Chapter 111

World-renowned, Ye Bei is furious!

“Three months in a row?!”

An unbelievable voice appeared in the hearts of every reporter.

Not only that, but some internet celebrities who are still broadcasting live in the distance are also sluggish.

They all stared at Xu Heng in surprise, wondering if they had heard something wrong.

Originally, they thought that Xu Heng retreated because he wanted to end this ring match-.

However, contrary to everyone’s expectations, Xu Heng still wants to continue the ring competition.

Not only that, but it will last a full three months!

The general arena challenge is usually two to three weeks, so that no matter where you are in the country, you can basically arrive at the scene.

Anyone who is unconvinced and wants to play, basically has time, and everyone has a chance.

Putting it on for a month, it has been the longest ring challenge record in the country so far.

This time, Xu Heng had to put it on for three consecutive months.

You know, in the university, a semester is only about four months.

Xu Heng’s long in-ring time will be a brand new record.

“Student Xu Heng, in three months, it’s almost half of the semester. During this time, maybe someone’s strength has improved by leaps and bounds and will directly surpass you?” The reporter who first came back to his senses from the shock , hurriedly asked Xu Heng a question.

Afterwards, the others also put the microphone in front of Xu Heng and raised their doubts.

“Within three months, if someone encounters a fortuitous encounter, their strength may improve by leaps and bounds. At that time, the possibility of you losing the challenge will increase infinitely!” There are so many possibilities for special opportunities! “”Xu Heng, do you really want to take such a big risk?”

Facing all kinds of questions from reporters, Xu Heng smiled lightly and answered calmly.

“Next, I will go straight to retreat and go out every five days. So, if you want to challenge me, make an appointment to prepare five days in advance.” “No matter how big your adventure is, it doesn’t matter!” “As long as you want to come, within three months , all effective!” Then, Xu Heng flashed and disappeared directly from the scene. The reporters who surrounded Xu Heng looked at the disappearing figures and looked at each other.

They are still digesting the information that Xu Heng just revealed.

Everyone realizes that this is another news breaking point.

As a result, reports with exaggerated headlines reappeared on major news websites.

“Shock! The reporters at the scene were all shocked, the reason turned out to be this…”

“Confidence or arrogance? National champion Xu Heng has been in the ring for three months in a row! “”So arrogant, who can end Xu Heng’s winning streak! 》

In addition, the live broadcast rooms of major Internet celebrities also let the news spread quickly across the country.

Anyone who surfs the Internet basically knows that Xu Heng has set the record again.

He will be in the ring for three months in a row and challenge the whole country.

“Three months in a row, this kid is really arrogant!” “However, this time is just right, you can observe it more clearly!”

In the conference room of a state office, several old men gathered together and seemed to be discussing something.

They are all high-ranking nationals.Among them, guarding the national stadium before easy to empty, and the military ran Administration Sandra Lee old man, all inside. “Forbidden places are limited, easy to empty, you really want to recommend this Xu Heng enter it?” At the moment, other senior, looking at easy to empty.

Their faces, all with the color of the inquiry, “This is Xu Heng, no matter how powerful, after all, just a freshman freshmen only, places to him, will not be too wasted.” “Even put the ring for three months and too frivolous, not calm, let him go to some not appropriate it! “Easy empty, the face of other people’s doubts seemed to have answers, very firm.

He smiled, he intends to open.

However, it is easy to empty could answer, a more imposing voice, resounded in the conference room. “I saw military people can not be wrong!”

I saw an old man wearing a military uniform, smacked a conference room table.

Snapped, the audience everyone’s attention, were drawn to him in the past.

“This Xu Heng, I personally observed, the strength of the surface does not look like that simple.”

“This time, our military university, was also to challenge Xu Heng, but he still can easily compacted, has a very good explanation.” “Do not worry, Xu Heng, he is definitely qualified!” Conference room, other senior, all head exposed surprised.

The opening, but one of the generals guarding the region, absolute eye higher than the top, and now could be so much towards Xu Heng? “Oh, Lee said so, we certainly will not have any!” Then, everyone OK to xu Heng exploration into the off-limits list.

