Chapter 107

Back to school, a grand welcome!

“This year’s freshmen are basically garbage…”

Not far away, Xu Xiaojia’s mother, Wang Fang, also heard what Xu Heng said to the reporter.

With a look of surprise on her face, she wondered if she had heard it wrong, “If anyone disagrees, see you in the ring!” Wang Fang repeated Xu Heng’s words and muttered to herself. “Is this going to declare war on the whole country!”

She believes that she has seen countless young talents. However, I have never seen Xiang Xu Heng so arrogant.

For a while, she didn’t know what to do. Do you really want to meet such a crazy guy?

The reporter opposite Xu Heng was stunned by Xu Heng’s words.

Everyone was stunned for a while, forgetting the purpose of coming here.

After a while, someone reacted. Just now, there was another news breaking point.

These reporters like breaking news.

So, everyone frantically put the microphone in front of Xu Heng, more enthusiastic than before.

“Student Xu Heng, is what you just said true? Are you really going to put on the ring and let the freshmen from all over the country challenge you one by one?!!”

“You just won the national championship, and now you are going to take the risk to play in the ring challenge. Are you not afraid of being defeated and ruined?”

“Hello, Xu Heng, I’m a reporter from the national TV station. Can I interview you alone? We really want to know the real reason why you left the ring…” “Xu Heng, hello, netizens in our live broadcast room, They all want to know…” All the reporters pressed forward like crazy, they wanted to interview Xu Heng like crazy.

Not only because they themselves, very much want to ask their inner doubts.

What’s more, this breaking news can get huge clicks.

A student who has just won the first place in the country, actually wants to put on the ring again, this is like a lunatic in the eyes of everyone.

Xu Heng himself, was not disturbed by the reporter’s question, and left a ruthless remark. “You heard right just now, whoever is not convinced, come to the arena to find me!”

Afterwards, Xu Heng broke free from the siege of the reporter group, and Xu Tian, ​​the principal and others left directly.

Xu Xiaojia, ignoring her mother’s gaze, kept up with the school team.

“Four One Zero”

Around, there were many passers-by who just passed by after exiting the arena, attracted by his cruel words, and stopped to watch curiously.

They also wondered if they were hallucinating just now.

“Xu Heng? What else is he going to do?”

“I seem to have heard just now that he is going to put on the ring, this is very dangerous!”

“There is no luck in the arena, and there will be no such good thing as fishing in the river. Everything depends on strength.”

“If you are accidentally knocked over by a freshman from another school, then Xu Heng’s first place in the country will become a joke!” Everyone was talking about what they did to Xu Heng just now. The decision made is incredible.

In the distance, after Yi Kong left, there were two more guards who stayed in the spectator seats.

When they were about to leave the venue, they also heard Xu Heng’s words and looked at each other. “Is this kid suddenly stimulated by something?” “Yi Kong just found Xu Heng, is it because of him?”

“Perhaps, but it would be more informative if there were results from the Challenger Tournament. If the results are good, it would be more convincing to add Xu Heng to the list.” Old Man Li from the military looked surprised. , After a moment of silence, he nodded slightly.

“Hehe, if I really want to challenge in the ring, then I’m looking forward to it more and more. After all, that thing is pure strength!” On the other side, Wang Jingran was thoughtful.

He looked at the old military man beside him and said, “Let’s go, Yi Kong just found Xu Heng, let’s ask, what the hell did that guy say!”

In front of the teacher and student rest hall, all teachers and students of all schools must gather here.

Because, the game is over, and after the school counts the number of people, it must leave the arena.Finally, through the teleportation array, back to school.

At this moment, there are quite a lot of students and teachers gathered here. They are checking the list of personnel. After confirming that it is correct, they will go to the teleportation array.

Suddenly, a student rushed over from a distance, shouting as he ran. “Big news again! Big news again!”

The teachers and students of other schools turned their heads one after another and looked at the galloping student.

