Chapter 136

After the catastrophe, the three masters who were shocked!

Above the sky, Ling Cangfeng’s eyes burst into light.

Just now, he still wondered why the beasts retreated when he suddenly received a notice from the military that the beasts retreated because of Xu Heng.

Originally, the three of them were fighting fiercely with five eighth-order beasts and dozens of seventh-rank beasts.

From the beginning of the beast tide, they have borne most of the pressure.

It can be said that so far, most of the high-level vicious beasts have been stopped by the three of them.

But because of this, the consumption of the three of them is also very large.

If the beast swarm continues, even if their strength is superior, they can’t guarantee that they can retreat completely.

Because there are too many beasts.

Under the impact of the endless beasts, no one can guarantee that they will be able to survive.

In order to resist the beast tide before, each of them paid a considerable price.

Originally, due to the increasing number of beasts, the three of them were ready to fight for their lives.

Just now, Ling Cangfeng was ready to overdraw his strength and condense a bigger Spirit Bomb.

As a result, all of a sudden, the beast stopped attacking and started to retreat continuously.

In the blink of an eye, all the beasts, like the tide, all receded and disappeared, as if they had never appeared.

Suddenly, the three of them were all stunned in the air. “Xu Heng?!”

“What the hell did this kid do?”

Ling Cangfeng’s puzzled voice sounded in the air.

His position in the military is very high.

Therefore, just after the beast tide ended, Ling Cangfeng immediately received news from the military command post.

The news said that this time the beast tide receded because of Xu Heng.

Of course, due to the rush of time now, he did not receive a detailed explanation.

Now they don’t know what Xu Heng did.

Even based on their well-informed experience, it is completely unimaginable, what is the reason for such a large-scale beast tide to automatically retreat. “Beastmaster, was killed!”

Just when Ling Cangfeng was puzzled, Li Tiangang’s shocked voice also sounded in the air.

He is in the military, oversees an entire region, and belongs to the real top level of the country.

Therefore, Li Tiangang’s position is one level higher than that of Ling Cangfeng.

Therefore, he also received news from the military command post, and the information he received was much more detailed than Ling Cangfeng.

It was precisely because the information he received was more detailed, so his surprise was even more intense than Ling Cangfeng’s. “Xu Heng killed the king of beasts, so all the beasts here have retreated.” Li Tiangang looked into the distance and muttered to himself.

“According to the news, the strength of this beastmaster has reached the level of the ninth order. Even if I go there in person, I can’t guarantee that I will retreat.” “Xu Heng, not only saved his life, but also killed the beastmaster. .And, it’s still in the fog!!” “How did this guy do it!”

He would not have the slightest doubt about the news from the military command post.

However, because of this, his shock level has also increased exponentially.

The ninth-order vicious beast, even he himself, is completely unsure of how to deal with it.

Not only that, in the fog, the viability of the beast is several times stronger than in the city.

Therefore, it is more difficult to kill beasts in the fog than in the city.

But in such a harsh environment, Xu Heng not only succeeded, but the opponent he killed was the king of beasts, which made his heart unable to speak for a long time.

Next to Ling Cangfeng and Li Tiangang, the janitor Lao Cang remained silent.

Just now, he was alone against two eighth-order beasts, plus five seventh-order beasts. It can be said that among the three, he was the one who was under the most pressure.

However, at this moment, his face was a little different.

He heard the words of Ling Cangfeng and Li Tiangang just now, without omission.

Because of this, although he was very calm on the surface, deep down, he was also very surprised.Xu Heng’s strength, he is very clear.

Because when he was in school, he had already secretly sensed Xu Heng’s strength several times.

In any case, it can’t reach the level that can kill the king of beasts.

However, the fact that the beast tide has receded is right in front of him, so he has to believe it.

But he was also very curious, what exactly did Xu Heng rely on to kill the king of beasts of the ninth-order strength.

At this moment, Li Tiangang stretched out his hand a little, and a huge light curtain appeared above the sky.

Immediately, the gazes of Ling Cangfeng and the gatekeeper Lao Cang were all attracted. “This is?”

“Command encrypted voice transmission!”

Ling Cangfeng looked at the familiar light curtain and shouted in surprise, this is their military’s special communication method.

An exclusive communication method that can only be used by high-level military warriors.

On the screen, the first thing that appeared was the King of Fierce Beasts with a strength as high as the ninth order.

“Red Winged Demon Dragon!”

The old man, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said at this moment, “I didn’t expect that this beast wave was actually started by this guy!”

Thirty years ago, in the super beast tide, there was this red-winged dragon. He and this red-winged dragon could be said to be old rivals.

It was just that at that time, the strength of the Red Wing Demon Dragon was not as powerful as it is now.

Then, above the light curtain, the screen turned, and Xu Heng’s figure was also revealed at this moment.

