Chapter 134

The art of reincarnation, the undead ferocious beast army!

Above the sky, the moment when the King of Ferocious Beasts dodged the attack of the murderer’s cub, the ten-punch sword in Susanoo’s right hand slammed into the huge pupil of the King of Ferocious Beasts.

Thirty times Kaio-ken, and Susanoo, that terrifying power poured out from Xu Heng’s hands and rushed into the eyes of the King of Ferocious Beasts without reservation.

Blood splattered and fell from the sky.

The five Wan Haoming on the ground stared blankly at Xu Heng’s battle in the sky and the blood that was spilling down.

After experiencing the countless reversals before, all five of them are a little dumbfounded at this moment.

Since meeting Xu Heng, their cognition has been refreshed again and again.

At this moment, no words can express the shock in their hearts.

In the military conference room far outside the battlefield, everyone quietly watched the pictures from the satellite on the screen.

The moment the Red Winged Demon Dragon was hit, the hearts of everyone at the scene were severely shocked. “It actually hit!”

“Using the cubs of the King of Ferocious Beasts as hostages, he can actually think of this method.”

“The most important thing is that in such a tight time, you need to make a series of actions. If it is someone else, even if you think of this method, you will not be able to successfully implement it.” “If it is someone else, there is no reincarnation eye. And Instant Transmission, these two extraordinary exercises, it is impossible to complete this task.” At the conference room, the high-level military personnel were all amazed.

Originally, in their opinion, Xu Heng’s aggressive behavior was simply asking for his own death.

But everyone did not expect that in the end he actually succeeded.

Moreover, he still injured the King of Fierce Beasts in a way that no one thought of.

Compared to sheer power, this kind of victory through wisdom is equally astonishing and astonishing. “Knowing how to use the conditions on the battlefield to create excellent offensive opportunities for yourself. And, in the end, it really succeeded.” “It’s an excellent tactical genius. If this kind of person can join our military, he will definitely do a lot.” “It’s a pity, our military has invited him several times, but he doesn’t want to come over at all.” In front of the conference room, the military leaders looked at the screen, Xu Heng’s wonderful tactics, and they were all excited.

Then, the leader in front suddenly ordered.

“Go! Immediately send reinforcements. Now that Xu Heng has a hostage, it can last for a long time!” “If we are fast enough, we should be able to reach the scene at the last minute.” Although Xu Heng injured the murderer The king of beasts shocked everyone at the scene.

However, the gap between Xu Heng and the King of Ferocious Beasts was still too huge, and it was almost impossible to defeat him.

Originally, they thought that Xu Heng would be instantly killed. So they had no hope of rescue.

Because even if they send people to rescue, Aerospace probably won’t be able to support it at that time.

However, when everyone at the scene found that Xu Heng not only did not collapse in an instant, on the contrary, he had the upper hand.

At this moment, they suddenly felt that Xu Heng could definitely hold on until their rescuers arrived.

Therefore, the leaders in the front immediately ordered to reinforce Xu Heng immediately, maybe they could save him.

After the adjutant next to him heard the superior’s order, he immediately started to convey the order.

in the foggy battlefield.


Above the sky, a painful roar emanated from the mouth of the King of Fierce Beasts, resounding throughout the world.


Just like a bomb exploded, a terrifying sound wave, centered on the King of Murderers, swept across dozens of miles.

Some weaker beasts were blasted apart by this terrifying sound wave and turned into a cloud of blood.

Immediately afterwards, the red-winged demon dragon opened its huge mouth and slammed forward, trying to swallow Xu Heng directly into his stomach.

However, Xu Heng did not give him this chance. His figure flashed and disappeared directly in place.when it reappears. It has already straddled the back of the beast cub.

As long as there are cubs as hostages. It is impossible for the King of Ferocious Beasts to go all out.


A roar came out from the mouth of the King of Ferocious Beasts again, and it continued to spread outwards.

Soon after, the roars of beasts began to respond in the depths of the surrounding fog.

And the number is getting bigger and bigger, just a moment later, the roars of the surrounding beasts rang out.

“This is 1/~?”

