Chapter 137

As the general testified, Xu Heng fought off the beast tide!

Above the sky, three figures were quietly suspended.

A powerful aura emanated from them.

However, because the impact of the beast tide just now was very strong, and the three of them bear most of the pressure, so now their aura is still very strong, but it is also very unstable.

The strong and weak aura shows their current state, which is very unstable.

At the same time, it also shows that their consumption in the beast tide is so huge that such experts can’t support it.

Of course, looking at the appearance of the three of them, although the consumption is very large, there is no danger to their lives, so other injuries can be recovered slowly.

On the ground, all the eyes in the crowd were looking at the three figures above the sky.

There was a look of shock in his eyes, and a deep surprise at the same time. “They’re all right!” “That’s great!”

In the crowd below, a heated discussion suddenly erupted.

Originally, they could not sense the breath of these three people, so everyone present thought that these three people had already sacrificed.

However, it was a pleasant surprise to see that all three of them were safe and sound now.

“They are all heroes. Without them, the death toll of this beast tide would have doubled!” “Just the three of them, I am afraid that more than half of the beasts were blocked. It’s so terrifying! ”

“I have seen the scene of their battle with my own eyes. It is truly earth-shattering! When will I become so powerful!” “Welcome the hero back!”

The crowd below warmly welcomed the three people who suddenly appeared above the sky.

“Four Two Three”.

Yuan Gang from the Magic Capital University. He took the lead before and became the first person to turn back to defend against the beasts after the three of Ling Cangfeng.

However, due to the time of the beast swarm’s impact is very short, and most of the pressure has already been borne by the three masters voluntarily.

Therefore, the pressure of their earthly people is not so desperate. “General Ling is fine, that’s great!”

“Are there two other people who are also from the military? This time, it is really fortunate that the military responded in time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable!” Yuan Gang looked at the three people above the sky and was very happy.

These three people are all top experts and the pillars of the country.

If sacrificed in this beast tide, the loss would be very large.

A master of this level is completely unattainable.

They are the biggest support for mankind to fight against the beasts. If there are three strengths and two weaknesses now, the entire country will probably be shaken.

After a while, the three people in the air slowly descended and landed in front of the crowd.

Suddenly, the people on the ground rushed over frantically.

“Excuse me, General Ling, this time, why is there such a large-scale beast tide!” “Why did the army at the high wall have no warning at all about it!”

Especially marketing journalists with cameras on their shoulders, they are usually the fastest runners.Because of these people, every moment hopes to catch the news breaking point in the first time.

Originally, because of the threat of the beast tide, they all retreated to the inland area.

But at this moment, the beasts have all retreated, and the threats to life have all disappeared.

So the instincts of these people reappeared.

They desperately went in the direction of the three people, and they all wanted to interview the three people at the scene as soon as possible.

It is conceivable that in the next few days, or even several weeks, the hottest thing in the country will definitely be the current beast tide.

So they all wanted to know the whole process of this fierce beast riot as soon as possible.

This way, they can get a huge amount of attention.

In addition, the anchor net red, who has not left the scene, is also frantically squeezed forward.

The selfie stick was raised high, and the flash on the phone camera kept flashing.

At the same time, the barrage in their live broadcast room was also swiped frantically. “Is this the three superheroes fighting the beast tide!!”

“I heard that the seventh-order fierce beast was blocked. Is it true? Isn’t that a super-powerful super king-level superhuman?”

“Not only the seventh rank, I am on the scene. The highest rank of the beasts that appeared just now is estimated to be the eighth rank, and there are quite a few.” “This time, it is fortunate that these super experts are present, otherwise the International Temple of Heaven, I’m afraid it will become an international altar!” “The anchor, stay closer, this kind of master is not something you can see casually!” “Let me suck the luck of the master, maybe I can become like this in the future. Awesome!” The crowd at the scene was all a little crazy. They kept shouting, perhaps because they wanted to vent their repression when the beast came.

However, shortly after the three landed, they immediately left the scene.

They are now too exhausted, continue to recuperate, and have no time to deal with such trivial matters as reporters’ interviews.

