Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1022: The moment of ruin, finally came

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And this time.

In the sea of ​​​​death.

The sea under the moonlight is very calm, like a sleeping giant.

The azure ocean reflected icy light in the moonlight, and it looked pitch black, as if there was a bottomless abyss beneath it.

Situ Jue stood on the battleship and glanced at the sea with an ugly face.

"What about the island?"

"Why can't I find it?"

"Those demons have already appeared. The demon breath was so obvious just now, why can't it be located yet!"

The young adjutant on the side had a trembling voice: "General, I really can't locate it, the island should be at this coordinate."

"Now we can't find it at all. We even searched for thousands of miles, including a depth of 5,000 meters under the sea, but still couldn't detect the island. The only possibility is that the island not only moves on the sea, but also can hide under the sea."

"Also, although there was a demon's breath just now, and it was a particularly powerful demon's breath, none of the instruments could accurately locate the exact location of the breath, as if... there was an interference formation covering the small island. Moreover, it is an extremely powerful formation, and even several gods of perception and white knights cannot trace the exact location."

"And... General, it's not good to say something."

"The demon's breath has dissipated. And there were violent fluctuations just now. If you guessed correctly, those demons should have killed the participating students, got what they wanted, and left."

A trace of anxiety flashed in Situ Jue's eyes.

It was absolutely unexpected that the information was wrong.

The island disappeared completely at night, and even if the search range was expanded, it was completely impossible to explore.

This is not just a free-moving island, but an island that can move up and down in the Sea of ​​Death!

Moreover, after hiding under the sea, it became impossible to find it, as if someone had arranged a divine formation, it was integrated with the entire sea of ​​​​dead gods.

Can't find it at all!


Situ Jue's face was extremely ugly, not only because of the lack of protection, after all, in the plan of the kingdom of God, those students were originally part of the bait.

It's because he didn't catch those demons at all.

Besides, Situ Lan hasn't shown up yet!

Taking a deep breath, the general said that those useless emotions were suppressed, and calmly said again: "As of now, we can only wait for the island to surface again."

"It's seven o'clock in the evening."

"If our investigation was correct before, the island appeared again at this coordinate at eight o'clock, so that the gods of perception could carefully perceive it. At the moment when the island appeared, everyone entered a state of battle, and the small island was in a state of battle. The island is surrounded! Rush up together as soon as possible!"

Now, Situ Jue only hopes that he can still catch those demons or Situ Lan who has not yet shown up.

And this time.

The island shrouded in light.

Lin Fan also found Zhang Xiaoying, Zhang Xiaoying was not in any serious trouble, she was just washed away by demonic energy and couldn't get close to it.

Lin Fan briefly told Zhang Xiaoying what happened. Of course, he concealed Zhao Yaxin's true identity, but only said that Zhao Yaxin, the perfect goddess, was beheaded by a demon.

For a time, even Zhang Xiaoying, a carefree person, was a little disappointed.

"It's a pity, it's a pity!"

"Anyway, she's a perfect goddess, she looks so good-looking... Then doesn't Lucifer take pity on Xiangxiyu? Originally, I wanted to confess to Zhao Yaxin!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Xiaoying exhaled: "I really didn't expect that such a divine treasure could lead to the original sin of arrogance and the king of hell... Wait, you are now..."

Lin Fan nodded, "Crowley's apostle."

Zhang Xiaoying's eyes suddenly became complicated.

Demon apostle, this is an identity that no **** can tolerate.

Zhang Xiaoying didn't take action against Lin Fan. Instead, she glanced at Lin Fan with sympathy on her face, and then said carelessly, "Hey, don't be afraid, there might be a way for the kingdom of God... Besides, it's not your fault. If you want to blame it, the Situ with 100,000 divine soldiers has never been well protected, and it is a big fortune telling if we can go back alive."

"Don't be uncomfortable. Sajia will talk to you when the time comes."

Lin Fan: "..."

Have you completely forgotten your gender?

"Wait now." Lin Fan looked at the time displayed on Zhang Xiaoying's bracelet, "If it's the same as yesterday, the island will surface after eight o'clock."

"At that time, General Situ will be guarded by the soldiers of the gods, and we will be completely safe."

"This game is completely over."

After Lin Fan finished speaking, he saw that Bai Zhaoyun, who had been unconscious before, actually came over, looking unhurt.

Lin Fan suddenly looked in awe, and dragged his weak body to stand up and said, "As expected of my senior brother, after suffering such a serious injury, he recovered completely so quickly."

Looking at the familiar golden werewolf in front of him, who seemed to exude an evil aura, Bai Zhaoyun was slightly taken aback: "You are... Junior Brother?"

"Senior brother." Lin Fan was silent for a moment: "It's me, now I'm no longer a god, but a werewolf, and also an apostle of the devil."

Bai Zhaoyun was extremely confused at this time.

He didn't even know what happened when he drank it!

It gave him the feeling that he had faced death in the last second, but he fell asleep inexplicably. After waking up, Lucifer disappeared, and his junior brother became a werewolf and a demon apostle?

He really wanted to know what happened!

