Chapter 135

Killing the king of beasts is an unparalleled shock!

“That’s a forbidden technique!”

“Xu Heng, is he suddenly dying?”

In the military conference room, everyone looked at the screen in shock, and the picture sent back by the satellite.

I saw that in the picture, the original bones were everywhere, and there were the corpses of fierce beasts everywhere.

Those are all vicious beasts killed by the beast king, the red-winged dragon.

However, at this moment, these beasts actually came back to life, one after another, standing up from the ground one after another.

“This is a forbidden technique, and it costs your life.”

“Even if you use this trick, so what if you win in the end, it’s not about losing your life”

“With his performance just now, if you sincerely want to leave, there is definitely a chance!”

“But now, using this trick, even if you defeat the Beastmaster in the end, you still won’t be able to survive.” All the military personnel who were concerned about the battle at the scene expressed their incomprehension of Xu Heng’s approach.

They didn’t understand why this taboo technique, which costs life, should be used on beasts.

If it is to resurrect their relatives, they can understand.

However, when used on a beast, this is completely unreasonable behavior.

Ahead, the top leader here, looked at the picture on the painting screen, and looked at Xu Heng who was fighting above the sky, with a deep sense of regret. “After this battle, his life is estimated to end here.” “It’s a pity that such a genius has to die in this way in the end.” However, in addition to regret, the leader’s eyes also had a strong look Appreciate. He looked at Xu Heng in the picture and muttered to himself with shock in his tone.

“I have to say that Xu Heng’s talent really surpasses all the talents I have seen in decades.”

In the fog, the five veterans were also stunned at the moment.

They didn’t understand why the beast that had already died could stand up again.

In their cognition, there is no such statement at all.

What happened at this moment has completely subverted their cognition and worldview. “Miracles, this is completely magical!”

Among the five, Wan Haoming, the leader, had a slightly trembling tone.

“I have lived for decades, and I have never seen a practice that can bring people back from the dead.” “Maybe he can really create miracles!”

In his mind, a thought that he had never imagined before suddenly appeared.

Maybe, Xu Heng can really kill this ninth-order beast?

In the center of the battlefield, the resurrected beasts stood up one after another.

They looked around blankly, screaming fiercely in their mouths.

Soon, the confused look in the eyes of these beasts receded, and it once again became the same look as Xu Heng’s Samsara eyes.

Obviously, they were once again caught up in Xu Heng’s illusion.

Immediately afterwards, these resurrected beasts all raised their heads and looked above the sky.

There, the king of beasts, the red-winged dragon, is constantly circling.


Above the ground, the resurrected beasts raised their heads and roared at the Beastmaster again.

Then one after another light balls, one after another beam of light, sprayed out from the mouths of these fierce beasts, and flew towards the beast king and the red-winged dragon above the sky.

From a distance, it looks like a rocket troop. Countless energy attacks cover all the front, back, left, right, left, and right directions of the King of Fierce Beasts, so that he has no way out.

These beasts should have been the most powerful assistants of the Beastmaster.

But after being hit by Xu Heng’s illusion, it became the biggest force to resist it.

Boom boom boom!

After the attacks of countless beasts hit the Beastmaster, there was a roaring explosion.

Above the sky, the light is constantly flickering.

Not only that, the flying beasts that died before, after being resurrected at this moment, vibrated their wings and flew towards the sky.

They also attacked the King of Ferocious Beasts once again.

For a time, the red-winged demon dragon, which had the upper hand and displayed great power, fell into a situation of being besieged again.

Of course, although the number of vicious beasts besieging the Red Winged Demon Dragon broke through the sky, the strength of the ninth-rank beastmaster is not something that can be easily defeated.

After those ordinary fierce beasts rushed towards the red-winged dragon, a large area was instantly swept away by its flames.

Suddenly, in the sky, countless beasts fell down.

Like rain, densely packed.

The sound of bang bang bang continued to sound, all of which were the sound of the beast landing.