The three figures flickered, and the next moment they disappeared directly from the International Temple of Heaven.

The Nantian University playground is here, and it is crowded at the moment.

They are all students who fled before, and now the beast tide has receded. After these students returned, they all gathered here.

“It’s so dangerous, those beasts surrounded me just now and almost rushed over! If the beasts hadn’t retreated suddenly, I might have been directly divided!” “Me too, the beasts forced me up the mountain. , if it was a little bit later, I might have jumped right off!” “You guys are too bad, the five beasts chased me before, but I turned around and killed them all!” “Blow it! The beast tide came over. At that time, I don’t know who is the fastest!” On the playground, all the students gathered here.

They were all discussing this beast tide enthusiastically. After all, this was the first time they had experienced such a dangerous thing.

In the past, they only observed the beasts from movies and TV, and at most they would see them in the ruins.

But it was only simulated after all, and this time everyone saw it with their own eyes, so the impact they received was also very large.

In front of the playground, the principal stood quietly, but at the moment his expression was a little worried and anxious. “The old man has been gone for so long, and I don’t know how it is now?” “The beast tide has receded, but why hasn’t the old man come back?”

At this moment, the principal suddenly raised his head. He sensed three strange spatial fluctuations.

Then, three figures appeared in front of the playground. Suddenly, the principal exclaimed, “Old!”

His figure, in a flash, appeared beside the gatekeeper Lao Cang.

“Old man, how are you?” Principal Li Xinghui asked the janitor, and at the same time, he took out an energy pill, “You’ve consumed too much, do you want to reply first?” The old man didn’t say anything, just waved his hand casually. , indicating that he is fine.

The students who were discussing heatedly at the scene were stunned when they saw the three people suddenly flashing in front of them.

The atmosphere of the discussion on the playground suddenly became much quieter.

The students all looked curiously at the figure that suddenly appeared in front of the scene.

The principal stepped forward and spoke again, wanting to ask about this beast tide.

However, before he could speak, not far from the playground, another spatial fluctuation surged up.

Immediately afterwards, a figure that was very familiar to everyone at the scene flashed not far from Ling Cangfeng. “Xu Heng?!”

Seeing this sudden appearance, there were a lot of exclamations in the playground.

Now Xu Heng, at Nantian University, is a real celebrity.

Just before the beast tide happened, Xu Heng defeated Qingge of Jinghong University head-on under the witness of everyone in the country.

This surprised everyone. However, due to the previous beast tide, everyone’s emotions were all attracted by the beasts.

However, at this time the beast had receded, and everyone’s attention began to shift to normal life again.

So, the appearance of Xu Heng awakened everyone’s memory again.

All the students remembered that Xu Heng, now, is the most famous student of Nantian University. “Before the beast swarm happened, he seemed to have defeated a guy named Qingge!” “He is now a veritable number one in the country!”

Many people are lamenting that Xu Heng has won so many honors at such a young age.

However, there are also many people who have made negative voices.

“What’s the use of No. 1 in the country? In the beast tide, it’s not like cannon fodder.”

“Indeed, you look at his breath and the injuries on his body. It seems that in front of the beast, the number one in the country has no effect!”

“You’re so powerful, right? In the large-scale beast horde, who would dare not guarantee that they can get out of their bodies? It’s hard not to be hurt by an extraordinary god-level powerhouse in the face of such a strong beast horde!” “I heard that there are a lot of Tier 8 vicious beasts in this beast tide. Even our principal would probably be very dangerous!” “He looks like he is left behind and besieged by the beasts. Well! But it is very good that he can come back!” “Being able to survive is the biggest victory, what’s the point of being injured!”

“With the protection of the teacher, I almost died. If I was placed on the order, I would have lost my life now!” The students had a lot of discussion about Xu Heng’s appearance.

In front, the principal Li Xinghui, looking at Xu Heng not far away, was also a little surprised..

Because at this time, Xu Heng’s breath was very unstable.

The expression on his face was also extremely tired.

Moreover, the clothes on his body are also in tatters, and it seems that he has experienced a very fierce battle.

