Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1307: young new king

But facing the roar of this golden werewolf, the million werewolves took a step back.

Their bloodline was suppressed at this moment and surrendered!

The roar of this golden werewolf actually stopped the werewolf who went mad on the full moon night!

"In the name of blood." The golden werewolf looked at the million werewolf and said solemnly, "Kneel down for me!"


Millions of werewolves knelt down with a bang!

They are blood-driven, animal-driven killing machines.

And Lin Fan, with his will, endured the backlash of the bloodline and controlled the animal nature.

His thoughts are above the blood.

As an existence beyond the ancestor's bloodline, Lin Fan's will can suppress other werewolves through his perfect werewolf bloodline!

Millions of werewolves bow down to the golden werewolf.

Under the cold moonlight, in a dark tide, the golden werewolf stood quietly.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

The wolves have a new king.

This is a moment that will go down in wolf history.


"Haha, it's a bit interesting." Situ Lan's eyes flashed a bit of confusion, and she frowned slightly as she looked at the golden werewolf in front of her.

This little guy is much stronger than before.

Lin Fan turned his head to look at the dumbfounded fox girl and the other three half-orcs. With a hoarse and rough voice, he let out a low wolf moo: "Now, let's go."

The fox girl did not dare to step, but saw the werewolves kneeling on the ground moving slowly, making way for them.

At this moment, the fox girl only felt that her three views were being subverted.

On the night of the full moon, the mad werewolf actually knelt on the ground and made way for himself?

Moreover, the golden werewolf turned into by the saintess, not only did not go crazy with these werewolves, but was able to suppress the werewolves on these full moon nights?


How many generations of werewolves must this be?

Moreover, why can my saintess stay sane?

But it was too late to think so much, the fox girl didn't want to stay here for a second.

After all, no one knows whether these suppressed werewolves will continue to erupt in the next second.

"Saint, you should stay in the werewolf group first, and when I go back, immediately report your existence to my Tushan family!" The fox girl said very quickly: "When the time comes, we will come to pick you up with our entire family. !"

The other three half-orcs also spoke, and they probably meant the same thing.

After all, for the Orcs, no family is willing to reject a clan whose bloodline has returned to within three generations.

To say it directly, they are all waiting eagerly.

That's the baby who can help them gain status from the pure blood family!

There are 30 million fox orcs, and there are dozens of families, of which only one fox saint has emerged.

As long as there is one, its status in the entire ethnic group can be said to skyrocket, and those pure-blooded families will accept them.

Although this fox girl's family is not small, it doesn't have a saint of her own. It's too late to be happy to pick up such a girl for nothing.

Lin Fan nodded and said, "Let's go."

The fox girl jumped up, then turned into a snow-white two-tailed fox, and quickly jumped away from the road that the werewolves had left.

The male spider man turned into a huge dark spider, spit out spider silk, hung directly on the branch, and swayed away.

The kobolds and leopard-headed people also transformed into their original forms and left one after another.

When they passed by the werewolves who made way for them, their legs were shaking. They were really afraid that these werewolves would violently hunt, so they tried their best to escape from here.

Situ Lan frowned at the werewolves kneeling on the ground with wild and crazy eyes, but they were suppressed by Lin Fan with blood that surpassed them countless times.

Looking a little regretful.

"It's a pity, I was almost able to have a good time." Situ Lan slapped it.

The golden werewolf turned his head to look at Situ Lan and said helplessly, "You cute little girl, don't be so violent...Ahem, I was wrong, I mean, it's all about faith..."

"Can you put the gun down..."

Situ Lan bored back the heavy sniper that was holding Lin Fan's forehead, turned into a small umbrella again, and asked curiously, "How long are you going to let them kneel?"

"Kneel until the night of the full moon is over, otherwise these guys may have some trouble." Lin Fan said here, frowning: "Fortunately, before the night of the full moon started, they just ate the flesh and blood of those gods and believers. heart."

"If there are werewolves in a hungry state, I'm afraid even I can't suppress their animal instincts."

The animal instinct of a werewolf is really too strong!

Enough to subvert the rational animal instinct.

Moreover, these werewolves have eaten the hearts of gods, and their animal instincts have been fully stimulated. If they are in a state of starvation, Lin Fan simply cannot suppress them with blood.

Lin Fan also deeply felt the power of that animal nature.

He had been suppressed by the animal nature several times, and had been deprived of the control of his body.

If it wasn't for Cao Dahua's presence on those occasions, Lin Fan would have become a machine that only knew how to kill.

Lin Fan once devoured the heart of a god, but luckily there was only half of it, UU reading www.uukanshu. And the succubus also used his body to help Lin Fan resist the subsequent backlash from his animal instinct.

This prevented Lin Fan from succumbing to his animal instincts.

"Okay, then you can stand here." Situ Lan walked back to the only carriage that was not destroyed by the werewolf, and yawned on her tender face: "I have to sleep, I'm so sleepy."

Since being turned into a child, the need for sleep time has also increased, just like a real child.

The dignified Situ Lan, the 15th-order military **** who made the gods feel frightened by the wind, fell asleep on time at 8:30 in the evening as long as everything was fine.

Situ Lan walked halfway, frowned, turned to look at Situ Hong, who was still nervous, and said, "What are you doing there?"

Situ Hong was stunned for a moment and replied subconsciously, "I'm afraid of those werewolves..."

Situ Lan snorted coldly: "It's just a bunch of beasts, what are you afraid of. As a younger sister, don't you know what to do now?"

"Then what should I do now?" Situ Hong looked confused.

Situ Lan urged: "Sister, go to the carriage and tell my sister a bedtime story. Put my sister to sleep!"

Situ Hong: "…"

Is this what a little girl should be like?

For a time, seeing the little girl who clearly claimed to be her sister, but still wanted her sister to tell stories to coax her to sleep, Situ Hong's heart was extremely complicated...

Situ Lan urged again: "Come on, it's dark in the carriage, are you willing to let a little girl sleep in the dark carriage?"

While speaking, Situ Lan showed the appearance of that poor little girl again.

The fifteenth-order military **** is actually a little afraid of the dark...

Situ Hong was speechless for a while, so she could only coax Situ Lan to sleep.

On the other side, Lin Fan was not idle either.

While suppressing these werewolves with blood, he slowly walked to the corpses of the gods who died before.

This is all wealth!

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