Chapter 108

Big Inventory of Competition Rewards, Xu Heng, Super Strength

“Xu Heng, you are, you got Instant Transmission?!!” Xu Tian and Li Xinghui were all surprised.

They knew that Xu Heng had grabbed Instant Transmission, but they did not expect that Xu Heng actually won this exercise.

Such a good thing, even they don’t have it.

Therefore, when they found out that they actually appeared directly in front of the school, they all looked at Xu Heng curiously.

However, before Xu Heng could answer, another voice interrupted their conversation. “Principal?! You came back so fast!” Li Xinghui followed the voice and turned to look.

I saw a group of people walking over in a panic.

Some of them are arranging their clothes; others are in a hurry, holding up welcome banners in their hands.

Obviously, nothing is ready.

That is, the staff waiting in front of the school gate, their purpose is to welcome Xu Heng and others back to school.

According to their assumptions, Xu Heng and others should have just set off and returned to school, and there will be quite a while.

No one expected that they suddenly appeared in front of the school. “There are a lot of cameras…”

Xu Heng looked around and found that in addition to the greeting staff, there were countless reporters and even internet celebrity anchors standing around.

When they saw Xu Heng suddenly appearing, they didn’t react for a while. “Wow! Is this the champion brother!”

After a while, a girl who looked like an internet celebrity seemed to have spotted Xu Heng and screamed in surprise.

Afterwards, he immediately ran over here holding the selfie stick and mobile phone.

She wants to do her best to get to the hot spot this time.

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

After the influencer acted, others reacted immediately.

In an instant, everyone rushed towards where Xu Heng was. “Student Xu Heng, we want to interview…” “Can you tell me your acceptance speech…”

The same scene made Xu Heng’s head go crazy.

So, he hurriedly said to the others, “Teacher, principal, I still have something to do, I’ll leave now!”

“Xu Xiaojia, Zhao Han, the interview will be handed over to you!” After speaking, Xu Heng’s figure flashed and disappeared directly in place.

He didn’t want to pay attention to these messy welcome ceremonies. In his opinion, it was a complete waste of time. “Xu Heng!”

Xu Xiaojia and Zhao Han heard his words and hurriedly spoke out, trying to keep Xu Heng.

They wanted to thank Xu Heng well before he left, because the two of them won the championship this time, basically relying on Xu Heng.

As a result, Xu Heng’s figure had already gone somewhere. “Instant Transmission, it’s really a magic trick to escape!” Xu Tian looked at Xu Heng who had left, and shook his head and smiled.

Before he could say anything, the crowds around him had all swarmed up.

And those who didn’t leave can only helplessly deal with the problems of reporters and people from all walks of life.

In the office of the Department of Martial Arts, a palm slapped hard on the desk.


The desk was torn apart instantly, and then, Hong Shan’s angry voice sounded. “Xu Heng, did he really win the national championship?”

In the office, Hong Shan was sitting on a chair, and beside him, a teacher-like person was reporting to him. “It is absolutely true, at this time, they are probably going to return!” Hong Shan was even more angry when he heard the news. “It’s also trash!”

He stood up abruptly, turned and kicked the chair behind him.

With a bang, the chair hit the wall, and cracks spread across the wall.

Afterwards, Hong Shan left the office directly, leaving behind a horrified teacher.


He couldn’t figure it out. Although Xu Heng was not a student of the martial arts department, he didn’t need to be so angry!

After Hong Shan left the office, he walked into a secret room, took out his mobile phone, and made a call.

After a while, the call was connected.

Hong Shan picked up the phone and said, “Shang Tianlong…”

Xu Heng, doesn’t know what’s going on outside.

After saying goodbye to the principal and others, he went directly to the gravity training room through Instant Transmission.

At this moment, he is sorting out all the gains in this national competition.

This time, his strength has been greatly improved again, and he has also drawn several extremely rare rewards.

Therefore, he needs to get acquainted with those new abilities as soon as possible. “Basic strength, improved again!”

Xu Heng looked at the value of 3,000 on the tester, and nodded with satisfaction.

After coming to the gravity training room, he did not directly train those advanced abilities, but first tested the basic strength.

Seeing the test results, he himself was a little surprised.

Because the last time, he tested it in the stadium, and that time, there was only about 2,400 combat power. “Three thousand battle strength, directly reaching the lord level!”

“It seems that with Long Yuan’s power, Fusion’s is even more perfect!” Xu Heng was very happy.

