Chapter 140

Remains Constraints, Xu Heng’s Calculations

“A new forbidden area?”

Hearing the principal’s words, Xu Heng was shocked.

He looked excited, “Finally, after waiting for a long time, a new relic finally appeared!”

Since the last National Freshman Competition, so far, it has been a long time since I entered the brand-new ruins.

Before the end of the national competition, Xu Heng still remembered that Yi Kong, the stadium guard at the time, told him that he would enter an unknown forbidden area.

However, this matter has not been brought up since.

When he held the ring and declared war on the whole country, he was actually waiting for the news of the forbidden area.

But one after another, Yi Kong’s notice never came.

If the news of the forbidden area appeared earlier, he would completely ignore the challenges of Qingge and the others.

In Xu Heng’s view, fighting against these people is completely worth the loss.

Now, a brand-new forbidden area relic is finally about to appear.

“I don’t know which movie will I be in this time?” Xu Heng’s face showed a look of anticipation.

Every previous relic was a movie world he was familiar with, what would it be this time?

“Don’t be in a daze! Let’s go!”

Just as Xu Heng, immersed in the surprise of the appearance of the new ruins, the headmaster’s voice sounded, interrupting Xu Heng’s daydream.

As a result, Xu Heng quickly recovered. “Headmaster, where are we going?”

“Just in the school conference room, you’ve been there before!” Li Xinghui responded.

Then, Xu Heng suddenly stepped forward and grabbed the principal’s arm.

In a flash, the two of them disappeared directly into the gravity training room.

In the military conference room, several figures were sitting around the conference table.

The leader was Li Tiangang, and Ling Cangfeng was sitting next to him.

Surprisingly, the janitor, the old man, was actually there, although he still didn’t seem to hear what was going on outside the window. “Old man, we haven’t seen you for many years!”

In the conference room, Li Tiangang opened his mouth and looked at the old man, his eyes full of surprise, “Your strength is actually stronger than before.” The three of them resisted the beast tide not long ago, the old man alone, alone. That’s right, three eighth-order vicious beasts, and they are actually inferior.

If it weren’t for the number of beasts, it would be too many.

Next to him, there was a huge amount of low-level vicious beasts 423 interfering with their battles. He doubted that the old man could kill the three vicious beasts directly.

Although he Li Tiangang thinks he can do it, he is definitely not as calm as the old man.

This is enough to show that the strength of the old man is now stronger than before.

This is definitely a very good news for the entire Dragon Kingdom.

After all, this kind of top expert is the mainstay of fighting the beasts, and every one of them is an absolute treasure. “Hehe, a bad old man, nothing to pay attention to!” The old man waved his hand casually, his face expressionless.

Then, he suddenly said, “Xu Heng is the real genius worth noting.” “The high-level officials of your country must pay more attention!”

“Without Xu Heng this time, the three of us might have to stay in the International Temple of Heaven, and in the end there will be no bones left.” When the others in the conference room heard the old man’s words, a lot of strange expressions appeared on their faces.

A Xu Heng, really so important, is it mentioned over and over again?

Li Tiangang was in front of the conference room, but nodded silently. He had no objection to what the old man said.

Others may think that Lao Cang can raise Xu Heng up, but he himself has personally resisted the beast tide.

No matter how powerful your strength is, you will eventually be exhausted by the endless beast attack.

If the beasts hadn’t retreated in time, their strength, even the three of them, would definitely not be able to withstand it completely.

In the conference room, the two laughed at each other.

He also recalled a lot of previous experiences, and the rest of the military next to him were amazed.

“I didn’t expect that there are such powerful people hidden in Nantian University. Even the generals are ashamed.” “The most important thing is that they all praised that guy named Xu Heng!” The conference room In addition to the three masters, there are also a few other people accompanying the military.

These people belonged to Ling Cangfeng and Li Tiangang’s accompanying assistants. At this moment, they looked at each other with incomprehensible expressions in their eyes.

After all, they didn’t see the picture from the satellite.

