Chapter 145

Dou Qi Continent, everything is a familiar taste!

The huge military vehicle is heading in the direction of the unknown ruins.

In the car, everyone was silent.

They all listened to Ling Cangfeng’s introduction to the ruins in front of the carriage.

When they heard that there were actually god-level vicious beasts in this ruin, everyone was shocked.

Because, the strength of all those who are about to enter the ruins is below the god level. If they really encounter a god level beast, it will definitely be a life-and-death experience.

Everyone fell into a deep silence.

However, when Ling Cangfeng continued to introduce, an unknown flame appeared in the ruins.

Anyone who is infected will have a kind of heart fire in their body, and if they are not careful, the body will be completely burned from the inside out.

The shock on the faces of everyone at the scene turned into a daze.

Everyone looked at each other and saw the puzzled look on each other’s faces. “Different fire?”

“What is this?”

“Compared with ordinary flames, is there anything special about it?” “Is this flame more terrifying than god-level beasts?!”

After thinking for a moment, everyone at the scene turned to look at Ling Cangfeng, trying to find the answer from him.

However, at this moment, Ling Cangfeng’s face was also very confused.

Because, even he himself has not really seen this kind of thing called Yihuo.

This expedition to the ruins is highly confidential.

Before the ruins started, he didn’t even know what to do with this operation.

Before inviting Xu Heng, he had never heard of it, and this special event.

As for the strange fire, he had never heard of it.

All this news is all the information that his military team members desperately brought out before dying.

Otherwise, he might not even have heard of the name.

“This thing called Yihuo, will it be a kind of formation!”

“It may be that there is a peerless master, the formation of his subordinates, prohibiting others from stepping into his territory!”

In the carriage, after everyone was silent for a while, some people began to speculate about the true origin of this strange fire. “I think it should be a high-level exercise, similar to a fire shield!” “Perhaps the flames produced by the burning of 423 gold mines?”

Everyone expressed their opinions and guessed various possibilities.

At the back of the crowd, Xu Heng listened quietly, and the discussions of the others around him. A strange look keeps appearing on his face

“Why does this thing called Yihuo sound so familiar?” Xu Heng asked with a puzzled look on his face.

He is now very sure that he must have heard of this special flame.

Just suddenly mentioning it, his mind was a little short-circuited, and he didn’t remember the specific origin for a while.

So he could only continue to listen to the heated discussions of other people around him to see if he could get some hints from it.After discussing for a while, everyone found that they had no clue at all.

So, someone started to ask Ling Cangfeng: “General Ling Cangfeng, where did you find this kind of thing called Yihuo?” “What happened at that time?”

Hearing what Ling Cangfeng said just now, everyone realized that this thing called Yihuo is definitely very dangerous!

Therefore, everyone wanted to find out his origin, and after entering the ruins, they could better avoid this dangerous thing.

When Ling Cangfeng heard everyone’s questions, he also had a memory on his face.

“According to the information provided by our team members before they died, they encountered three very powerful beasts as soon as they entered the ruins!” “According to their guesses, these three beasts are at least high-level kings. Strength!”

“The team members who entered were chased and killed all the way by these three king-level beasts! For this, they sacrificed a large part of the team!” A place like an academy!” “According to the names of the students inside, this academy seems to be called, Canaan College!”

“Canaan College?”

Others at the scene, after hearing this, still shook their heads in confusion.

They have never heard of this name, so they don’t know what it means.

I don’t understand what the connection between Yihuo and Jiangnan College is.



At the back of the crowd, he had been casual, listening to the crowd discussing Xu Heng, but his heart was shocked at this moment. “Canaan College?”

“Isn’t this, fighting against the sky?!!” Xu Heng’s heart was violently surging.

The whole person’s breath trembled slightly because of this unexpected name.

Different fire!

Canaan Academy!

This is the novel he read in his previous life, fighting against the sky! !

At first, when he first heard the name Yihuo, there was a strange sense of familiarity in his heart.

Just for a while, he suddenly couldn’t remember the origin of the name.

At this moment, Ling Cangfeng suddenly mentioned Canaan College again.

Xu Heng was immediately certain in his heart that the ruins they were going to enter this time was the Dou Qi Continent!

“And then, those students, have you introduced this Canaan Academy in detail?” In the carriage, the others were still confused.

So far, although they have heard new terms, they still know nothing about the details of the forbidden area.

The specific strength of the beasts in the ruins, the division of the various forces inside, and the general map are not introduced.

Of course, they also know that this is not the military’s intention to hide the information.

But this unknown relic is really difficult to explore.

Because of this, after entering the ruins, the danger will be greatly increased. “I don’t know, how is the strength of that Canaan Academy?”

“Compared with us, the students there, who is stronger and who is weaker?” Someone speculated at the scene.

Ling Cangfeng just shook his head silently, “No one knows everything about this unknown ruin!”

“Even so far, we have not figured out how our team member came back alive from the first record!” “So, we have no way of knowing what the group is and what the strength of Canaan Academy is. Got it!” “There’s only so much information our military knows, and it’s up to you to be flexible!” When the others heard it, they shook their heads in disappointment.

Originally, they also wanted to inquire about the specific strength of the human beings in the ruins before entering.

But now it seems that there is no news at all.

However, the solemn expressions on everyone’s faces did not weaken in the slightest.

In a world with god-level beasts, the human beings in it will never be too weak.

However, some people are still eager to try.

“No matter how strong Canaan College is, it’s just a situation, can it be stronger than the real world!” “After I enter the ruins, I must find the students there and have a good fight!” Someone in the carriage , seems to be very interested in Canaan Academy and wants to teach their students to compete.