Before the competition, he refined a dragon element.

That is the reward given by the state after the previous SSSSS score.

Since refining a Long Yuan, his strength has been steadily increasing, which is the result of the gradual release of Long Yuan’s power.Moreover, Xu Heng felt that the power of the first Dragon Yuan had not been fully absorbed, and there was still room for growth.

The second Long Yuan is still lying in his space ring intact, and now he is not ready to refine it immediately.

Feeling the mighty power in his body, Xu Heng made a rough judgment.

“If you use Kaio-ken, you can increase it in all directions. My strength can be multiplied several times.” After that, a faint red light appeared on the surface of Xu Heng’s body, which was Kaio-ken’s boosting light. .

“Although Kaio-ken has strong side effects on the body. However, for me, who has refined Long Yuan, it is not worth mentioning at all.” In Dragon Ball, the use of Kaio-ken will cause damage to the body. very heavy load.

Because of Kaio-ken, the increase is several times at every turn, and it is easy to exceed the limit of the body.

After every use, there will be a feeling of collapse.

However, Long Yuan’s enhancement of vitality and resilience will completely offset the negative effects of Kaio-ken.

Therefore, Xu Heng can be used at will.

“And Susanoh!” Xu Heng was a little excited.

When this is turned on, his combat power will skyrocket again.

Thinking of the terrifying boosting effect of Susanoo, Xu Heng felt that he could directly confront the beast head-on.

“Reincarnation Eye and Reincarnation Innate Technique will also have unexpected and miraculous effects in the battle of the big army!” Xu Heng took stock of his achievements in the competition.

Although he has done a rough arrangement before, but when he thinks about it again, he is still a little excited.

“My current strength is more than double what it was before the competition!” “With just one punch, I can kill a person before the competition in seconds.”

“Kaio-ken, Samsara Eye, etc., under the full power, within the lord level, it is estimated that there is no opponent at all, even the big lord, you can touch it.” Feeling the majestic power in the body, Xu Heng felt, This trip was really worth it. “In addition, there is the magic skill of ‘Instant Transmission’…”

“With all this, in the next challenge in the arena, even if you are a genius monster who is hidden from the world, I don’t have to be afraid at all.” Xu Heng was excited and confident.

The national freshman competition has ended, but he himself has a ring competition to play next, so others can relax, but Xu Heng, he must always be prepared.

With the skills acquired in these national competitions, he will be more confident. Even if he encounters a perverted and powerful enemy, Xu Heng is not afraid at all.

Originally, the ring challenge was not a compulsory competition.

However, participating in the ring challenge can get a lot of money, which is a huge temptation for him.

Before coming back, he asked Xutian about the challenge in the arena.

This arena is not something that can be challenged casually.

To sign up, both parties must pay a sufficient amount to determine the venue and then play.

After the game, all the money will go to the winner.

In addition, any excuse for evasion, such as surrender, abandonment, etc., will be regarded as a failure of the game, and the money will all go to the other side.

Therefore, in the arena challenge, most people would never dare to open it casually.

Because, after losing, you will not only lose face, but also pay a huge price.

The winner, and therefore, will receive a very generous reward.

However, Xu Heng has full confidence in himself.

In his view, this is a game to give him money.

So, he was very excited about it.

Although he has experienced many ruins, he has won a lot of monetary rewards.

However, Xu Heng spends money too quickly.

As far as the gravity training room is concerned, the daily amount is the cost of the day, and most people can’t stand it.

As for Xu Heng, he almost lived in the gravity training room, which many teachers could not afford.

In addition, there are various nutritional supplements.

In the Dragon Ball anime, Son Goku’s appetite is huge, and Xu Heng has inherited this feature perfectly, and needs to consume a large amount of nutritional resources every day.

Massive training also requires massive amounts of nutrients as support, otherwise the body will collapse directly.

According to Xu Heng’s calculations, he spends more money on nutritious food than even in the gravity training room.

So, he needs a lot of money to maintain his current training.

“I just hope that when the time comes, there will be more people to challenge, otherwise, I won’t make much money!” Xu Heng sighed slightly.

If anyone else heard it, they would probably vomit blood.

A game that others thought was extremely dangerous, Xu Heng actually used it as a way to win money.

“The key is the number of places in the forbidden area!” Xu Heng recalled what Yi Kong said when he was looking for him today.

Playing games to win money is really cool.

