The Hands of Noxus were miserable enough.

As an iron-blooded emperor, at this time, he begged these warriors not to fight...

"Commander, order the war!" The undead gods of war roared loudly, "War!"

The hand of Noxus gritted his teeth fiercely, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said solemnly: "What is the war for?"

"The next war!" The undead gods of war roared excitedly in the sky.

"Fuck!" Noxus' hand gritted his teeth: "War is for strength, for power!"

"But now, we are not empowered here because we are here to wage war!"

"It's us who protect this home! Fight for it!"

The undead gods of war seemed not to listen at all, and shouted loudly: "War!"

"Here, no war can be waged!" The Noxian Hand said with a complicated expression, "This is really no war!"

"It's for our own good!"

"What's the matter, in this world, I, Noxus, are the weakest! We dare to start a war when we look back, and any clan can destroy us in minutes!"

This is true.

Now Lin Fan's God Realm is also intertwined with various forces.

For example, Shurima forces, there are dragon turtles, desert death gods, desert emperors,

In the jungle, there are Leopard Girl, Spider Queen, Twisted Dryad, and Green God Ivern.

Needless to say about the strength of Demacia, the three Demacia brothers, plus a Hammer of Sacred Fortitude.

The Glacier and Snowfield forces are the Ice Birds, the two demigod brothers and sisters of the Immortal Kuanglei.

Ocean forces, there are little fish people, Nami.

Even the happy family formed by the fire girl Annie and the werewolf grandma, plus the fire boy, although they live in the village in the forest every day, they should not be underestimated.

Only the Noxian Empire... Currently only the Noxian Hand family.


Who are you fighting against... Even if more than a thousand Nami who have no strength to hold their hands lined up in a team, just by casually releasing [Roar of Raging Waves], they can make these promise hands stand in place.

In this world, every race is a hero!

The dignified hand of Noxus, thrown here, is simply survival in hell.

Under such difficult conditions for survival, even Noxus, the Jagged Emperor, had to be an honest man, put away his axe, be an honest man, and have good relations with other races.

For a time, the undead God of War was stunned for a moment, as if being poured a basin of cold water and suddenly calmed down.

"Can't... war..."

"Yes, yes!" The Hands of Noxus saw that these undead gods of war could finally communicate, and immediately said: "I beg you, for Noxus, don't start a war!"


The undead gods of war let out an unyielding roar.

The hands of Noxus were silent for a long time, raised their axe silently, and said complicatedly: "If you do this again, for the sake of the Noxus Empire, I can only kill you first..."

The undead gods of war looked at the hand of Noxus and seemed to want to shout something, but after being silent for a long time, they said intermittently: "There is no war...then..."

"The...meaning of our existence..."

"What is..."

"We... for war..."

"And the tools of resurrection..."

The scarlet eyes of the undead gods of war looked at the kings in front of them in confusion.

These kings once had the warlock bring them back to life with evil and cruel means, in the name of war, and let them live to the death.

When the scarlet eyes opened, they were already tools of war.

But now... no war...

At this moment, these undead gods of war stared blankly at the hand of Noxus, as if a soldier who only knew the battle was asking the emperor's next order.

Looking at the bewildered eyes of these warriors, the Hands of Noxus were speechless for a moment.

This is a knife he once built to rule the world.

But now... this new world is home to all races. All races fought side by side for this homeland.

Then, who else can this knife be swung at?

And right now.

A voice fell from the sky.

"You, of course, have to go to war!"

"I will give you a chance to fight, but from now on, you will use war to protect your homeland!"

As soon as these words came out, the undead gods of war slowly raised their heads and looked at the sky as if they were sensing something.

"Lord God..."

"You summoned us here..."

"What you said is true, we will still have the opportunity to participate in the war..."

The voices of the undead gods of war carried incomparable hope, as if they saw a little light in the dark road.

Lin Fan whispered: "Your opponents will not be these races present, but more powerful... gods, and their followers!"


When the Undead Gods of War heard these two words, there was a kind of heartfelt excitement!

Lord God, will give them the opportunity to fight against the gods!

War against the gods!


In an instant, these undead gods of war swept away the haze before and laughed loudly.

"Waging war on the gods...that's a lot more fun!"


Lin Fan smiled: "But here, everyone is brothers and sisters, all comrades in arms!"

"You can't kill anymore."

"Yes!" The undead gods of war roared excitedly.

Why deal with these Demacian enemies when there are gods as opponents?

The urge to fight surged in their bodies, just thinking about the word "God" made them extremely excited!

God as an opponent...

That kind of battle must be hearty!

Immediately, the undead war gods looked at other races, especially the power of Demacia and the prince of Demacia, and tried to squeeze a smile.

This is... the current comrade-in-arms?

A comrade who fights side by side and is an enemy of the gods?

At this moment, the undead God of War also put down their hostility, and they even felt a faint honor... honor to participate in an unimaginable war!

For soldiers born for war, this is the greatest honor!

Battle with the gods... What is the battle in front of you compared to that kind of battle?

That's the real war!

The Undead God of War has tried his best to show this smile as kind, but they are too hideous and terrifying. This smile is like a horror movie.

"I wipe!"

At the moment, Prince Demacia and Galen shivered when they saw this smile, and a few even made preparations for battle, gritted their teeth and said, "What do you mean? Provoking us?"

"Go to war!"

Undead God of War: "..."

At this time, Lin Fan also clicked on the Undead God of War panel and looked at it, the smile on his face became brighter and brighter.

"Sure enough, it's the same as in lol, the Q skill [Brutal Slam] can charge up for range knock-up, the W skill [Soul Furnace] can activate a shield, and it can also explode the shield, causing damage to surrounding enemies, and the E skill [ Killer's Roar] can push the minion away, causing straight line damage..."

"R skill [Arrogant Charge], you can quickly charge at a long distance."

"The attribute is also the limit data of the warrior race, and the physical strength and strength are not low."

"But the most interesting are those two passive skills."

Lin Fan stared at the panel, his eyes extremely surprised.

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