A few days time, blink and over.

Xu Heng heat, did not subside, but, still continued to rise.

Not only is a freshman, and even high school students from other schools also have heard Xu Heng deeds. “I heard that Southern University, this term out of a newborn evildoer, the national press are suppressed ah.”

“Oh, the media exaggerated reports, eye-catching it. Southern University, a mediocre school, to what evildoer!” “If come to our school, estimated that he can not get into the national competition.” “Do not blow up, people are nationwide a newborn champion! ”

“Is that right? This a little bit mean! However, the kind of game, luck accounted for a large part, as well as teammates to help, but gold is not so high ah.” “But I just heard him ring in white schools, to China declared war on it! ”

“Oh, declared war on the country, this really is confidence, there is nothing hidden world of genius to go find him?”

“There really first military school, went to a man, however, there is no chance to fight back, directly spike.” “FML, Qingcheng university? I want to go then, did not go to ah!”

“Is Qingcheng University, heard or abroad experience just returned genius as a result, did not support a move down, directly hit the ring!” “And, just heard, Southern University, to ring the challenges of time, a direct continuation of three months! “” f * ck, it is true, so cruel? Laozi never heard anyone put so long in the ring! “with the rise time of heat, high school students outside the school, gradually began to discuss about the adventures of Xu Heng.

Most of them said that he can not do that, very impressed.

Heat continues to spread, not only is the dragon country, and even many foreign universities have also heard recently dragon country out of the evildoer like a genius, a man pressed the country.

Many Western genius, after hearing Xu Heng reputation, are eager, and he wanted to be a battle.

Among the rice country, a magnificent college, a teacher dressed in clothing of people, is slowly flight.

He came to the gravity training room, a room door.

At the moment, the front of the room, the display focuses on force levels, two hundred and eighty times!

Obviously, someone is practicing inside, and drove large gravity level.

Time does not know how long, in front of the gravity level, slowly return to zero.

The king class teacher, then the door is open, intend to enter.

Just opened the door, inside the powerful coercion, he rushed out to the king grade teacher, earthquake severely shocked. “Pat’s strength, it seems one step further!” The teacher, in the heart secretly thinking. “teacher?”

A voice came from the room side.

The teacher went in, suddenly cold sweat fly.

I saw a blonde figure, sitting cross-legged, suspended in the air, strong flavor, constantly exudes from him out.

Around the body, space has also been shock, seems about to break in general.

Man on the air, the breath of the body converge.

The teacher suddenly felt big relief, just oppressive force, it is too powerful.

Although he is a teacher, but the students are free release of coercion, he has some rushing. “What’s up?”

Blond, blue-eyed man, the cold open imports.

“Long country over there, news came recently appears to be a very talented students.”

“Even a one-time put the ring for three months, declared war on all the country’s new life, seems to have been the first signs of the dragon country genius!” “Oh, I know.” “There are things?” “No!”

After the teacher finished, quickly exit the training room, his clothes, have all been soaked in sweat.

The student, has been completely beyond him, even if not deliberately against, but the body of the atmosphere, has made him feel the pressure. “What the dragon country, appears to be a good opponent, you can, I’ve been lonely for too long.” “After looking really hearty battle when ah.”

The room, the blond man thoughtfully, then suspended again, continue to practice.

Around the world, some people are beginning to sporadic, hear the dragon country seems out of a genius.

Xu Heng name, is out of the country.

Southern University Budo department, office, and Zhao Han Hongshan sit opposite. “What did you say?”

Hongshan now look surprised, just ran Zhao Han, said to apply to leave the martial arts department.

Emotionally unstable, Hongshan directly stood up, looking down at Zhao Han in front of him. “Do you really want to leave the martial arts department, transferred to the logistics department?”

“Budo part of what is wrong, although recent results had a little problem, but we are still historical heritage, all kinds of resources to superior logistics department several times.”

·. · Seeking Flowers

Hongshan both hands on the top of the table, his face worried.

