Chapter 112

Invite the student union, Minister Xu Heng

“Sin bean sprout yet!”

Xu Xiaojia looked inside dish, slightly coming to the fore that the seeds, very happy.

Ever since moved lab, she must consume every day a lot of mental strength, to cultivate the seeds of the beans.

As she inherited the immortal Carlin of talent, so, after so many days, and now finally we have a little bit of success. “With this, the future into ruins, many will be safe.”

Xu Xiaojia look forward to the future look like Beanstalk real results, at that time, a guarantee, a deadly threat Beanstalk, will be greatly reduced.

Beanstalk effect is very striking, in Dragon Ball inside, one can make people hungry ten days, and has power of regeneration, able in a short time and physical energy of the people, return to top form.

But the biggest problem is that production of the beans is very low.

You can also just start a full set an altar, but in the end, each time, only appear a few grains, coupled with the consumption of fast, so usually not much storage.

Therefore, every grain of the beans, are a very valuable resource.

“I hope, be able to accumulate more than a little, and then when the time Xu Heng encounter danger, you can immediately restore!” “Ding Dingding …….”

Just when Xu Xiaojia immersed in the joy Beanstalk germination, while ringtones, suddenly sounded. “mom?”

Looking at the caller ID on the phone, Xu Xiaojia some doubts, her mother hardly gave him a call.

However, she was connected to the phone.

“Hello?” Phone, a mature female voice sounded, “Xiao Jia ah, you are now in school?” “In the ……”

“That’s just, I am now at your school gate, will be together to eat a meal.” “This time, not only to the mother, your brother your dad have come oh!”

Xu Xiaojia surprised at the phone, she did not know why the family suddenly so enthusiastic, actually all came to see her.

After hesitating for a moment, he was out of the laboratory, and walked toward the school gates.

The school gate, a Mercedes-Benz S-Class luxury car, quietly stopped there.

After Xu Xiaojia appear, luxury car driver, quickly open the door to the back seat.

There, Xu Xiaojia Fang’s mother, quietly sat in the back.

“Mom!” Xu Xiaojia gently shouted “four hundred and ten” sound.

See her figure, Wang Fang smiled and motioned her to hurry on the train.

After Xu Xiaojia, etc. on the car, Wang Fang towards the front of the driver told: “! Come on, just go to the hotel” “Yes.”

The driver briefly returned, then it started the car, toward the destination go through.

Less than ten minutes, they arrived at the destination.

The hotel balcony, the Xu Xiaojia Fang and her mother, and brother Xu Xiaojia Xu Hang, and her father Xu Donghai. Into a box, a warm greeting to his brother and said: “Xiao Jia, come here!” I saw inside the box, sat two men.

The two men, one is to greet him brother, also a, is his father Xu Donghai.

In Xu Xiaojia impression, his father and has always been very serious.

Xu Xiaojia free to find a seat to sit down, then, she was puzzled and asked:! “! Ye seek me, it will not be something big,” “has nothing to do.”

“This is to see you took the national championship, so we come and give you celebrate.” Xu Xiaojia brother Xu Hang, handing me a bottle of beverage, said. “Yes?”

Xu Xiaojia some doubts, in the past, she also won a lot of achievements, but never had such treatment.

“You see my father every day better tomorrow, are now dedicated over, I heard you this is a good result, happy to give you over to celebrate!” Xu Xiaojia meditation room, his brother’s voice came again.

Then, Xu Donghai has been silent, suddenly silent.He also looked at Xu Xiaojia, “Hehe, Xiaojia, in the past, the family neglected you, but now we will compensate you well!” “I’m here this time to tell you that after you graduate, the family will divide a part of the industry and pay for it. I’ll take care of it for you!” “Really?” Xu Xiaojia was obviously surprised.

In the past, other than giving money, the family would not let her interfere in anything.

Basically, it’s all left to her brother to handle.

Using his parents’ words, his brother does things more comprehensively.

In fact, Xu Xiaojia has no interest at all in those industries at home. She just doesn’t like the feeling of being neglected and looked down upon.