He also wanted to know... himself, whether Lu was exposed or not.

"Junior brother," Bai Zhaoyun asked casually, "Just now..."

Bai Zhaoyun's tone paused.

Mainly because I don't know how to ask, I can't say I was drunk just now, can you tell me what happened?

After pondering for a moment, Bai Zhaoyun said lightly: "After I was severely injured, my memory is a little blurred. What did I do at that time?"

His memory is still stuck in his own stand up and face Lucifer, and then it's broken.

Lin Fan didn't think much, and said quickly, "Senior brother, you were impressive at that time!"

"At that time, in the face of Lucifer, you filled a whole pot of Bacchus Fountain."

Bai Zhaoyun heard this, and his heart suddenly stunned.

By yourself, poured a whole pot?

So, are you drunk and broken?


Was he completely drunk at the time? !

At this moment, Bai Zhaoyun was dumbfounded and fell into complete fear in his heart.

What an important, what a sacred cause to perform for me.

Other gods of performance can get drunk, but he can't get drunk at all!

The other gods of performance got drunk and screwed up the show, and it was nothing more than a refund. But once you show the slightest flaw in your own performance, you will die without a burial!

And he himself was drunk! ?

For a time, Bai Zhaoyun was in a cold sweat, and for a moment, he even felt that he was dead...

"Wait, I'm still alive." Bai Zhaoyun was in a state of confusion, "But even if he's still alive, in that kind of drunk performance, I'm afraid it's full of loopholes..."

Am I... already exposed?

Bai Zhaoyun trembled in his heart, but still pretended to be indifferent: "Then what?"

"Then, brother, you showed the arrogance of the first sword god, you said, either go back to hell, or die! That mighty body almost scared that Lucifer so much that he didn't dare to shoot!"

Bai Zhaoyun exhaled.

It seems to have followed the script, almost scared Lucifer... Wait, almost?

Don't you scare Lucifer! ?

"Junior brother, then, then?" Bai Zhaoyun's voice began to tremble again.

"Lucifer said you couldn't scare him. He wanted you to do your best."

Bai Zhaoyun's hands under his sleeves trembled more and more, swallowed his saliva, and tried his best to show a plain appearance: "Then what?"

"Then you said," Lin Fan seemed to return to that moment, his eyes were shocked:


"Then you will die!"

As he spoke, Lin Fan couldn't help imitating Bai Zhaoyun's tone, and laughed wildly: "Lin Fan, didn't you always want to see Senior Brother perform Ta Ge?"

"Today, I'll show you the ultimate in Tagexing!"

"Open your eyes, look good!"

"The sword qi is 30,000 miles across, and the sword light is cold in the nineteen states!"

"Then, Senior Brother, you cut out a sword."

"Senior brother, I will never forget the sword you cut out later!"

Lin Fan looked at Bai Zhaoyun seriously.

At this moment, being so stared at by this golden werewolf, Bai Zhaoyun was completely frightened.

Oneself, actually, really cut out a sword? !

It's over!

Cut the fart, cut the ass, this time completely exposed the identity!

Bai Zhaoyun knows how much he is worth, and he cuts out with one sword, fearing that he will cut down even the trees!

Looking at Lin Fan like this, he must have discovered that sword.

Ha ha.

Of course, I will never forget that, the first sword **** of my own, actually cut out that weak and powerless sword.

At this moment, being watched by Lin Bai Zhaoyun seemed to be dead at the scene.

The first sword **** himself, finally lost his reputation.

Finally, his strength could not be hidden.

The dignified number one sword **** turned out to be a sixth-order performance god.

He was finally going to become a laughing stock in the eyes of everyone.

At this moment, even if Bai Zhaoyun tried his best to suppress it, his voice was still a little trembling: "Junior brother, did you see that sword clearly?"

"See clearly, see clearly!" Lin Fan nodded.

Bai Zhaoyun's heart became more and more bleak, and he said with a miserable smile: "Is it very unexpected?"

"It's really unexpected." Lin Fan recalled the earth-shattering sword, the terrifying sword that swept away, but suddenly turned back from behind Lucifer, and couldn't help but sigh: "Junior Brother never I have seen such a bizarre scene."

At this moment, Bai Zhaoyun's whole body began to tremble uncontrollably.



Of course weird.

Of course unexpected.

Dangtang's first sword god, cut out such a powerless sword, can it be strange, can it not be unexpected?

It seems that it has finally been discovered.

Bai Zhaoyun sighed and said expressionlessly: "Junior Brother, you must already know the true strength of Senior Brother."

"Well," Lin Fan nodded, "Senior brother, I didn't expect you to hide so deeply before."

"Haha." Bai Zhaoyun lowered his head and smiled, "Alas, this time, you have finally discovered it."

Lin Fan nodded: "Well, senior brother, I completely know your true strength."

Bai Zhaoyun sighed.

"ok I admit it."

"I'm actually..." Bai Zhaoyun looked difficult, and seemed a little reluctant to say it.

There was a moment of silence in the air.

Bai Zhaoyun closed his eyes.

Has this moment finally come?

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