Chapter 109

Ring challenge, unexpected spike

Nantian University, on the campus, many students are running on the road, and they are all rushing to the school gymnasium.

Because, today’s ring challenge will be held in the school gym.

Along the way, many students were shouting at each other, inviting them to go to the gym together.

“Hurry up, fast, the game is about to start, and if you slow down, you will miss it!” The students were discussing while walking.

“In the past, other people came to our school to put on the ring and challenge all our freshmen, and none of us dared to play!” “Indeed, we were bullied before, but this year there was a guy who declared war on the whole country, really Not ordinary!” “Challenge the whole country, you have to take a good look, I hope this Xu Heng can last a little longer.”

In the gym, there was already a lot of people talking.

Because the long-awaited ring challenge is really about to begin.

The auditorium of the gymnasium was already full of figures, many people from outside the school.

These outsiders all came here after hearing about Xu Heng’s record and wanted to watch the game.

In addition, there are many reporters from TV stations and news websites in the auditorium. They set up large cameras to shoot the pictures in the venue.

These people basically rush to wherever there is a hot spot.

At this time, in front of each camera, there is a reporter, holding a microphone and constantly introducing. “Hello everyone, I’m Li Hong, a national news reporter!”

“The Ring Challenge is a competition that is more representative of individual strength than the National Freshman Competition. Not long ago, Xu Heng, who just won the championship, declared war on the freshmen across the country. He wants to set up the arena at Nantian University and let everyone come to challenge!” “Today is the day the game starts.”

“There are two schools coming to challenge this time. One is Zhongling University, which was ranked among the top three in the country.”

“However, in this national competition, the results of Zhongling University are unprecedentedly poor, and they have not been able to enter the top 30 in the country. All of this is because their captain was defeated by Xu Heng.” “So, this challenge Sai, Zhongling University will be the first university to play. We are very much looking forward to whether they will be able to wash away their shame this time.” “Besides, there is a special university that will also come here. Heng students challenge.”

“This school is not under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education, but is a military comprehensive university directly under the leadership of the military, and it is also a key military institution.”

“This special school is Qingcheng University. They have always been known for their tyrannical combat effectiveness. They have participated in many competitions invited by foreign countries. In the past ten years, they have won numerous awards.” “Today, the national freshman champion. , and the collision with the strongest military, what the outcome will be, we will wait and see!” In addition to reporters, Internet celebrity anchors are also indispensable.

At this moment, there is a female anchor who is holding a selfie stick and talking non-stop into the phone.

“Family, this game is so exciting!”

“I heard that not only Zhongling University, but also the top-ranked military academy, Qingcheng University, came to challenge!” “Let’s make a guess, and guess who can win, by the way, there is a prize!”

In the live broadcast room, the popularity is soaring at this moment, and everyone is discussing and speculating about this challenge. “I’ve waited for several days, and the flowers are all gone. If it doesn’t start today, Xu Heng will give up!” “There are actually two universities today, can’t you wait?” “The people from Zhongling University are here too. , that female captain?”

“This is for food delivery. The key depends on the people from Qingcheng University. That is the first military academy!” “Who do you think will win, I bet on Qingcheng University!”

“I guess Xu Heng will be cool this time, because he is too arrogant, and he will definitely provoke a hidden genius.” “If you want to bet, you should bet big, just press Xu Heng directly to stimulate, so you can win more!”

There are a lot of anchors who deliberately left a lot of controversial topics in the live broadcast room for the sake of popularity, causing netizens to scold.

In the gymnasium, in addition to the passers-by who came to watch from outside the school, the most were the sophomores, juniors and senior students of the school.

They heard that there was a fierce man in the school, and they all came to watch, to see how powerful the legendary guy who declared war on the whole country actually had. “Declaring war on the whole country, our little brother is really arrogant to the extreme”~. ”

“Haha, no matter what, winning the national freshman championship is an unprecedented record.””It’s not bad that someone can play. In the past arena challenges, we can only be bullied.”

