Chapter 141

Unknown forbidden land, global competition?

People above the king level cannot enter the ruins.

Then, Xu Heng’s current strength is at the top of everyone.

Even people of the same level have the confidence to crush them directly, let alone those who are one level lower than him.

Therefore, when the time comes, when entering the ruins, he does not need to be afraid of anyone.

Xu Heng calculated silently in his heart, and suddenly became very interested in the ruins at that location.

“As of now, I still don’t know which movie the relic will be this time.” Xu Heng asked a silent question in his heart. “It seems that you must enter the ruins in person before you can confirm.”

Ahead, the voice introduced by Li Tiangang continued to resound in the conference room.

“Of course, although Xu Heng’s strength is very strong, it is almost impossible for others to cause any trouble to the license.” “But the dangers in the ruins may occur at any moment.”

He continued to introduce the ruins that were about to be opened, “When we first discovered this ruins, it was very calm and didn’t seem to be in any danger.” “Our people have entered the exploration many times, although there is no result, but there is no danger. What’s life-threatening.” “But!”

Li Tiangang said here, his voice paused, and his expression seemed to become a little dignified.

“Just a while ago, before the beast tide happened, the ruins had undergone very obvious changes!” “What changes?”

The others looked at Li Tiangang curiously. Although they all belonged to the military, they usually had no access to such high-secret matters.

“Could it be that under the influence of the beast tide outside, there are also beasts in the ruins?” Someone guessed.

This kind of thing is also very normal. After all, it is not the first time that a beast has appeared in the ruins.

Li Tiangang shook his head, denying the guesses of those around him.

“Since we discovered this ruin, there have always been beasts in it! This is not because of the influence of this beast tide.”

“Initially, we thought it was a pure world of beasts, and the beasts in it were not particularly powerful, so they were very suitable for recruit training.” “So for the past few years, we have been treating it as a training ground.”

“Every year, each military unit organizes new recruits to enter the ruins to hold a beast hunting competition.” “However, just a while ago, we discovered that the teleportation point of the ruins world has changed.

“Our soldiers, after entering, the beasts they encounter are getting stronger and stronger. Moreover, after the soldiers entered, they actually found that there are human beings inside.” “So far, our military is completely unclear about what happened inside. what.”

“There are still humans?” The principal looked at Li Tiangang with surprise on his face. “Then why don’t you increase the number of people and continue to inquire.”

This time, Xu Heng needs to enter the unknown world of ruins, so Li Xinghui pays special attention to the situation inside. “Inquiry a few more times, and you will definitely be able to figure out what’s going on inside?” “I don’t need to risk the lives of students now?” The principal continued.

At the beginning, he heard that Xu Heng was going to enter the unknown world of ruins this time, so he didn’t support it at all.

Now Li Tiangang said that the ruins world seemed to become more dangerous, and the principal became more worried.

Their school finally produced a super genius like Xu Heng. If Tian Zhe was in this ruin, the loss would be huge.

“Our military has never stopped exploring this situation.”

“Not long ago, we also selected the most elite members of the major military regions across the country to go deep into the ruins to explore.” “The purpose is to find out the truth of this ruin!”Hearing this, the principal Li Xinghui showed anticipation, eager to hear the result: “What is the final result?”

“It seems that you guys didn’t succeed! Otherwise, why would you come to recruit students again?” At the conference table, the old man spoke again.

In an instant, he guessed the outcome of the military’s operation. If it was successful, they would not have spent so much effort looking for outstanding students all over the country.

Li Tiangang did not deny the old man’s words.

“We organized the most elite soldiers in the major military regions of the country, but in the end, they found nothing.” “Even, all the elite soldiers we sent out disappeared.” “Everyone, all lost. got in touch.”

Hearing this, everyone at the scene, including the accompanying military personnel, was shocked.

No matter how dangerous the situation is, the entire team disappears, which is very rare among all the relics in the country.

This also just shows that the new unknown forbidden area is very dangerous.

“All lost contact? Did you send someone in to look for it?” There were suspicious voices all around.

Li Tiangang just nodded slightly.

“Later we selected the most elite soldiers again, and even the special forces in the military region, we sent them over.” “However, not only did we not find the people in front, even this group of people disappeared, and we will never contact you again. No.” Next to the conference table, Li Xinghui stood up directly, “No, it’s so dangerous, we can’t let the students take risks!” “Xu Heng, don’t enter this ruins this time.”

Hearing that so many people from the military had disappeared this time, the principal quickly stood up to express his objection.

He didn’t want Xu Heng to disappear inexplicably after entering the ruins.

However, the military this time, the two generals came in person, the purpose is to invite Xu Heng.

So, they certainly won’t give up.

“No matter how dangerous the ruins are, they can’t be more dangerous than the fog. Xu Heng dared to run in front of the Beastmaster himself. He has the courage to say that he has already broken through the sky.” It’s worth mentioning.” “So we believe that Xu Heng can definitely handle the danger in the ruins.”

Li Tiangang insisted on his opinion. He hoped that Xu Heng could enter the forbidden area this time and help the military to explore the ruins clearly. “So far, among the Wang-level candidates, we can’t find anyone more suitable than Xu Heng.” “So we came here this time, not just to let him enter the ruins.”

“There is another very crucial reason. We came here in the hope that Xu Heng could do us a favor.” Li Tiangang got up and looked at Xu Heng with a very sincere look.

However, Xu Heng was very puzzled.

The strength of the military is so strong, what can I do for things that cannot be solved?

However, he was still a little curious as to what could make the military general speak in person.

“What do you need me to do?” Xu Heng asked softly.

“We hope that after you enter the ruins, you can help us find the missing teams after entering the ruins.” “Let me find them?” Xu Heng was a little surprised.

