Chapter 149

Jump off the cliff; domineering academy!

Beneath the cliff, a huge holographic map slowly unfolded and appeared in the sight of everyone in the ruins.

On the holographic map, houses, buildings, trees and forests are lifelike, and everything is like a miniature version of the real world.

On the map, most areas are shrouded in shadows and are pitch black.

There is only one point, like a bright pearl, shining brightly.

That’s where the Canaan Academy is located.

It is also the destination of the global elite on the scene after entering the ruins this time.

Everyone’s eyes were attracted by the light on the map. “Is this the new ruins?”

“I don’t know what quests will be encountered in this expedition to the ruins?” “Most of the area is blocked, and I have never seen such ruins!” “It turns out that this is an unknown ruin!”

Everyone, all looked at the map curiously.

“Xu Heng, this forbidden area will be opened immediately!” At the edge of the crowd, Ling Cangfeng patted Xu Heng on the shoulder beside him. “This time, it’s different because the country doesn’t know about this relic.”

“So we didn’t give you a task, as long as you can come back alive.” “But when you enter the ruins, things are completely out of control.”

“If you want to successfully emerge from the ruins, it is very likely that you need to complete the designated tasks in the world of ruins.”

“The World of Ruins, no one knows what kind of tasks will be arranged for you. This is also this expedition, and the biggest difference from the previous experience in the ruins.” “So, you must be careful!”

“If it is possible, we must fight for the control of this unknown relic. In that way, our Dragon Kingdom can permanently control this relic, which is also a huge treasure trove.” Reminds Xu Heng of various places to pay attention.

Not only that, he also wants Xu Heng, be sure to pay attention to those guys from abroad.

The people who came this time, although in terms of strength, may not be as strong as Xu Heng.

However, each of them is an elite at the same level. The minds and strategies of these people are all crushing their peers.

Xu Heng nodded earnestly without making a sound.

Afterwards, he also turned his gaze to the only bright place on the map under the cliff.

“The Ruins, Officially Open”~! ”

In amazement, the administrator of the military relics shouted.

Immediately, everyone present came back to their senses.

“It’s been so long, this time, is it finally going to be turned on?”

“After we go in, we must hurry up, and don’t let the guys from Long Country seize the opportunity.” There were bursts of noises from the crowd of foreign camps.

Then, under the cliff, above the huge ruins map, a huge suction force suddenly erupted.

The power is centered on the light and rapidly expands.

In the blink of an eye, suction swept the audience, and everyone on the scene was enveloped by the huge attraction.

Then, everyone’s bodies floated in the air and fell towards the ruins map under the cliff.

Suddenly, exclamations sounded, and many people were shocked. “Fuck! It’s actually jumping off a cliff!”

“As expected of an unknown ruin, f*ck has never seen this way of entering.” “Can this map be accepted?!”

Everyone was surprised by this peculiar way of entering the ruins, because in the past, everyone was directly teleported.

In the exclamations of everyone, everyone was sucked in by the ruins map.

Xu Heng was the same, pulled in by the suction force that erupted from the ruins map.

Immediately afterwards, everyone felt a darkness in front of them.

It was not long before they woke up. “Is this the new relic?”

On the ground, people from all over the world are scattered on the ground, lying on the ground in various ways.

After waking up, everyone looked around curiously.

They looked at the unfamiliar surroundings with blank and curious expressions.

Behind the crowd, black mist filled the air.

No one could see what was inside. “Is there a blocked area?”

Where the Dragon Kingdom camp was, Min Yuan looked at the black mist behind him strangely.

The space there is all shrouded in shadows, and it seems to be filled with endless terror.

Before entering the ruins, Ling Cangfeng said that not all places inside can be unimpeded.

Most areas are inaccessible.

Even a king-level powerhouse may almost never be able to return successfully after entering the ruins.

The range of their activities is the area that is not covered by this fog.

And in front of them, is a bright.

Everything is no different from the real world outside the ruins.

A road leading into the distance.

I don’t know how far away, a stone tower stands tall.

On the top of the tower, four huge plaques, facing the four directions of the south, south, north and west, are quietly suspended.

Obviously, this is a spectacle made by a strong powerhouse with the power of space.

“.~ Canaan Academy!”

“The plaque can float in the air. The people in Canaan College must be very powerful!” The people on the scene, seeing the words on the plaque in the distance, suddenly exclaimed.

On the plaque, there are four large characters with golden light shining in all directions.

These four words shocked and deterred all those who were trying to do evil in a radius of hundreds of miles.

Xu Heng remembered that next to Canaan College was the most chaotic place in the mainland, the Black Corner Domain.

It is where the continents meet, and there is no state to manage.

Therefore, all kinds of vicious people are hiding in this black corner.

However, no matter who they are, they need to give Canaan College a bit of face when they come to this place.

.(Is it okay?) ..

“I don’t know, compared to our Jingcheng University, who is stronger and who is weaker?” Xuan Tao looked at the four characters in the distance and asked curiously.

Jin He also frowned and seemed to be thinking about the origin of this Canaan Academy.

“It’s so fake!”

Among the crowd, Xu Heng also looked into the distance with a somewhat excited expression.

At the beginning, he had read that book several times.

Now that he has the opportunity to experience it for himself, he will not miss this opportunity.

“Yihuo, Fallen Heart Flame, let me see, what is so magical about you!”

Then, he got up and walked straight in the direction of the plaque. .

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