However, there is another reason that really made him determined to play this challenge.

That is, when Yi Kong looked for him, he said about the forbidden area exploration quota.

Last time Yi Kong wanted to invite him to explore the newly developed forbidden area.

That forbidden area, the country has not fully developed.

Therefore, in the forbidden area, there may be many unknown inheritances and rewards, which is another huge temptation for Xu Heng, who is pursuing power.

However, Yi Kong said that his qualifications were not enough.

Therefore, Xu Heng needs to really prove himself.

And this one-on-one arena challenge will be an excellent proof.

“With the results of the challenge in the arena, it is estimated that you are completely qualified to go to that forbidden area!” Xu Heng thought to himself, he must use his strength to shock everyone.

While Xu Heng was silently preparing for the challenge in the ring, other schools across the country were already surging.

The principals of all the universities have convened the leaders of the schools one after another, and said at the meeting that they must be well prepared.

Seize Xu Heng, the national champion, with a swollen opportunity to knock him out.

In that way, their school must be very prosperous.

At that time, Xu Heng’s so-called No. 1 in the country will surely become a joke.

The students who defeated Xu Heng will also step on Xu Heng’s position and directly climb to the top of the country’s strongest dark horse and become a super nova.

Qingcheng University, in a conference room, the principal is sitting in the first place, holding a meeting for other leaders of the school.

The content of the discussion was about the Xu Heng Challenge. “This Xu Heng really has some strength!”

The president of Qingcheng University, looking at the information collected by his assistant in front of him, nodded slightly.

However, he changed the subject and pointed the finger at the school leaders present.

“We are also a military academy, and we are famous for our combat effectiveness. As a result, there is no way to take a freshman, which is outrageous.”

“You people, do you usually eat dry rice again!”

“It is announced that everyone’s training volume will be doubled. When the challenge comes, we must win this Xu Heng!”

“This year’s freshmen, there are indeed a few monsters!” “Piccolo Daimao’s fit, all appeared!”

Fudan University is also the principal’s office. Their principal, listening to the report of the team leader Yuan Gang, sighed a little. “Under this circumstance, Xu Heng still takes the championship. This guy is really unexpected.”

“But this Xu Heng is too arrogant! When he was being interviewed, he directly declared war on the freshmen all over the country and wanted to challenge in the ring!” Yuan Gang, who was on the side, continued to report to the principal, and he strongly disagreed with Xu Heng’s actions. The principal was startled, “Is he really so bold?” He lowered his head and thought about it thoughtfully.

Then, he suddenly snorted, “Young man, it’s normal to be a little arrogant!” “These guys in our school, compared with Xu Heng, are completely trash!” , asked.

“Go down and ask, who dares to take on Xu Heng’s challenge? I’m afraid not one dares to stand up!”

“Notice, let those freshmen prepare well, and the guys who only dare to scold behind their backs, what kind of heroes, let them fight Xu Heng in person!”

“Laozi really doesn’t know Xu Heng’s true strength! We have been in a relationship for decades. As for lying to you because of this?” “You look down on me too much, Li Xinghui!”

In Nantian University, Li Xinghui was very busy at the moment.

After answering the questions from various reporters, I just returned to the office. As a result, many of my former classmates called and wanted to inquire about Xu Heng’s true strength.

He said he didn’t know, but all those people didn’t believe it, which made him have to explain it for a long time every time.

After a while, Li Xinghui snapped and hung up the phone.

He snorted coldly, his face full of annoyance, “Humph! I don’t usually remember me, Li Xinghui, but now I have something to call Laozi!” “I still want to find out about Xu Heng. Don’t say anything.” After hanging up the phone, he sat on the chair angrily and was silent for a while.

However, soon, the joy in my heart dilutes the annoyance just now.His expression also changed to excitement, “National champion! Not to mention that those old classmates don’t believe it, I didn’t even think of it myself!” “I was not convinced by Laozi’s words before, now, all of you should have felt it. Xu Heng’s threat!”

Beyond the high wall, deep in the mist.

At this moment, Shang Tianlong was retreating in a hidden cave, using all his strength to attack the king.

His figure sat cross-legged on the stone bed out of thin air.

Around the stone bed, there are countless bones of ferocious beasts scattered.

There was a ferocious beast that looked like a lizard, trembling slightly, and seemed not to have died.

The key is that this beast still retains the aura of a king.

These are all resources that Shang Tianlong used to attack the king-level after hunting.

