Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1308: Impossible, you are already dead!

Lin Fan unhurriedly scoured the bloody, torn corpses of the gods.

This picture is too terrifying. The wolves don't care about morality or immorality. They don't show any mercy when biting. The most miserable **** is almost simultaneously bitten by dozens of werewolves at the same time, tearing it apart.

The ground was stained red with blood, and the stumps, minced flesh and soil were mixed together. Some believers had not yet died, but they could only struggle on the ground, witnessing their bodies constantly shattering.

When the Lord God dies, the fate of these believers born of God is already doomed.

This scene, if it were for other high school students, I would be scared to vomit.

But Lin Fan just frowned, endured the discomfort that rose in his heart, and quietly searched the ground with his hands.

Different from peers.

Lin Fan has seen too many deaths and too many battles.

He had seen Lucifer stand with a sword.

I have witnessed fifty thousand divine soldiers being smashed by the giant beasts of the sea.

I have seen Crowley open the gates of **** and the king of **** descends into the realm of the gods.

The battle in front of hundreds of gods being torn apart is just a small scene.

After searching for a long time, Lin Fan had dozens of Divine Gold Cards in his hand.

After a rough scan, there are only 1.5 billion Faith Points in it. Putting them all together, Lin Fan only has 3.5 Billion Faith Points.

The remaining God Gold Card was shattered by the werewolf in the bite, and the faith value in it has been scattered and returned to the God Realm plane.

"You can't do this either." Lin Fan sighed, dissatisfied with these corpses: "All day long in a lawless place, fighting to the death, living a life of licking blood on the tip of a knife, working as a mercenary, and a human trader, It's just this amount of money?"

But think carefully.

If there is money, who wants to live the life of licking blood on the tip of a knife?

The poverty of lawless places is evident.

So, if you want to earn Faith Points, you have to eat big households!

Still have to rely on the Dark Moon Divine Kingdom!

Lin Fan immediately pressed his hands to the blood-stained ground, and the fire of death roared out from his palms, washing the land.

The dark flames spread out on the ground with the desire for life, like an icy wave.

But then.

Lin Fan sighed and stood up a little disappointed.

These werewolves are too cruel.

There is almost no life energy left, and all the most nutritious hearts and internal organs of all gods have been eaten clean, leaving only some unnutritious stumps and minced meat.

Even if there was a tiny bit of life energy left, it wasn't enough for Lin Fan to use to cultivate the faith race.

The divine fire in those gods was also swallowed up.

After all, werewolves feed on gods.

"Hey, as long as you face the gods, these werewolves really eat everything." Lin Fan sighed and gave up the idea of ​​gathering life energy and divine fire.

"But there are still things that I can use." Lin Fan slowly stretched out a hand toward the flesh and blood in front of him, holding his palm empty.

A dead god, even if there is no life energy, even if there is no divine fire.

There is also a spirit!

It stands to reason that the soul of the gods is not useful to other gods... The main thing is that even if other gods want to keep the soul, it is useless.

After the death of the god, the spirit will soon drift away and go to the temple of death.

This is dead.

Even if there is any deep hatred, they generally don't want to destroy the other party's soul, as long as they physically kill the other party, it's over.

But Lin Fan was different.

That taboo A0324 [Spiritual Seal], I don't know where it came from, it is extremely evil, and it is actually going to use the gods' souls as food to bind other gods into their own puppets.

At that moment, a steel seal appeared in Lin Fan's palm.

"It's all yours." Lin Fan said blankly, "Enjoy it well."


The stencil vibrated violently and hummed, as if cheering and celebrating.

The devil's stamp on the stencil showed a stern smile, opened its **** mouth full of fangs, and bit it!

It seemed that nothing had happened, but Lin Fan could feel that the souls that were dissipating were pulled back by a terrifying force.

The spirits of the gods are wailing.

At this moment, the boy under the moonlight seemed more ruthless than the most ferocious demon.

For a while, 25 steel imprints of gods' souls had been accumulated before, and 132 were accumulated again, reaching 157 gods' souls!

Three souls can manipulate a puppet.

That is to say.

As long as Lin Fan's strength is strong enough, he can use this steel brand to forcibly turn 52 gods into his possessions!

Lin Fan put away the steel brand, contented.

But then, Lin Fan frowned slightly, stretched out his right hand, and summoned the Great Qin Tiger Talisman from the God Realm.

The Great Qin Tiger Talisman shook in Lin Fan's palm!

"You... want it too?" Lin Fan was stunned for a moment, "What do you want the soul for?"

The Great Qin Tiger Talisman did not answer, it just became more and more shocked, exuding a desire Great Qin Tiger Talisman, when the First Emperor gave it to Lin Fan, he did not explain its use.

Lin Fan only thought that this was something that spread out his will and condensed the realm of the emperor, and it was also by virtue of this discovery that Lin Fan competed for the control of nano-robots from the **** of technology.

But now it seems... it seems, there are other functions?

And, is it related to the soul?

"It's gone this time," Lin Fan reassured, "I'll give it to you next time, for sure."

As soon as these words came out, the Da Qin Hufu gradually quieted down, and seemed a little unwilling.

And the steel brand on the right hand faintly smiled proudly, as if a favored dog was showing off his status.

Look, Lao Tzu is the most favored dog.

Lin Fan didn't have any hesitation. After finishing these things, he turned around and walked towards Bigfoot.

The big foot was bitten with scars all over his body, and almost all his limbs were left with only bones. Rao was due to the powerful resilience of the gods. Without the treatment of the **** of life, he would not be able to recover within a few months.

At the moment, seeing the golden werewolf approaching, his eyes were infinitely frightened, and he wanted to avoid but couldn't move at all.

He could only scream in horror: "Don't kill me, don't..."

The golden werewolf slowly stopped, frowning slightly: "Who wants to kill you."

"Ah? You werewolf..." Bigfoot was slightly taken aback.

"You're very lucky, it's still useful for me to keep you." Lin Fan patted his face that was bitten twice, and said lightly, "God Gold Card, give it to me."

Bigfoot was stunned for a moment.

This werewolf, if he doesn't eat himself, still needs a golden card?

Are the werewolves so greedy now?

and many more!

A golden werewolf who is so greedy for faith?

Bigfoot seemed to understand something, and looked at Lin Fan in disbelief: " are...impossible, you were killed by the Blue Knight! You are already dead!"

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