Just as everyone was thinking about each other, a space fluctuation suddenly appeared in the conference room.

Then, two figures flashed out. “Xu Heng, Principal Li!” “You guys finally showed up!”

As soon as the two appeared, there were several voices in the conference room.

They are all here, waiting for Xu Heng.

The purpose is for the next unknown forbidden place.

“Killed the king of beasts!”

“Xu Heng, this time, you really exceeded everyone’s expectations!”

Just as Xu Heng appeared in the conference room, Ling Cangfeng’s voice rang out.

He looked at Xu Heng with a smile and said a shocking news.

The entourage who were still whispering at the scene were instantly stunned when they heard Ling Cangfeng’s words.

In front, Li Xinghui, the principal who came with Xu Heng, had not had time to say hello to the people at the scene when he suddenly heard Ling Cangfeng’s words, he turned his head and looked at Xu Heng next to him in surprise.

“You killed the king of beasts?!” The principal couldn’t believe what he had just heard.

However, it was from the mouth of the military general, Ling Cangfeng, so it must be true.

At this moment, he finally understood why the two generals would salute Xu Heng in person at the playground.

Killing the King of Fierce Beasts was a great achievement.

On the contrary, Li Xinghui felt that just salute is not enough to reward Xu Heng for what he did.

After a while, he recovered from his shock.

“I have overestimated you as much as possible, but I didn’t expect that, Xu Heng, you still exceeded my expectations!” “Your growth rate is the fastest among all the students I have ever seen. “He patted Xu Heng on the shoulder, shook his head and sighed fiercely. “The stage of Nantian University is too small for you!”

“Haha, you should be happy to have such a student!”

On the side, Ling Cangfeng saw Li Xinghui’s expression, and he was suddenly amused.

“We, the military, have been invited several times, but Xu Heng ruthlessly rejected them all.” “This time, you really found a treasure!” Ling Cangfeng and Li Xinghui teased each other and laughed.

“Speak the truth!”

Li Tiangang’s voice suddenly sounded, interrupting the conversation between the two of them.

The other people at the scene also looked positive.

They came here this time, not to make fun of the old.

So, after Xu Heng came over, the meeting really started.

Li Tiangang left his left hand for a while, and the assistant beside him immediately understood what he meant.

Afterwards, the assistant picked up a stack of documents and placed one on each person’s desk.

Li Tiangang introduced: “This is a non-disclosure agreement, and it’s all about this new forbidden area.” “Everyone has signed it, and all the content today cannot be leaked!” Li Tiangang’s expression became slightly serious, looking at Everyone on site. “Oh, it’s so mysterious!”

Suddenly, on the side, the silent old man looked at the document in front of him with disdain, “If you have something to say, let’s talk!” Li Tiangang gave him a helpless look, a person like the old man would basically not speak to the forbidden land. kind of thing.

If it weren’t for him just now, because he hadn’t seen each other for decades, he strongly invited the old man, and it is estimated that he would not appear in this conference room now.

Afterwards, Li Tiangang continued to explain (befe) the matter of this forbidden area.

His eyes were mainly on Xu Heng. After all, this time, Xu Heng was the real focus. “The country has been looking for people with the most outstanding strength and talent in each province recently.”

“After our various investigations, the most suitable candidate in Jinnan Island is only Xu Heng.” “The purpose of our visit this time is to invite Xu Heng.”

Li Tiangang sat in the first place and began to introduce the theme of this time. “Inviting Xu Heng is for the new ruins?”

The principal looked at the front in doubt, and asked aloud, “What is the purpose of the ruins this time? Why is it so mysterious!” “In the past, when the students’ ruins were trained, they were all unified.” Others also had doubts on their faces.

Even Ling Cangfeng was a little puzzled.

Although he belongs to the military, he is not a core member of the country and has no right to access these and core secrets.

So, up to now, he didn’t know which forbidden place Xu Heng was going to go to this time.

“We don’t know what to do after entering the ruins!” Li Tiangang replied.

