Chapter 139

All salute! A new forbidden area is coming?


Some people at the scene swallowed, they felt incredible.

Especially some of the teachers at the scene, they all knew Ling Cangfeng in front of them.

Because of this, the surprise in their hearts was even stronger.

Why, those are two generals, one of them is a real general, who controls the existence of the entire military region.

At this moment, he would actually give such a big gift to a freshman who had just entered the university for less than half a year. “Xu Heng, is it really just, did you interfere with the Beastmaster?” On the playground, the voices of everyone’s doubts sounded.

Everyone’s eyes were full of disbelief.

“what happened?”

In front of the crowd, the headmaster Li Xinghui, his eyes were about to pop out at this moment. “General Ling…”

Even he himself did not understand why the two of them would suddenly salute Xu Heng.

That is the general, even if it is himself, he also needs a grand reception.

There is another person who is a real high-level national.

So, no matter what, he couldn’t understand why Xu Heng made the two of them so solemn this time.

The old man, the gatekeeper, looked extremely calm.

Unlike others, he has witnessed everything Xu Heng has done outside the fog at the International Temple of Heaven.

Killing the King of Fierce Beasts, if this matter spreads out, let alone the general salute, everyone in the country should thank Xu Heng fiercely.

Otherwise, based on the strangeness of the beast this time, it is estimated that it will not be long before Jinnan Island will fall directly.

At that time, the inland areas will not be spared.

Coupled with the simultaneous riots of beasts in other places, no one in any city can stay out of the way.

He believed that if Li Xinghui knew the whole truth of the matter, he would not be surprised by the actions of the two generals.

“Fellow students!”

After a while, the principal in front finally recovered from his surprise.

Afterwards, he immediately reacted, and it is estimated that there are many deep-seated reasons hidden in it.

However, Li Xinghui did not immediately ask.

Since the military keeps secrets, there must be a reason, and it is not easy to ask questions directly in the public.

He looked at the many students on the playground and said, “The three in front of you are the heroes who resisted the beasts this time!”

“In order to defend the country and give everyone a peaceful and quiet environment, they often risk their lives and fight on the unknown front line.” “It is very likely that at some point in the future, they will suddenly disappear in this place. above the world.”

“So, all the students at the scene, I hope you remember that you must cherish the peaceful environment now. You must cultivate well and improve your strength as much as possible.” “One day in the future, when the beast comes again, I hope you all Some of them can be on the front line of resisting beasts for human beings.” “One day, you will need to defend your homeland by yourself.”

The principal gave an impassioned speech, encouraging everyone not to be afraid of beasts. As long as everyone’s strength is enough, beasts are just a bunch of beasts without intelligence.

At the same time, he also reminded all the students at the scene, and warned them to cherish time, cherish the peaceful time now, and not to waste time.

The playground was quiet at the moment.

If it was before, these students would definitely scoff at the principal’s words.

They will feel that the principal’s words are all boring lectures that make people want to sleep.

However, at this moment, the students who had just experienced the beast riot deeply understood the meaning of the principal’s words.

Many people are determined to cultivate well, because the threat of the beast has not been contacted.

Maybe at the next moment, the beasts outside the high wall rioted again and rushed directly into the city wall.

At that time, everything else was illusory.

Only one’s own strength is the basis for survival.”However, in addition to the three heroes of the older generation, there is one other person, you also have to remember!” The principal changed his words and turned to look not far away, where Xu Heng was.

“This time, there are not only three superpowers who resisted the beasts head-on, but also many people who contributed silently behind the scenes!” “Xu Heng, among all the people who fought against the beasts behind the scenes, contributed the most! ”

“The most critical factor for the vicious beast to retreat so quickly is that he entered the fog and interfered with the actions of the king of the vicious beast.” Avoiding the beast, we are still on the way to escape.” “Even, many people may have entered the belly of the beast.”

“So, everyone present, you all have to thank Xu Heng1/~.”

The classmates at the scene, this time, were all silent, and no one refuted.

When I first heard about it, many people questioned Xu Heng’s performance.

After all, the King of Fierce Beasts doesn’t sound like an ordinary student can deal with, so many people didn’t believe it before.

However, just now, the two generals saluted Xu Heng in person.

This time, no one will question the authenticity of the matter, after all, they will not cooperate with an ordinary student to lie.

Therefore, after hearing the principal’s words, no one questioned.

The students present, imitating Ling Cangfeng and Li Tiangang in front of them, began to salute Xu Heng.

For a time, hundreds of students on the playground saluted neatly and began to salute Xu Heng in front of him. “Xu Heng, the hero who fought against the beasts!” The principal’s voice sounded again.

At the same time, there was a sudden applause from the student team below.

Afterwards, the applause spread around, and finally covered every part of the playground. “My idol is Xu Heng!”

“Me too, in the future I will not burn incense or worship Buddha, but only worship Xu Heng!”