Therefore, Xu Xiaojia has always wanted to prove that she is no worse than her brother.

It’s just that no matter how hard Xu Xiaojia works, her family has never looked at her achievements.

Therefore, she was very surprised to hear that the family actually wanted to give him part of the property and let her take care of it herself.

This made her feel recognized.

“Of course, we won’t lie to you!” Xu Donghai said again with certainty.

But soon, he suddenly changed the conversation, “I heard that you won the national championship this time, and there is a classmate named Xu Heng who contributed a lot, right?” “Huh?” Xu Xiaojia didn’t understand the topic. How could it suddenly run to Xu Heng.

However, she still nodded and affirmed Xu Heng’s credit, “Yes, without Xu Heng, it would be very difficult for us to win the championship!” “Then, you can get in touch with this Xu Heng a lot!” Hearing Xu Xiaojia’s affirmative reply , Xu Donghai continued.

“We have investigated carefully. This Xu Heng has broken records many times, and this time he also won the first place in the country.”

“According to our inside information, many high-level officials in the country have already noticed Xu Heng, and they are likely to recruit him in the future.” “As long as you can get close to him and let him join our Xu family, then in the future, for the development of our family, It was very helpful.”

The more Xu Donghai spoke, the more excited he became, and even began to look forward to the future, “With his potential, by then, our Xu family may be the largest family in Jinnanhai Island!” “Enough!”

Xu Xiaojia listened to Xu Donghai’s words, and found that the more she said, the more outrageous she was, and interrupted her father’s words directly. “You want me to come, I’m afraid the celebration is fake, the real purpose is to get close to Xu Heng!” “Xu Xiaojia!” Wang Fang, who was on the side, suddenly said, “How did you talk to your father!”

However, Xu Xiaojia ignored it. She got up angrily and walked directly towards the door of the room, “I still have something to do, I’ll go first!” Originally, she thought that her family had really changed their minds and began to recognize her ability.

Now it seems that it is still the same as before, just treating her as a standard tool.

After Xu Xiaojia returned to the laboratory, she ignored those troubles.

Another day passed, Xu Xiaojia started his training program according to the plan.

Suddenly, a familiar shout came from outside the door. “Xu Xiaojia!”

Then, there was a knock on the door.

Xu Xiaojia opened the door and found that it was his old teammate Zhao Han.

“Why are you here, is there no class in the martial arts department today?” Xu Xiaojia asked in surprise.

She had been in the martial arts department for a while. According to the usual arrangement, the martial arts department should be in class now. “Haha, I have been transferred to the logistics department!”

Zhao Han smiled excitedly and said his decision, “In the future, we will be classmates again!”

“Really?” Xu Xiaojia was a little surprised. He didn’t expect Zhao Han to make the same decision as her, and also transferred from the martial arts department to the logistics department.

“Then, Mr. Hong Shan, I think I’m going to die of anger!” Xu Xiaojia suddenly sounded something and asked Zhao Han.

Zhao Han nodded, “There is indeed one point. When he heard that I was going to change departments, I didn’t dare to look at his face!”

Recalling Hongshan’s attitude at that time, she was very fortunate that the logistics department helped her complete the transfer procedures, otherwise, she would not have the courage to go to Hongshan.

“Never mind, I’m no longer in the Martial Arts Department anyway!” Zhao Han suddenly smiled, as if he was very happy to leave the Martial Arts Department.

Then, she walked into Xu Xiaojia’s laboratory.

Looking at the rich and complete supporting equipment inside, she said with some envy: “The school has a whole building for you, isn’t it great!” Zhao Han walked around the first floor of the laboratory, suddenly a little puzzled , “There is still training equipment here, Xu Xiaojia, is this also given by the school?” She looked at the first floor of the laboratory, and there were all kinds of fitness equipment, which was very strange.

Isn’t the laboratory doing scientific research projects? How can such exercise equipment appear?

“! This is my own confused,” Xu Xiaojia explained: “Do not you think, Xu Heng guy, growing yet?” “If I do not effort, estimated that even his teammates have not done” for Xu Xiaojia, then! Zhao Han also deeply contingent.

