is undoubtedly the most useful to him.

Since the appearance of the dog's head that can stack Q infinitely, his power is no longer comparable to the gods of the same rank or even one or two ranks higher.

And now the infinite stack of W Sion appears...

"Plus damage reduction skills, plus shield skills, plus Xuanwu physique..." Lin Fan frowned and thought, "plus an unlimited HP bar."

"I seem to be able to try and resist the beating?"

Just thinking about it, Lin Fan was extremely excited!

It's a brother, come and **** me!

Ren Er ten million punches, I am invincible in the world?

Lin Fan looked at the hundred undead gods of war with fiery eyes, brewed up some vocabulary, and then said: "There is no war at the moment, but you can't relax."

"After all, your opponents are gods."

"You have to make yourselves stronger until you become enemies with the gods!"

"You will be my knives, with the glory of fighting against the gods, but before you face the gods, you must continue to polish yourselves so that you can pierce the gods' hearts!"

Although the undead gods of war were not very good at using their brains, they also understood what Lin Fan meant.

"For the war with the gods."

"Wait, I am willing to obey the command of the Lord God!"

Although they also desperately hope to start the war immediately, they can't wait to start the massacre now.

But, as the Lord God said.

They are only Tier 5 now, and they are not strong enough!

They can also feel that even those comrades around are stronger than themselves.

What's more, it is the gods that will be faced!

Gotta get stronger!

The desire to fight the gods even suppressed the tyranny in their hearts. For the next war, they were willing to become stronger in a down-to-earth manner.

Instead of killing in this world with your comrades!

"So..." Lin Fan waved his hand, took out a few [Elementary Ant Resource Cards] again, and threw them into the Divine Realm.

Those cards turned into **** of light and poured down. When they landed on the ground, a faint light washed away from the ground, instantly turning into large and small ant nests.

The dog heads jumped up excitedly.

Seans looked curiously.

"In the future, you will be like the desert **** of death, killing ants every day, and also responsible for the deworming work of other races' residences."

After all, sanitation still has to be cleaned.

A Sain frowned: "Lord God, you look down on us too much, dignified warrior, you actually asked us to kill ants?"

Saying that, Sain raised his foot contemptuously and trampled an ant to death with one foot.

Before Lin Fan could reply, the ant immediately turned into a **** color and merged into Sein's body. I saw that Sein was actually a little stronger than the naked eye!

"Lord God, you are so kind!"

"This job is just born for us!"

Said, who was originally dissatisfied, was suddenly very pleasantly surprised. One by one, Sain no longer hesitated, and ran to the ant nests in surprise, holding the axe and smashing those ants frantically!




They guarded the ant nest and waged a brutal war against those cute little ants!

Lin Fan exhaled, and was about to take out the life energy of the God of Rock and God of Sword and Sword to continue cultivating new races.

But the next moment.

"Wake up, Young Wolf Lord."

A voice came from his ear, someone was pushing Lin Fan.

Lin Fan frowned, his thoughts retreated from the realm of the gods, and then he felt that his body was gradually getting stronger, and when he turned his head, he saw Duke Gucci standing beside him in a panic.

"What's wrong? Why are you here?" Lin Fan asked curiously.

"Young Wolf Lord," Duke Gucci said in a panic, "something happened!"

"Vampires attacked the wolf clan!"

"What?" Lin Fan was stunned for a moment, and then he heard a roar from the foot of the mountain.

There is the howl of a werewolf.

There are also high-pitched whistles that are not of a werewolf, like a bat.

"What to do now!" Lin Fan immediately stood up.

"You don't have to worry too much," Duke Gucci said quickly: "The patriarch and the elders have passed."

"The Ayman family in this blood family and our Duke family are not far away from each other, occupying the Whatia Cape next to them, and they are also deadly enemies, and they often fight with us."

"We also have countermeasures. I mainly tell you to be careful. I have to go to war, and the young clansmen are also fighting below!"

After speaking, Duke Gucci turned around and ran!

Lin Fan thought for a while, then got up and followed Duke Gucci down the mountain.

It's not that I want to help the Duke family too much, the main thing is that these werewolves are their future commodities!

If you die, you will lose millions of Faith Points.

This must not die!

Duke Gucci was running to the battlefield When he turned around, he found Lin Fan following him, and immediately said: "Young Wolf Lord, you don't have to come out. Whenever my wolf clan fought against vampires in all dynasties, the patriarch can Play, but the Young Wolf Lord never plays!"

after all.

Once the patriarch died in battle, at least one young wolf master would be able to preside over the overall situation.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Lin Fan was extremely fast, catching up with Duke Gucci in a few steps.

"The feud!" Duke Gucci said solemnly: "Those guys have no power at all, they only use blood magic, they are even afraid of the sun, and they are proud of themselves!"

"But I don't even look down on our strength! I still think we are barbaric and humiliating!"

"Hmph, trash!"

"So, what kind of hatred is it?" Lin Fan looked confused.

He also knew that vampires and werewolves were feuds, and the entire God Realm knew it.

But I never knew what it was for...

"The ancestors have fought like this, who knows what kind of grievances... Anyway, it's enough to fight! Many ancestors died in their hands. Do these grievances add up, do you still need a reason?"

Duke Gucci roared and quickly rushed to the battlefield at the foot of the mountain.

But the next moment.

Duke Gucci was suddenly stunned!

Pupils shrink!

A group of bats rushed from under the moonlight, and then turned into humanoids.

In front of him, more than 100 elegant teenagers and girls in gorgeous costumes smiled strangely under the moonlight. The pale skin was crystal clear under the moonlight, except for the scarlet lips.

Duke Gucci stood there, looking horrified.

How could these vampires appear here?

At the foot of the mountain is the battlefield!

How could they rush over?

Could it be that... the family has been defeated? Is the patriarch dead?

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