Of course, most people, not because of curiosity, but with the expression of a fool, looked at the galloping student. “f*ck, the game is over, what is this guy shouting?” “Yes, is it possible that the game can be played again?”

“Anyway, this year, we have pulled our hips, and we didn’t even make it to the top 100. I don’t know if we will be scolded when we go back.” The student who was flying straight rushed to the crowd, panting.

“Did you know? I just passed by the podium and saw Xu Heng being interviewed!” As soon as he finished speaking, a few voices of dissatisfaction suddenly sounded in the crowd of teachers and students.

“Isn’t it just an interview, what’s so strange?”

“That’s right, my ranking was so poor, I was held back by several reporters just now and kept asking. Isn’t it normal for someone to interview?” In the crowd, there were a few students who were a little dissatisfied when they saw the guy who made a fuss in front of him.

Their results this time were not very good at first, but now hearing Xu Heng is so beautiful, his heart suddenly felt sour.

The student who rushed to the front of the crowd ignored the few noisy voices and shouted directly. “I heard just now that when Xu Heng was interviewed, he directly declared war on the whole country!” “He wants to put on the ring and accept everyone’s challenges!” “Xu Heng said, if anyone is not satisfied, go to him!” When it fell, a stone stirred up a thousand waves. In the crowd, there was a lot of discussion and shouting.

Originally, the teachers and students who were quietly waiting for the return journey now showed incredible eyes and expressions.

Like the previous reporters, they all wondered if they had heard it wrong. “What’s the matter, is this a direct declaration of war on us?”

“He thought he could ride on all of us by winning first place?”

“As far as I know, there are many powerful freshmen who did not participate in this competition because of the quota. Their strength is no worse than the two from Qinghua and Jingcheng University.” Many people heard Xu Heng so bold , have expressed disdain.

There are also students who feel that Xu Heng’s championship does not actually represent hard core strength.

“It’s just luck, I just picked up a few airdrops, do you really think that you are invincible in the whole country?”

“In the arena, there is no teammate to assist him, no bridge to block him, and no big river for him to catch the exercises inexplicably. That’s all real power!” “This Xu Heng is really floating in the sky!”

“Laozi has lived so much, I have never seen a guy more arrogant than Xu Heng!”

Some students said on the spot that as long as Xu Heng really accepts the challenge, he will definitely challenge himself.

“Damn it, if Xu Heng really dared to put on the ring, Laozi would definitely go to him and let him know what it means to be a stranger!” These words immediately made those who were unhappy with Xu Heng cheered.

Of course, no one knows if he really dared to go in the end.

Not only the students but also the teachers felt that Xu Heng’s approach was too arrogant.

This game has just ended, and he immediately wants to challenge all the freshmen in the country. “Does he think that this game is the ceiling for freshmen in the whole country?” Some teachers shook their heads, completely disapproving of Xu Heng’s decision. “Xu Heng is still too young!”

“When you hit the south wall later, you’ll know it’s wrong.”

“There are many students from super families who don’t bother to participate in this kind of competition. Because there are too many accidental factors in this competition, it cannot represent all the strengths.”

Where Fudan University is located, Yuan Gang, the leading teacher, did not understand Xu Heng’s approach.

He frowned slightly, looking thoughtful.

“So far, Xu Heng’s only record is to kill the cheating guy.”

“However, the cheater’s real strength is very average. Although he used the enhancement secret technique, that guy can’t exert the full strength of the secret technique at all. If he uses his real strength, Wei Cheng estimates that even the students in our school can’t beat him.” “As for the Qinghua and Jingcheng teams, the ‘Instant Transmission’ in the airdrop box is the key to victory, but strength is not the main reason!” Then, he raised his head and looked at the sky, “This kind of guy, the principal has Does it have to cost that much?”

In the Zhongling University team, Min Yuan was excited at the moment. “Xu Heng! I didn’t expect you to be so crazy!”

“I was thinking just now, when will I go to you to fight again, and as a result, you will immediately send the opportunity to your door!” She had been very unconvinced by Xu Heng’s one punch before.