“Really, remember our class, when other schools came to set up the ring, we were beaten and we didn’t even have a chance.”

“I also remember that at the end of that time, in our school, there was no one who dared to play. When others stepped on the nose and scolded, there was no way, and the strength was not as good as others.” In the gym, everyone was talking and everyone was discussing, Everyone is expressing their opinions.

The whole venue was noisy.

Suddenly, a figure stepped onto the ring in the center of the gymnasium.

That is, Xu Heng, who just came out of the training room.

Xu Heng’s heart was hot when he learned that someone wanted to challenge him.

Everyone who puts down the ring will need to pay a 100,000-level amount as a post-match reward.

The challenger, who wants to play, also needs to pay the same amount of funds in order to challenge.

This time, Xu Heng, out of absolute confidence in himself, directly gave the reward amount for a single game to 20 million.

When Xu Heng announced the news, it caused a small stir.

Because, this means that everyone who wants to challenge Xu Heng needs to pay 20 million in funds before they are eligible to play.

That is, the victorious party in the end will receive a total of 40 million rewards.

Strictly speaking, this is a betting game.

Therefore, Xu Heng really wanted to see which university person was willing to pay such a price and insisted on coming to challenge him.

In the entire gymnasium, the original noise disappeared, and it was already silent at this time.

Because, everyone found Xu Heng who appeared on stage.

Then, in the microphone in the gym, a voice came to mind.

“Hello everyone, I’m Qi Dong, and I’m honored to be the referee for this challenge.”

“Now, both sides of the game have all arrived, the challenge game, start now!” The voice fell, and enthusiastic cheers suddenly erupted in the silent gymnasium. “Woo! After waiting for a long time, it finally started!” “Fight, fight!”

“I’m looking forward to the result. If Xu Heng rolls over, it’s really fun!” “What if Xu Heng wins? It’s not even more shocking!”

Above the ring, Xu Heng stood quietly, waiting for the challenger to come on stage.

He had heard just now that the challengers were Zhongling University and Qingcheng University.

“That Min Yuan, are you still not convinced?” Xu Heng muttered to himself, recalling the news he heard just now. “You have to come over to give money, then I have to laugh at it!” At this moment, a female voice sounded. “Xu Heng!”

That was Min Yuan’s voice.

Then, her figure jumped directly onto the ring.

She looked at Xu Heng, who was also on the ring, and gritted her teeth, “It’s been three days, you’ve finally come out, and I thought you were going to give up!” Obviously, she lost to Xu Heng before, and she has been Waigan all the time. mind.

Xu Heng was expressionless, he ignored Min Yuan’s words, because, in his opinion, Min Yuan was not qualified to be her opponent at all.

At this moment, the referee’s voice on the broadcast sounded again. “The two participating parties are already in place, and the game will start directly now!”

There was no messy sensationalism and no unnecessary nonsense. The referee directly announced the start of the game.

Everything, let the strength speak.

Around the gym, the voices arguing with each other also began to disappear.

Everyone started and watched the game attentively.

The moment the referee’s voice fell, Min Yuan was already running his strength and planned to strike first.

However, before she could make a move, a fist came straight and landed on her in an instant.

The referee’s voice just fell. Some people’s cheers have not stopped.

Everyone hasn’t reacted yet, and the game is over.

Min Yuan’s body was punched by Xu Heng and smashed out of the field.

For a moment, the audience were all stunned.

Afterwards, the heated discussion resounded. “The game is over?”

“Damn it, I haven’t sat down yet!” “I didn’t hold on to it for a second!”

“What happened just now, Min Yuan was killed again?”

“Hey, I said before, this Min Yuan is here to deliver food, but she is not convinced, and she is the first to challenge Xu Heng!” “It seems that this is just an appetizer, today’s good show should be behind.”

“I’m still looking forward to Qingcheng University in the back. Now this one is really a bit stretched!” With this result, the audience seemed a little surprised, because the game ended too quickly.

However, it was not too unexpected, because before the game, everyone was not very optimistic about this Min Yuan.

