Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1020: I treat him myself!

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Lin Fan, who was in a coma, only felt severe pain all over his body.

There was a force in that werewolf-like body that was rampaging, and with a desire for his heart, it kept tearing at Lin Fan, like a wild wolf roaring with hunger.

That pain, like a pool of water, was about to drown Lin Fan.


Just when the cold water engulfed Lin Fan.

A warm feeling enveloped Lin Fan's body, the tearing pain in his body gradually turned into warmth and softness, Lin Fan instinctively grabbed the life-saving straw.

And that power seemed to have found a breakthrough, pouring out from Lin Fan's body.

The warmth spread all over the body.

Lin Fan vaguely heard someone whispering in his ear.

"Xiao Lin Fan, it's really cheap for you."

"However, you are still too weak now. Not to mention Lucifer, even me, you can't stop it."

"Too weak."

"Grow up quickly, become stronger quickly."

"After this time, you and I don't know how long it will take to see each other. The devil will definitely not let me go."

"But you don't need to worry, based on what I know about that arrogant devil, he won't kill me, at most he will only make me suffer."

"I'm waiting for you."

"Wait until you're strong enough, until you're strong enough to face Lucifer, remember to come to me, if you haven't forgotten about my vile and dirty succubus."

There was a weak panting in that voice, and Lin Fan could vaguely feel that there seemed to be a pair of weak and boneless hands caressing his face.


A trace of sadness appeared in Lin Fan's heart, as if something important was about to leave him.

"Don't go!"


In the low roar like a beast, the golden werewolf suddenly opened his eyes, but the next moment, Lin Fan was stunned.

There was no figure in front of him.

Lucifer, Crowley, as if everything was just a dream.

Under the top of the mountain, the green forest was still turbulent, as if nothing had happened.

If possible, Lin Fan really hoped, it was just a dream.

But the top of the mountain that turned into a basin, and the burnt black and charred soil proved that what was in his mind was not a dream, but something that really happened.

"Cough cough." Lin Fan coughed blood and looked around: "Charming Emperor? Zhao Yaxin? Wife?"

No one responded.

Lin Fan was silent for a moment, as if he understood something.

"Lucifer..." Lin Fan repeated the name hoarsely. Obviously, his future wife had been forcibly summoned by Lucifer...

However, Lin Fan was not worried.

Because, he still remembers the words he vaguely heard.

The arrogant Demon King, although he hated the Charm Emperor, would not kill her.

Moreover, as long as Lucifer's mind is normal, he will not kill the Emperor Mei, and he will even shut her up to eat and drink.

Because, Lucifer should know that as long as he holds the Charm Emperor, he, Crowley's apostle, has to make some transactions with him to betray Crowley.

This should be what Lucifer wants to see most.

Therefore, Lin Fan was not at all worried about what would happen to his future wife under Lucifer's hands.


Recalling the sense of oppression brought by the huge angel and demon, the unstoppable demon king, Lin Fan sighed, "You are right."

At this moment, Lin Fan suddenly felt that he was weak.

I am still too weak!

At this time, Lin Fan was craving power like never before.

But then, Lin Fan couldn't help showing emotion when he looked at the huge pit he was in.

Originally, it was just a competition for the freshman championship arranged by Lieyang Divine Kingdom. Although I expected it to be fierce, I never expected that such arrogance and original sin could come out!

It can be said that the cards I have prepared for the freshman match are already enough.

Unexpectedly, after facing Lucifer, the layers of cards would have no effect at all.

And, at this time, he has become a complete werewolf.

He also signed a contract with Crowley and became the demon's apostle.

Lin Fan looked at the demon pattern on his wrist with a complicated expression. The demon smiled wickedly, as if mocking Lin Fan.

"What's the matter, it's still a freshman competition?" Lin Fan sighed silently and staggered to his feet.

The whole body is inexplicably weak and weak, as if it has experienced another battle, even the highly resilient werewolf physique cannot recover for a while.

"Where did that power... go?" Lin Fan frowned.

But then, Lin Fan bent down and picked up a purple crystal from the ground.

Crystal clear, with a hint of pink.

There is a faint evil smell, but there is also a fragrance.

"This is..." Lin Fan frowned.

A voice suddenly appeared behind Lin Fan.

"This is the tears of the succubus."

Lin Fan was startled and turned to look.

Silver mask!

Protect the cape!

And the scarred armor of protection!

"God of Light? Why are you here?" Lin Fan suddenly felt a sense of security, but then he suddenly thought of something. He stepped back half a step, his claws on his chest, and his face was nervous: "You..."

Lin Fan was already a werewolf at this time!


Most importantly, Lin Fan is still the devil's apostle!

And in front of him, the patron deity who is regarded as an idol by Lin Fan is the deity of light who yearns for light!

"You don't have to do this." Seeing that his elder brother was looking at him nervously, Lin Weimao's face under the mask was complicated, "This are excusable."

"Really speaking, it is because the official protection of the kingdom of God is not effective, and you have no responsibility for it."

"Then Situ Jue, what are you thinking about! If I hadn't been... ahem, I just came here, and I happened to be ordered to perform a mission in the Sea of ​​Death..." Lin Weimao almost missed his mouth.

Lin Fan was slightly taken aback: "But before I left Lengcui City, I heard that you were still in the hospital..."