The terrifying power of the Beastmaster. At this moment, it is vividly displayed.

Of course, the number of murderers should not be underestimated.

Although a large number of beasts died in a short period of time, soon, there will be more beasts to fill the gaps in the previous deaths.

In the end, it turned out to be a stalemate.

The beast king, the red-winged demon dragon, was constantly killing the beasts that were rushing towards him, and at the same time, the murderers at the back were also constantly filling the gaps that flowed out after the death of the beasts in front.

The only difference is that there are more and more corpses on the ground. “Being besieged by so many beasts, you are still invincible!” “The strength of the ninth-order beasts is indeed extraordinary!”

On the edge of the battlefield, Xu Heng sat on the back of the beastmaster cub, quietly watching the fierce battle in the battlefield.

At this moment, even he had to sigh, the strength of this king of beasts is indeed extraordinary.

The ferocious beasts controlled by Xu Heng can be regarded as a small beast tide.

If you go to attack the mainland, the average city is absolutely unstoppable.

Even some smaller cities may be breached in an instant.

But this time, under the siege of so many beasts, the Beastmaster not only failed to defeat quickly, but even had the upper hand.

“I also have to hurry up, otherwise once the effect of Kaio-ken disappears, if you want to defeat this king of beasts, the difficulty will be even higher.” Xu Heng still maintains the boosting effect of Kaio-ken. .

But this state cannot be maintained for a long time, otherwise the whole body will collapse directly.Therefore, he must fight quickly now, otherwise, once the boosting effect disappears, he will completely lose the chance to defeat the King of Ferocious Beasts.

At that time, no one can stop the beast tide.

Now, it can be said that this King of Fierce Beasts is at its weakest. As long as this King of Fierce Beasts is killed at this time, then this horrific wave of beasts that has made everyone terrified will be solved.

Although it would be very dangerous to confront the King of Fierce Beasts, this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, if missed, would be unpredictable.

After all, there will be no beastmaster cubs to hold him hostage in the future, nor will there be so many fierce beasts for him to control.

If it runs away now, then it will definitely take precautions against this King of Fierce Beasts in the future.

At that time, if you want to seriously injure it again, it will not be as easy as it is now.

Therefore, now is the best time.

Thinking of this, Xu Heng no longer hesitated.

His pupils flickered, causing the beastmaster cub under him to fly closer.

At the same time, the rich light in his hand began to flicker constantly, Kamehameha!

Although this is only a very basic exercise, but if it can accumulate enough power, it will also produce a huge amount of lethality, which is no worse than any high-level exercise.

This move is also one of Son Goku’s killer moves in the Dragon Ball anime.

In the center of the battlefield in the distance (befe), the Beastmaster Red Winged Demon Dragon has been surrounded by countless beasts.

At the same time, the beasts on the ground were constantly spewing out various energy attacks.

The booming explosion sounded continuously from the beastmaster’s body.

Under such a high-intensity attack, even if its strength is as high as the ninth-order, it has produced a lot of consumption.

Not only that, there were also large and small scars on the surface of its body.

On the surface of the body, the parts hit by other beasts were densely charred brown.


A terrifying roar came from its mouth.

It charged up again, and the monstrous flames, centered on the Beastmaster, radiated in all directions. This was the eighth all-round attack it launched.

Every such indiscriminate attack will take away a large number of ordinary beasts.

Bang bang bang!

Like the sound of rain, it kept ringing.

Many of the beasts on the ground were also affected by the terrifying flames of the Beastmaster.

Immediately, mourning continued to sound from the ground.

Taking advantage of this gap, the beast king’s red-winged dragon’s wings shook violently.

The gust of wind surged, and all the beasts that rushed towards it were shaken away.

Taking advantage of this gap, its figure flashed violently, trying to break through the heavy siege that surrounded it.

However, just when it was about to succeed, a bright beam of light flew from a distance.

