Chapter 146

Global elites gather!

“Is this the Unknown Forbidden Land? It’s finally here!” The huge military vehicle slowly stopped.

Inside the carriage, elites from all over the country got off one after another.

Their eyes were all curiously cast towards the not far away where the ruins that were about to enter were located.

There, a huge energy shield was buckled upside down over the unknown forbidden land, covering the entire ruins.

From a distance, the situation inside is completely blocked by the energy cover.

At the outermost periphery of the ruins, row after row of anti-collision fences, three layers inside and three layers outside, surrounded the entire forbidden area.

Each fence weighs more than 20 tons and is made of ultra-high-strength steel alloys through a special process.

Even if a king-level powerhouse burst out in full force, it would be difficult to destroy these fences.

The purpose of placing them is very clear to everyone, that is to prevent the sudden outbreak of the beast tide and destroy all the things in the ruins.

Before that, some people may think that placing this anti-collision fence may be a trivial matter – a big deal.

However, after the outbreak of the beast tide this time, everyone in the country has personally experienced a terrifying beast riot.

For such a strict defense, everyone present felt it was right, and there was nothing strange about it.

Inside the fence, there are several fortifications, which firmly protect the ruins inside.

In the military position, there are also several huge mesh antennas that are slowly rotating.

That is the beast detection radar, which will continuously detect the situation of the beasts around the ruins twenty-four hours a day.

Once an abnormal situation is found, it will immediately call the police and notify the entire army of martial law.

Not only that, in addition to the ruins, there are dozens of patrol teams that are constantly exploring the surrounding situation. “The detection of the third district in the east has been completed, and everything is normal!” “The detection of the fifth district in the west has been completed, and everything is normal!” “The sixth district in the south…” “The north…”

The sound of the patrolman’s detection continued to sound.

The whole forbidden area is filled with coercion and a feeling of depression, which makes people dare not relax in the slightest.

In addition to the strict defense above, Xu Heng seemed to sense that there were several extremely terrifying auras in the depths of the army guarding this place.

They are distributed in four directions, front, back, left, right, and left of the entire ruins, locking every direction of the ruins tightly.

In addition to the beasts, to prevent the sudden appearance of unknown and powerful enemies to make trouble.

After all, in this world, not only beasts are a threat.

Sometimes, the human heart is more terrifying than the beast.

In recent decades, there have been several incidents where mysterious powerhouses suddenly attacked the ruins army and stole the treasures inside.

Finally, after a detailed investigation, a large part of those hidden powerhouses were sent by other countries to make trouble.

Their purpose is to prevent the ruins from opening, to prevent the young geniuses of the Dragon Kingdom from gaining powerful skills.

Therefore, in every place where the ruins are located, in addition to the huge army to defend against the beasts, at least one super-powerful person will be sent to sit in the town.

The purpose is to deter those hidden powerful enemies with bad intentions.

This time, this unknown relic that has not yet been developed and explored, there are actually four people sitting there.

This luxurious lineup is not comparable to other ordinary ruins.

“Crash barrier, energy shield, patrol squad…” “It feels so familiar!”

Xu Heng’s eyes, looking at the situation around the unknown forbidden area not far away, could not help but feel a little emotional.

“It’s been a long time since I came out of the Godzilla ruins last time. I’ve stepped into the ruins again!” Xu Heng muttered to himself.

It was three or four months ago that he had been to the Godzilla ruins recently.After he came back, he immediately began to prepare for the National Freshman Competition.

After taking the first place, I went back to school, followed by the ring competition, and opponents from all over the country came one after another.

After solving the challenges from all over the country, the beasts outside the fog suddenly rioted again.

Suddenly, the whole country fell into a huge panic and chaos.

Until this moment, everything has been settled.

The new ruins have finally opened again.

Although this time to enter the ruins, the military claims that the country has not yet explored clearly. So it’s very dangerous inside.

But all this is not a problem for Xu Heng at all.

