Chapter 113

Xu Heng’s extraordinary appeal as a new official takes office

After some exchanges, Xu Heng readily agreed to the invitation of the student council president.

After all, the points inside can be exchanged for so many rare things. Why not join the student union?

Moreover, according to Qian Peng’s supplement, this point can not only be exchanged, but also traded and sold.

That is, if you still have points left after graduation, you can directly resell them to the next class of students, so there will be no waste.

“The Minister of the Student Union, it’s not bad,” Xu Heng said with a smile as soon as he left.

This is the position that Qian Peng promised him, and he is in charge of the eight departments of the entire freshman year.

As a minister, according to the completion of the following students’ tasks, there will be special minister points reward.

After Qian Peng explained everything, he left directly.

Xu Heng, on the other hand, went around the arena in the gymnasium and found that no one came to challenge him at all.

Then, he returned to the gravity training room again.

Early the next morning, Xu Heng went to the place where the student union was located as agreed.

Qian Peng said that he has already arranged everything, and he only needs Xu Heng to report to him, and someone will help him with all the procedures.

After a while, Xu Heng arrived at his destination, Nantian University, where the office of the student union is located.

“Hello, who are you looking for?”

“Today is the weekend, and our student union will not accept entrustment of other things for the time being.”

In front of the student union hall, a student who was on duty today looked at Xu Heng who was looking around suspiciously.

In universities, weekends are generally holidays. Except for a few students on duty, most of them have basically been on vacation.

Before Xu Heng could answer, in a corner of the hall, a man who also looked like a freshman ran over. He seemed to have been waiting here for a long time.

After running over, he looked at Xu Heng with a slightly excited expression on his face, “Xu Heng! When the president told me before, I couldn’t believe it, but I didn’t expect it to come.” He grasped it Xu Heng’s hand, his voice excited, “Hello, Minister Xu, my name is Yang Dong. The president has arranged for me to come over and be your assistant.” After speaking, he immediately brought Xu Heng to the minister’s exclusive office.

In the hall, the classmate on duty was a little dazed.

Then, he suddenly woke up. “He’s the national champion!”

“Now, the record-breaking Xu Heng has been in the ring for three months in a row!” He looked at Xu Heng who was walking away, with a look of shock on his face.

In Xu Heng’s exclusive minister’s office, Yang Dong, self-proclaimed assistant, warmly introduced the office environment and what ministers usually need to do.

“Minister Xu, I can be regarded as your personal assistant in the student union in the future. You can arrange anything in the student union for me!” Yang Dong patted his chest and said with certainty.

Yang Dong is extremely excited now. He never thought that he would become Xu Heng’s assistant in the student union.

He originally admired Xu Heng very much.

At the beginning, after Xu Heng got the SSSSS grade in the Godzilla ruins, Yang Dong discovered that the students who belonged to the same freshman year could be so powerful.

So, since then, he has always regarded Xu Heng as his idol and goal.When President Qian Peng told him that Xu Heng would join the student union in the future, and he would also become Xu Heng’s assistant, he was excited for a long time.

Early this morning, Yang Dong was waiting in the office hall of the Student Union.

Ever since he saw Xu Heng, his hands have been trembling slightly.

However, he didn’t care about these things. He looked at Xu Heng with a look of admiration on his face: “Minister Xu, although I’m also a freshman, compared to you, I’m really far behind.” Inside, it caused quite a stir!” “Now, the freshmen have set up Minister Xu’s back-up support club, and I’m in there too!” “Back-up support club?” kind of thing.

After listening to Yang Dong’s introduction, Xu Heng has a basic understanding of the operation process of the student union. Xu Heng looked at Yang Dong and said, “I know everything.”

“In the future, you will be in charge of everything. If there is anything important, come and let me know!”

After Yang Dong heard it, he immediately said with confidence, “Minister Xu Heng, don’t worry, leave everything to me, you can rest assured to do your own business!” After Xu Heng explained everything, he saw Yang Dong’s attitude, nodded with satisfaction, and then prepared to leave the student union. He looked at the time and said, “Come here in the morning, after talking for so long, it’s noon now!” Yang Dong, who was next to him, kept paying attention to Xu Heng’s expression.

Hearing Xu Heng’s words, he quickly understood what he meant, and he immediately said; “Yes, yes, Minister Xu, look, it’s noon, just in time for dinner, let’s go eat together!” Yang Dong seized the opportunity to think Inviting Xu Heng to have dinner together, after all, this opportunity is very precious to him.

