Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1324: The hunt begins!

Temporary camp.

The students have instructed the believers to set up beautiful tents, and a few believers took out the food of the gods and baked it on the fire, with a fragrant aroma.

Ren Sihe followed Yang Baldzi.

Yang Baldzi turned his head and instructed: "Ren Sihe, there should be a river near here, you can look for it, and see if you can leave along the river tomorrow."

After speaking, Yang Baldzi lit a cigarette, found a corner, and sat down to smoke.

Ren Sihe nodded, turned and walked into the depths of the forest.

The lenses reflect an icy sheen.

After traveling for two kilometers between the woods, Ren Sihe stopped. He didn't pay attention to the torn clothes, but slowly took out a dagger that was a low-level artifact.


The dagger pierced through the palm of his hand, and blood gushed out instantly.

Bright red blood dripped on the blades of grass, converging into a pool of dazzling red, and a faint smell of blood permeated out.

The originally noisy forest suddenly became quiet.

The blood of this **** is like a beacon guiding the way in this silent forest of gods and beasts.

Ren Sihe could clearly feel that several powerful and savage auras rushed towards him from different directions.

But he didn't have any intention of avoiding, but exhaled and said softly, "I'm waiting for you."

When those breaths came to him at a distance of hundreds of meters.


A loud wolf moo exploded in an instant!

The silent forest was like a feast of slaughter. One after another werewolves rushed out under the moonlight, knocking down the other half-orcs who dared to **** their prey.

In an instant, those seemingly powerful auras dissipated.

Hundreds of werewolves surrounded Ren Sihe and slowly got up under the moonlight, their eyes filled with unstoppable greed.

But they didn't dare to step forward. The golden werewolf standing at the forefront prevented them from taking a step at will.

That is the pressure of blood!

It is a deterrent to them with strength!

"Tread, step, step."

Under the moonlight, the golden werewolf moved slowly, his thick wolf claws stepping on the grass and making a dull sound.


The golden werewolf stayed in front of Ren Sihe, his scarlet eyes seemed to have no emotion and looked at him indifferently.

Ren Sihe could even feel the heat in his breath.

"I know you're here." Ren Sihe smiled.

"I told you to leave." The golden werewolf stared at Ren Sihe and said in a low voice, "This is not your world."


Behind the golden werewolf, a group of werewolves screamed in the sky, as if swearing the sovereignty of this place.

Ren Sihe looked at the golden werewolf and said in a complicated voice, "Are you Lin Fan?"

The golden werewolf did not speak.

"I'm here to find you." Ren Sihe said unhurriedly: "After they go back, they will inform you and let the kingdom of God know that you are still alive."

"So, they can't be allowed to leave here alive."

"Teacher and I have already reached an agreement, so..." Ren Sihe patted Lin Fan on the shoulder: "Go hunting and do what you need to do."

After Ren Sihe finished speaking, he turned around and left.

The golden werewolf stood there silently, without speaking, watching Ren Sihe's back disappear among the trees.

"Young Wolf Lord..." Duke Gucci tentatively approached Lin Fan and said in a low voice, "Next..."

Lin Fan sighed.

The next moment, the golden werewolf raised his head and let out a loud moo!

That moo is called Shaking the Forest!

"Wolves, hunt!"


Behind him, hundreds of werewolves roared up to the sky, roaring excitedly, that was the desire for blood and hunting!

At this moment, the instinct completely recovered!

Lin Fan's eyes were endlessly cold. At this moment, he seemed to have separated from his former self and waved slowly, "Release your animal nature!"


One after another werewolves, drawing out a dark afterimage, disappeared silently into the forest.

And the other side.

In the camp where the students are temporarily stationed.

"Why are those wolves barking again?"

"Maybe another unfortunate **** has been killed."

"Lin Fan is really a lot of evil, and he actually became a member of the wolf pack. After returning this time, he must report this matter..."

"By the way, will something happen to Ren Sihe?"

While the students were cooking the fire, they looked at the direction where the wolves suddenly erupted just now, their eyes full of fear and nervousness.

But the next moment.

"It's alright, I'm back." Ren Sihe walked out quickly.

"Ah, why did your hand hurt?"

"You won't really encounter wolves!"

Several students instantly discovered something was wrong, and their faces instantly became tense.

Ren Sihe shook his head: "It's okay, because they have already come."

As soon as this word comes out.

The students looked around suspiciously: "What's coming?"

Just the next moment.


The wolf moo exploded.

The surrounding trees swayed, and a werewolf rushed in like a black afterimage, surrounding the students!

In the moonlight, the werewolf was panting.


"What's the matter, didn't they let us go!"

"Then why is Lin Fan not talking?"

The students, who were already in shock, stood up in an instant, looking at the werewolf that was full of wild and **** smells, their faces were full of horror.

In the face of werewolves, they are like that little white rabbit!

The city of God has protected them very well, and here, there are no rules, only the forest of the beasts of the jungle!

"Where's Teacher Yang!"

"Why is Teacher Yang missing?"

"Where is he!"

The students looked around in only then did they realize that Teacher Yang had disappeared for some unknown time!

The golden werewolf slowly walked out from behind the werewolves and looked at the students.

When the golden werewolf appeared, the students instantly fried the pot.

"Lin Fan, you... didn't you let us go!"

"Lin Fan, don't forget, we used to study together, and you stole our faith!"

"Lin Fan, we are classmates. Considering our previous relationship, let's go!"

The students weren't stupid either. At this point, there was no point in fighting recklessly. They could only beg Lin Fan to let them leave because of their previous relationship...

But the golden werewolf's eyes did not fluctuate in the slightest because of their shouts.

Standing in the dark shadow, the golden werewolf's eyes were cold and indifferent, and he slowly let out a wolf moo.


"Release your animal nature!"

"Don't you want a killing, kill it!"

In an instant, hundreds of werewolves erupted!

At present, the wildness in the blood of these werewolves is completely released, and the animal instinct replaces their reason, forcing them to pounce on the prey!

The fangs reflect the cold light in the moonlight, and the claws shred the air!

This is the werewolf's answer to the gods!

Wolves, hunt!

"Damn, these werewolves are crazy!"

"They really want to kill us!"

"Fight them!"

In an instant, these students screamed, and their survival instinct allowed them to suppress their fears for a short time, and they no longer begged, but instead surged with divine power!

The **** of sixth-order power!

The sixth-order **** of the earth!

The **** of sixth-order assassins!

The **** of fifth-order speed!


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