“Twenty times, Kamehameha!” Xu Heng shouted in the distance, and a terrifying beam of light blasted out from his hand.

This is the result of accumulating energy when he is watching the battle next to him.

He just seized the moment when the Beastmaster wanted to escape and launched his own attack.

Soon, the beam of light was only a moment away from the Beastmaster.

However, this red-winged demon dragon, although its body is extremely large, has a very fast response.

I saw that its neck twisted in an instant, opened and spit, and a thick column of fire spewed out of its mouth.

With a bang, the two beams of light collided, and a huge explosion sounded from the collision place and spread all around.

The strength of the ninth-order beast is indeed worthy of its name. Although it is only a hasty blow, it is completely comparable to the Kamehameha that Xu Heng has planned for a long time. “Thirty times!”

Sensing that his attack was blocked, Xu Heng roared softly and increased his strength again.

Kamehameha’s beam of light also became thicker.

Not only that, but it also contains the power of Godzilla’s atomic breath.

Originally, the Beastmaster’s counterattack was very hasty, but now Xu Heng suddenly increased his strength.

Immediately, Kamehameha’s beam of light broke through the fire column of the Beastmaster’s Red Winged Demon Dragon, and then slammed heavily on the Beastmaster’s body.

Then, Kamehameha’s energy exploded on the Beastmaster’s body.

On the surface of the Beastmaster’s body, the skin suddenly burst into flesh, and blood continued to flow out of the wound.

Immediately afterwards, the vicious beasts that had been shaken all around lost the shock of the pressure, turned around again, and flew towards the beast king.

For a time, the surface of the huge body of the Beastmaster was actually covered with beasts.


A low roar sounded from the mouth of the Beastmaster Red Winged Demon Dragon.

A tyrannical emotion appeared on the King of Fierce Beasts.

Immediately afterwards, everyone present felt that their eardrums seemed to be directly burst.

Even the fierce beasts couldn’t bear this kind of sound wave and fell to the ground one after another.

Then, with a bang, a huge amount of flame burst out from the King of Ferocious Beasts.

This time, the flames were stronger than ever before.

In the military conference room, on the big screen in front, a mushroom cloud composed of flames slowly bloomed.

Then it got bigger and bigger, and finally covered the entire screen. “Flame Dragon Fire Territory!”

At the scene, someone swallowed their saliva and said with difficulty.

Obviously, someone knows this move of the Red Winged Demon Dragon.

The leader in front looked at the flame mushroom cloud that appeared on the screen, and his expression was extremely solemn. “Thirty years ago, this red-winged demon dragon used this trick to directly burn down a city!”


The low roar of the red-winged dragon continued to sound.

A huge amount of flame, with it as the center, spreads and radiates around.

The red flame, the temperature seems to be getting higher and higher.

In the blink of an eye, it began to gradually change towards purple.

All the beasts covered by its flames were all burned out.

This time, the corpses of the beast were not left behind, and even the bones were directly burned to powder.

Within a radius of 1000 meters, everything was wrapped in the flames of the Red Winged Demon Dragon.

“Xu Heng…”

In the distance, the five veterans looked at the world of flames on the battlefield, and they were suddenly worried.

Even if they are separated by thousands of meters, they can feel the terrifying high temperature contained in it. “With his strength, he should be able to stop it!”

In the battlefield, Xu Heng was also affected by this terrifying force.

Originally, he could use Instant Transmission to leave directly, but his purpose was to kill the king of beasts.

This one is the time when the King of Ferocious Beasts is at its weakest. If he leaves at this time, he will lose an excellent opportunity.

Therefore, Xu Heng not only did not leave, but kept moving towards the depths of the flames.

An energy shield appeared around him, isolating all the flames around him.

However, even so, he could feel the terrifying temperature contained in that flame.

The profound energy in the body surged wildly, maintaining the shape of the protective shield.

He could feel that the power in his body was being consumed rapidly and continuously.

However, this opportunity, he will never give up.

