Chapter 147

Dragon Knight’s test of Xu Heng!

After extensive inspections, Xu Heng and others successfully passed the military blockade.

As soon as they entered the energy shield, a large group of people appeared in front of them.

Xu Heng in the crowd felt an extremely strong sense of familiarity as soon as he saw this group of people. “That’s it? Iron Man!”

“Among the people who entered the ruins this time, there are actually people who fit in the Marvel movies!” Xu Heng looked at the red and yellow humanoid armor in front of him, his face a little stunned.

He didn’t expect to see such a thing here. “Steel armor, can still inherit the fit?!” Xu Heng felt a lot of doubts in his heart.

In his impression, Iron Man is not a mysterious inheritance of power, but an armor and equipment that has been continuously transformed and updated by Stark.

However, this is just a bunch of things that scientists, through continuous experiments and iterations, have obtained without the slightest bit of life.

It has been nearly half a year since Xu Heng came to this world.

In his impression, the power of human beings is usually ordinary life energy.

For example, Saiyan, which he inherited, Jin He from Qinghua University, Piccolo Daimao, which was inherited by him, as well as the magic sword, the magic sword, used by military general Li Tiangang.

The people Xu Heng has encountered so far have inherited all the powers, either life force or kung fu skills.

Before that, he had never seen someone who could fit into this inanimate material armor.

“A pile of scrap copper and rotten iron can still be inherited!” Xu Heng’s eyes, after staying on Iron Man for a while, changed his attention.

This time, what they are going to go to is the Dou Qi Continent.

The power level inside is definitely not something that the general world can bear.

Things like steel armor, after entering the ruins, it is very likely that “four two three” will be blasted into slag directly.

In addition, the battles inside are not just ordinary head-to-head battles, but also poisonous skills.

In this case, the steel armor will not play any role at all.

Then, Xu Heng turned his attention to the others in the crowd.

Many of these people are anime characters that Xu Heng has seen in his previous life.

Spider-Man, Batman, and vampires, etc., are all characters in previous Marvel movies. “These guys are all in a ruin, get the inheritance!”

“The power obtained is actually all in the same system!” Xu Heng shook his head.

“And that vampire, if he encounters a strange fire in the ruins, he is probably a cannon fodder!” His gaze, after leaving Iron Man, stayed on another person.

The man’s face was pale, and at the same time, the teeth in his mouth were extremely sharp, which was obviously something called a vampire in the Western movies and TV dramas he had seen in reality.

However, vampires need to suck human blood in order to maintain their life and live a normal life.

Therefore, in the past life of Xu Heng, he did not like this kind of creature very much.

Moreover, this kind of creature is extremely cold, and the strange fire in the Dou Qi Continent is the hottest thing in the world.

If a vampire is in it and is contaminated with a strange fire, it will definitely be a life-and-death situation, and there is basically no chance of surviving.

Afterwards, Xu Heng’s attention turned to other people again.

He glanced around, and most of the people were directly ignored by him.

Because the inheritance obtained by those people, for the power in the world they are going to go to this time, they basically do not have much combat power.

When the Dragon Kingdom and others entered the ruins, they started a large number of people from other countries.

Everyone in the other countries ahead turned their heads and looked at the elite geniuses who came from the Dragon Kingdom.They had reached long before the Dragon Kingdom entered the ruins.

Therefore, these people are also very curious. There is only a little bit of time until the opening of the ruins. It is people from that country who have just arrived now. “Are these guys from the Dragon Kingdom!”

Among the crowd, some people felt the fluctuation behind them, so they turned to look at the direction of the fluctuation of the protective cover.

Suddenly, they saw Xu Heng and others who had just entered the ruins.

“The guy from the Dragon Country is so big, he actually let so many people wait for them in a country together.”

Among the crowd, there was a guy wearing a green scarf and a turtle shell behind him. Seeing Xu Heng and the others coming in, he immediately said.

A mate of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Seeing this guy, Xu Heng immediately burst into shame.

There is actually a fit for this character.

Originally, he thought that steel armor was already very rare.

Unexpectedly, there is a person who fits the turtle.

Others, when they heard the words of the Ninja Turtle fitter, also turned their heads and looked in the direction of his gaze.

Suddenly, a group of people from Long Country were exposed to the sight of all other countries on the scene.

For a time, everyone began to whisper, discussing the incoming elites from the Dragon Kingdom.

“I heard that not long ago, there was a very interesting guy in Long Country’s university. I don’t know what his name is.” “I don’t know, is that guy here?”

Where the crowds of Western countries are, many people discuss with each other the people who came from the Dragon Kingdom.

Many of them are from extraordinary backgrounds, and they are very familiar with the movements of all martial artists in the world.

Therefore, as soon as the news of Xu Heng’s extraordinary achievements appeared, many families in the West knew the news.

However, Westerners have always been very proud, although they know that Xu Heng has achieved unprecedented results.

But they think that it is not a particularly impressive achievement.

At this moment, with Xu Heng pushing all the way, all the opponents were instantly killed by him.

All the opponents were not even able to fight back.

When all these news reached the ears of Western martial arts families, some families began to notice Xu Heng.

Therefore, even in the Western world, Xu Heng has a lot of attention.

However, due to the distance, they didn’t know much about Xu Heng.

Therefore, at this moment, when the Dragon Kingdom’s team appeared, some people suddenly began to cast their curious eyes towards where the Dragon Kingdom was.

At the same time, their eyes began to shoot continuously, trying to find Xu Heng, who had been in the limelight not long ago.

“The guy you mentioned should be Xu Heng!”

The fit man of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles suddenly called out when he heard the doubts of someone in the west.

Afterwards, he looked at those people flatteringly, as if he really wanted to be recognized by them.