His words, suddenly everyone on-site, all surprised.

Principal Li Xinghui hurried opening, a little worried, “You are the military, not specifically ruled over the remains of it, how it is not clear?” “This will go directly to Xu Heng, that’s not very dangerous!”

After Li Tiangang hear, he smiled, “This guy, alone, went to the fog, strong to kill the king of beasts, what is more dangerous than this.””This time Xu Heng needs to go to the unknown ruins, and the country has not fully explored it. Therefore, for the time being, no one is completely clear about what is going on inside.” “It is precisely because of this, so this time, we will experience the place, It’s called a forbidden place, not a relic.” There are many relics left in this world.

However, not every ruin has been explored.

There are a lot of ruins, because the inside is too dangerous, so far no one can fully understand the situation inside.

For example, when Xu Heng went to the Inception space ruins, the outside world believed that there were five layers of dreams in it.

Actually, Xu Heng knew that there were infinite levels of dreams inside.

It’s just because, so far, everyone can only go to the fourth floor at most, and no one can go back and forth to the fifth floor normally, so no one knows the mystery.

This time, the ruins that the country wants to explore also belong to this unknown category.

“Then you military, do you all eat dry rice? You can’t find out a single ruin?” The silent old man suddenly spoke again. “So many masters, is it enough to send just one?”

Xu Heng was a little surprised, he glanced at Lao Cang and smacked his tongue in his heart: “I knew that Lao Cang’s identity was not ordinary, I thought that he was just a little powerful in the school, but I didn’t expect that when facing the military generals, he didn’t have anything to do with it. Be merciful.” Old Cang’s words made Li Tiangang slightly stunned.

He quickly explained, “The ruins this time are very special. There are very strong formation restrictions around the ruins.” “Anyone whose strength exceeds the king level will be rejected by the formation at the edge of the forbidden area.” Suddenly, the meeting Everyone in the room suddenly realized.

No wonder so far, even the military people have not been able to figure out the situation in the forbidden area.

It turned out that this forbidden area actually rejected the powerhouses above the king level.

“Automatically recognizes the powerhouse above the king level, there is still such a miraculous formation!” Ling Cangfeng was also a little surprised when he heard Li Tiangang’s words.

As a general of the military, although he is not comparable to Li Tiangang’s position, he is also in charge of many relics.

This is the first time he has seen such a forbidden area surrounded by repulsion formations.

In this world, it is very difficult to accurately monitor the strength of powerhouses above the king level, but this formation can be accurately identified, so this formation must be very wonderful.

“There are so many masters in the military, let’s work together to dismantle this formation!” The old man didn’t care.

Li Tiangang shook his head when he heard his words.

However, he did not reprimand, after all, he knew very well that the old man was only joking. “Hehe, we have already tried this method!”

“At the beginning, we joined other universities and dispatched a total of five extraordinary king-level, two extraordinary god-level, a total of seven masters, trying to break the ban on this relic. As a result, after the outbreak of the attack, the forbidden ground formation was completely There is no damage.” Li Tiangang’s voice sounded faintly. “Yes?”

At this time, the always lazy old man was also a little surprised.

Five extraordinary kings, two extraordinary gods, and seven masters couldn’t break the ban on this relic?

It is hard to imagine what kind of existence can lay such a formation.

“So, this time, all the students we recruited are the most elite students from major schools and major martial arts families.” !” “In this way, we can maximize our chances of surviving in the unknown forbidden land!”

Li Tiangang explained slowly, and the others gradually understood the rules in the forbidden area.

“According to our survey, since Xu Heng entered the university, he has achieved excellent results in every experience and every battle.” “And, after our various selections, there is still a period of follow-up observation and selection. , Xu Heng, fully meets our requirements.”

Xu Heng listened to Li Tiangang’s words silently, thinking secretly in his heart. “People above the king level cannot enter.”

“My current strength is at the peak of the king level, half-step god level.” Then, a look of anticipation appeared on his face.

“When the time comes to meet other people, wouldn’t it be a random killing!”.

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