Chapter 148

Goal, Canaan Academy!

Inside the protective cover, on the wings of the energy emerging from Pat’s body, a hole is clearly visible.

At the same time, his eyes were fixed on Xu Heng in the distance.

A shocking voice came from his mouth, resounding throughout the audience. “Xu Heng! You are actually a king!”

Looking at the small hole in the energy wing that was penetrated by Xu Heng, and the severe pain in his abdomen, Pat’s face was extremely gloomy.

A look of shock appeared on Pat’s face.

The king level, although compared with the top super masters, is not a very powerful powerhouse.

However, among the group of people who entered the ruins, this is definitely the top combat power.

Because before entering the ruins, Ling Cangfeng had already said that people above the king level would be repelled by the formation of the ruins.

Only people at the king level, or below the king level, can successfully pass the repulsion force in the ruins.

In other words, among the group of people who entered the ruins this time, the king level was the most powerful.

When Pat came over again, he thought that with his king-level strength, he basically stood on everyone’s head.

But now, in just one round, he was crushed by Xu Heng in an instant.

He has not yet officially entered the ruins, and he is already injured, but the impact on morale is very great.

This is very unfavorable for the battle for control of the ruins.

“King class?”

“Xu Heng’s strength has actually reached this point.”

“My God! If we remember correctly, Xu Heng has only just entered college so far!” “It seems that he still has half a year before the end of his freshman year!”

“It’s unimaginable that so many things have happened in just a few months after entering the university. After half a year, Xu Heng’s strength will reach a terrifying level after his freshman year.” “Xu Heng, he should be the only freshman with king-level strength among all the people present!” Except for Pat, everyone else looked at Xu Heng in shock.

Especially the people from the Dragon Kingdom, they have more or less usually heard about Xu Heng’s reputation.

There are basically rough guesses about his strength.

Originally, they thought that even if Xu Heng’s strength was far beyond the scope of a freshman, there should still be a considerable distance from the king level.

But now, Xu Heng has directly defeated the formidable enemy in the West.

And all this is not the rumors of others, but what they saw with their own eyes.

14 doesn’t get more impact than this.

Among all the people on the scene, there are not a lot of king-level strengths.

Whether it is the Western camp or the Dragon Kingdom, there are several king-level powerhouses.

In addition, the military of the Dragon Kingdom also sent several king-level powerhouses to participate in this expedition to the ruins.

But none of them are as young as Xu Heng.

Teenage kings are extremely rare in all parts of the world.

“This guy has actually reached the king level!” In the crowd of Longguo, where Jingcheng University is located.

Xuan Tao and Jin He were all concerned about the brief battle in the distance.

Although there was no very strong aftermath of the battle, from Pat’s shocked expression, it was not difficult to guess that Xu Heng had the upper hand in a short fight. “We haven’t seen him for a few months, we seem to be getting farther and farther away from him!” Xuan Tao said with a sigh, looking at Xu Heng who turned around and walked to the edge of the crowd.

Later, he looked at Jin He next to him and joked: “It seems that when Xu Heng took the ring, you didn’t challenge him, it was a very wise choice!” “At that time, you knew , Xu Heng, has he reached the king level?”

At the beginning, Xu Heng put down the ring and made a bold statement that he would challenge all freshmen in the country for three consecutive months.

For this reason, it has caused quite a stir in universities all over the country.

At that time, all the teachers and students of the university were discussing this matter, and they were all shocked by Xu Heng’s arrogance.

There are many university teachers who have taught for decades and have never seen such an arrogant student.

At that time, everyone was hoping that Xu Heng would be ousted.However, at that time, Jin He was determined not to challenge Xu Heng.

According to him, he must not be Xu Heng’s opponent.

For this reason, Jin He’s teacher was depressed for a while.

During that time, Jin He’s teacher, the president of Dangdang Qinghua University, made several trips to the president’s office of their Jingcheng University, constantly complaining about it.

But now it seems that Jin He’s original decision was extremely wise.

With the strength that Xu Heng has shown now, it is obviously not something that ordinary people can achieve.

“I knew for a long time that Xu Heng’s strength is absolutely extraordinary!”

Jin He’s gaze was also towards the distance where Xu Heng and Pat had just fought.

He looked at the shocked expression on Pat’s face, and his heart was also very complicated.

“However, in any case, I did not expect that Xu Heng’s strength has reached this level.” Wang level!

That is the watershed between the strong and the ordinary.