Across from him, Zhao Han slight bow, seems a bit scared, she did not expect the reaction Hongshan, turned out to be so big. “You just took the national championship, we will definitely give you a better resource, definitely better than poor logistics department.” “As long as you stay in the martial arts department, no matter what the request, I will definitely try to give you a fight!”

Watching silent Zhao Han, Hongshan seems to be more anxious, it flew open, given better resources, to her stay in the martial arts department.

However, Zhao Han seems to seems to have been considered for a long time, the attitude is particularly strong at the moment.

She looked up, somewhat sheepishly said: “Teacher! I have already decided, I’m sorry,” Hongshan suddenly discouraged, unable to sit down face, “OK, wait … you will come to the formalities!”

However, he still did not give up some, “Zhao Han, if you want to come back, we must always welcome the Ministry of Budo!” Zhao Han just nodded his head, then immediately ran out of the martial arts department office.

Hongshan, still sitting in the office, she was silent.

“Another gone!” After a long time, he was slowly opening, his voice full of frustration. “Martial arts department, so far, has turned out dozens of people ……”

Compared with Hongshan, virtual days moment is smiling.

He looked at the front of Zhao Han, very enthusiastic introduced her to arrange the logistics department.

“Do not worry, all the procedures, all of us will help you make things right, you just wait for the class on the line!”

….. o

He was very pleased received Zhao Han, said that she did not need anything, everything, their logistics department will arrange for someone to automatically make things right.Afterwards, Zhao Han left the office.

Xu Tian is getting more and more excited.

Since Xu Heng won the national championship, their logistics department has received a large number of transfer applications, most of which are students of the martial arts department.

Xu Tian is sure to be elated, the logistics department has not had such a good source of students for many years.

He has foreseen that from this year, the logistics department will get better and better, and it is likely to reproduce the glory of the year.

Xu Tian looked at the list on the table and sighed happily, “In addition to the previous people, there are now nearly ten people who have been successfully transferred to our logistics department.” “All of this is due to Xu Heng! If it weren’t for him , how can the logistics department have such a big attraction.”

“Most of them are the top students of the martial arts department. That guy from Hongshan, I don’t know where to cry now, hahahaha!”

In a certain building, Xu Xiaojia is training hard.

This is a five-story building with a large area of ​​land surrounding it.

It is a laboratory that Xu Xiaojia applied to the college after returning to school.

Because Xu Xiaojia drew fairy bean seeds in the national competition, she needed a laboratory to study how to hatch the seeds.

Of course, the academy is pleased to allow it. Immortal beans are a strategic resource. In comparison, a building is nothing.

As a result, Xu Xiaojia owns such a five-story building.

At this moment, Xu Xiaojia did not go to the laboratory, but carried out today’s training program in the training room on the first floor.

After the national competition ended and after returning to school, Xu Xiaojia maintained high-intensity training every day.

So far, it’s been a week without slack. “call……”

“Today’s training is finally over!”

Xu Xiaojia took a deep breath and looked at her training results with satisfaction.

At this moment, she was sweating profusely, but she didn’t feel hard at all. “This time in the national competition, I basically didn’t help at all…”

After finishing the training, Xu Xiaojia picked up a glass of juice and muttered to herself while drinking it. “Whether it’s picking up exercises or grabbing airdrops, it’s basically all thanks to Xu Heng.”

“If it wasn’t for him, I might have been eliminated in the audition. How could I have won the national championship!” “Xu Heng, I’m getting stronger and stronger!”

She rested her head on her knees, her voice seemed a little lonely.

Because of her feeling, Xu Heng seemed to be getting further and further away from her.

However, Xu Xiaojia suddenly raised her head again with a firm face. “Then I should train even more!”

Then, she got up, walked out of the training room, and came to the laboratory on the second floor.

After one day’s training, she began to study how to incubate the seeds of Nakoxian bean.

If it can be successful, it will be an excellent help for the exploration of the ruins in the future.

With a crunch, she opened the door of the lab and stepped into the seed petri dish.

Suddenly, Xu Xiaojia exclaimed. “Wow, did it sprout?”

Because she found that the seed of the fairy bean, which had not been moving all the time, had broken its skin at this moment, and had grown a little tender tip. wide.

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