Min Yuan believed that if she hadn’t underestimated the enemy and went directly to her body, Xu Heng would have no chance to defeat her.

So, after leaving the arena, it almost became her inner demon.

All along, she has been looking for opportunities to fight Xu Heng again.

Min Yuan was overjoyed when she heard that Xu Heng actually put down the ring by himself. “Xu Heng, wait! I’m willing to hold a meeting to find you, I’ll be ashamed!” “I hope you won’t be scared away by then!”

There are also some teachers who feel that Xu Heng’s approach does not seem to be a problem. “Young man, what’s the matter with being frivolous, there’s nothing wrong with it!”

“I see this Xu Heng, it’s useless on the field! Even if those hidden geniuses run to challenge Xu Heng, it is estimated that there will be no good results!” However, such supportive voices are very rare.

Most people are not optimistic about Xu Heng. Some students said on the spot that as long as Xu Heng dares to leave the ring, he will definitely challenge.

Everyone in the team of teachers and students expressed their own opinions.

The originally quiet lounge became extremely noisy.

Suddenly, Xu Heng and others appeared not far away and walked over slowly. A student exclaimed, “Look, the Nantian University team!”

“Xu Heng, also inside!”

Suddenly, the discussion on the scene suddenly became silent.

Everyone turned their attention to Xu Heng and others who were gradually approaching. “Why are these people all looking at us!”

In the team of Nantian University, Xu Xiaojia seemed to see the strangeness of the crowd in front, and spoke in a puzzled way.

Xu Tian casually glanced at the team in front of him, and said somewhat mockingly: “Because, the champion is us, they can only be envious, so they all stare!”

Li Xinghui, the principal in front, did not brag along the empty sky.

At this time, he has recovered, his usual calm and dignified appearance.

After a little analysis, he realized what had happened, “Xu Heng, he just boasted so much, and he is going to challenge all the freshmen in the country. There must be some people who are not convinced.” Then, he glanced at Xu Heng beside him, “Maybe, someone will give Xu Heng a gauntlet on the spot!” However, they were not afraid and walked straight over.

“Xu Heng!”

Sure enough, when someone from Nantian University just walked to the lounge, someone called Xu Heng’s name.

Then, a figure walked out of the crowd.

Suddenly, the quiet crowd resounded again. “Isn’t this Min Yuan? From Zhongling University!”

However, Xu Heng’s eyes did not look at her at all. “Is that the one who was killed instantly by Xu Heng? Although I also think that Xu Heng is very arrogant, but this Min Yuan, I guess he can’t beat her!” Min Yuan heard the voices in the crowd that didn’t approve of her, and suddenly became more and more irritable, she made up her mind. Determined to prove yourself. “Xu Heng! I heard that you are going to challenge the freshmen in the whole country?” Min Yuan walked directly to Xu Heng, intending to declare war…

There was only one sentence left, “If you want to call, feel free to call, stop talking nonsense!”

Then, Xu Heng directly crossed Min Yuan’s figure and walked into the rest hall.

After the final formalities, he was ready to leave the field.

Min Yuan stood there in a daze. She didn’t expect that Xu Heng basically ignored her.

This scene also made all the teachers and students present stunned.

They originally thought that there would be at least some verbal confrontation, but they didn’t expect that Xu Heng would be neat, and after letting go of his harsh words, he left, leaving no one even a chance to react.

“Everyone, after completing the formalities, come over to get your ID card. At that time, the military will identify you with this and put you in the teleportation formation!” “Without this, the teleportation formation cannot pass, and you will have to go back by yourself? “The staff of the organizer in front of the hall, seeing that the staff are basically all in place, began to explain the departure process.

In an instant, all the team leaders stepped forward.

They all want to get it quickly, otherwise, they will have to wait in line for a long time at the back.

Xu Heng on the side was very surprised.

He thought to himself, “I thought it was an important procedure, but it turned out to be just a pass card for the teleportation formation!”