Because judging from the information revealed by Ling Cangfeng just now, the place they are going to enter this time is that he has seen the novel, the world of Dou Qi Continent.

He had read this novel countless times when he was in school.

So, to others, it is an unknown and dangerous place.

Go inside, and at every moment, there is a risk of losing your life.

But for Xu Heng, this is definitely a completely transparent world without a trace of secrets.

Therefore, Xu Heng was not worried at all about the intelligence matter.

Of course, Xu Heng will not take it lightly.

Because of the world of Dou Qi Continent, the combat power is obviously much higher than the real world where Xu Heng lives.

“Battle Qi Continent, according to calculations, the combat power in it should be much higher than the world I am currently in!” Xu Heng recalled the plot of the novel.

In that world, the strong can cultivate to high places, move mountains and reclaim the sea, and distort space.

Xu Heng remembered that the Great Void Ancient Dragon inside could forcibly create a world in the void.

This ability, so far, they have seen in any strong person in the real world.

According to the settings inside, the force of their world is obviously not as high as that of the Dou Qi Continent. “This is also the first time I have entered the Gaowu world so far!” Thinking of this, Xu Heng’s heart became slightly more serious.

“Immediately, the numerical test will be carried out!!”

“After passing the inspection of the guards, you will truly step into this ruins!” Ling Cangfeng’s voice sounded, interrupting the curious eyes of everyone present.

The people at the scene turned their heads one after another and looked at Ling Cangfeng who suddenly made a sound.

“This time, after entering the ruins, you will lose contact with the outside world.”

“And, there are many unknown dangers that may suddenly appear around you!” “So, I grouped each of you before!”

“I hope that after you enter the ruins, you can take care of each other, and this will also increase your chances of survival!”

“Before you really enter the ruins, you can still seize the last time and learn more about each other.” At this point, there were whispers in the crowd.

Just now, Ling Cangfeng did indeed group everyone present.

Each group of six people helps each other.

Not only that, but in each group, three military members will be arranged to assist these students.

Their military personnel, although they have not figured out the situation in the forbidden area.

However, in any case, compared to these students who have never understood the ruins, their military is still much more specialized.

“Golden Crane! What a coincidence! We are in the same group again!”

Among the crowd who were about to enter the ruins, Xuan Tao of Jingcheng University looked at the silent Jin He excitedly.

After Ling Cangfeng’s grouping results came out, he was still very excited.

Because they are two schools, can be regarded as old acquaintances.

Therefore, being assigned to a group is considered to be their popular expectation.

“However, what I didn’t expect was that there were actually two acquaintances in our group!” Xuan Tao said, looking at Jin He.

“You mean, Xu Heng?” Jin He looked around and cast his catalog in the distance.

There, it is where Xu Heng is.

“That’s right!” Xuan Tao nodded, and there seemed to be a happy look in his eyes.

Because of Xu Heng’s strength, both of them have personally experienced it.

Compared with others, both of them have a very intuitive impression of Xu Heng’s strength.

In Xuan Tao’s opinion, with Xu Heng’s help, their group’s performance in the ruins would definitely not be found there.

Next to Xuan Tao, there is an acquaintance, that is, Min Yuan, Xu Heng’s defeated general.

She was also placed in this group.

At this moment, hearing Xuan Tao’s words, Min Yuan frowned. “Xu Heng! It’s this guy!”

After being killed twice in a row, her impression of Xu Heng was very deep.

This time, the person who teamed up with her was actually the one who killed herself twice.

Thinking of this, Min Yuan felt a sense of suffocation in his heart.

However, she couldn’t refuse.

Because Xu Heng’s strength is indeed very powerful, if she doesn’t form a team with Xu Heng, the possibility of her losing her life after encountering danger in the ruins will greatly increase.

Next to Xuan Tao, Jin He listened to his words quietly, without saying a word.

In the crowd, other people are all understanding each other.

Everyone wants to be as familiar with their teammates as possible before entering the ruins.

However, there is only one person, standing quietly alone.

His eyes turned to the ruins, and he remained silent.