Although they belong to a team, together we took the national championship.

However, Zhao Han have been feeling this championship, like Xu Heng gave her.

If it is not the existence of Xu Heng, they absolutely impossible to have the opportunity to touch the trophy.

Indeed, even the final threshold, no law could touch.

This also shows that they both, with the gap Xu Heng, is too great. “I have good training, or as a teammate, too ashamed!”

“That’s right, you can always come later, we train together!” Xu Xiaojia pleased to invite Zhao Han.

“Anyway, where a total of five layers, the first layer may be transformed into just training room, when you come, we can also play against it!” Then the two agreed, after training together in the laboratory, must keep up with the pace of Xu Heng .

Weight training room, Xu Heng a period of retreat, was finally completed.

As he went out not long, suddenly I received a text message notification. “Student Council?”

In the cafeteria, Xu Heng students looked just send him a text message, open looked, we found that there actually is an invitation.

“Xu Heng students, because your performance is very good, we decided to incorporate your student union system, management of school affairs, so that schools can better run.” Inscribed, is the Southern University Student Union.

Before long, students had to find him, but, until now, no news.

Xu Heng thought, this thing has been not the result of it.

Then, not long before, a figure, just across Xu Heng sat down. “Hello, I am a current student council president, money friends.”

Xu Heng bit surprised, just received a text message, now president of the student union, actually came over immediately, which is sent to a special track his right. “Oh, you do not have an accident, we have students in the canteen staff, so you see, immediately informed me.” Seemed to feel the accident Xu Heng, president of the student opening explanation.

“We know, Xu Heng students you are very busy, not only to seize the time to train, but also outside school should challenge over the ring.” “So, we did not let you in person at the student union, but I came to find you.” xu Heng nodded his head, although he was the student union office, there is no desire.

However, the other fairly friendly, and listen to each other, then there is no harm.

“Join students, in the end what are the benefits?” Xu Heng looked across.

Since the other party to invite personally, to understand that they would be understood.

“We are students, there are activities of the Organization Department, Ministry of External linkage, as well as task transceiver and so on, a total of eight departments.” “Where each department is divided into freshman to senior year, a total of four regions.”

“One of the tasks reception office, the most popular, because here, you can get a lot of points.” President of the student Qian Peng, towards Xu Heng explained.

He then describes in detail the specific architecture of each department, as well as part of the meaning of existence.

There are specific responsibilities in those sectors, specific tasks.

After finish the task, you can have a corresponding points.

“Points? This thing, what’s the use?” Xu Heng interrupted to explain the president directly asked.

Qian Peng silk do not mind, patiently waiting for Xu Heng explained.

“Points can be redeemed lot of good things, such as weight training room that you often use, in fact, can grow to redeem points when used ..”

Xu Heng suddenly surprised, “when long-gravity training room, was able to use points to redeem?” It’s something never before told him.

All along, he thought, only with money, you can use the weight training room.

“Of course!” Qian Peng answered in the affirmative, “in the student union, an integration, you can use the weight training room 12 hours.”

“An integral, can open 12 hours?” Hearing this, Xu Heng suddenly sit still.

Open weight training room, an hour, would cost ten thousand.

Twelve hours, the required cost, but up to one hundred and twenty thousand.However, now Qian Peng told him that he only needed one point to use it for twelve hours?

Doesn’t that mean that one point is worth 120,000 yuan!

Xu Heng suddenly felt that he seemed to have missed 100 million.

“Hehe, don’t feel heartache!” Qian Peng smiled comfortingly.

“If you really have points, I don’t think you will use them to redeem this usage time, because points can be exchanged for a lot of things that money can’t buy.” The most conventional, such as the relic experience card, is difficult to buy with money, but Points can be redeemed. ”

“In addition, there are special high-level exercises, such as Spirit Bomb, Ultra Instinct, psychic, Chidori, and multiple shadow clones, etc.” Xu Heng was a little surprised, Spirit Bomb? It even has these, which is a good thing what!