When he was out on the field, he had already drawn ‘Instant Transmission’, so he could go back straight away without any need for a teleportation formation. Thinking of this, he shouted at Xu Tian and the principal, “Come and grab me, I’ll take you back to school!” In the hall, hearing Xu Heng’s shout, others turned their heads one after another. “What the hell is this guy doing?”

“Is it possible that you still want to fly back? So far, even a king-level powerhouse can’t do it!”However, in the blink of an eye, before everyone could react, all the people from Nantian University disappeared. “What is this? What about people?”

For a while, no one responded.

After a while, there was a sudden exclamation, and a student shouted, “Damn it! It’s Instant Transmission!” Immediately, everyone else, whether it was a student or a teacher, all widened their eyes and couldn’t believe it. “What’s the matter, did he really get it?”

“It seems that every time the airdrop equipment is dropped, they are all drawn!”

“F*ck, I got the Samsara eye before, but now I have ‘Instant Transmission’ again, this luck, Laozi is really good!” Many people said that it was unreasonable, and Xu Heng took all the benefits.

Some people slapped their thighs and said that their school was also on Jinnan Island, and they knew that Xu Heng would take him there, which was much faster than the teleportation array.

Everyone was extremely envious of Xu Heng’s luck.

However, Xu Heng, who had already left, did not know this.

Just now, at the moment when everyone was stunned, Xu Heng and the others had successfully arrived at Jinnan Island.

At the moment in Jinnan Island, there are reports of Xu Heng winning the championship.

All major TV stations are broadcasting relevant news.

“Today, a student from Nantian University in our province, Xu Heng, broke the historical record and won the first national freshman champion of our Jinnanhai Island…” Many reporters also set off and rushed to Nantian University, wanting to be the first Interview with the champion team for a while.

Not only that, but there are also many Internet celebrity anchors who want to take advantage of the popularity of Xu Heng, the champion. “I’m so excited to see the handsome champion brother soon!”

They all rushed to Nantian University with cameras in hand, wanting to photograph Xu Heng as soon as possible. In that way, the popularity of their live broadcast room will rise rapidly.

If Xu Heng saw this scene, it is estimated that it would be a big headache.

Finally got rid of the reporters on the field, and now the school is crowded with cameras again.

In addition, there are many citizens, chatting, 5.4 is also discussing related topics.

All in all, today’s Jinnan Island seems to be all about Xu Heng’s unprecedented championship.

Nantian University has long been full of flowers. It was a welcoming ceremony arranged by the school.

A huge banner was hung at the gate of the school.

“Warmly Celebrate Nantian University, Win the National Finals Championship” “Xu Heng, Make History Again”

“Warmly welcome the champion team back to school”

Not only the school entrance, but also the major road intersections in the school are also covered with banners of celebration.

On the school road, the discussion about this competition can be heard everywhere. “Our school won the first place in the country this time!” “This year’s freshmen are really fierce!”

“I watched Xu Heng’s live broadcast of the game, and I feel that this guy can now graduate directly, and he doesn’t need to go to any university at all!”

Where the student union is, the president and other ministers are all gathered here.

Among them, a minister sitting next to him said to the first student council president: “Now, let Xu Heng join the student council, no one should have an opinion!” “The first freshman in the country, no one here can get it. !” The student council president didn’t really agree, but at this moment he could only nod his head.

Because, Xu Heng has already conquered most of the students in the student union with his strength, and he objected, and it was completely useless. So, after thinking for a while, he said, “When Xu Heng comes back, we will invite him immediately.” “And, you can directly give him a minister!”

At the school gate, there is a team of staff waiting here, they are here to welcome Xu Heng back to school.

One of them looked at his watch.

Afterwards, he turned to look at the others around him, “Don’t worry! According to the schedule, the principal and the others should have just returned, and it is estimated that it will take a while before they return.” “Everyone can relax! You don’t need to be so nervous!”

However, the voice just fell.

Xu Heng, with the principal and others, appeared directly at the school gate out of thin air.

No sign!

The greeting staff in front of the school gate suddenly panicked! .

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