Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1325: moral eye

The gods usually claim to be noble, but when they really collide, these students really discover the difference between themselves and these beasts!

The wolves in the Forest of Divine Beasts are always hunters.


The werewolves were like dark afterimages, and the terrifying speed even made the **** of speed despair. Wherever the body full of wild power went, the gods fell like harvested crops!


The sharp wolf claws pulled out the still beating heart, the sharp fangs bit the throat, and the blood spurted!


A sixth-order power **** roared, turned into a **** body more than 60 meters high, with towering muscles, and punched the werewolf!

The muscles of the whole body were tense at this moment, and the punch was so powerful that even the air burst into a sonic boom!


Strength with beasts?


What greeted him was only the werewolf's sharp teeth and sharp claws, and the black afterimage used its body to smash that punch with an incomparably strong body.

It wasn't even the fur that was pierced!


The crisp sound of bone shattering sounded, and under the collision of this punch, the arm of the God of Power broke instantly!

This is the power of the beast!

The divine beast, under the joint siege and suppression of the gods, has survived to this day, not because of the mercy of the gods.

It is the strong physique and wild power that even the gods fear.


Before the God of Power had time to escape, the reflection of the fangs had been infinitely enlarged in that pupil!

"don't want!"


The shouting came to an abrupt end, and the sharp claws easily pierced the indestructible skin of the so-called God of Power, directly pulling out his heart.

The beating heart was pulled out by the furry wolf claws and stuffed into its mouth.

The werewolf chewed, the sweet heart shattered between the fangs, like a crisp fruit, the juice burst out.


The divine body more than 60 meters high became dim and stiff in an instant, and collapsed!


Duke Gucci exhaled with satisfaction, swallowed the heart, and looked at the other **** with scarlet eyes.

This wanton slaughter made Duke Gucci's animal instincts cheer, and his previous dissatisfaction with Lin Fan turned into a hearty one!


The wolves bared their fangs.

A **** of speed wanted to escape, but he only escaped a few dozen meters before being pounced on by a wild wolf from behind.


The wolf's mouth instantly bit the god's neck, but in an instant, when the fangs were closed, the god's head rolled directly.

"Elemental gods, release magic to resist!"

Those students were extremely flustered. They had never experienced life and death before facing the slaughter of the wolves. They forgot even the most basic tactics. They were urging those elemental gods to stand in front!

Facing the rushing wild wolf, a river **** opened his hands tremblingly, trying to use his divine power to mobilize the surrounding elements, and chanted in a trembling voice: "The element of water, I am in the name of the river god..."

The elements in the air are slowly condensing.

A wisp of water rose up at his fingertips, but before the water flow grew stronger, the werewolf was already roaring and charging!

That fingertip-sized stream of water washed over the werewolf, not even enough to bathe the werewolf...

Elemental gods need to condense and chant to release magic!

Although it was only a few seconds, the wolf would not give him those seconds at all!

This is also the weakness of the elemental gods, and it is why Li Qiang was so shocked when he discovered that Lin Fan didn't need to sing at all and could activate the magic in an instant.


In an instant, the **** of the river had been directly torn apart, and until death, he could not fully release the magic.

There are also many elemental gods. Under this panic, they can't even complete the chant, and their trembling divine power collapsed several times!

These gods, after all, are just students who have never seen life and death!

Not to mention the real battle, just put it on the battlefield, you will be frightened and you will not have the courage to fight at all.

This so-called "battle", in their eyes, is life and death.

In the eyes of the wolves, it is the hunting that is done every day, in order to survive.


The wolves are killing.

"Summon believers!"

A student shouted loudly, and in just an instant, the realms of the gods unfolded one by one, and pieces of believers rushed out of them.

But those believers, to werewolves, are not even sheep.


"Lord God, save me!"

The loyal believers who fought for the gods rushed out of the realm of the gods, but they were greeted by scarlet-eyed, powerful werewolves!

They punched the werewolves, but the werewolves didn't move at all.

On the contrary, those werewolves could tear apart pieces of believers with a single claw, and wherever they went, flesh and blood flew.

These believers can't stop the werewolf at all!

This is the werewolf that the gods fear!

A feral force capable of slaying gods!

The believers of Lin Fan are fundamentally different from the believers of other gods.

Although Warwick is a believer of Lin Fan, he is also a second-generation werewolf. Moreover, they are also a heroic race in lol, possessing strange skills that ordinary believers do not have.

When Warwick appeared, the werewolves were terrified.

In the face of these ordinary believers, these werewolves only have the light of killing and the desire for their hearts in their eyes!

The werewolves completely ignored the attacks of the believers and the magic released, and relied on their wild and powerful bodies to traverse the ranks of the believers, like black afterimages going straight to their gods, letting those attacks hit them, and they went smoothly. Kill believers along the way.

The attacks and magic of those believers hit them, and they couldn't even knock out a few wolf hairs.

"Lord God!"


Those gods panicked and spread the gods in front of them, trying to stop the werewolves with the gods, and even trying to drag them into the gods.



At the moment when the dark afterimages collided with the Divine Realm, the Divine Realm that the gods had painstakingly cultivated was directly smashed into pieces, smashed apart inch by inch, becoming fragments of the Divine Realm!

The crushing of strength!

These werewolves are all seventh-order and eighth-order strengths.

Moreover, they have all gone through the bloodline to return to their ancestors!

If you want to encircle and suppress them, you must at least send divine soldiers!

At the same time, the golden werewolf also moved.

Like a golden light, it instantly surpassed those black afterimages and jumped directly into those gods!


Under the roar, those gods were stared at by those cold and **** eyes, and for a while they forgot to resist.

Even, there is an inexplicable sense of guilt welling up in my heart.

"Uuuuu, I feel so guilty... I actually wanted to tell Lin Fan, he clearly wanted to spare my life..."

"I suddenly remembered that when I was three years old, I beat the child next door to tears to **** toys... woo woo woo, how bad I am!"

Between life and death, facing the golden werewolf, facing the sharp claws and fangs, they did not have any defenses, but cried with guilt!

Class D taboo, [Eye of Morality].

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