However, among the Western crowd, whether it is Iron Man, or other people in Marvel, or the magician, they all ignored him.

Their gazes all stopped behind the crowd, on Xu Heng’s body.

“Pat! Is this the guy you keep talking about all the time?”

“It looks like it’s completely unremarkable, and there’s nothing great about it!”

Among the crowd, a figure holding a knight’s sword looked at the person beside him and said.

His eyes were always on Xu Heng.

At the same time, the aura on his body seemed to be shrouded in Xu Heng’s direction, as if he wanted to find out Xu Heng’s strength level.

However, as soon as his breath appeared, Xu Heng had already sensed the malicious prying intent.

Therefore, the power in Xu Heng’s body is also slowly pouring out, and all the intentions he wants to detect are isolated at once.

In the Western crowd, those who want to inquire about Xu Heng’s strength can only detect Xu Heng’s body surface, and the concealed breath cannot detect Xu Heng’s true strength.

The man named Pat frowned.

“The teacher said at the beginning that this guy named Xu Heng has very special strength.”

“Participating in the exploration of the unknown ruins this time, he should be the biggest blocker on our way to seize control of the ruins.” “Then, his strength should not only be so little!”

As early as when Xu Heng had just passed through the energy shield of the ruins, Pat had released all the aura from his body.

Therefore, Xu Heng’s figure has long been shrouded in his breath.

But now, in his perception, Xu Heng’s strength is indeed mediocre, without the slightest deterrent. “His current strength is estimated to have just stepped into the level of a great lord!”

“This kind of level, although it is reluctant, but compared with the real powerhouse, it is completely vulnerable.” “This kind of strength is also worth reminding the teacher over and over again?”

At this moment, Pat is very puzzled. In his perception, Xu Heng’s power is indeed only the level of a junior high lord, and he himself has stepped into the king level for more than a year.

With his strength, it should be more than enough to deal with a Xu Heng. He didn’t understand why the teacher had to remind him so solemnly.

Just after Pat detected Xu Heng’s strength and fell into deep contemplation, the person beside him who had just made a voice sounded a disdainful voice again… “Pat, you are not afraid!”

“Just this guy, it shouldn’t be worth mentioning at all!”

The man was a little surprised when he saw Pat who was silent.

Because of his impression, Pat has never been afraid of any opponent.

“You are a dragon knight, our Yanlong Academy, a super genius that is rare to see once in a century, are you still afraid of such a guy?” There was surprise in his eyes, and he was very strange to Pat’s reaction. “You are too cautious, this guy, vulnerable.”

“I think it’s better for you to focus on other guys.”

“It is said that there was a super-strong beast tide in the Dragon Kingdom not long ago, but some of their university students showed very good results in this beast tide. So I think you can pay attention to your own. , put a lot on them


Next to Pat, the guy, kept talking.

In his tone, it was obvious that he didn’t take Xu Heng too seriously.

Pat wasn’t affected by him, though.

The people his teacher highlighted, Pat Pat believed, would not be so vulnerable on the surface.

“This Xu Heng, whether it is strong or not, you will know if you try it!” Pat sneered, ignoring the voices of the people beside him.

Then, the power in his body exploded instantly.

In between, there seemed to be a sound of dragon roar, bursting out from his body.


The power in his body spewed out, thinking about where the Dragon Kingdom was, and shot away.

Faintly, that breath seemed to form the image of a dragon.

In an instant, the originally peaceful situation was broken in an instant.

Where the Dragon Kingdom was, the face of the person who had quietly looked at the ruins changed drastically. “King class!”

“That’s the power of a king-level powerhouse!”Long country on this side, and instantly it was a direct exclaimed.

Because in his perception among Western forces that guy sent, is clearly not an ordinary strength.

Site owner, basically no man can contend with this force.

Wang level of strength, even if they are the elite of these dragon country, few people can achieve.

However, Xu Heng and not too much care.

Pat shot in an instant, Xu Heng also early to feel the sense of the sudden appearance of a huge breath.

And, in his perception of them, this atmosphere, straight toward his position, from storm surge.

So just a moment, Xu Heng, we know that the owner of this force, goals against, is himself. “Humph!”

Xu Heng disdain Lengheng soon, then, the power of his own body, but also an instant surge.

Majestic atmosphere toward that kind of position to shoot him, suddenly burst 5.4 hair.

A thin light from above the finger Xu Heng, rapid exit.

That explosion also shot over the dragon breath, straight collision.


Two collided breath, then suddenly burst open.

Shortly after, Xu Heng hands light emitted directly ripped dragon breath emitted Pat.

Then, continue towards Pat’s body away.

Pat suddenly face a change, he did not think, just a trial, it actually falls directly under the wind.

And he just broke out of breath, is not readily blow.

Although only a very short time after Xu Li, but also releases a lot of power.

However, such an attack, actually directly Xu Heng instantly broken.

So, breath Pat body, surging again.

Wailing roar!

This time, a huge Dragons voice issued from Pat body.

Then, two huge wings, from Pat body applied to start.

Subsequently, the two wings together and travel a huge protective shield.

call out!

No huge exploding, with only a slight chance to hear the sound of friction occurs.

Xu Heng light emitted from the body, the straight exit hole formed in the protective cover that wings.

Subsequently, the two forces, each devoid.

Far, Xu Heng disdain to turn around, do not worry about the result of the collision.

However, after a long pause, on two dragon wings, it does appear to be a small hole.

Pat’s face, also emerged out of a deep sense of shock of color. “King class!”

“You are the king class!” He looked shocked face with Xu Heng distance.

Long at the host country, other people hear the words of Pat, suddenly have turned around, looking stunned watching Xu Heng.

Xu Heng, Wang actually have the strength level? ? ! ! .

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