Yang Dong was afraid that Xu Heng would not agree, and immediately added: “Having dinner together, I can tell the minister in more detail. The time was too short just now. In fact, there are so many things that I haven’t had time to talk about!” “How is it? , let’s go together!” Yang Dong looked at Xu Heng with excitement.

Xu Heng was a little hesitant, after all, he has always been alone and is not used to having people around him. However, he finally nodded, “Okay.”

Xu Heng felt that what Yang Dong said also made sense. Having a meal together, it happened that he could understand the affairs of the student union in more detail.

After that, Yang Dong took Xu Heng and walked towards the cafeteria.

On the way, Xu Heng felt very strange, “Isn’t it going to eat? This is the way to the cafeteria?” He goes to the cafeteria every day, and he knows that way very well.

The place Yang Dong took him to was obviously not the place he had imagined.

However, Yang Dong just smiled mysteriously, “Look at the minister, I said we should have dinner together, there are some things that I forgot to mention just now!” “We are not going to the ordinary school canteen, but the canteen dedicated to the student union. .”

“Especially those who are above the head of the student union, there will be special discounts in the cafeteria, and the food will be better than the ordinary cafeteria!” Xu Heng was a little surprised. He didn’t expect that in the school, there was still a gift for the student union. Dedicated canteen. He sighed curiously, “Special! Never heard of it before!”

Yang Dong was quite satisfied with Xu Heng’s reaction, “This cafeteria is special. General money cannot be used in it. You must have special points from the student union before you can spend it in it.” “Points?” Xu Heng frowned. .

Because he hasn’t accumulated any points so far, so he can’t even eat when he goes there.

“Don’t worry! Minister!” Yang Dong seemed to know what Xu Heng was thinking.

I saw him patted his pockets and said confidently, “I know Minister, you just came to the student union, and you definitely don’t have any points.” “However, I brought you here, not to let you drink the northwest wind!”

Then he took out a points card, shook it to Xu Heng, and said, “Don’t worry, Minister, I treat all the consumption today, hahaha!”

“Oh?” Xu Heng was a little surprised. He didn’t expect that the other party knew that he had no points, but he brought him here. It turned out that he was ready to treat the guests to dinner.

However, Xu Gang was still hesitant.

He himself is now a minister anyway, how can he let his subordinates treat guests to dinner, and those who don’t know it think he is exploiting!

“Hey, it’s a big deal, Minister Xu will pay me back in the future!” Yang Dong knew Xu Heng’s thoughts and persuaded Xu Heng again.

“Even if the minister doesn’t do anything, there will be fixed points every month, and yours just hasn’t been credited yet.” After he finished speaking, Xu Heng took him to the special cafeteria without waiting for him to refuse.

“It’s really nice here!”

In the cafeteria dedicated to the student union, Xu Heng was very curious when he saw the recipes in it.

The food here is much better than the normal school cafeteria. “There is actually a soup made from animal pills!”

Looking at the food being served by other students, Xu Heng was even more surprised.

Beast Pill is something that only beasts have outside the fog.

After eating it, it will definitely have great benefits for the body.

Although the effect is definitely not as bad as the Dragon Yuan obtained by Xu Heng, but for ordinary people, the effect is definitely good enough.

“No wonder here, you have to use points to spend.” Xu Heng was very emotional, “If you can buy it with money, the good things here will definitely be sold out in one fell swoop.” “Hey! Minister, I’ll treat you today, eat whatever you want!” On the side, Yang Dong’s voice came.

He knew that Xu Heng had come here for the first time, so this Xu Heng’s reaction was not surprising.

When he first came here, he could be stunned for a long time when he saw the things here.

In contrast, Xu Heng’s expression was a little surprised, but he was already very calm.

Afterwards, Yang Dong took and Xu Heng and ordered some dishes casually.

Originally, Yang Dong wanted to take more, but Xu Heng refused.

After all, from Xu Heng’s point of view, how many points can Yang Dong, an ordinary student union member, have? Xu Heng said: “The dishes here will have a chance to eat in the future, so don’t rush it for a while!”

Immediately afterwards, Xu Heng and Yang Dong found a table and sat down to enjoy the brand-new vegetable rice in the new cafeteria.

When Xu Heng was eating, other students on the side saw Xu Heng and recognized his identity.

Around, some whispered discussions began to sound. “He’s Xu Heng! He looks so handsome!”

“I heard that he was just invited by our president. Now it seems that he should have joined the student union!” “National champion! I can see it often in the future!” The surrounding students began to talk about the new Xu Heng. .

After all, although Xu Heng rarely had contact with others, he couldn’t hold back his fame. He was too big, so as soon as he appeared in the new cafeteria, many students recognized him.

