Lin Fan instantly recognized the warriors in front of him—the undead **** of war, Sain!

These warriors who have returned from the dead stand on the altar.

Scarlet eyes glanced around.

When they saw the hand of Noxus and the icy axe, they suddenly thought of something.

"I am, a war machine... a machine made for war..."


The next moment, their scarlet eyes suddenly looked at the Demacian prince and the Garen clan!

"Noxus, no Novo!!"

"Always moving forward!"

"For Noxus!"


In an instant, a hundred undead gods of war burst into scarlet blood, and the breath of death surged on them.

Heavy footsteps stomped on the ground, like a hundred roaring huge chariots, the burly and strong body burst out with a terrifying speed, and rushed down the altar with might and slammed into the Demacian Prince and the Garen clan!

Noxus, and Demacia, are deadly enemies!

Even if this warrior dies, he will still reap his life on the battlefield!

It depends on this desire to fight and loyalty to the Noxian Empire!

"I wipe!"

"Prepare to fight!"

"Push out the wicked!"

Prince Demacia and Galen hurriedly cheered up, clenched their giant swords and prepared to fight with the long spear... Of course, the Debon Director had already gone to find the Indomitable Gun at this time, and was not at the scene.


Before the Prince of Demacia released the eq second company, the roaring chariot collided directly.

One after another figure stood in front of these undead war gods, the huge axe was leaning on the ground, and the muscles were towering, ready to meet the impact!

"This world, it's finally peaceful... I, Noxus, have finally been given power by the Lord God..."

"It must not be broken!"

"Undead God of War, wake me up!"

"This is not the original battlefield anymore, this is our new home!"

"The Lord God is watching us!"

The emperor is roaring.



The undead God of War was like a truck, crashing into those figures, and the terrifying impact sent those figures who dared to stop them flying directly, and even the axe that smashed into the ground failed to have any effect!

"War..." The undead God of War roared like a madman without sanity.

Their instinct is to swing their axe, and even a few undead gods of war lift their huge soles and are about to fall.

"Who dares to stop Noxus!"


When they saw the figure in front of them, they were all stunned.


Standing in front of them is the commander who walked out of the battlefield, the iron emperor of Noxus!

Although the consciousness is still vague.

But these warriors who lived to the death still remember that these iron emperors with giant axes are their idols, and they also regard them as people who fight for them!

It was this emperor who brought them back from death in the name of war!

"Commander, get out of the way..."

"Demacia... war!"

These undead gods of war roared loudly, and they didn't seem to understand why their commander would block in front of them and those from Demacia.


The hand of Noxus also fell to the ground at this time, but still did not retreat, but stood in front of these undead war gods and raised the axe.

"Sean, calm down!"

The undead gods of war don't seem to be very good at speaking, and they still roar: "War!!!"

"Fight your mother, fight!" The Noxus slapped the faces of these undead gods of war with a slap in the face, "This is my new home, I finally got a foothold, can you Give me some peace of mind!"

To tell the truth, the hand of Noxus is also very helpless now.

When he first came, he was still killing the air.

As a result, the Lord God descended.

The Lord God is the ruler of the world.

When he felt that breath, he knew that he didn't seem to have the need for war... That Lord God, he simply wasn't able to catch up with him by becoming stronger!

In his logic, the strong have the right to control the fate of the weak.

Therefore, in Rune Continent, he continued to wage wars with various countries, trying to dominate the world. After all, at that time, the so-called strong men seemed to be on par with him, and even if there were some who were slightly stronger than him, he could make himself stronger little by little and make the Noxian Empire stronger.


When a supreme powerhouse who cannot be chased truly appears, then, even if it is him, he can only be swayed.

Lin Fan defeated him in his logic, which convinced the Emperor of Noxus.

Therefore, in this world, the Noxus Empire has no need for war at all, because no matter how they fight, even if they conquer other races, the Lord God is still the master of the world.

Might as well behave and be as pleasing as the Demacian Prince, the Debon Steward and Galen.

Therefore, the Hand of Noxus now only wants to perform well in front of the Lord God, and let the Lord God grant them stronger power.

Even if there is an occasional dispute with the three Demacian brothers, they will swallow it up. After all, these three brothers were the first to follow the Lord God, and they are the strongest among the various races.

Even if those fiery girls and fiery men burn them with fire from time to they no longer hold up the axe, but turn around and run away with the axe... After all, they were the ones who killed others, and the key is that The two races, plus the werewolf grandmother, couldn't even beat...

Today's Hand of Noxus has changed. He is no longer a lunatic who only knows how to kill. He usually obeys his promises in God's Domain and tries to build a good relationship with other races.

Seeing that other races have gradually accepted them, even the Demacian Prince no longer rejects them, and the Lord God values ​​them very much.

As a result, what kind of thing do you choose as a soldier at this time!

The Hand of Noxus is nervous and angry!

"Open your eyes and see, the world has changed, the times have changed!"

"Stop fighting, fight your mother, how did I resurrect such a brainless thing like you in the first place!"

"Damn, I thought this guy who only knew about war was pretty good, but now he looks like a fool!"

The Hand of Noxus stared at the undead gods of war.

"War!!!" The undead God of War roared loudly, as if he wanted to push the Noxus hands away and continue to charge.

To tell the truth, this is not to blame for the undead God of War... When the Noxian Empire resurrected them, it was to create a tool for war, and it was the desire to kill that brought them back from death.

The word war has long been engraved in their souls.

"Fight your mother!"

The Hand of Noxus was furious, but he still took a deep breath. After all, it was a tool of war that he had built himself.

In other words, this is my own child!

Even if you don't have a good mind, you can't just pick up an axe and chop.

"No, can we be reasonable?" The hands of Noxus looked pleadingly at the undead God of War, "I am the supreme commander of Noxus, can I reason with you?"

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