Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1310: private rations

Under the rising sun, millions of werewolves galloped through the forest, like the black tide fading away, leaving only the broken carriage and the ground stained with flesh and blood.

The young man sat on top of the huge head wolf that was more than twenty meters tall.

Behind him, Situ Lan and Situ Hong were also sitting on top of the fifteenth-order high-rank werewolf.

Situ Lan was not afraid of this, the cute little girl grabbed the soft wolf fur with excitement.

after all.

If she really wants to fight, even though she is a 15th-order war god, she can't beat this group of werewolves, but the big deal is a wave of fire bombing to cover her body and retreat.

On the other hand, Situ Hong's face was nervous... As a fourteenth-order God of Fire, although he had experienced various battles in the military, he had never experienced such pressure from being in a wolf pack.

But the worst thing was Bigfoot. His body was so badly bitten that he couldn't sit still. He could only be held in his mouth by a werewolf...

"Run slowly, run slowly, I'm not in a hurry!"

"Pay attention to your teeth, don't bite me directly... Lightly, oh my stomach... Lightly... Don't turn it!"

The wolves soon came to a densely forested hill.

Under the hill, there are the skulls and various bones of gods that have been discarded and stacked at random, and the fragrance of plants and trees has a faint smell of blood.

The soil was also dyed dark red with blood, and even seemed a little sticky.

Even the leaves that were supposed to be emerald green seemed to have strands of red silk at this moment, and I don't know how much blood has been moisturizing them.

The werewolves stopped at the foot of the mountain and breathed in the **** air one after another, and their originally tense muscles became slack.

For these ronin, this **** taste is so sweet and warm.

Lin Fan frowned slightly, feeling more and more uncomfortable.

Although he has seen countless gods die tragically, he has also seen all kinds of big scenes. Seeing that hundreds of gods were killed by werewolves, he was only a little uncomfortable.

But still kind of disgusting.

The werewolf blood in the body was cheering, but Lin Fan suppressed it.

Werewolves are proud of their bestiality, and they take pride in letting go of their bestiality.

However, Lin Fan didn't feel that being driven by animal nature to become a pure killing tool, there was nothing to be proud of.

The status of a **** did not bring any real benefits to Lin Fan, but brought countless shackles to Lin Fan.

But also godhood. It brought a thought to Lin Fan.

Everything should be controlled by reason.

The animal nature that surpasses reason will only bring about crazy killings.

Only the animal nature controlled by reason can become a power that truly makes the gods fear.

Whether it's a werewolf or a god, in Lin Fan's view, they should control power, not be controlled by power.

At this moment, Lin Fan suddenly had a feeling.

The self that does not belong to the gods does not belong to the werewolf.

This kind of feeling is very strange. It is like a person who has been abandoned by countless races, which brings a sense of loneliness, but it is also this feeling that makes Lin Fan break free from the constraints of race, get out and look down on all races. Shortcomings.

"Young Master Wolf, you're home, this is the territory of our Duke family." The giant wolf carrying Lin Fan gently lowered Lin Fan to the ground, then turned around and let out a roar, "We're all home, do whatever you want to do. Bar!"


For a time, millions of werewolves roared up to the sky, and their bodies on the ground began to change.

The dark hair retracted, the huge body began to shrink, and the sharp fangs and claws gradually retracted.

In an instant, they turned into groups of wild, brown-skinned, well-built, black-haired men and women, wearing simple clothes made of animal skins.

They are werewolves, and they also have the blood of gods in their bodies, so they can naturally turn into gods.

In fact, because of this, many orcs are hidden in the city of God, living with the gods.

However, the "many half-orcs" did not include the werewolves.

Werewolves, instinct is to kill!

He has an incomparable desire for the flesh and blood of the gods, and he is born with a desire for the heart of the gods.

Once the god's heart is swallowed, from then on, only the god's heart can be eaten.

Therefore, in the city of God, werewolves are often unable to suppress their inner desire to kill, just like wolves living together with sheep, they will hunt and kill uncontrollably.

Especially on a full moon night, all werewolves will lose their minds and become instinct-driven killing tools.

There is no way to disguise at all, and it will be discovered by the gods soon... So, until now, except for Panila Manda, no werewolf has ever lived in the city of God!

Therefore, the werewolves all adopt the ethnic system and live in the forest of divine beasts.

Some werewolves rushed into the forest, most of them were old or young, because they were too weak to hunt.

The other werewolves lined up and left in an orderly manner, entering the forest to find other caravans of gods and **** hunters who were trying to hunt and capture mythical beasts and orcs for high rewards.

The leader of the giant wolf with a body of more than twenty meters before, the Duke family patriarch, the high werewolf, Duke Beavis, has also turned into a strong middle-aged man in his forties, exuding a wild, brown color. The scars on the skin overlap.

Only the gray hair on the temples and the wrinkles at the corners of the eyebrows showed that this werewolf was no longer young.

"Young Wolf Lord, come with me." Duke Beavis looked at Lin Fan with fiery eyes and said softly.

"Yeah." Lin Fan nodded.

Duke Beavis led Lin Fan to the forest along the path formed by the animal tracks.


A werewolf frowned and said, "Patriarch, these three foods brought by the Young Wolf Lord...are you going to throw them into the circle of gods? UU reading"

Circle of gods.

This was the first time Lin Fan had heard this term, but thinking about it, werewolves used gods as food, so since gods had places like pig pens and sheep pens to keep animals in captivity, werewolves also had **** pens for their gods...

However, these three words still seem a little scary.

Situ Lan frowned slightly and seemed a little unhappy.

Situ Hong looked terrified.

Big feet are ashes.

"The three of them are my friends... Forget it, you may not understand, you can treat it as my personal ration for captivity." Lin Fan said with a cold face, "My food, no one else can touch it, and it can't be put into captivity. ."

"I like to eat, free-range chicken."

Lin Fan showed a stern smile, trying to make the werewolf understand what he meant.

After all, after talking about friends, Lin Fan felt that he couldn't fight these werewolves.

The werewolf looked at the gods from his own perspective, and naturally couldn't understand the relationship between Lin Fan and Situ Lan.

Situ Lan frowned slightly, stared at Lin Fan, and said coldly, "Fucking chicken? Your private ration raised in captivity?"

Patriarch Duke looked at Lin Fan's expression and laughed loudly: "Sure enough, I'm not mistaken about our Young Wolf Lord!"

"How can a dignified werewolf be friends with a god? How can an evil wolf be with a pig!"

"Young Wolf Lord, don't worry, these three guys, we werewolves will never move!"

"The two female gods, one big and one small, you can stay by your side, but..." Patriarch Duke looked at Bigfoot, frowning slightly: "This guy is too injured, you can't take him with you. ."

"Let's put him in the circle of gods and feed him well. Don't worry, we werewolves have rich experience in how to raise gods, and we can definitely return him to you in vain!"

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