After the people in the military disappeared, they couldn’t even find so many people themselves.

As a result, he was actually asked as a student to search for someone he had never met in a strange forbidden place where he was unfamiliar.

This is simply, exponentially increasing the difficulty of the task.

So, when Xu Heng hadn’t reacted yet.

The voice of the principal, Li Xinghui, was the first to sound.

“Don’t talk nonsense, your military organizes personnel yourself, but you can’t solve things that can’t be solved in the end, what effect can you let a student in.” “You guys are just making it more difficult to explore the forbidden area of ​​Xu Heng!” Principal Li Xinghui was very opposed to it. Military proposal.

Although Xu Heng killed the King of Fierce Beasts, it did not mean that he really had the strength of the ninth rank.

If you rashly enter an unknown forbidden area, your life is likely to be in danger.

Just like the group of people before the military, after entering, they have completely lost the news.

Not only that, but the person who went to search later also disappeared, which made the principal have to worry. “Let Xu Heng search, maybe he will follow in the footsteps of those people.”

“Hehe, we have to ask Xu Heng’s opinion on this matter,” although Li Xinghui strongly opposed it.

But the military has been investigating for so long before deciding on a good candidate, and obviously it won’t let it go so easily.

Li Tiangang left his seat directly and walked beside Xu Heng.

“This time, our military has lost hundreds of people in this unknown ruin, and all of them are elites from various military regions. “Their disappearance, for the military, is a very huge loss. ”

“Xu Heng, although you have just entered the university, you cannot be judged by the eyes of an ordinary student.” “We believe that with your ability, the chance of helping us find the missing person is very high. ”

Afterwards, Li Tiangang patted Xu Heng on the shoulder and said, “As long as you are willing to agree to us, from now on, we will do our best to meet any of your requests.” “No matter what materials, equipment, or weapons you need, we will We will do our best to meet your request.”

Others looked at Li Tiangang in amazement. No matter what material they were, they were all satisfied as much as possible. This was a very rich condition.

However, Li Tiangang’s words were not finished, just when everyone was surprised, he spoke again and continued.

“Not only material requirements, but even if you need help, the army under my command can be dispatched at any time for you.”

・・・ Flowers・

The voice fell, and everyone in the conference room looked surprised.

Even the army itself, the entourage, showed shocking expressions. “He actually asked him to dispatch troops?”

They, as people who have been in the military all year round, know very well what the right to mobilize means.

Being able to mobilize troops means that you have military power in your hands.

This is unthinkable for ordinary people.

They thought that the support for Xu Heng with so many weapons and equipment was outrageous enough.

But now I didn’t expect it to be even more exaggerated. The general on my side, even the military power, was temporarily granted to Xu Heng.

This is absolutely, extraordinary.

“Even the army can be temporarily dispatched by Xu Heng. Your army has really paid for it this time.”

On the side, the principal who opposed Xu Heng’s entry into the ruins from the beginning to the end, hearing the conditions given by the military, felt that the request of the other party seemed very reasonable.

Just when everyone was stunned when one after another, Li Tiangang voice sounded again.”We won’t let you work in vain. This time, we have prepared a generous reward.” Hearing this, Xu Heng, who was originally lazy, raised his head slightly.

He really wanted to hear what the military’s so-called rich rewards were.

“All kinds of cultivation resources, cultivation techniques, high-level skills, and opportunities to enter other ruins can be opened to you at any time.”

“We know that you have the eye of reincarnation, so we can do our best to collect advanced exercises related to the eye of reincarnation for you.” “Our military alone has two advanced exercises related to the eye of reincarnation.”

“Oh?” Xu Heng was a little surprised, he didn’t expect that the military would use the eye of reincarnation to convince him.

“Which two advanced exercises?” Xu Heng asked curiously.

“‘Shen Luo Tianzheng’, and ‘Earth Burst Star’!” Li Tiangang replied lightly.

Xu Heng’s eyes lit up, Shen Luo Tianzheng and Earth Blast Star, which are all famous high-level ninjutsu in Naruto anime, I didn’t expect the military to have two.

“Not only that, as long as you can help us find information about the missing persons, then our military will give you the position of honorary captain of the Special Warfare Department.” “With this honorary captain position, you can come to our troops at any time, Dispatch your special forces.” “And, this position will be permanently reserved for you.”

Li Tiangang’s voice of persuasion continued to sound. He was very confident that a position in the army was not something ordinary people could get.

Moreover, the positions they released this time are not empty shelves, but real positions of real power.

With this position, he is basically equivalent to a senior military officer.


Principal Li Xinghui pouted in disdain after hearing the conditions offered by the military general. “You people in the military really don’t want to dig my corners all the time!”

“Rewarding exercises is quite normal. But if you directly delegate power, and even let Xu Heng take a position in your military, your hands are too long!” Before that, the military had already issued a message to Xu Heng. multiple invitations.

However, it was rejected by Xu Heng before.

Originally, he thought that the military had given up.

But now it seems that they still haven’t given up and are still trying to recruit Xu Heng in a different way.

Even at all costs, the authority was directly delegated to Xu Heng.

“If Xu Heng has a position in your military, I’m afraid he won’t be able to stay long in our Nantian University in the future!” Ling Cangfeng, who was beside him, smiled slightly.

He heard the conditions of General Li Tiangang before, and he immediately thought of this purpose.

However, he had no objection at all, he had always wanted to win over Xu Heng.

“There is one more thing that needs to be added!”

Li Tiangang ignored the principal’s question.

He looked at Xu Heng and said directly: “This time, it is not only our Dragon Kingdom who has stepped into the unknown forbidden land, but also many students from the Western world!” In an instant, the atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became silent.

Everyone looked at each other in surprise.

“This time the relic, could it be global competition?!” Guang.

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