"Uh." Lin Weimao didn't expect Lin Fan to be so cautious at this time, and quickly made an excuse: "Top secret mission...cough. I can't tell you more about it."

Having said that, Lin Weimao changed the subject and said, "By the way. Where's Zhao Yaxin?"

Lin Fan was stunned for a moment, then showed a look of grief and indignation: "She... She was punished by the original sin of arrogance..."

after all.

But I can't tell this **** of light that Zhao Yaxin, the perfect goddess created by the kingdom of God, is actually a succubus.

Let's not say that it will affect or not, Lin Fan doesn't want his future wife to be scolded again.

"Pride and original sin Lucifer!? What happened here? When I came, I only saw a few of you comatose here." The God of Light gasped in astonishment, his voice full of anger: "It's a pity, after all, it's still perfect. The goddess was actually beheaded by a demon."

"This is simply a humiliation of the kingdom of God!"

On acting.

Lin Weimao, the **** of light, went one step further than Lin Fan.

Lin Fan didn't think much about it, but said regretfully, "If you could have come a little earlier, maybe it wouldn't be like this now. If you were here, I wouldn't have to fight with Lucifer, you could kill Lucifer with a single sword. "

After all, this is a powerful being who has cut through Lucifer's arm!

Listen to Lin Fan's words.

Under the mask, Lin Weimao's face was extremely complicated. really flattered me.

Lin Weimao in normal state is just a **** of light of the fifteenth order. Although he has now embarked on the road of divine experience, he cannot compete with Lucifer who holds the first term at all.

However, Lin Weimao still pretended to be regretful: "Unfortunately, I am late, otherwise if I were there, I would have to cut off the arrogant original sin and let him know how powerful I am..."

"I'll tell you later." Lin Fan was too lazy to say anything at this time, and looked down at the succubus' tears.

Purple crystals reflect brilliance.

Tears of succubus, the legendary tears left by succubus after tasting love, contain huge magic power.

It is a precious material for refining epic, legendary and even mythical artifacts.

"So...that's it." Lin Fan touched the icy succubus tears, recalling the warmth and softness that appeared when he was about to be torn apart by the runaway blood, and the release of his instincts, as if he understood something.

He still remembered the wonderful feeling in that dream.

Lin Fan silently pressed the crystal to his chest.

He could imagine that the succubus that brought him warmth was being inflicted by the desolate Demon King at this time.

"I will get stronger."

"One day, I will let that Lucifer release your soul contract."

"wait for me."

Lin Fan took a deep breath, stood up, and walked not far away.

Ji Long was affected by the explosion, lost a leg and fell into a coma, but for the gods, losing a leg is nothing, just bring it back to the **** of life.

Originally, after Lin Fan knew that Ji Long was undercover, he still hated Ji Long.

Before changing, Lin Fan would not hesitate to take advantage of Ji Long's coma, dig out his heart, extract his vitality to cultivate believers, then shatter his divine domain, take away the divine domain fragments, and finally Sacrifice his soul to the Iron Brand, and give him a clear arrangement from body to soul.

After all, it can't be wasted.

All the resources that fall into my hands, Lin Fan, must be used to the best of their ability, even corpses.

But thinking about it now, since Zhao Yaxin is his future wife, then this is equivalent to licking the dog loyal to his wife...

a time.

Lin Fan felt some sympathy for Ji Long.

I don't know how Ji Long would feel if he knew that the perfect goddess he was thinking of was actually his future wife and shed tears of succubus to himself.

Lin Fan also dispelled the sinister thought of taking advantage of his coma.

Ji Long, who was in a coma, had no idea that he had escaped from the hands of a demon king...

Although Cao Dahua was also severely injured by Lucifer, even more severely than Ji Long, it has to be said that this fat man's bloodline is indeed very strong.

At this time, although Cao Dahua was in a coma, his injuries had healed all over his body. Lin Fan could even feel that the fat man's bloodline seemed to have aroused a little more. There was a faint but equally powerful pressure on his body that did not belong to a giant dragon.

The fat man lay there like a sleeping dragon.

As for Zhang Xiaoying, who was not there, although Lin Fan couldn't find her, she didn't have to worry at all. She was sent by Lin Fan to kick the toilet sign at the edge of the forest. Although she will also be affected by the Demon King, but at most, she will be washed away by the demonic energy, and she will definitely not die just by relying on her strong and burly physique.

The worst is Bai Zhaoyun.

Lin Fan stood in front of Bai Zhaoyun, looking at the first Sword God who was in a coma and seemed to be breathing heavily from pain, with complicated eyes.

"Senior brother, it really hurts very badly!"

Lin Weimao slowly walked to Lin Fan's side while eating more than a dozen medicinal pills. He couldn't help but look complicated: "It really deserves to be the number one Sword God!"

That sword made Lin Weimao feel infinitely frightened when he recalled it at this time.

Thinking that I didn't take this young man in my eyes before, thinking that I could fight this first sword god, that's really shortsighted!

"This person is the well-deserved number one Sword God."

Lin Weimao bowed slightly, and then said: "Look at the sluggish appearance of the First Sword God, I am afraid that the injury is very serious, you go and take care of the other people first, I will treat him here personally!"

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