A family, no matter how huge their power is and how amazing their wealth is.

As long as they don’t have king-level powerhouses, then this family will never be able to enter the ranks of first-class families.

In addition, the king-level powerhouse has another ability that ordinary people yearn for extremely, that is, flying in the sky.

Although in this world, with the practice of Flying Technique, it can make the warriors below the king level have the ability to fly in the sky.

However, they are not kings after all, they don’t have such a powerful force as a backing, they can’t fly for a long time, they can only float for a short time.

Moreover, the height of the floating air is limited, and you don’t want to be a king-level powerhouse, you can go wherever they want to go.

It is precisely because of this reason that everyone present was so shocked by Xu Heng’s entry into the king level.

Even a nationally famous university like Qinghua University attaches great importance to the graduates of the Wang-level.

Because of Qinghua University, it is not possible to train king-level students in batches.

“Xu Heng, I am Jin He, I won’t give in easily!”

After a moment of shock, Jin He calmed down.

Although Xu Heng’s strength once again exceeded his imagination.

But that didn’t frighten him either.

After all, he came from a family of martial arts, and he had seen a lot of people with extraordinary talent.

Jin He believes that the distance between him and Xu Heng is just a chance encounter.

As long as he is in the ruins and gains special power, he can directly surpass Xu Heng in one fell swoop.

Therefore, in his heart, Jin He secretly made up his mind, this time in the ruins, he must try his best to find the unknown inheritance of power.

In this way, he has very great hope that he can make a leap in strength.

Not far from the golden crane, Qing Ge was silent.

He is by far the last person in the country to play against Xu Heng.

Therefore, Xu Heng’s sudden explosion this time has a far greater impact on him than the others present.

At the beginning, when he and Xu Heng were dueling at the International Temple of Heaven, they were instantly killed by Xu Heng on the spot.

But in any case, Qing Ge never thought that Xu Heng’s strength was so much stronger than him.

The strength of the king can be said to be two realms faster than him.

“It seems that at the beginning, it was indeed not wrong to lose!” Qing Ge muttered to himself, then shook his head and laughed.

Now, it seems that he was a little over his head when he competed with Xu Heng.

After a brief commotion, the entire scene suddenly became silent, and no one made a sound.

Because of Pat’s sudden action, everyone at the scene was shocked.

Inside the protective cover, although it has not officially entered the ruins, the atmosphere at the scene has become extremely tense. “Hehe, isn’t he a king?”

“Pat, are you a dragon knight? This kind of performance is really disappointing!”

While everyone was silent, a voice sounded in the Western camp, breaking the silence of the scene.

I saw a figure with a high hat on his head, holding a staff, and wearing a strange costume, walking out from the crowd. “Dark Mage?”

The sudden voice made Pat recover from his shocking mood.

Looking at the figure beside him, Pat was slightly startled.

This guy who suddenly appeared, he was both familiar and very unfamiliar.

Like those of the Dragon Kingdom, they had already practiced in many ruins before participating in this ruins exploration.

Every time he explored the ruins, he would hear the name of this dark mage.

Just like Xu Heng in the Dragon Kingdom, this guy code-named the Dark Mage has also broken records in various ruins and kept records for decades.

Moreover, since he appeared in the public eye, this dark mage has basically never missed any time.

So, for this guy, Pat is already extremely familiar with it.

However, unlike Xu Heng, this guy basically never shows his true colors.

All along, he wore a weird human skin mask.

Therefore, Pat’s knowledge of this guy is limited to records.

Although he had never fought head-to-head, the pressure that that person gave him was not inferior to the pressure brought by Xu Heng just now.

“Xu Heng? I’ve heard your name a long time ago!” The dark mage ignored everyone’s eyes.

His figure, after passing Pat, stared straight at Xu Heng at the edge of the crowd.

Immediately afterwards, a thick dark power poured out of him.

The dark power condensed, and a sharp spear appeared in front of him. “How strong is it, let me try it!”

Then, with a wave of his right hand, the dark spear was about to shoot straight out.

Xu Heng in the distance, his eyes suddenly froze.

The opponent’s provocation over and over again, this time, he doesn’t intend to keep his hands.

However, he did not wait for Xu Heng to respond.

A majestic aura suddenly enveloped all the people on the scene. “If you want to fight, you enter the ruins, and it’s not too late to fight!” Ling Cangfeng’s voice suddenly appeared and resounded throughout the audience.