Li Xinghui stepped forward and patted Xu Heng on the shoulder with concern. “Xu Heng, have you fallen behind!”

“It’s okay, you can come back safely, everything else is not so important!” “Find a place first, and have a good rest!” Xu Heng nodded silently, without making a sound.

Right now, his consumption is indeed very large, so he needs to quickly restore the strength in his body.

Principal Li Xinghui breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Xu Heng was okay.

Although Xu Heng’s current appearance seems to be a bit bad, it seems that there is no major injury or life-threatening.

Then, with just a little training, you can fully recover.

So he turned back and looked at the place where Ling Cangfeng, Li Tiangang, and the janitor Lao Cang were. “General Ling, General Li, what happened to this beast tide?” “Has the beast tide really completely retreated?”Although all the beasts have retreated now, it is impossible to guarantee that they will not come back again.

People in the military must have the clearest grasp of the situation of the beast, so Li Xinghui eagerly wanted to know whether it was completely safe now.

After all, there are a large number of students gathered here in the playground.

If the beast turns back again, then these students are very dangerous. “Don’t worry, the beast has indeed retreated!” Ling Cangfeng said, responding to Li Xinghui’s question.

Therefore, Ling Cangfeng replied affirmatively to avoid panic at the scene. “Most of the beasts have already retreated voluntarily.”

“There are still a small number of beasts who have been singled out and lost their way. The military has already sent people to deal with them. It won’t be long before the beast swarm will be restored!” He also knew that the principal was very worried. There were so many students at the scene. If the beast really came back suddenly, then everyone on the scene would be very dangerous. “I can rest assured that!”

The headmaster breathed a sigh of relief. Nantian University, the school closest to the high wall, would face the greatest threat if there was another beast swarm.

Therefore, hearing that the beast had really receded, the stone that had been hanging in Li Xinghui’s heart suddenly fell to the ground.

The whole person seems to have relaxed a lot.

“This time, there were two breaches in the high wall, so at the beginning, two waves of fierce beasts broke into the high wall.” “Because of this, the beasts appeared without warning. !” Ling Cangfeng looked at the principal and continued to explain.

The other students on the playground also listened quietly.

They were also very curious about the sudden appearance of the beast.

Only 30 years ago, after the super-strong beast tide appeared on Jinnan Island, the country has increased its military force here.

Everyone is very strange, why can the beast appear quietly in the 5.4 altar of the international sky?

Now hearing the news, the people at the scene suddenly realized that it was the high wall.

Because the range of the high wall is too large, it is difficult to monitor all the locations at the same time. Therefore, when people find the beast tide, the beasts have already come directly in front of them.

“However, the beast tide this time is very special.”

“Although the impact strength is very high, the coverage area is very small.”

“Also, the place with the most beasts has been blocked by the three of us.”

“The sporadic beasts are now also handled by the military units, so this time the beast tide has receded very quickly.” “It won’t be long before everyone can live normally!” Ling Cangfeng comforted the students at the scene. “Fortunately, the military is here!”

Listening to Ling Cangfeng’s words in front of him, the students below all sighed.

On the high wall, there were actually two breaches at one time.

This kind of situation without warning is very dangerous for everyone.

“If it weren’t for the army, the current Jinnan Island would be full of beasts and ruins!”

“The three most critical heroes, otherwise, the people in the International Temple of Heaven have all been fed to the belly of the beast!” Everyone was discussing, and all sighed with emotion. If there was no military, it would be hard to imagine what it would be like now. situation.

Therefore, all the students on the scene looked at the three people in front of them with admiration.

There are many of them, and they were all at the International Temple of Heaven before, so they have already recognized the three of Ling Cangfeng.

However, Ling Cangfeng in front of him shook his head.

“It’s not the three of us that can recede so quickly this time.” Ling Cangfeng then turned his head and looked at the place where Xu Heng was resting not far away. He opened his mouth and said, “The biggest contributor to repelling the beast tide is Xu Heng!” As soon as these words came out, the scene was suddenly silent. Xu Heng? What can he do as a student?

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