Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1312: 1 meal for a werewolf

Lin Fan glanced at the kitchen.

There was a spine hanging inside, and a woman was busy cutting the meat with a knife, and pieces of bright red and **** meat were put into bowls.

The **** smell made Situ's face turn white, and he resisted it and didn't spit it out.

He looked at the passionate Duke Patriarch.

Lin Fan only felt his scalp tingling, and immediately said, "Cough, me, I won't bother you..."

After all, although Lin Fan was not a pure god, he was once a god.

This god's flesh and blood, he really can't eat it!

"Young Wolf Lord, are you kidding me? You are the Young Wolf Lord of my Duke family, and this place will be your home from now on!"

Patriarch Duke hurriedly pulled Lin Fan, and said with enthusiasm: "My Duke family finally has a young wolf master again, if you come, I won't even give you a meal, isn't it shabby for me? "

Saying that, Patriarch Duke pulled Lin Fan directly and walked into the courtyard.

Lin Fan couldn't do anything but gritted his teeth and walked into the courtyard.

Lin Fan sighed helplessly in his heart.

"Hey, for the sake of the great cause of breeding, please bear with it... After all, this is a family of millions of werewolves... All sold, but countless faith values!"

Endure it!

Patriarch Duke led Lin Fan into the main house. Seeing Situ Hong and Situ Lan behind Lin Fan also came in, his face was a little displeased, but he didn't say anything.

Werewolf villages generally do not allow gods to enter.

But since it is the personal ration that the Young Wolf Lord carries with him, there is not much to say.

The furnishings in the house are not exquisite, and even the decoration is rough, giving full play to the original style of the werewolf, and the dining table is only made of some thick branches.

"Young Wolf Lord, sit down!" Patriarch Duke pushed out a chair for Lin Fan, then sat across from the dining table, took out a large white bowl, and poured a bowl of water for Lin Fan: "Drink some water first, the dishes will be here soon. ."

Looking at the big bowl, Lin Fan was taken aback.

Lin Fan took a sip, touched the cold porcelain bowl, and frowned, "Wolfman, do you still make porcelain?"

"Aren't you kidding me, what kind of porcelain? It's just a bowl made from the skulls of gods." Patriarch Duke laughed, "Those gods are really full of treasures, their heads can be used as containers, and their hair They can be used as ropes, and the clothes made from their skin are also warm in winter and cool in summer, and, you see, the mats are also made of the bones of gods..."

"Pfft!" Lin Fan spat out a mouthful of water, and then fell silent.

You really make the most of it...

For a while, Lin Fan had a hard time accepting it.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that what the gods do to the beasts is similar, the fur is used as clothes, the flesh is used as food, and the corpses are used as specimens...

Each race feels nothing wrong, all feels good and the opposite race is evil.

There is no absolute right and wrong and justice in the world. The so-called justice is for a certain group. For other groups, justice may be evil.

Gods and werewolves, in fact, no one has to dislike anyone, everyone is doing what they should do.

"The dishes are here." A woman came in with a smile.

Plates of **** raw meat from different parts of the gods were placed on the table, exuding the smell of blood.

"Young Wolf Lord, try it, these are our famous dishes here!"

The woman pointed at a dish with a smile and introduced: "This is a couple's lung slice, taken from a loving couple of gods... The desperation brought by that kind of love makes it taste extra delicious, and Because of the loud cries of the gods and husbands before they died, their lungs were filled with blood, and they were even more bombarded..."

"And this, Lizhuang white meat, is taken from a **** called Lizhuang. Because of the water and soil, the gods there have delicate meat and snow-white color. It is even better when dipped in garlic..."

"This is large intestine sashimi, and this dish, this is our werewolf's favorite food... God's heart!"

The dishes that looked **** at first seemed even more terrifying under this warm introduction.

"These's pretty good to get them." Lin Fan smiled stiffly and said, " don't need to introduce it so carefully, I can see...the heart is still beating!"

The woman smiled and nodded: "To treat the Young Wolf Lord, of course, use the freshest ingredients."

"Young Wolf Lord, try it. It's your first time here, so why don't you try the food that a real werewolf should eat!" The woman looked at Lin Fan expectantly.

Patriarch Duke is also looking forward to it.

After all, this meal is a sumptuous meal for every werewolf.

The young wolf master living in the city of God has never seen such delicious food.

After all, the Young Wolf Lord couldn't even utter a word at this time, the whole person was stunned there, obviously so happy that he was too happy to speak.

And looking at the **** dishes in front of him, it would be nice if Lin Fan didn't vomit.

Are those gods' eyes and ears serious?

Is that shredded god's face the god's version of pork head...

Lin Fan's stomach turned upside down, and he couldn't eat it at all.

"You guys, don't you eat cooked food?" Lin Fan sent out a soul torture.

" want to eat cooked?" Duke Patriarch was stunned and asked back.

Lin Fan was speechless for a while.

"Only raw is fresh. After cooking, the taste of flesh and blood is gone, so what's delicious." The woman smiled, picked up a piece of meat and stuffed it into her mouth.

The smell of fresh blood directly made her breathing heavy, and the animal nature in her body was also awakened. In an instant, she roared up to the sky and turned into a huge werewolf.

Immediately, he grabbed the pieces of flesh and blood with both hands, swallowed them, and his face was relieved.

Werewolves do not need chopsticks to eat.

Patriarch Duke also grabbed a god's heart and put it in his mouth, the moment he turned into a werewolf again, his sharp fangs shattered the heart, like crunching a crisp fruit, and sweet blood burst out in his mouth.

"Roar!" Duke Patriarch gasped sharply, feeling the nutrients contained in the god's heart melt into his blood, and licked his lips aftertaste.

"Young Wolf Lord, you can eat it too!" Patriarch Duke, who had a **** face, pushed the couple's lung slices in front of Lin Fan with his furry wolf claws covered in blood.

"Ouch..." Lin Fan almost vomited, and he could only say: "It's okay, you guys eat... I'm not hungry."

"Young Wolf Lord, don't be polite, coming here is like coming home! It's time to eat!" Patriarch Duke thought Lin Fan was being polite.

Lin Fan could only grit his teeth and said, "I'm really not hungry, I, I usually eat very little!"

"No wonder you are so thin." Patriarch Duke was stunned for a moment, and the huge wolf claws patted Lin Fan's shoulder, "Although your bloodline is strong, you must eat enough to become a strong werewolf like me. A lot of flesh and blood! In the future, you should exercise your appetite!"

Patriarch Duke and his wife, seeing that Lin Fan really didn't seem to eat, started to gobble it.

It's such a pity, Young Wolf Lord, so unlucky.

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