Above the stone bed, the aura emanating from his body is also getting stronger and stronger, and the surrounding stones close to him are faintly shattered.

Suddenly, a phone rang and spread throughout the cave.

Shang Tianlong, who was quietly suspended, opened his eyes and frowned slightly.

“There’s another phone call, I don’t know about Wei Cheng, but Xu Heng has been resolved!” Then he picked up the phone and looked, “Hong Shan? It’s not that Wei Cheng!” Suddenly, a bad premonition appeared in his heart. He answered the phone, “Hello!” “Hong Shan, what happened again!”

On the phone, Hong Shan’s voice sounded, with a strong anger, “Shang Tianlong, that guy Wei Cheng, was solved by Xu Heng!” Boom!

Hearing this, Shang Tianlong’s body suddenly burst out with an extremely tyrannical aura. “A freshman can’t solve it, what a waste!”

The breath swept the entire cave, and all the bones of the fierce beasts were all turned into powder.

The king-level beast that wasn’t dead was swept away by the aftermath of Shang Tianlong’s body, and it suddenly let out a shrill cry, and then died directly.

Hong Shan, who was on the opposite side of the phone, seemed to be a little scared by the movement here.

“Shang Tianlong, this Xu Heng is indeed very evil. Not only is he lucky, but his strength is also very strange.”

“The great journey you arranged, after using the secret enhancement technique, was actually killed by Xu Heng head-on.” “I’m afraid Xu Heng can’t be dealt with by conventional methods!”

Shang Tianlong, obviously very impatient, “Don’t talk nonsense, I just want the result, I don’t want to hear these messy reasons!” “Come on, what happened, just a new student, why so much trouble!”

Hearing this, the opposite Hong Shan quickly told Shang Tianlong everything he knew about Xu Heng.

Even the detailed process of the competition that he knew, as well as the rewards Xu Heng received, were all clear.

He was just afraid that Shang Tianlong would be blamed for the inaccurate information in case something happened to him.

Although Shang Tianlong had not reached the king level, Hong Shan had absolutely no confidence in defeating him.

He was very anxious to get into such a big trouble, so he just hoped to solve Xu Heng as soon as possible, so that Shang Tianlong would not come to trouble him. “Completely a rice bucket!”

Shang Tianlong roared, and the entire cave trembled again, as if it was about to collapse immediately.

After listening to Hong Shan’s explanation, the anger in his heart was even greater than before.”It didn’t kill Xu Heng, it became his stepping stone and made Xu Heng famous!”

“Not only that, but also gave him various rewards to Xu Heng, making him extremely powerful!” “Now his strength is stronger, and it is even more difficult to deal with!” Shang Tianlong thought silently in his heart.

He found that after this twists and turns, Xu Heng not only was not killed, but his strength increased greatly and became more difficult.

In this wave of his, he simply lost his wife and lost his troops, and the losses increased.

However, this did not dispel Shang Tianlong’s determination to kill Xu Heng.

“That waste of Weicheng has probably exposed me. At that time, if I don’t go to Xu Heng, he will definitely come back to find me!” “So, this Xu Heng, must kill!”

Afterwards, Shang Tianlong was silent for a while, and muttered to himself: “Listen to Hong Shan’s statement, Xu Heng’s current strength is not too strong, we must take this opportunity to kill him!” “Otherwise. , when he also enters the king level, it will be very troublesome!”

Then, he suddenly thought of something again, with a strange smile on his face, “I didn’t expect that the eye of reincarnation that I have been looking for, and the art of reincarnation, will actually let you get it!” “Xu Heng, it’s really an enemy!”

“You got the reincarnation eye, just after killing you, gouging out the eye, killing two birds with one stone!”

His younger brother, Shang Feng, had already died, and if he wanted to be resurrected, he had to use the eye of reincarnation to perform the outsider, reincarnation birth technique.

And Xu Heng, both his enemy and the eye of reincarnation.

After killing Xu Heng, he could not only take revenge, but also get the Eye of Samsara to resurrect his younger brother, killing two birds with one stone. “Xu Heng, I am Shang Tianlong, I must kill you!”

In the imperial capital, in a hotel room, Jin He and Xuan Tao got together again at 410.

At the moment, they are still talking about Xu Heng because of the in-ring challenge.

“Jin He, don’t you want Xu Heng to be your opponent? Do you want to go to the ring challenge this time?”

