Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1323: We are going to report Lin Fan

Ren Sihe looked at the map and said solemnly, "Don't be nervous."

"Those werewolves let us go, and they definitely won't kill us again."

"At the current speed, we will leave the Forest of Divine Beasts early tomorrow morning."

The students let out a sigh of relief when they heard Ren Sihe's words.

"Oh my God, it's so terrifying, we actually encountered a pack of wolves!"

"Too unlucky!"

"Fortunately, those wolves didn't know why, and they fought themselves... In other words, why did the golden werewolves let us go?"

"That golden werewolf is Lin Fan!" A student said thoughtfully, "Although the devil's arm did not show, that believer... I have seen the werewolf believers summoned by Lin Fan, and they are exactly the same as those! "

Although werewolves, the Warwicks are also very different from other werewolves.

It was transformed into a steel claws, and it carried an anger medicine pump installed by an alchemist on its back.

It's a sign you can see at a glance!

Lin Fan's werewolf believer, a unique symbol!

As soon as these words came out, the other students also came back to their senses.

"Lin Fan?!"

"Yes, that's Lin Fan's followers! I've fought these werewolves before!"

"But isn't that wicked demon apostle dead?"

"Yeah, he was killed by the Blue Knight himself!"

"Lin Fan...isn't dead yet?"

A student suddenly gritted his teeth: "In other words, not only did Lin Fan not die, but he turned into a member of the wolf pack. Just now he was completely like the leader!"

"Moreover, now the wolves have become more cunning under his leadership!"

"This guy is even more evil! Not only did he not repent, but he also betrayed our gods again, and he committed a heinous crime!"

"We're going to tell the kingdom of God about this. Lin Fan not only didn't die, but he became a werewolf, and he even brought the wolf pack to hunt the gods!"

This incident is enough to cause a great sensation!

Lin Fan, who was killed by the Blue Knight himself, not only did not die, but also became a member of the werewolf family.

Moreover, he also brought a pack of wolves to hunt the gods!

Under his leadership, the wolves have also become more dangerous and cunning!

"That's right, hurry up and tell the kingdom of God!"

"As long as the kingdom of God knows about this, it will definitely send a lot of strong men to encircle and suppress Lin Fan!"

"Yes, don't look at the fact that Lin Fan has the backing of wolves now, but he killed the White Sword God, the Perfect Goddess, and so many Holy Court Paladins. Even Absolute Justice and Situ Jue were bewitched by him!"

"He also killed three Templars of the Temple of Light, and even the Angel of Order was killed by him!"

"At that time, not only Lieyang Divine Kingdom, but also the fourth-level Divine Kingdom Speed ​​Kingdom will send someone to kill him, and the Temple of Light will not let him go!!"

"Even if there are wolves to support him, but under that kind of siege, even the wolves can't protect him, maybe the werewolf family will be annihilated together!"

"Let's go out quickly and tell the Kingdom of God that Lin Fan is still alive!"

"I can't let Lin Fan live anymore, this guy is getting more and more evil!"

The students were talking in low voices.

He didn't care at all, Lin Fan let them go before, and it was to frighten those wolves that he summoned the believers and exposed his identity.

Yang Baldzi, who was leading the team in front, heard the whispers among these students, his expression was complicated, and he slowly stopped, but he was a little unwilling to lead the team forward and leave the forest of divine beasts.

"Teacher..." A student looked at Yang Bald curiously.

Bald Yang said solemnly, "Set up camp in place, light a bonfire, and rest for the night."

"Teacher, don't rest, hurry up!" The student hurriedly urged: "In case those wolves..."

"They all let us go, they shouldn't come after us, and we have escaped so far." Yang Baldzi waved his hand, "Furthermore, in the dark night, it is when the divine beasts go out for food. There are not only werewolves in the forest."

"If we meet another angry bear or something like that, the luck will not come again."

"The haste is not enough, rest first, and hurry tomorrow morning!"

What Yang Baldzi said was reasonable and well-founded. At the moment, the students didn't say much more, and they called the believers and began to set up camp.

Baldy Yang sat under a tree, without saying a word, and lit a cigarette.

His face was hidden in the darkness, making it impossible to see his expression.

And right now.

Ren Sihe walked slowly to him and said softly, "Teacher, I want to talk to you."