The power that was constantly being consumed in the body was gushing out again at an accelerated rate.

The shape of Susanoo’s body surface has more than doubled in size.

Xu Heng’s figure flashed, and he charged straight into the Flame Dragon Fire Territory.

Under the enormous pressure of the terrifying high temperature, it appeared directly on the head of the King of Fierce Beasts.

The ten fist sword was swung out again, and the huge sword light flew towards the head of the red-winged dragon.

Not only that, but a figure suddenly appeared on the back of the Beastmaster’s left side.

Xu Heng’s Instant Transmission, when activated suddenly, has an amazing effect.

A huge Qi Yuan Slash appeared on the left side of the Red Winged Demon Dragon, the King of Fierce Beasts.

The Destructo Disc, which was hundreds of meters in diameter, spun at an extreme speed and shot out, flying in from the left side of the killer king’s neck, and then flying out from the right side.

With a puff, the huge body of the Beastmaster was directly cut in half.

Immediately after.


Two landing sounds rang out.

The huge body of the King of Ferocious Beasts fell from the sky, making two loud bangs.

The corpses and ashes of the ordinary beasts around were smashed and splashed by the beastmaster’s huge body.

The huge body that was thousands of meters long fell heavily to the ground.

A huge strong wind, centered on the corpse, radiated to all directions.

For a time, smoke and dust were everywhere.

After a long time, the monstrous flames gradually dissipated.

The picture in the center of the battlefield slowly revealed.

I saw a mountain-like body lying on the ground.

In the middle, a huge fracture traversed the entire body.

The huge corpse of the Red Winged Demon Dragon was directly divided into two.

Xu Heng, collapsed on the head of the Beastmaster’s corpse.

The bright red light on his body has now completely dissipated.

The whole person also has a feeling of collapse.

The Beastmaster Red Wing Demon Dragon’s resistance before his death still caused him a lot of injuries.

However, in the end, he achieved his goal.

The five veterans in the distance stared blankly at the fallen corpse of the Beastmaster in the center of the battlefield. “Really, dead?”

“Xu Heng, defeated the king of beasts…”

The five people looked at the body like a mountain, and the shock in their hearts could not be calmed down for a long time.

This battle, although Xu Heng created miracles time and time again, refreshed their cognition time and time again.

Although they had known for a long time, Xu Heng really could defeat this Beastmaster.

But when the King of Fierce Beasts was really killed, their hearts sank. Still had an unreal feeling.

They felt as if the surroundings were hazy and dreamlike.

Everyone was in a trance, unable to recover for a long time.

It took a long time for someone to gradually accept this fact.

“The next generation is terrifying, the latter is terrifying!” Wan Haoming shook his head with emotion.

It is rare in the world, and a terrifying beast that is comparable to the superhuman god level of human beings has been defeated by a student who has only entered the university for less than half a year. It is unacceptable to anyone else.

However, at this moment, this scene is truly presented in front of them.

It was originally a catastrophe, but it was finally ended in an unexpected way.

The military conference room in the distance was also silent at the moment.

Although they saw it with their own eyes, it was hard for everyone to believe that a rare ninth-order beast in the world would be defeated by a college freshman.

“Ninth-order! That’s a ninth-order beast!””Xu Heng was actually really kill!”

Each individual scene, looking at what happened on the big screen, heart in constant shaking.

Originally, they also intend to go to the rescue, but it seems it is entirely superfluous.

Because Xu Heng did not need their assistance, not only that, they also addresses the thorny think extreme things.

“If not personally see, I will not believe Xu Heng able to kill the king of beasts.”

“Son Goku blood, a scrap recognized figure in his body, even to play such a powerful potential”

“Xu Heng just using the natural cycle of the surgery, this is the need to lose their lives taboo of the surgery, but he was unscathed!”

“This guy, who in the end also hiding many secrets?”

International Temple of Heaven, where the battlefield three top players, horror light, continuously flashing.

Earth-shattering roar sounded from time to time, spread throughout the Quartet.