This person is Xu Heng who is meditating.

Others may need the help of teammates, and in the unfamiliar ruins, they can take care of them. …for flowers

However, for Xu Heng, this is completely superfluous.

As someone who has read novels many times, he doesn’t need others to help him inquire about news.

The military sent people to explore, and the news brought back was only limited to the place of Canaan College.

However, the information Xu Heng knew and understood was the entire Dou Qi continent.

So far, the military’s knowledge of this relic is limited to Canaan College.

Even, they didn’t even figure out the origin of the strange fire.

However, these things are completely transparent to Xu Heng.

His understanding of the inside is not just Canaan Academy.

Xiao Yan’s birthplace, and the Yunlan Sect after that.

Including the Zhongzhou where Xiao Yan finally went, the forces in it were divided, one hall, one tower, two sects, three valleys and four square pavilions.

Every force in this, every major event, Xu Heng is clear.

So, whoever knows the most about this relic in this world is definitely not the military personnel, but Xu Heng at the scene.

Therefore, Xu Heng made a plan early on, once he entered the ruins, he would act alone.

In this and inside, for him, if there are teammates around, it is a burden.”General Ling, what mission do we have after entering the ruins this time?”

At the scene, after everyone became more familiar with each other, the voice of discussion gradually subsided.

Then, someone suddenly spoke, thinking of Ling Cangfeng in front of the crowd and asked.

Immediately, everyone’s attention was attracted by this question.

Because from the time when the military invited them to the time when the ruins were about to start, no one had told them what the specific tasks in the ruins were.

In the past relics experience, each time, there is a very clear goal.

In the dream ruins, it is necessary to kill more alien beasts inside.

The more kills you have, the higher your ranking will be.

When training in the Godzilla Ruins, there are also very clear quest levels.

You can choose either the human camp or the monster camp.

As long as the task is completed well enough, you can get the corresponding grade score.

Xu Heng’s unprecedented SSSSS rating was obtained in the ruins of Godzilla.

But this time, it was only a blink of an eye from the opening of the ruins, but the military has yet to announce the specific characters.

“Is it also divided into the fierce beast camp and the human camp?” In the crowd, Xu Heng was also attracted by this question.

The attention that was originally thinking, also turned to Ling Cangfeng in front of him.

And Ling Cangfeng smiled slightly.

“This time the ruins exploration, because it is an unknown forbidden area, so we do not have specific mission instructions!” The crowd below was suddenly shocked. “No mission?”

“Then when we arrive, how should we rank?” In the crowd, a few strange eyes suddenly appeared.

Because, these people, this is the first time to enter the ruins without a mission. “This time, all of you, the only task is to come back alive!” “On this basis, try your best to seize the resources in the ruins!”

“This time, all the things you get, the state will not interfere, all belong to you!” In the crowd, everyone’s eyes suddenly lit up.

The relics of the past and the tasks in them were all arranged by the state.

This time, there was no specific task.

Not only that, but everything they get in it belongs to the individual.

This is a huge benefit for everyone. “There is only one criterion for the final ranking!”

“That is, how well each of you understands the ruins!”

“After you come back, our military will interview each of you. The more you know about the relic detection, the higher the ranking we will give you.” Hearing this, Xu Heng’s eyes lit up at the back.

How much do you know about the ruins?

This is his strongest point!

“Based on what I know about Dou Qi Continent, I can release a piece of information at will, and it is estimated that I can get a super high ranking!” Xu Heng thought to himself.

“It’s time, enter the ruins!”

While everyone was thinking about it, Ling Cangfeng gave an order, and everyone in the team headed towards the ruins.

Pass through the energy shield.

Everyone present only felt a flash in front of them.

Soon, everyone’s sight was restored.

However, the sight in front of them shocked everyone.

Because what appeared in front of them was not the relic, but the elite geniuses from all over the world. “Is that, Iron Man?! And, Vampire?!”

Xu Heng looked at the distance in surprise and said secretly in his heart. wide.

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