In front of the carriage, everyone was discussing enthusiastically about the forbidden area.

At the back of the carriage, Xu Heng was the author with a blank face, but his heart was full of fire.

“I didn’t expect it! The ruins I’m going to this time are not movies, but the world of novels!”

“Not only that, but it is one of the most famous works of all the online novels, Breaking the Heavens!” At this moment, Xu Heng was extremely excited.

That is, fight against the sky!

It can be said that in the past life, as long as you like to read online novels, basically everyone has heard of this novel.

And Xu Heng, in his junior high school class, read this novel as many as eight times.

Therefore, he is familiar with every plot and every plot in it.

Every chance, every danger inside, has a very deep impression in his mind.

Even more clearly than the movies he had seen before.

“It seems that the strange fire their army encountered should be the Fallen Heart Flame!” Xu Heng was very sure in his heart.

According to his impression, in the fight against the sky, the second strange fire that Xiao Yan got was the Fallen Heart Flame.

And, the place where he was for a while was Canaan College.

Back then, after Xiao Yan passed through the Yunlan Sect, he hurried past and came to Canaan College.

The purpose of his coming here is to snatch the fallen heart inflammation, which is still the goal that Yao Lao has arranged for him.

Moreover, Xu Heng still remembered that Canaan Academy did not fully control the Fallen Heart Flame.

Not long after Xiao Yan entered Canaan College, there was a huge fluctuation in this fallen star!

The elders in Canaan College paid a huge price in order to suppress this fallen star.

Not only that, other forces outside Canaan Academy are also eyeing this strange fire.

When the strange fire rioted, these people fled one after another, wanting to take it as their own for a while.

To this end, the college has put a lot of extra effort into it.

At the beginning, it was in this intricate and chaotic scene that Xiao Yan got the Fallen Heart Flame by accident.

Of course, because of this, he almost lost his life.

“I don’t know, if this time, I stole the Fallen Heart Flame, when Xiao Yan comes over, will his eyes be smeared!” Xu Heng smiled, planning to enter the ruins, he must take the Fallen Heart Fire got it.

That’s a weapon for battle!

If he can integrate this strange fire into his body, then he can imagine that his combat power and the lethality of various techniques will definitely improve to a higher level.Just as everyone was talking, Ling Cangfeng’s voice sounded again. “This expedition to the unknown ruins, there is one thing that must be emphasized!” The voices of everyone’s discussion suddenly quieted down.

Although some people disagreed, most people attached great importance to this trip to the ruins.

Therefore, they will listen carefully to every information revealed by Ling Cangfeng.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Ling Cangfeng nodded, very satisfied.

He doesn’t want students in his country to lose their lives because of arrogance.

Then he continued to explain.

“Not every place you are going to be in is open to you!” “It can even be said that most places are under blockade!” Suddenly, there was a lot of uproar in the carriage.

“There are still areas blocked?

“Is it because some people are too weak, so they are not allowed to enter?” “What kind of strength can you step into these blocked areas?” This time the unknown ruins really opened everyone’s eyes.

In the forbidden area, there are still areas that are not open to the public. This is all the ruins they have visited before, and they have never encountered such a situation. “Could it be that you have to be above the god level before you can step into these blocked areas?” Someone in the carriage guessed that it was Min Yuan from Zhongling University.

In fact, with his strength, he was not qualified to enter this ruin.

After all, even Xu Heng was secretly observed and judged several times.

And Min Yuan, who was a defeated general, was not qualified to enter this ruin.

However, due to special reasons, she was invited over.

Ling Cangfeng just glanced at him lightly, and then explained.

“These places are all shrouded in shadows, and everyone who steps into them will die without exception!” “No matter how powerful you are!”

“There was a god-level powerhouse in the past, and after sneaking in, there has been no news of the case!” “Even me, if I approach a little, I will feel a fatal danger!” “So you, it is best not to be blind. Crush!” Hearing this, everyone at the scene immediately calmed down.

Ling Cangfeng’s strength is extraordinary, and even he has a fatal threat.

If it was other people, it is estimated that not even the scum will be left.

Originally, there were some people, secretly thinking, planning to secretly break into those blocked areas.

Hearing Ling Cangfeng’s words at this moment, they all quenched the restlessness in their hearts.

“There is no blocked area, and not everyone can enter!”

“I think everyone should have heard before that only people below the god level can successfully enter. Otherwise, they will definitely be excluded.”

“You don’t have to worry about this, because everyone here meets this condition, and this is the result of our careful selection!” “But please remember that you must not act without authorization before entering the ruins!”

“This time, it’s not just you students who have entered the ruins. Our military will also send you to go there with you, and in the ruins, we will also assist you in your actions.” After the introduction, after the destination you are going to this time , Ling Cangfeng began to arrange specific action items.

He divided everyone present into different action groups, and each group determined a captain.

He hopes that this time he can grab more resources.

After everything was arranged properly, Ling Cangfeng emphasized, “Resources are important, but life is the most precious thing!”

“When you encounter an irresistible danger, you must escape as soon as possible, and try your best to escape the ruins!” “As long as people are still alive, then all resources can be restarted from scratch, and can be obtained slowly!”

Finally, in the sound of everyone’s discussion, the military vehicles that everyone was riding in have arrived at the site of the ruins.

Everyone got off the bus one after another and made the final preparations before entering the ruins.

Xu Heng, on the other hand, was staring at the unknown ruins in front of him. “Breaking the sky, Dou Qi Continent! I hope you won’t let me down!”

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