“This is calling other beasts, trying to surround Xu Heng!”

In the conference room, some people do not understand, what is the king of beasts doing?

But there were many well-informed people present, so it soon became known that the King of Fierce Beasts was actually summoning other beasts.

Its purpose is to prevent Xu Heng from escaping.

Sure enough, as soon as his voice fell, the depths of the fog began to continue, and fierce beasts rushed towards the battlefield.

In just a moment, hundreds of fierce beasts appeared to surround the place.

In the fog, high above the sky, the King of Ferocious Beasts roared in the sky, and all kinds of fierce beasts began to appear around.

These beasts kept coming from the depths of the mist. Slowly encircle this place into a ball, three circles inside and three circles, and the water is blocked.

The cries of ooh ooh kept ringing in every corner, one after another. “Oops!”

On the ground, the five Wan Haoming, who had just recovered from the roar of the King of Ferocious Beasts, suddenly found themselves surrounded by fierce beasts and were shocked.

Because after Xu Heng had the upper hand, the feeling of surprise that had just risen fell to the bottom in an instant. They looked around, “So many beasts are no less than a small beast tide.” “What should we do?”

The five looked at each other, and suddenly someone asked.

Surrounded by so many beasts, they didn’t know what to do. There is no way to escape. “hehe!”

Wan Haoming let out a wry smile, he couldn’t think of any way now, it’s already very good to be able to survive.

If not for Xu Heng’s many miracles before. They are probably already several corpses.

“Now, I can only hope that Xu Heng can create miracles again.” He looked at Xu Heng, who was fighting against the King of Ferocious Beasts, and muttered to himself.

The other four could only nod silently when they heard his words.

Because with their own strength, it is absolutely impossible to get out of the encirclement of this beast.

“It actually attracted so many beasts.”

Above the sky, Xu Heng also noticed the incomparably powerful fluctuations on the ground.

In the depths of the surrounding fog, the roar of beasts continued to sound. They kept moving towards this surrounded.

Not only that, but large and small black spots began to appear on the horizon in the distance.

Those are flying beasts, and they are also rushing towards the center of the battlefield.

In less than a moment, Xu Heng was on the battlefield. Whether on the ground or in the air, all were blocked by the beasts.

All were surrounded inside and out, and there was nowhere to retreat.

However, Xu Heng didn’t seem to be worried at all, instead he was a little excited. He looked at the fierce beasts rushing all around him. snorted coldly. “Haha!” “I was worried that I didn’t have any helpers, so you sent me so many.”

“It seems that you have not just the loss had enough. That being the case, then I will certainly satisfy you.” Then Xu Heng roar, “five times Kaio-ken!”

Then Xu Heng body that bright red light is more intense, all of the upper and lower body strength, like a volcanic eruption in general.

In order to release him a stronger force, direct effect will be an increase of royal power sector to open five times.

Even inside the original Dragon Ball anime. Almost no direct opening of 50 times Kaio-ken.

Because the more powerful the effect of the increase will become increasingly heavy burden on the body.

Fifty is the Kaio-ken, upper and lower body all the attributes, all-round growth may be to fifty times the original.

However, it will have very serious burden to the body.

If not for Xu Heng absorbed two longan, his vitality and resilience, it has reached a terrible level, then he will never choose to open such a strength Kaio-ken.

If you replace the general ordinary people, open to 10 times when Kaio-ken, might direct blasting death.

Feeling the strains of the whole body muscle strength inside the body as well as skyrocketing. Xu Heng smiled and nodded his head.

Kaio-ken fifty times the power increase, so that his strength has reached a terrible level.

He looked around them surrounded Xiongshou, transmigration eye eyes light began to bloom. “Illusionist · transmigration eye!”

This time, Xu Heng and cast out of his used before exercises.

But this time he used magic, the scope of coverage, breaking the horizon.

Xu Heng eyes, transmigration eye light constantly flashes.

Around that constantly Bay over the beasts, now all be covered by the scope of his magic.

Not only that, even the earth Acument five assassins are a little trance.

Although Xu Heng into a target for the five of them did not, however, Xu Heng this illusion, belonging to no difference in attack, they also covered inside.