"What are you talking about?" Bald Yang looked up at the boy.

Ren Sihe was silent for a moment, then whispered, "Lin Fan."

Bald Yang took a deep breath, stood up slowly, and walked into the distance.

Ren Sihe quickly followed.

The two were speechless and walked several hundred meters before Yang Baldzi stopped and turned to look at Ren Sihe.

Ren Sihe took a deep breath and said solemnly, "Teacher, do you really want to lead the team back?"

"If you don't lead the team back, will you spend your old age here in peace?" Yang Bald replied calmly.

"Teacher, think about it clearly. If you lead the team back, the news that Lin Fan is still alive will spread out." Ren Sihe spoke very quickly: "Although Lin Fan is now sheltered by wolves, but... Even the wolves can't protect him!"

"At that time, Lin Fan will still die!"

"Teacher, you don't want Lin Fan to die, do you, or you wouldn't order a rest." Ren Sihe stared at Baldy Yang.

Bald Yang took a deep breath and didn't answer.

"Let's be realistic, even if we go back alive, you will be investigated." Ren Sihe said coldly, "Before Lin Fan exposed his identity as a demon apostle, everyone could see your favor and preference for Lin Fan. come out."

"That's why you were sacked from your vice-principal position."

"You can say that you have a preference for outstanding students, and you don't know anything about Lin Fan being the devil's apostle. Of course, those official people are also convinced, after all, Lin Fan was too good at disguising before that. So the official It's just slapping you down and punishing you."

"But, this time, how do you explain it?"

"Faced with our food, Lin Fan turned against those wolves, and did not hesitate to fight them to let us leave safely."

"The official will suspect you, as you still have a close relationship with Lin Fan, and even suspect that you have some kind of cooperation with Lin Fan who joined the wolf pack through the position of an expatriate teacher!"

"You can say that you don't know what happened. The wolves fought like that and let us go. But, do you think the government will believe you? God, for werewolves, it's food!"

"If it wasn't for some kind of cooperation with you, how could you let us go!"

Baldy Yang still didn't speak, and was still smoking a cigarette.

"Teacher, I know you don't really care about this..." Ren Sihe said solemnly, "But, do you really want Lin Fan to die?"

Bald Yang exhaled smoke, and said in a complicated tone, "Then what do you want me to do? Let these students die under the wolf's teeth? Lin Fan is my student, and so are they!"

Baldy Yang also had a hard time deciding at this time.

Lin Fan was the best student he had ever taught. One big and one small were in a state of misery, and it was needless to say about his feelings.

But Lin Fan was his students, and those were his students too.

There were only two paths in front of him at this time.

Either take these students and then the news that Lin Fan is still alive is spread out, then Lin Fan can be said to be dead.


"If it wasn't for Lin Fan, they would all be dead here! You and I would have been eaten by the wolves long ago!"

Ren Sihe's eyes were cold, "Teacher, you don't have to feel guilty. Whether it's for your own interests or morally speaking, you're not sorry for them!"

"From a moral point of view, Lin Fan saved them, but they still want to kill Lin Fan."

"From your own interests, if you let them go back, not only will you not be able to be an expatriate teacher, you will even be imprisoned or sent to the shrine to inspire people's hearts!"

At this moment, in the eyes of the God of Wisdom, who has no power to bind a chicken, there is endless cruelty.

Taking a deep breath, Ren Sihe calmed down and said solemnly:

"Or, don't say that, teacher, I'll just ask you, do you really want Lin Fan to die?"

"Teacher, you also said that some things can't just be based on race!"

Bald Yang took three puffs of cigarettes in a row, his eyes became slightly cold, as if he had made up his mind.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at Ren Sihe.

"Why...why did you say these words to me?" Yang Bald looked straight at Ren Sihe and said one sentence at a time.

Bald Yang was very puzzled.

Lin Fan and I have a good relationship, but we are a little tangled, but it makes sense.

Why did you command thousands of high school gods at that time, all of them were pressed and rubbed by Lin Fan, why did you help Lin Fan?

Ren Sihe was silent for a moment. He was always polite, and his eyes burned with fighting intent.

"I said I would beat him."

"I have signed up for the military, and sooner or later, I will command the army of the gods and defeat him from the front."

"Before that, he can't die."

Bald Yang slowly got up and walked to the students who had already set up camp.

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