Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1021: So I'm so good?

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Lin Fan nodded: "Then I'll trouble you."


Senior Brother is indeed sluggish to the extreme right now.

The breath exuding from the whole body is only sixth-order. Although the strength of sixth-order is normal for people of the same age, don't forget that my senior brother is the number one sword god! To be able to scare off Prometheus, the strength is probably sixteen, seventeen, eighteen!

This situation of falling to the sixth order can be said to be seriously injured and dying!

And in fact.

This is not a malaise at all, but Bai Zhaoyun's true strength...

As for the coma that seemed to be breathing heavily because of the pain, to put it bluntly, it was just drunk and snoring...

Watching Lin Fan stagger away while nibbling on the mutant fruit.

Lin Weimao raised Bai Zhaoyun, who was sleeping soundly, with a solemn expression.

"First Sword God, you can be regarded as saving my son once."

"Anyway, I'm going to wake you up!" Lin Weimao took a deep breath. Fortunately, at this time, his injury had recovered a little, and he reluctantly poured all the light and divine power into his right hand.


That dazzling right hand, containing dazzling light, slammed into Bai Zhaoyun's heart!

The terrifying divine power of light was madly poured into Bai Zhaoyun's body!

"Bring me back to life!" Lin Weimao gritted his teeth and growled.

He must save the first sword **** who is sluggish!

In terms of healing, although the divine power of light is not as good as the divine power of life and the divine power, but because of the attributes, the divine power of light also has the ability to heal, and it can also clean up the filth in the body.


Under the infusion of the terrifying light and divine power, not only did Bai Zhaoyun not wake up, but his body trembled more and more, as if he was suffering great pain.

Even his body is collapsing at this moment! A crack appeared on Bai Zhaoyun's body, blood was like a column, dyed red and dressed in white.

after all.

Bai Zhaoyun is just a sixth-order performance god.

The light divine power of the 15th-order God of Light, even if Lin Weimao only recovered a little because of his serious injury, he couldn't bear it at all!

At the moment, Bai Zhaoyun, who was sleeping soundly, only felt that his whole body was about to be torn apart, and his mind was full of light!

"Damn it!" Lin Weimao saw that Bai Zhaoyun's injuries became more and more serious under his own treatment, and even his body was about to collapse, and his face became more and more ugly.

"The injury that Lucifer caused him was so huge."

"My condensed light and divine power poured into his body, not only failed to suppress Lucifer's demonic energy remaining in his body, but caused the injury to explode!"

"Even the body of the First Sword God can't bear it and is about to collapse."

"But it's worthy of being the number one Sword God, to be able to survive until now, it's really unbelievable." Lin Weimao took a deep breath, "No matter what, I will save you today!"


Lin Weimao endured his distress, and took out several large and small medicinal pills from God's Domain.

Each of them exudes terrifying divine power fluctuations, which are high-level divine pills that only fifteenth-order gods can withstand.

The majestic divine power contained in it is enough to allow the fifteenth-order higher gods to quickly recover from their injuries.

Of course, if it is a middle-level **** or a low-level god, it will be broken by the majestic pure divine power.

There is already a gap between the higher gods and the lower gods.

Today's Lin Fan only needs to eat the mutant fruits that grow naturally in the gods' treasure to recover quickly, but for a high-level **** like Lin Weimao, if he wants to eat mutant fruits to recover quickly, he is afraid that he will have to eat thousands or tens of thousands of them. Only one thing, if you have that effort, you might as well cross your knees to heal your injuries.

Even if it is a middle-level god, if you want to recover quickly, you must devour the middle-level magic pill. Only the lower gods can use these fruits for recovery.

Therefore, it is self-evident how precious the high-level divine pills used by these high-level gods are. You have to find a high-level potion **** or an alchemy **** to get it.

But in order to save the first sword god.

Lin Weimao couldn't care less!

"Hold me up!" Lin Weimao shoved the medicinal pill into Bai Zhaoyun's mouth.

Bai Zhaoyun, danger!


"Cough cough!" Just as he was about to put it in his mouth, Bai Zhaoyun suddenly opened his eyes and coughed in pain.

Lin Weimao was overjoyed, grabbed Bai Zhaoyun's shoulder, and quickly asked, "How is it, you, how do you feel, I still have a high-level divine pill here!"

At this time, Bai Zhaoyun's brains were buzzing.

He didn't remember what happened before. The divine power of light that suddenly appeared in his body and almost tore him apart made him sober up completely. He only remembered that he seemed to be pretending to be with a guy, and the next thing was broken...

Feeling the tearing pain in his body, he looked at Lin Weimao, who was holding a large amount of magic pills and was about to pour it into his mouth.

Bai Zhaoyun seemed to understand something.

This guy... is saving himself?

Or, are you killing yourself?

To be honest, Lin Weimao didn't recover much at this time, and only accumulated a trace of light and divine power, otherwise Bai Zhaoyun would not be able to wake up...

Bai Zhaoyun's heart was extremely complicated, but he still endured the pain that was almost torn apart, pushed away the pill, and said with a faint smile, "Thank you, the God of Light, for helping I have fully recovered."

"Complete recovery?" Lin Weimao was slightly taken aback.

My own light and divine power, so effective?


"Don't be stubborn!" Lin Weimao grabbed Bai Zhaoyun's shoulder, endured distress and handed the medicine pill: "I know that the first sword **** is super powerful, but you just fought Lucifer head-on, if the injury in your body is not healed quickly , leaving hidden dangers, it will be dangerous in the future!"

Bai Zhaoyun looked at this enthusiastic God of Light.

I'm a little moved...what a shit!


You are the greatest danger now!

You heal again, I'm really going to die here!

I slept soundly just now, why are you giving me a second? How powerful are you, don't you have any idea in your heart? Is the fifteenth-order light divine power pouring into me?

I'm just a sixth-order performance god, who am I provoking!

"No, I have recovered." Bai Zhaoyun stood up slowly.

Acting, online again.

At this moment, the breath of his whole body skyrocketed in an instant, rising from the sixth-order breath all the way, and the majestic divine power was wrapped in sword energy, and it came out through the body!

Dressed in white, once again as clean as new!

The eyes are as deep as stars, twinkling sword lights and cold stars.

Lin Weimao stood there in a daze, looking at the first sword **** with a majestic breath and sword intent, his eyes were horrified!

He was only slightly infected with the killing power of the first blade, but he still cannot fully recover.

And the first sword **** who faced Lucifer in front of him suddenly entered his peak state again.

This is.

What terrifying power? !


Lin Weimao looked down at his hands with a look of disbelief and even a little surprise: "So my ability to treat people is so powerful?"

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