Cang Ling Feng, Li Tiangang there janitor uncle old Cang, at the moment of his face, all pale.

Although each of them, all superior strength.

However, the scene of fierce beast, far too many, wave after wave, they constantly have to launch toward the brunt.

Inland areas, loss of life at the moment, many of the beasts, are four raging.

Xiongshou roar, constantly ringing from all corners inside.

Human panic screams throughout the city, it is also constantly heard.

Everyone fled, everyone behind the panic to flee flew over the beasts.

Jin Nanhai Island, where a hotel where the highest level, at the moment, dozens of people gathered here.

Each of them, his face with a frightened look.

Where these people not far from a large crowd of beasts, is continuing to growl.

They, being constantly eating with a humanoid body.

This scene, so that everyone now, all shivering.

Not only that, there are many evil beasts, we are constantly approaching towards the crowd.

Behind the crowd, that is, up to hundreds of meters of the roof.

The slightest mistake, it will fall down.

Hundreds of meters of altitude, can be directly put people broke into a mess. “My husband, I’m afraid!”

Among the crowd, a woman’s voice.

She looked Xiongshou group in the distance, his face scared to death, while tightly holding her side a man’s arm, that is her husband.

However, at the moment this man is extremely scared, stature constantly crowding toward the crowd after. “what……”

Suddenly, a voice sounded frightened.

Subsequently, the sound getting smaller and smaller, more and more distant. “Do not squeeze back, someone fell out!”

The rear of the crowd, near the edge, suddenly sounded a few angry voices.

However, this does not relieve the crowd toward the back constantly crowded impulse.

Because not far away, it is a large group of extreme cruelty of beasts.

If Xiongshou bite in the end, it would certainly be more miserable fall from a tall building.

As if to confirm their guess, the distance within Xiongshou group, suddenly sounded a few low roar of anger.

hoo hoo hoo!

Then, among the herd, dozens of beasts, hunched over force, and rushed into the crowd. “Ah ah ah!”

Among the crowd, someone is bitten in Xiongshou, suddenly, the cry of pain and opt sounded.

Of course, the site also has a low-level fighter.

They rushed forward, and the evil beasts tussled.

But other distant points Xiongshou eating corpses, heard the movement here, also have looked up, ready to join the battle. “Laozi even death, from this jump, there is absolutely no cheap shit beasts!” The crowd, someone shouted angry.

Right now.

Within the city, not far from the hotel high-end beasts, suddenly uttered a terrible roar.

Then, throughout the city, all the beasts, whatever you are doing, all of a sudden suddenly surprised a moment.

On top of the roof, the crowd rushed toward those who are ready, everyone wants to tear up all the beasts, suddenly shocked.

They kick off into the distance to see the place, after the high-order Xiongshou roaring.

Then, they are going to Heaven and a roar, a roar that seemed to respond to the high-order Xiongshou.

Then, the crowd rushed Xiongshou, actually all stopped, then began to retreat.

Only the blink of an eye between, originally only in several dozen beasts on the roof, actually all get away. “what happened?”

“My husband, we are saved?”

On top of the roof, everyone looked at each other, they do not know what happened, and why beasts occupy the upper hand, suddenly receded directly.

If you just continue to attack those evil beasts, people like them, is absolutely ominous.

International Temple of Heaven at high altitude above, Cang Ling Feng, as well as the other two, is the face of doubt to the extreme. “What really happened?”

“Beast tide seems actually in constant retreat!”

They were besieged just countless beasts, power of the body, has begun to overdrawn.

If they continue to attack those evil beasts, and even they are difficult to ensure that he can not get out.

As a result, now get away Xiongshou actually own it?

Even if they are informed of these top players, while, did not understand the situation.

At this time, Ling Feng Cang suddenly surprised a moment.

Then, his eyes suddenly burst shot naked! “Xu Heng!”

“Xiongshou get away, actually because Xu Heng ?!”.

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