Suddenly, the eyes of the three people present changed.

Although they had received the news long ago, they still couldn’t believe it when they saw Xu Heng appear in front of the King of Fierce Beasts with their own eyes.

Because the gap between the two is too huge.

After the King of Ferocious Beasts spread his wings, his body was thousands of meters high.

In contrast, Xu Heng was just a sesame-like existence in front of it.

However, none of the three made a sound, because the pictures from the military command post could not be fake.

Therefore, at this moment, they are all just quietly looking at the light curtain in the air.

They all wanted to quickly understand how Xu Heng killed the king of beasts.

The picture above the light curtain began to change continuously between their silences.

Blocking the sonic attack of the Beastmaster, using the Destructo Disc to repel the Beastmaster, Susanoo confronting the Beastmaster head-on, using illusions to control all the beasts on the scene, and resurrecting all the dead beasts with the reincarnation technique.

And finally, turn on the Kaio-ken dozens of times, and fight the terrifying high temperature of the Flame Dragon Fire Domain to kill the Beastmaster.

Scene after scene, slowly presented in front of the three top masters.

After seeing all the pictures, the three of them fell silent.

After a while, he came back to his senses. “Unparalleled sense of smell on the battlefield!” After the three, Li Tiangang was the first to speak.

His evaluation was exactly the same as that of the leader of the military command post.

Ling Cangfeng also nodded. He was also born in the military, so he knew exactly what Xu Heng’s performance just meant.

Such talents, if they are to command an army, can definitely play a super-first-class level. “There’s a lot of trickery!”

“The vicious beast that Xu Heng initially controlled should be the cub of this red-winged dragon. With it as a deterrent, the beastmaster cannot exert his full strength!”

“In addition, the Ferocious Beast Legion he controlled with illusions also played a vital role. This Ferocious Beast Legion launched two charges, which was very costly to the Beastmaster.” The habitually silent old man looked at After Xu Heng finished the whole process of defeating the Beastmaster, he opened his mouth and commented. “However, this guy’s basic strength has far exceeded my imagination!”

This time, he said more words than ever before. Obviously, Xu Heng’s killing of the Beastmaster had a big impact on him.

“When we were young, we didn’t have the courage to face the ninth-order beast!” “You Nantian University have really found a treasure!” Ling Cangfeng also said excitedly.

“If such talents are cultivated diligently, maybe in the Dragon Kingdom, there will be a top master who surpasses the emperor-level powerhouse in the future!” “If there are more such top geniuses, we humans may be able to go deep into the fog. In the middle, counter-attack the beast!” As soon as these words came out, the other two fell silent.

However, they did not refute, because with Xu Heng’s performance, it may be possible in the future to reach a state where no one has ever succeeded.

Jinnan Island, on a certain rooftop of the hotel, a group of people looked at each other in dismay.

Not long ago, they were cornered by dozens of beasts.

If the beast continues to approach, most of them may die directly.

Either he was bitten to death by a vicious beast, or he jumped off a high-rise building because of fright.

As a result, just when everyone was desperate, the beast actually stopped attacking.

Not only that, in just a short while, all the beasts retreated and disappeared.

This made everyone feel a little overwhelmed. “Have you been saved?”

In the crowd, some uncertain voices sounded.

They didn’t know whether the beast had completely retreated or just disappeared temporarily.

However, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

At least for a short time, their lives will not be in danger.

With the passage of time, when the beast never appeared again, and even the entire city was completely devoid of the roar of the beast, they finally determined that the beast had indeed retreated completely. Suddenly, someone shouted, “Fuck, these beasts are really gone!”

A stone stirred up a thousand waves, and after the others heard the shout, they also began to cheer, venting their panic in their hearts. “F*ck, those beasts just now are completely different from the ones in the TV movie. They’re so terrifying!” “That body type, I feel like it can swallow me directly in one bite!”

“Whatever, Laozi is safe now. Tonight, Laozi is going to have a good meal!”

“The beast tide has just passed, and there is chaos everywhere now. Where can a restaurant open for you to eat!!”

“I don’t care, Laozi is going to slaughter a few beasts and roast them, anyway, he must treat himself well today. Mad, maybe sometime, the beasts will come back again. At that time, there is no chance to eat them!” “Just You guy, you were so frightened that you almost jumped off the building, how dare you run to slaughter the beast?” The people at the scene began to tease and scold each other.

In any case, the feeling of panic that had been suppressed for a long time just now can finally be released to the fullest.

After the catastrophe, everyone at the scene felt like ten mountains had been put down in their hearts.

The next beast tide, I don’t know when, will suddenly come again.

They all planned that after today, no matter what, they must treat themselves well.

“Teacher, the beast seems to have retreated!”

Not far from Nantian University, the students of the brigade are constantly heading inland. They are all teachers and students of Nantian University.

At this moment, almost everyone on the scene was covered in blood.

