Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1311: The meal is ready, let's chat while eating

Lin Fan always felt that Patriarch Duke's words refreshed his cognition again and again.

This guy talks about raising gods as if gods talk about postpartum care of sows...

"Also, in the circle of gods, you don't have to worry that we will eat it." Patriarch Duke added: "The circle of gods, but to protect those gods, we have installed thirty-two paths that we snatched from the gods. Mihou's golden gate!"


Every night when the full moon is full, those werewolves who lose their minds will have to kill the gods they raise.

Lin Fan nodded: "Okay. Raise him alone, don't let him get rid of other gods."

Immediately, a few werewolves came up and walked up the mountain with their big feet with unlovable faces.

There is a deep stone cave in which there are countless small caves, large and small, which have been transformed into prisons.

Of course, the purpose of the prison is only to hold prisoners, and the purpose of this circle of gods is to keep them in captivity.

But in a way, the effect is similar.

Lin Fan walked up the mountain under the leadership of Patriarch Duke.

Gradually, large and small villages appeared, overlapping each other.

The villages are not built as neatly as the gods' cities, but they are also clean.

Although there are no high-rise buildings, the houses are not square, but they are very strong. Many houses are built on trees, only using soil and stones, or building tree houses directly.

There is no technological product.

Many villagers come and go, chatting and laughing when they meet each other, but they seem very friendly.

If outsiders come here, they will definitely feel that this is a paradise.

And in fact.

Everyone here is a werewolf!

There is blood full of killing instinct flowing in the body, with an infinite desire for the flesh and blood of gods.

This seemingly peach-like village is a werewolf village!

On the night of the full moon, there will be a hunting spree here.

"Xiao Hei, let you stop playing with mud, see how dirty you are!"

A woman grabbed her waist and lifted a child who was playing at the entrance of the village, pulling her ears back.

For a moment, looking at the children playing in the villages, Lin Fan felt a little dazed, as if he had returned to the society of gods.

It wasn't until Lin Fan saw a child happily eating half a heart and sharing it with others with a smile on his face full of blood, that Lin Fan came back to his senses.

This is not a paradise!

But the werewolf tribe that the gods feared!

Among the men and women who came and went, a werewolf carrying a bound **** or a werewolf carrying heavy objects appeared from time to time.

Of course, the villagers turned a blind eye to this, after all, everyone can turn into a werewolf, and when they do heavy work or hunt, they will turn into a werewolf.

There were also some villagers chatting and laughing, gathered around the stall where the corpses of the gods were placed, picked out the flesh and blood of the gods, and went home with **** pockets.

This scene made Lin Fan feel inexplicably inconsistent.

"You are from the city of God, so maybe you don't understand these things." Patriarch Duke said while taking Lin Fan through the villages, "But if you stay here for a few more days, you will integrate into our life."

"Actually, our life is similar to that of the gods."

"Some work as cooks, some run restaurants, some are responsible for breeding, some are responsible for hunting, there are schools, there are hospitals, and we also have our own society... If we have to say different, it is that we treat the gods as food."

Lin Fan looked at the orderly villages and was a little surprised for a while.

Werewolves often give the impression of savage killing.

But in fact, the werewolf also has a whole set of social order, and it is infinitely close to the gods.

After all, everyone is a werewolf, and they all have the same blood in their bodies.

Races that only know about killing will have a warm side when they get along with each other.

"Of course, these orders will temporarily disappear on the night of the full moon." Patriarch Duke licked his lips, "Every night of the full moon is a werewolf carnival."

"However, when the full moon night is over, we will regain our senses again until the next full moon night, or, if we are hungry and mad..."

Crazy hungry.

Werewolves can also go mad when they are hungry.

The self-proclaimed noble **** can make the act of eating each other when he is hungry.

Once the werewolf is really hungry and red-eyed, the insatiable animal blood will also drive them to become tools of killing.

In the final analysis, the need for the flesh and blood of the gods is a physiological need. Only by eating enough flesh and blood of the gods can one barely maintain a sense of reason for a period of time and not go wild.

"Oh, by the way, you may be a little unaccustomed to our more primitive way of life." Patriarch Duke smiled, "You should have experienced the technology of the gods in the city of God."

"And here we need candles at night."

Lin Fan was stunned for a moment: "No, you guys..."

"It's not that we can't get the technological products of the gods. We can buy them with the faith value we have stolen, or we can rob the caravans that have not cooperated with us, but... those technologies invented by food are not in line with our way of life at all! "

Patriarch Duke licked his lips.

Werewolves, advocating the primitive way of life!

In other words, all the orc tribes respected the primitive way of life, just as they respected the pure-blood tribes.

They advocate wildness!

Lin Fan said with a strange expression, "Well, that's right."

In fact, Lin Fan just felt weird.

Isn't it stupid to have a light bulb without using a candle?

But reasoning with the werewolf doesn't seem to have much to say... People just advocate the primitive way of life, what can you do?

"Wait," Lin Fan suddenly felt that something was wrong, "I bought it from the caravan with Faith... You mean, many gods were bought from other gods?"

"Hehe, do you really think that a **** who claims to be noble is really noble?" Patriarch Duke smiled, "Some caravans, clearly priced, can get one for 100,000 Faith Values, of course, it's just half of them without nutrition. A **** or an old, weak and lowly deity with no taste."

"Some of the caravans of the gods are relatively kind, but some are still willing to cooperate with us for faith or other things."

"Our cooperation partners include orphanages, criminal gods engaged in abduction and trafficking, and even... there are some official prisons, those condemned to death for heinous crimes... and prisoners captured by the military..."

"Those gods, in the final analysis, it is better for us werewolves to unite."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Fan only felt his scalp go numb!

Orphanage, traffickers!

And, there are prisons!

Lin Fan suddenly felt a chill not only for werewolves, but also for gods.

Neither of these two races can be said to be better than the other.

This is a pure food chain.

Lin Fan also felt once again, what kind of life did he live when he was a wanderer before he met him when he was a child... Bad luck, he was sent on the first day of wandering.

Of course, Lin Fan can understand the prison's participation in this activity. After all, instead of killing the death row inmates directly, it is better to make some contributions and exchange some faith points... But thinking about how he once lived in a prison, Lin Fan felt scared.

and many more.

In other words, the chief prison officer of the Lieyang Divine Kingdom seems to be the Red Knight... That guy doesn't know about it, right?

Lin Fan was at a loss for words because of the werewolf's way of life.

Situ Lan, who was behind her, didn't respond. As a leader of the Order Society who has been in the wrong place for a long time, she also knew that there were some caravans that cooperated with werewolves.

Speaking of which, Big Feet was a relatively friendly caravan. It did not sell gods to werewolves. It only cooperated with the Dark Moon Divine Kingdom, and at most it was a labor force.

Situ Hong was too shocked to speak. She never knew these things!

During the conversation, all werewolf clan members who met Lin Fan gave Lin Fan a respectful look and smiled and nodded.

The majestic blood pressure on Lin Fan's body is not fake!

"Okay, here we are." Patriarch Duke stopped in front of an earthen house built on a towering tree.

This earthen house is in the center of the largest village. Although it is only an earthen house, it is also tall and imposing.

This is the residence of the patriarch.

The most noble place in a tribe.

"Come in and talk," Patriarch Duke pushed the room away, glanced at the woman who was busy in the kitchen, and said with a smile, "It's just right, the meal will be ready. Let's chat while we eat."

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