At the big round table, a total of six people are eating. They are the two teams of Qinghua and Jingcheng University who participated in the National Freshman Competition.

Xuan Tao still looks like that kind of teasing.

He looked at Jin He across from him and said with a mocking smile, “This Xu Heng has so arrogantly declared war on the new generation of the whole country, you Jin He, won’t you kill his spirit?” Jin He across the dining table has been silent all the time. drinking wine.

He didn’t seem to be stimulated by Xuan Tao, “Only a fool would feel that Xu Heng is arrogant!” “We are not his opponents at all. It is the real arrogance to challenge Xu Heng now!” Hearing Jin He’s words , Xuan Tao suddenly felt incredible.

Not Xu Heng’s opponent!

He really couldn’t imagine that such words would come out of the mouth of Jin He, who had always been extremely arrogant.

Not only Xuan Tao, but other people present also felt that they had heard it wrong.

One of the students in the uniform of Qinghua University looked at Jinhe with surprise, “Captain, this is not like you!”

“You are a match for Piccolo Daimao, aren’t you unconvinced? What happened this time, you lost your temper when you were beaten directly?” “Is this Xu Heng really that powerful?”

Jin He smiled slightly, as if he felt that the ridicule of the team members to him was not a matter of shame at first sight. “You haven’t played against him, you don’t know how powerful he is!”

“Although I am arrogant, Jin He is definitely very self-aware. The current me is definitely not Xu Heng’s opponent!”

“So, I definitely won’t go to the ring challenge this time. To challenge Xu Heng now is to ask for trouble!” After he finished speaking, he took a big gulp of wine.Then, his eyes narrowed slightly, “But that doesn’t mean that I, Jin He, will never be as good as you Xu Heng.” “Wait, I will surpass you, I believe that day, it will not be too late!”

With the passage of time, the news that Xu Heng, who just won the championship, is going to leave the ring and challenge the freshmen in the whole country, spread more and more widely.

For a time, whether online or offline, there were voices discussing this topic everywhere.

Everyone is waiting for the day when the game starts.

At the same time, major news websites even started live broadcasts, directly squatting in Nantian University, giving netizens the opportunity to learn about this matter as soon as possible.

With the passage of time, the popularity of the live broadcast room has become higher and higher, and it has even been on the hot search list several times.

At this moment, the netizens in the live broadcast room are all discussing enthusiastically. “Open the door, why hasn’t the game started yet!” “I’ve been waiting for two days, and I still can’t play!”

“By the way, this Xu Heng, who just won the national championship, why do you want to play the ring competition again!” “Others have confidence in themselves!”

“There were people who were confident in the past and are still in wheelchairs now!” “Who do you think will challenge Xu Heng first?”

“It goes without saying that, I guess, they must be students of Qinghua University. After all, their three-peat championship was ended by Xu Heng!”

“Indeed, with such a big hatred, if it were me, I would definitely take this opportunity to find my way back!”

“I think it might be the captain of Zhongling University. She was directly killed by Xu Heng in the arena. This time, she is expected to come for revenge!” “I will see when the time comes. A few taels, can you still set a new record!” The people in the live broadcast room, with your words and my words, slowly discussed about Xu Heng.

At the moment, Xu Heng is still living in the gravity training room, silently taking stock of his gains and mastering his new skills.

Time flies, and three days have passed since Xu Heng returned.

On this day, the door of Xu Heng’s gravity training room finally opened.

Xu Heng’s figure also came out slowly from inside.

After several days of training, he has completely mastered the new skills he has acquired on the field this time.

At this moment, he is already in his prime.

Xu Heng gradually walked out of the hall, ready to go back.

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

“You kid, it’s finally out!”

“If you don’t come out, others will think you’re going to give up!”

Xu Heng heard the sound, turned his head and saw that it was the old janitor.

After the last final, Xu Heng knew that the identity of this old man was definitely not ordinary. Then, Xu Heng asked: “Abandoned? What happened?”

The gatekeeper glanced at him angrily, and said, “You won’t forget the arena challenge!”

“Yesterday early in the morning, someone ran over and said they wanted to challenge you. As a result, you were not there at all, and today someone else came!” “Now, they are waiting in the gym!”

Hearing this, Xu Heng’s eyes suddenly lit up, “I’m just short of money! Someone will come to do charity right away!” After that, Xu Heng immediately rushed towards the gymnasium.

“I would like to see, which university is it, and it has to run over to send money!”.

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