What really makes everyone look forward to it is the students of Qingcheng University.

That is the army personally involved in the construction, dedicated to fighting and serving, and the combat effectiveness of the students inside should be very tyrannical. “In the first match, Zhongling University Min Yuan VS Nantian University Xu Heng, Xu Heng wins!”

The referee’s voice appeared in the loudspeaker, and broadcast the result of the game to the audience.

There was no response from the audience.

Everyone was quietly waiting for the appearance of Qingcheng University.

“.~ Who else?”

In the ring, seeing Min Yuan being kicked out, Xu Heng opened his mouth and shouted to the surroundings. “Who else wants to challenge, come out quickly, don’t waste time!”

His voice, blessed by the powerful profound energy in his body, resounded throughout the gymnasium.

The discussion, which was not too warm at first, suddenly increased.

“This guy’s strength is not bad, but it’s too arrogant!”

“Look, the good show is about to start. When the time comes to watch Xu Heng, how arrogant is it?” While everyone was talking, the challenger from Qingcheng University also stepped into the ring. “Fuck, isn’t this a child enemy?”

“I heard that he missed the National Freshman Competition because of foreign competitions. I didn’t expect it to be him this time.” As soon as the people from Qingcheng University took the stage, there were exclamations around.

Some knowledgeable people introduced this student to those around him and praised him for his previous achievements. “I heard that this guy is the first place in the freshman combat power test this year at Qingcheng University!” “Also, several relic scores have also set new historical records.”

“I also heard that because he went abroad and participated in the experience of special relics, he missed the national freshman competition. I didn’t expect that he would come to challenge Xu Heng.” Nantian University has become a big joke. The national championship just won will become a laughing stock at that time!”

“You are Xu Heng?”

The child enemy of Qingcheng University slowly stepped into the ring.

He looked relaxed and looked at Xu Heng in front of him curiously.

“I heard that General Ling Cangfeng has personally invited you several times, but you have rejected all of them?” “I really want to know how special you are.”

Xu Heng remained expressionless and didn’t care which school the person who came to power came from. “The game begins!” The referee’s voice fell. (Did you?) The child enemies on the stage didn’t act in a hurry like Min Yuan did before.

Instead, he looked straight at Xu Heng and smiled, “Let’s do it once, let’s go first!” He had heard about Xu Heng’s record before, and knew that Xu Heng’s strength seemed to be pretty good.

However, Tong is hostile to himself and has absolute confidence.

Since entering the university, he has repeatedly refreshed the school’s record. When I went abroad to practice, I also got a very high evaluation.

Even if Qinghua University is here, he is completely confident to defeat the opponent.

Therefore, he planned to let Xu Heng take the first shot, which would be more convincing and make Xu Heng completely convinced.

Xu Heng on the stage smiled disdainfully, he still remained addicted.

Hearing the words of the opposite child enemy, he did not hesitate, kicked his legs violently, and shot the whole person directly.

There is no Kaio-ken augmentation, and no Reincarnation Eye spell.

With that unpretentious punch, Xu Heng directly slammed into the child enemy. “It’s pretty fast!”

Tong Di’s eyes narrowed slightly, because Xu Heng’s speed exceeded his expectations.

However, he didn’t panic at all.

Standing by his waist, he threw out the same punch, and Xu Heng’s fist collided with each other in various ways.


The sound of two fists colliding sounded.

Immediately afterwards, the figure of the child enemy actually flew out of the ring and landed heavily on the ground.

His face was full of disbelief, and a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth. “you……”

Tong Di struggled to sit up, as if he was about to say something, but he was seriously injured, unable to say a word, and actually passed out.

It was even more serious than the injury Min Yuan suffered just now.

The surrounding audience was silent.

No one expected that the battle would end surprisingly quickly.

A bang, a sound of exclamation sounded instantly. “So fast?”

“Didn’t you say the First Military Academy?” “Another spike?”

Immediately afterwards, there was a heated discussion in the audience! .

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