That was the blood that splashed on their bodies when they fought fiercely with the beasts.

However, at this moment, these teachers and students all stared blankly behind them.

There, is the direction of the coming of the beast.

Before the large-scale outbreak of the beast tide, they had already received a notice from the school, asking them to leave immediately.

·.For flowers·

However, the speed of the beast’s attack was several times faster than that of ordinary students.

So not long after they left the school, the beasts chased after them.

Therefore, several students have been sacrificed here.

There are also several teachers, who were also involved in the beast tide in order to protect the students, and basically died.

Originally, these teachers and students were all ready to fight back and fight back.

But when they turned around and just started their duel with the fierce beast, they found that a shocking roar suddenly came from a distance.

The teachers and students at the scene originally thought that there would be high-level beasts with terrifying strength.

As a result, no one thought of it, after the shocking roar of the high-level beast was remembered.

The beasts that attacked them on the spot were stunned for a moment, and they all stopped attacking.

Immediately afterwards, all the beasts, like the army, quickly retreated with strict discipline.

“Teacher, we survived!” In the crowd, some students shouted ecstatically. “Hahaha! I’m fine!”

“Tonight, Laozi is going to open the black and get the score!”

“Ma De, after Laozi graduates, you must go into the fog and slaughter a few beasts, otherwise, you won’t be able to get rid of the anger today!” Immediately, other students also realized that this beast tide, Unbelievably, it automatically retreated.

So, they also began to cheer happily.

The teacher at the scene was also overjoyed, “I didn’t expect that with a handful of old bones, I could still escape in the mouth of the beast!”But soon, the joy on the teacher’s face suddenly changed, and a trace of sadness appeared on his face. “Second time, this is the second time I have encountered a beast tide!”

The teacher with white hair and beard looked at the beast retreating in the distance, his eyes were a little wet.

His face was full of memories.

“The last beast swarm destroyed the entire city. In the end, it was the retired head of our logistics department who stepped forward and fought off the swarm of beasts.”

“This time, whose sacrifice is it?”

Ferocious beasts will never retreat for no reason. This time, which hero’s sacrifice is it?

For a time, all the teachers present fell into contemplation.

Compared with the carnival students, their experience is much more.

This time, the beast tide reminded them of their experience thirty years ago.

At that time, many teachers on the scene had just entered the university.

When the beast tide happened, no one was prepared in the slightest.

The fierce beast was like a broken bamboo, and soon everything that could be seen was destroyed in a mess.

In the end, if it wasn’t for the retired minister of the logistics department of Nantian University, the current Jinnan Island would have become a paradise for beasts. “This time, I am afraid that another top master has sacrificed!”

Jinnan Island, the International Temple of Heaven, here is the place where the beast tide has been hit the most.

At this moment, Yuan Gang, Fudan University, stared blankly at the disappearing beast, with a serious look of unbelievable eyes.

Originally, he was ready to sacrifice, but the speed at which the beast tide receded this time was beyond his imagination.

He turned his head suddenly and looked into the distance.

There, it was the most intense place when the beast horde fought before.

“General Ling’s breath seems to have completely disappeared!” Sensing the movement in the distance, he frowned.

In the distance from the Temple of Heaven, some reporters who had not had time to leave, saw the beasts recede, and gathered again.

They came here before to shoot Xu Heng’s duel.

But the speed of the beast tide disappearing this time is far faster than before.

Therefore, before they escaped far, the beast had already retreated on its own.

At this moment, realizing that the beast had disappeared and all of them were safe, the reporters who had fled and the internet celebrity anchors turned back one after another.

They carried the camera and ran over.

The camera in his hand is aimed at the most intense battle in the distance.

Although they are not warriors, they are clear about the place where the battle fluctuated the most just now. “Three heroes, blocked the beasts for us?” A reporter said, guessing softly.

These people are all witnesses to this beast tide.

When the vicious beast came over, three top experts used their mighty power to build a wall of profound energy, blocking the path of the vicious beast’s attack.

Everyone at the scene remembered this clearly. “But what about them?”

At this time, they found that the three people who were exuding earth-shattering fluctuations all disappeared. “All sacrificed?”

A thought appeared in the minds of everyone present.

Suddenly sad emotions spread around. “There are them this time, but what about next time?” “Who else?”

At the same time, there were a lot of worried voices.

The ferocious beasts appeared irregularly, and this time there happened to be three masters at the scene.

However, now that they have all disappeared, then, next time the beasts make a comeback, who can help them resist the beast tide?

For a time, everyone had mixed feelings in their hearts, and they were all silent.

At this moment, above the sky, three powerful breaths suddenly appeared and spread rapidly around.

Then, three figures flashed in front of everyone.

The people who had been silent at first suddenly boiled.

Of the three masters, none of them died, but all of them are here?! wide.

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