At this moment, in their hearts, Xu Heng is not just a student of the same grade, but a role model, a role model worthy of all of them to learn from.

Regardless of morality, just strength is enough to conquer everyone on the scene.

After all, if the King of Fierce Beasts is a student of average strength, he has no ability to interfere.

Xu Heng’s ability to do it is enough to show that his current strength is already extraordinary. At least, it must be a level higher than that of ordinary students.

On this point, all students need to study hard.

“Okay, now, please be quiet!”

After the applause continued for a while, the principal interrupted the scene.

He looked at the students on the playground below and said.

“The fierce beasts have receded, and the beast tide has basically ended.”

“Now, please return to your academy as soon as possible, and restore your study and life to the rhythm before the beast tide.”

“Teachers of each college, arrange for their students as soon as possible to report the things damaged in the beast tide this time, and the school will buy them uniformly at that time.” “Don’t let this beast tide overly affect your life. “”The meeting is over!!”

Afterwards, the principal arranged it, leaving some students behind to clean the site.

The teachers on the playground began to organize the students of their own academies and exited in an orderly manner.

These students need to be responsible for the statistics of the items in their own colleges.

After all, this time the beast tide, not only people, but also objects were damaged.

Basically, everything that has been trampled by beasts has changed beyond recognition.

Broken, broken, broken.

Therefore, the first task at present is to repair the damaged things in the school.

Where the gate of the College of the Logistics Department is located, the students of the entire college are all gathered here at this moment. “This time, a lot of people died in our logistics department!” The students at the scene looked down.

Just now, they roughly counted the instruments and finances within the academy.

They found that although this beast tide was not long, the losses caused were beyond their expectations.

All the teaching buildings of the logistics department were damaged to varying degrees, and none of them were spared.

Not only that, there are many precious instruments in the laboratory, all of which are scrapped.

This cost a lot of money to produce, and now these things can’t be used. “Thank you for having Xu Heng!” Someone in the crowd said with emotion.

The other students nodded in agreement.

“If the time of the beast rioting was a little longer, it is estimated that the entire Nantian University would have turned into a pile of ruins at this moment.” That’s right, at that time, the city is estimated to have become what the teacher said, thirty years. Before, it looked like it was completely destroyed by the beast! “Students in the logistics department at the scene recalled what their teachers taught in class.

And the photos of the ruins they saw from the major video websites, all shivered.

Although they had not personally experienced the beast tide 30 years ago, but after so many years of education, they also knew that the impact of the beast tide that time caused great losses.

It is difficult for them to imagine that Nantian University has become a ruin.

“I can’t imagine that someone as powerful as Xu Heng came from our logistics department.”

“I didn’t expect that this time the beast swarm suddenly receded, and Xu Heng actually got credit for it. It’s unbelievable!”

“This time, our logistics department will probably become the largest academy in the school. In the future, if people from the martial arts department come to me to brag again, see if I don’t kill them!” “I heard that the logistics department used to be very special. It’s amazing, but I don’t know why it declined later.” “However, after today, there will be no one else, but they dare to look down on the people in our logistics department.” The students at the scene began to sigh at Xu Heng’s greatness.

They were on the playground just now, and they all heard about Xu Heng in the beast swarm this time.

At this moment, everyone is talking about Xu Heng.

Everyone had an excited expression on their face.

After all, they are very proud to belong to the same academy as such a powerful person.

At this moment, Xu Tian led Xu Heng and appeared not far in front of the logistics department. “Xu Heng is here!”

Among the students in the logistics department, a surprised voice suddenly sounded.

Immediately, everyone turned to look.

“Suck the luck of God, I will become so powerful in the future!”

“I remember when he first entered the university, he wasn’t so perverted yet! Now he’s already several levels higher than us.” The people at the scene, looking at Xu Heng who walked in, all started a heated discussion.

They all hope that they can become a person like Xu Heng.

“Okay!” From the front, Xu Tian walked in and opened his mouth to everyone in the logistics department.

“Now that the beast tide has just passed, we need to clean up all the damaged things in the academy.”

“You must train well, otherwise the next time the beast comes, we will only have to escape.” “Look at Xu Heng, if you are strong enough, you can ignore the beast and hit the beast’s lair directly.” “With Xu Heng as an example, you have to work hard now.”

Xu Tian encouraged his students a little, and then arranged for them to return to their usual places as soon as possible.

Ask them to clean up all the things that were damaged by the beasts, and use the shortest time to remove the influence of the beasts. “Let’s break up!”

Xu Tian asked everyone to deal with their own affairs as soon as possible.

Then he turned his head and looked at Xu Heng.

“You kid, this time it’s beyond everyone’s expectations!” Xu Tian patted Xu Heng on the shoulder.

“Haha!” Xu Heng smiled slightly, but didn’t respond too much. Now his body is still very weak, so he didn’t respond too much.