However, although there was a lot of discussion, no one dared to go up and say hello to Xu Heng.

And Xu Heng is also happy to be pure.

Suddenly, when Xu Heng was eating silently, there was an exclamation around him. “Wow! Xu Heng?!”

“I can meet you here!”

“You are my idol! Can you give me an autograph?”

I saw a girl at the table where Xu Heng was standing, holding a photo in her hand, looking at Xu Heng expectantly.

Xu Heng was stunned for a moment and raised his head a little wrongly. This was the first time someone made such a request to him.

He’s not an entertainment star, and someone still asks him to sign?

However, seeing the eager eyes of the other party, Xu Heng did not refuse.

Afterwards, he took the photo in the other’s hand and planned to sign it.

As a result, when I took it over and looked at it, it was even more surprising. It was actually the photo of Xu Heng receiving the award when he won the national championship. “This….…”

Xu Heng is a little speechless, does he also have fans?

The girl on the side blushed a little when she saw Xu Heng’s appearance, but she still stood firm and waited for Xu Heng’s signature.In the end, Xu Heng did not refuse and signed his name. “Ah! I’m so excited!”

After receiving the autographed photo handed over by Xu Heng, the girl shouted excitedly and ran out of the cafeteria. Yang Dong, who was eating with Xu Heng, smiled

He looked at the fans who ran away, but then turned to Xu Heng and said, “Minister, the one just now, Wang Jingjing, is your die-hard fan.” “As I said before, among the freshmen, there are some Your support club, the one just now, is one of the founders of the support club!” Xu Heng:

He didn’t expect that in this school, he not only had fans, but even a fan support club had already appeared. “How do you know she’s the founder?”

Xu Heng is a little strange, this Yang Dong seems to know everything.

He actually knew the girl who appeared randomly just now?

410 Yang Dong smiled mysteriously, “Hey, because I’m also the founder of Minister Xu’s Support Association!” After speaking, he even took out an identity card.

Proudly said: “This is the sign of our support club, and I designed it myself!” Seeing his proud look, Xu Heng shook his head helplessly, and continued to eat.

I have to sigh with emotion, the taste of this special canteen is much better than the ordinary canteen outside.

However, it seemed that she was inspired. Not long after the girl who asked for the autograph left, several people came over immediately to talk to Xu Heng.

Most of them just wanted to come over and say hello to Xu Heng. They were familiar with each other and would be easy to get along with in the future.

There are also a few, like the girl just now, who came to ask for autographs, but this time it was a male classmate.

They looked at Xu Heng with admiration and said that Xu Heng’s national championship is very strong, and they also want to learn from Xu Heng.

Others, after coming over to ask for autographs, actually picked up their mobile phones and wanted to take a photo with Xu Heng.

In the words of those people: “You are now a celebrity in the whole school. With a group photo, I can show off!” Xu Heng couldn’t help laughing and laughing when he heard these bizarre reasons. He even had some regrets and came to this cafeteria.

After that, more and more people came to talk to Xu Heng.

For a time, there was a full circle of people around the dining table where he and Yang Dong were. “Student Xu Heng, can we take a big group photo?”

“Xu Heng, it’s amazing that you won the championship, do you lack a girlfriend?” “Xu Heng, you are so amazing, can you teach me the secret of training?”

Everyone surrounded Xu Heng and greeted enthusiastically.

After a long time, Xu Heng sent the last person away, lying on the table, heaving a sigh of relief. “Ha ha!”

Yang Dong, who was beside him, laughed when he saw Xu Heng’s appearance.

Xu Heng heard his low voice and gave him a stern look, “If you don’t come to this cafeteria, there won’t be so many troubles, all of which are caused by you.” Yang Dong flattered him nonchalantly, ” Doesn’t that mean that Minister Xu, you are more attractive than ordinary people?” “You see that when I come to the cafeteria, no one asks me to sign.”

However, after seeing Xu Heng’s expressionless face, he immediately put away his smile.

Yang Dong looked at Xu Heng and said enviously, “Minister Xu, don’t you know that you have a lot of fans in the student union now. You have been in seclusion before, but you haven’t come out. There may be more and more in the future.” Then, Xu Heng could only helplessly nodded.

It’s all here, what else could it be?

Afterwards, Xu Heng continued to eat.

Just when they thought it was finally quiet.

Next to him, another voice sounded.

“Student Xu Heng! I have encountered some problems in my cultivation, and my strength has not been able to improve.” “You won the national championship, can you give me some pointers?” Suddenly, Xu Heng was covered in black lines!

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