Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1375: blood lord

at the foot of the mountain.

The pitch-black werewolf was like a black wave, uttering a savage roar, and the body full of animal power kept moving, jumping on the vampires, tearing their gorgeous clothes, tearing open their chests, and using sharp claws to take out their hearts. .

Those vampires in gorgeous costumes are extremely elegant, manipulating the blood, such as manipulating the sea of ​​blood, constantly opening those werewolves, and then cutting them one after another, sucking their blood.

Sometimes it turns into a blood mist to avoid attacks.

Under the moonlight, it was as if the red and black oceans collided at this moment.

The werewolves savagely waved their claws and dug out their hearts, while the vampires elegantly drew blood from these werewolves, sometimes turning into blood mist to avoid attacks.

Injuries are constantly healing under the action of blood and heart!


Although werewolves are powerful, the blood magic of vampires is equally powerful!

As long as a werewolf has flesh and blood, it can quickly recover from injuries.

And vampires, even if their hearts are dug out, as long as there is fresh blood, they can still recover from their injuries!

The two sides fought back and forth, not giving way to each other!

The Duke family and the Ayman family are not far apart, and this kind of battle often breaks out.

The combat power of the two tribes is also similar.

After all, they are all feuds. If the difference in combat power is too far, the Duke family would have been wiped out long ago...

At this moment, a huge werewolf with a height of several hundred meters was confronting a figure.

The werewolf crawls in the mountain forest, and its huge body is full of wild power. It is almost as high as the surrounding mountains. The trees are broken under the claws, and the mountains collapse every time they move.

But that figure was hiding in the sea of ​​blood, sometimes hiding and appearing, sometimes dodging, and sometimes using the sea of ​​blood to wash the werewolf.

Bestiality is aroused.

Blood was swallowed.

"Patriarch Aiman," the huge werewolf stared at the figure in front of him, "in the middle of the night, brought someone to attack?"

The figure in the sea of ​​blood smiled gracefully: "Hehe, you can't come during the day, right? After all, we are not like you brainless guys, of course we have to choose the most suitable opportunity to do it."

Vampires are afraid of the sun.

These impure blood vampires will be burned as long as they come into contact with the sun, until they disappear.

Only the blood family, the Dracula family, is not afraid of the sun, but even so, under the sun, the strength will still be greatly reduced.

"What's the use of sneak attack?" Patriarch Duke rushed over and roared: "You must know that our two clans have been fighting for an unknown number of years."

"We've already adapted to your sneak attack!"


This time, the Ayman family came out in full force.

But even so, the Duke family dealt with it without any confusion. Outside the settlement of the Duke family, every werewolf came to their own position skillfully to face their opponents.

Especially those werewolf elders, who turned into huge werewolf bodies one after another, fought with those high-level vampires of comparable strength.

The blood covers the world, and the werewolf roars in the sky.

It seemed that even the stars were rendered red, and even the stars were trembling under the wild roar of the werewolf.

The two races are comparable.

Those werewolves faced the vampires who were their opponents, and they even knew each other... After so many years of fighting, everyone was on the same level. After all, those who couldn't be beaten were already dead...

"Hehe, it's not comparable," Patriarch Aiman ​​stood on the sea of ​​​​blood, looked at the huge werewolf, and smiled: "But don't worry, this time, I will surprise you."

Patriarch Duke was inexplicably nervous, as if something bad was about to happen.

But he was also puzzled.

The Duke family knows the Ayman family of the blood clan very well. The two families are old rivals, and the number and strength of the two powerhouses are similar.

What other "surprises" will there be?

Also, this guy doesn't seem to be in a hurry to decide the winner, like he's stalling for time.

And the other side.

Duke Gucci looked at these boys and girls who suddenly appeared in front of him with complicated eyes.

"You are the new young wolf master of the Duke family?" The young boy who took the lead held a cloud of blood floating in his palm and looked at Lin Fan with a smile.

Lin Fan frowned and looked at Duke Gucci: "Who is this?"

Duke Gucci didn't look good at this time.

He didn't even know who it was.

It stands to reason that the Duke family and the Ayman family of the blood family have been at war for a long time. Under the feud, everyone will fight at every turn.

The younger generation of vampires in the Ayman family know about the same, but Duke Gucci has never seen the boy in front of him!

Even the young girls behind him have never seen it at all!


The breath is very powerful!

The strength is around the seventh and eighth order!

The young man in front of him is at the peak of the eighth rank, and his body exudes a strong smell of blood. Obviously, he also has a good bloodline in his body!

"Hehe, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm sorry, after all, we are not like your werewolves. We are rude and savage, and we will fight when we meet." The young man neatly arranged his gloves, but he was not in a hurry, and chuckled: "I am the young blood lord of the Ayman family, Ayman Stani."

"I heard that your Duke family has a new young wolf master, and he is very strong."

"Have a last resort, come and visit."

"Okay, the greetings are over, are you the new young wolf master?"

He looked at Lin Fan with bright eyes, his nose twitched slightly, and his eyes were full of anticipation and fighting intent.

He can smell it.

This guy's blood is very nutritious!

There is the scent of gods, the scent of and even more complex and more layered scents, that is the scent of fox, dog, and leopard!

It even smells like a devil!

Such good blood, if you can make yourself suck...

"It's a peerless wine." His smile grew stronger.

Originally, he was only here by order.

After all, the Duke family was originally on a par with the neighboring Ayman family, and the previous three-generation werewolf's young wolf master, Duke Gul, was said to have the same strength as him.

Therefore, although the two families have been at war, they are fighting head-on.

But this time.

The Duke family has produced such a young wolf master!

If he is left alone, when he grows up, the Ayman family will definitely not benefit.

The weeds must be cut down!

Therefore, he, the young master who never showed his face, went out in person, brought his own personal guards, and under the cover of the army sneak attack, secretly entered the wolf clan settlement to intercept this young wolf master!

Although it is a dangerous move, it is also the last resort of the Ayman family. The legendary golden werewolf, the son of the wolf prophecy, cannot be allowed to survive!

"Originally I came to you, just for family consideration, but now..." Ayman Stane smiled at Lin Fan, revealing two sharp fangs: "I really want to drink you."

At this time, Duke Gucci also understood who this guy was.

The young blood lord of the Ayman family!

"No wonder I haven't seen you..." Duke Gucci slowly turned into a werewolf, showing his fangs, and his voice was like a roar: "Dangtang Young Blood Lord, actually attacked Young Wolf Lord personally."

"Aren't you afraid of dying here? Aren't you afraid of the full revenge of my Duke family?"

"There's no other way, I can't let him grow up." The young man smiled and said softly, "Okay, we're almost done talking."

"It's time for a feast."

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