Dude, no nonsense.

He could sense that Xu Heng’s current aura was floating and very weak.

Obviously, Xu Heng’s interference with the King of Ferocious Beasts was not as simple as he imagined.

Of course, if Xu Tian knew that Xu Heng not only interfered, but directly killed the Beastmaster, he would probably have no doubts about Xu Heng’s current state.

Such a powerful beast, if it were someone else, it would have to pay the price of life.

It turns out that Xu Heng is just a little weaker now, but it’s a very good deal.

However, in a short period of time, it is impossible for Xu Tian to know the truth.

“.~ Xu Heng, you don’t have to go to the school to clean up.” “Go and recuperate first!” After that, Xu Tian was not talking nonsense.

He took a lot of people to the direction of the teaching building, and cleaned up the damaged things as quickly as possible.

Among the crowd, Xu Xiaojia and Zhao Han were also inside.

Previously, the two of them were teammates with Xu Heng. At that time, although Xu Heng was also much stronger than them.

But, no matter what, the three are still on the same level.However, after the beast tide this time, the distance between Xu Heng and them seems to have widened a lot again.

They can imagine that Xu Heng’s strength is already several levels stronger than them.

The two of them looked at Xu Heng not far away, a little dazed.

Originally, they wanted to go up and say something to Xu Heng, but at this moment they just felt that the distance was too far. “Xu Heng is fine, that’s the best result!” Xu Xiaojia said softly.

Before Xu Heng was surrounded by beasts, she was worried for a while.

She was really afraid that Xu Heng would blindly rush into the beast swarm and lose her life, never to return.

Now that I finally saw Xu Heng’s figure, I felt a sigh of relief.

“He seems to be very weak now, let’s not disturb him.” Zhao Han also looked at Xu Heng not far away.

She could clearly notice that Xu Heng’s face was unprecedentedly pale at the moment.

Since she knew Xu Heng, she has never seen such a weak Xu Heng.

“It seems that the impact of the beast swarm has not affected him as simply as the teacher said.”

“Let’s go back first, many things have been damaged by beasts, this time, we have to clean up for a long time!” Xu Xiaojia pulled Zhao Han and walked towards their own laboratory.

“After we go back, we have to work harder, but we can’t be thrown too far by that guy Xu Heng!” Along the way, Xu Xiaojia made up her mind in her heart.

In the training room, Xu Heng sat cross-legged silently.

After saying goodbye to Xutian, he used Instant Transmission to return directly to the school’s gravity training room.

Of course, now he did not turn on the gravity doubling.

Xu Heng needs to repair all the injuries in his body first.

(Is it okay?) “My current strength should be at the peak of the king level, and even surpassed the king level, reaching the level of a demigod!” The refining of two consecutive dragon essences made Xu Heng’s strength come into being. qualitative changes.

He jumped directly and crossed several realms.

After all, the strength of the King of Ferocious Beasts has reached the limit of all the powerhouses in the world.

If there is no strength as a support, it is absolutely impossible to interfere with the actions of the ninth-order beast.

Just like the five veterans, the strength of the lord alone, even if he entered the depths of the fog and saw the King of Fierce Beasts, would not play any role at all.

Facing the ninth-order Beastmaster Scarlet Winged Demon Dragon, he could only be killed in seconds. “However, the current strength is far from enough!” This time facing the King of Fierce Beasts, he had a lot of luck.

If it wasn’t for the fact that the cub of the beastmaster was controlled by him, the king of beasts had some scruples, and he couldn’t exert his full strength in the first time.

It was estimated that it was just a face-to-face, and he was completely defeated.

In addition, the Beastmaster also summoned countless low-level vicious beasts.

These low-level vicious beasts, controlled by him, all turned into his help in dealing with the Beastmaster.

These two points gave him the ability to leapfrog challenges.

The most important thing is the reincarnation technique that allows him to revive the dead beasts and constantly launch wheel tactics against the beastmaster.

If it weren’t for these coincidences, Xu Heng would definitely not be a match for the ninth-order Beastmaster just based on his hard power. “I’m still not strong enough!”

“After recovering from the injury, absorb all the two dragon essences as soon as possible, and integrate them. That way, maybe you can hit the god-level realm.” Afterwards, Xu Heng immersed himself in the recovery practice again.


I don’t know how much time has passed, just after Xu Heng’s injury has almost recovered.

The door of the training room was suddenly pushed open.

The figure of the principal, Li Xinghui, came in from outside the door. “Xu Heng!”

“Huh? Principal?” Xu Heng opened his eyes suspiciously and looked at the door. “Why are you here?”

He was a little puzzled. In the past training, the principal never asked.

This time, he actually came to fake in person? “Xu Heng, there is an urgent matter now!”

The headmaster’s voice sounded again.

“You pack up as soon as possible, and come with me immediately!” “A new forbidden area may appear!”.

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