Qian Peng’s voice continued to sound, explaining the benefits of points.

“Even, even Devil Fruit and Blood Wheel Eye can be exchanged!”

“Of course, the required points are also huge. The vast majority of students have accumulated four consecutive years, and they don’t need a single point, nor can they be exchanged for these things.” “In contrast, the use of the gravity training room can be used completely. The money is settled, so it’s not so precious!” Xu Heng nodded, and the points could be exchanged for rare exercises, even Devil Fruits and Blood Wheel Eyes.

In contrast, the gravity training room is indeed less important, and it is more cost-effective to solve it with money.

Hearing this, Xu Heng immediately became very interested in this score.

Points can actually be exchanged for so many good things, even Devil Fruit and Blood Wheel Eyes, but he has never heard of it before.

“Then how to get this point?” At this time, Xu Heng was already aroused by interest.

He only hoped that he could quickly get the points that Qian Peng said.

Even if he doesn’t have the exercises he likes, at least he can exchange the usage time of the gravity training room.

That way, you can save a lot of money.

Qian Peng was not surprised by Xu Heng’s question, “There are many ways to get points. In general, it’s what I just said, do tasks!” “What tasks?” Xu Heng asked.

Hearing Xu Heng’s question, Qian Peng explained.

“In the school, there are basic routine tasks.”

“For example, the annual reception of freshmen requires a large number of volunteers to help new students quickly familiarize themselves with the environment on the university campus, help them go through the formalities, etc.” “In addition, there are also the organization and arrangement of major events. For example, When martial artists from outside the school come to communicate, they often need the student council to make arrangements and manpower.” “However, these are routine things, and in the end, the points you can get are very limited.” Hearing this, Xu Heng was a little puzzled, “Then What task can you get a lot of points?” Qian Peng continued to explain.

“Every once in a while, the task sending and receiving department will release some special tasks, such as escorting items entrusted by others. After completion, you can get corresponding task points.” “In addition, you can also accept the employment of people outside the school, so you can also get tasks. Points awarded by the sending and receiving department.” “5.4 Of course, the most abundant rewards are things related to beasts, such as hunting and killing beasts outside the fog.”

“The fur on the beast is extremely tough and can be used to make special uniforms.”

“There is also the Ferocious Beast Pill. After refining, it can help the warrior to break through to a higher level. These are very precious things.”

“Ferocious Beast Pill, is it the same thing as Long Yuan?” Xu Heng seemed to understand something when he heard this.

Afterwards, he shook his head again, thinking to himself, “However, Long Yuan is by no means everywhere, it should be a super rare beast pill!” Qian Peng didn’t know what Xu Heng was thinking, and he continued to explain how the points were obtained. method.

“If you can hunt and kill beasts outside the fog, then you can obtain these precious parts of the beasts.” “These things can be sold or exchanged in the student council, and you can get a lot of points.”

“That’s why many senior students often go out of the fog to practice. Part of the reason is to get points.” Qian Peng looked at Xu Heng, expecting Xu Heng to agree to him and join the student union.

He continued to persuade, “All the points are provided by the student union and cannot be obtained elsewhere!” “As long as you join the student union, you can use it!” Hearing this, Xu Heng was also very satisfied.

It seems that this student union is not an empty shelf as he thought before, and it can still get a lot of benefits.

“Then you guys, recruit me into the student union, what exactly are you going to do!” Xu Heng looked at Qian Peng.

The other party is so sincere, the student council president, and he came in person, he would never let himself go to the door. “Because of your excellent performance, we are already very happy to join the student union.” “So, we will directly arrange for you to take charge of the entire freshman year, student minister!”

Qian Peng is looking forward to it, because the addition of Xu Heng will make their student union, and their prestige among ordinary students soar.

Afraid that Xu Heng would not agree, he emphasized again, “If you agree, after two years, you can basically take my place and become the president of the student council.” “At that time, the acquisition of points will be easier!”

“So, Xu Heng, are you willing to join the student union?”

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