Xiongshou around the eyes start flashing, and eventually even look out and Xu Heng showing exactly the same.

At the same time, they began to slowly past the center of the battlefield, towards the King of heaven Xiongshou constant roar.

Not only that, many of the beasts, giant mouth open, mouth light condensation.

Then one has a photoelastic, and various energy rays, intertwined, toward the sky king Xiongshou flying away.

As the number of attacks very much, so even Xiongshou ninth order, can not completely escape.

The key is those flying beasts, they are in the air, and actually began to move Beastmaster, launched the attacks.

Although their strength compared to the king of beasts and nine bands Beastmaster forces of terror, the gap reached the pole, but still without the slightest hesitation, they all rushed past toward the king of beasts.

Boom boom boom!

Energy Xiongshou ground attacks collide with that of the king of beasts, explosion, into a ring.

Height above Xiongshou thwack, is also constantly heard.

It is a common evil beasts, the king against Xiongshou sound generated by the collision.

Then a one, like, like moths to a flame.

For a time, just as happened influx of animals, the King Megatron Xiongshou audience, at the moment of impact was surprised to be overwhelmed.

. “~ God, his power of one person, how can you play such a large scale illusion?” “Beastmaster call over beasts, Xu Heng all been held captive!”

Conference room, at the moment the degree of surprise of all, fully as much as before. Xu Heng birth of the king of beasts. “This large-scale illusion, how powerful need”They didn’t expect Xu Heng to be able to use his Samsara Eye to control so many beasts at the same time.

The terrifying level of this incident is no less than the previous one when he was alone and injured the King of Fierce Beasts.

At this moment, everyone would not regard Xu Heng as a student who just entered the university.


The situation where the King of Ferocious Beasts was attacked did not last long.

The red-winged demon dragon, with a loud roar, terrifying flames spurted out of his mouth, and he turned his head in a circle.

In all directions, all the beasts that rushed towards him were all burned to coke.

Immediately after.

It roared up to the sky again, and then a set of extremely thick flame beams flew straight towards the sky.

Like Optimus Prime, it runs through the heavens and the earth.

Then the beam of light spread out and turned into fireballs one after another, falling down in all directions.

The whole sky is like a rain of fireballs at the moment.

Countless fireballs flew down.

The strength of those beasts on the ground is not particularly strong.

Therefore, after being hit by the endless rain of fireballs, the mourning sounded.

Just a moment later, the beast tide that was madly rushing towards the King of Fierce Beasts was instantly wiped out.

..(Is it okay?)  …

“Sure enough?”

The whereabouts of the military personnel, the glimmer of hope that originally rose, was instantly shattered. “Looks like this, Xu Heng waiting to get our rescuers?” The worried look appeared on their faces again.

“As expected of the king of fierce beasts, the strength of the ninth-order is really extraordinary!”

In midair, Xu Heng sat astride the back of the beastmaster cub. Seeing that the beast tide was wiped out during this period, he couldn’t help feeling a little emotional.

The number of those beasts just now can be regarded as a small wave of beasts.

If it was an ordinary small city, it might not be able to withstand the attack of the beast just now.

However, the attack of this intensity was easily dispelled by the Beastmaster.

Even Xu Heng had to sigh with emotion that the power of the ninth-order beast was beyond everyone’s imagination. “However, things won’t end so easily.” Xu Heng smiled slightly, the power of Samsara’s eyes had not been fully exerted.

An attempt that he had wanted to do for a long time appeared in his mind.

Xu Heng made seals on his hands, and softly shouted from his mouth: “Heavenly Way of Reincarnation!” The voice fell, and a huge statue of Hades rose from the ground.

Then Hades opened his mouth wide, and green rays of light sprayed out from his mouth.

The light fell on the scorched body of the beast.

Then, something miraculous happened.

Those murderers who were originally killed by the Beastmaster actually stood up one by one!

After a while, the beasts that were killed were all resurrected.

All the military personnel in the conference room stared at the scene on the screen stunned. “Forbidden!”

“Why, that dare to cast the forbidden technique on such a large scale!” “That is to pay the price of life!”.

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