Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1306: repression

Under the cold moonlight, the blood in the body was surging, and the instinct from the ancestors was vented at this moment.

The wildness from the bloodline occupies the sanity.

The werewolves stood under the moonlight, their scarlet eyes no longer had any sense of reason, only bloodthirsty.

Full moon night.


When the full moon came, all the werewolves screamed in the sky.

Immediately, breathing heavily.

As if the imprisonment of the bloodline had been opened, the aura of the werewolves had soared at this moment, the sturdy and burly figure became more and more ferocious, the reason disappeared, and only the rage was left!

They stared at Situ Lan, Situ Hong, and the four orc slaves.

There are only two words in his eyes.



A werewolf jumped up suddenly, like a shadow, and rushed towards the fox girl!

Eighth-order werewolf!

Without any hesitation, Lin Fan directly stood in front of the fox girl, silver light flashing under his skin,


The sound of running water sounded.

Countless nano-robots flowed out from under Lin Fan's skin like silver water, and instantly turned into a set of mechas on Lin Fan's body.

Nano Mecha!

There are no fancy decorations, the whole body is like flowing water, and countless nano-robots are connected to each other with hooks.

This nano-mecha is not big or small, but it is also five meters high.


With the mecha in his body, Lin Fan's strength and speed instantly soared, and he kicked the eighth-order werewolf and flew backwards.

The whole person stood in front of everyone, and faced those werewolves who had lost their minds and said: "I said, don't move!"

But the werewolves completely ignored Lin Fan's words.

At this moment, their sanity has been completely taken over by the bloodline, and they have become bloodthirsty machines that only know how to kill.

Werewolves, as half-orcs, are feared by other half-orcs.

It is because... as long as they swallow the heart of the gods, the **** will explode, and every time the night of the full moon comes, they will become machines that kill everything!

Fox clan's instinct is to be cunning.

The instinct of spiders is to sense danger.

The instinct of the kobolds is to like to chew on bones...

Among the countless mythical beasts and half-orcs, only the wolf clan and the blood clan have an infinite desire for heart and blood!

On the night of the full moon, the werewolves who awakened instinctively, even in the face of other divine beasts and half-orcs, would only think about hunting.

The fox girl and the other three orcs, who thought they could leave with peace of mind, turned pale now.

"It's over...the night of the full moon!"

"These werewolves can't listen to you at all, these guys are crazy!"

"Although we are not gods, the night of the full moon... it's over!"

No one can leave the hunt of wolves on a full moon night!

Lin Fan looked at the werewolves with a cold expression on his face.

The fox girl, and the three orcs, can't die!

Without them, I don't know how to get in touch with the fox clan and the spider clan, and I can't become the saintess of the fox clan, queen queen of the spider clan, or the like.

And Lin Fan's actions made the werewolves stunned for a moment, and they couldn't understand why this young man obviously had werewolf blood, how could he help the gods and other half-orcs to speak.

But it doesn't matter.


Lin Fan's kick not only failed to stop the werewolves, but instead seemed to have dropped a stone on the calm water.


Millions of werewolves, like a dark tide, rushed from all directions!

"Hehe, don't waste your time trying to persuade them."

The fearful expression of the little girl in the tutu gradually disappeared, looking at the werewolves rushing from all directions, showing an excited smile, "These guys only know hunting animals."

"To reason with beasts, you can only use... guns!"

Situlan said, the military god's divine power instantly shook.

God's Domain is about to unfold.

The next moment, these werewolves will suffer a fire bombardment from the fifteenth-order war god!

For a time, an aura of destruction appeared on this little girl in a tutu skirt.

Obviously cute but innocent, but at this moment, there is a sense of iron and blood!

War is about to begin!

The military **** on the little umbrella flashed with divine power, and in the face of the werewolf rushing like a tide, it was about to turn into a dark slaughtering weapon - Gatling.

But in the next moment.

"do not move."

Lin Fan patted Situ Lan on the shoulder, and then slowly raised his head.

"I said, don't move!"

Looking at the werewolf rushing in like a tide, the nano-mecha on Lin Fan's body slowly fell off, and the werewolf bloodline in his body woke up at this moment!

Lin Fan's eyes instantly turned scarlet.

It was scarlet as blood, purer and scarier than the eyes of all werewolves!

Inside is the incomparable desire to kill and bloodthirsty.

The young man's figure also changed at this moment, his slightly thin body was lifted up by a series of crunching bones, his wild muscles instantly soared, and his straight waist gradually bent!

An aura that was more ferocious and savage than these million werewolves rushed out!

Behind the boy a giant wolf phantom slowly opened his eyes, overlooking the werewolves!

Beyond the perfect bloodline of the werewolf ancestors!

This bloodline once made Lin Fan's life worse than death.

He had tried to counteract Lin Fan countless times.

But Lin Fan resisted the backlash and withstood the rush of blood.

Now, the power contained in this bloodline is completely possessed by Lin Fan, and he is surrendered to the will of this young man.

Under the moonlight, golden hairs grew from the boy's body, and they fit on the boy's body like running water.

In the mist-like moonlight, it reflects a golden luster, wild and noble, like a king walking out of a pack of wolves.

The claws and fangs reflect a cold sheen.

The rushing wolves stopped instantly!

Those irrational, completely instinct-driven eyes stared blankly at the young man in front of them. They felt the unparalleled blood pressure from this young man. The pressure actually began to suppress their instincts and made them stop hunting. !

Even, their bloodline surrendered at this moment, and their instinct forced them to obey the will of the golden werewolf in front of them!

Golden werewolf!

The first's just silver hair!

What does this gold represent?

The golden werewolf with a body of only ten meters, facing the million werewolves, took a step forward slowly, raised his head and roared.

The giant wolf phantom behind him also took a step slowly, as if stepping on a broken mountain and river, raised his head and roared at the moon.


This golden werewolf seemed extraordinarily insignificant in the face of millions of werewolves.

Especially among the millions of werewolves, there are still a few high-level fifteenth-order werewolves, and their bodies are much stronger than the golden werewolf in front of them.

To put it in a bad way, this golden werewolf is like a little chick to those advanced werewolves.

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