The spear, which was only condensed by the power of darkness, was just shot, and it was directly fixed in the air, unable to move at all.

Later, Ling Cangfeng’s figure also appeared beside Xu Heng.

His eyes turned to everyone in the audience, “The ruins are heavy, fighting is prohibited!” “Violators will be severely punished!”

In an instant, everyone on the scene bowed their heads obediently.

The dark mage and the dragon knight Pat also gathered their momentum.

At the scene, the originally tense atmosphere returned to a silent and silent situation in an instant.

“I really didn’t expect that Xu Heng, you kid, before you know it, your strength has reached the king level!” Ling Cangfeng’s figure appeared beside Xu Heng.

He looked at Xu Heng with a complicated expression on his face.

Ling Cangfeng still remembered that the first time he saw Xu Heng, he was still in the dream ruins.

At that time, it was the day of the freshman training, and he was training on the fourth floor of the dream relic.

Originally, in the fourth-layer dream, he was the only one.

As a result, Xu Heng suddenly appeared in that layer of space.

At that time, he was shocked for a while.

Since then, his attention has been on Xu Heng.To this end, he also put down his body twice and personally invited Xu Heng to join their military.

However, at that time, Xu Heng was only a back in his eyes.

But now, in the blink of an eye, Xu Heng’s strength has reached the point where even himself has to face it.

“Do you know those two guys?”

Seeing Ling Cangfeng appearing beside him, Xu Heng didn’t seem to notice the strange expression on Ling Cangfeng’s face and asked directly.

In the Western camp, those two guys suddenly attacked him for no reason.

Although on the surface, it seems to have stopped.

However, once entering the ruins, there is no shock from Ling Cangfeng and others.

These guys, 423 will definitely shoot them.

So, now Xu Heng needs to seize the opportunity to know all the information about the other party.

As the military temporarily guarding the ruins, Ling Cangfeng must know the information about the participants in the Western camp this time. “Those two, one is a mage and the other is a dragon knight!” “You must already know this!” Ling Cangfeng looked at Xu Heng and explained to him.

Xu Heng nodded his head, this point, from the process of his and Pat’s fight just now, he has been roughly clear.

The two huge wings that Pat displayed before to resist Xu Heng’s attack were obviously dragon wings.

However, unlike the traditional Eastern Shenron, the Western dragon will have two wings.

Just like the red-winged dragon that Xu Heng killed outside the fog before.

“The person who fought with you before is named Pat, and he is the dragon knight among them.” Ling Cangfeng reminded Xu Heng, hoping that after he enters the ruins, he will not suffer here. “In the short fight just now, although you have a slight upper hand, that Pat also did not make a full shot.” “It is said that his ability can connect to different-dimensional space, and from the abyss and hell, summon a different-dimensional demon dragon. ”

“Just now he shot, there are only two wings, and it is not the body of the dragon, but the wings that are transformed from energy.”

“In the ruins, if you do encounter him, you must be more careful!” Ling Cangfeng reminded Xu Heng in a solemn voice, hoping that he would not take it lightly.

Xu Heng listened silently.

“Dragon knight, just listen to the majesty.”

“Just that thing, it’s just a lizard, and it deserves to be called a dragon?” “Lizard Knight, it’s more appropriate!” He thought to himself.

“As for that mage, this guy has always been mysterious, and our military doesn’t know much about him!” Ling Cangfeng’s voice sounded again. “You don’t understand either?”

Xu Heng was a little surprised. He didn’t expect that even the military would not know the specific information of that guy.

However, he didn’t care too much.

Different fire can restrain all dark things.

If he can grab the strange fire, then things like the dark mage will definitely be self-defeating.

“Relic, are you going to open it!”

While Xu Heng was thinking, everyone suddenly exclaimed.

I saw the light and shadow in front of me, and suddenly there was a drastic change.

Immediately afterwards, the land in front of everyone sank rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, a huge cliff appeared in front of everyone.

Beneath the cliff, a huge map scroll slowly unfolded. “Is this the Dou Qi Continent?”

Xu Heng’s thoughts were also attracted by the movement in front of him, and he looked up quickly.

On the map, there are buildings one after another, densely packed.

All buildings are presented in front of everyone in the form of three-dimensional projection.

From a distance, it looks like a whole world.

However, on the map, most of the area is shrouded in shadows, it is dark.

There is only a small area where the rays of the sun are shining.

“There, it should be our destination this time!”

Xu Heng looked at the only bright spot on the map, “Canaan Academy!”

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