Chapter 106

Xu Heng declares war across the country, in the ring challenge!

“Forbidden land? Or not fully developed forbidden land?”

Xu Heng pondered, “Then why is it my turn?”

If there is no complete forbidden area developed, shouldn’t it be to let the experts go first to eliminate the danger?

How could he let this freshman take risks?

“Because of this forbidden area, it will automatically reject the strong!” Yi Kong said.

“So, we are all over the country, looking for excellent newcomers, and want to investigate the situation in this forbidden area!”

“It is precisely because this forbidden area has not been investigated clearly, so if you are inside, you may be able to obtain unknown special rewards.” Yi Kong said, walking back and forth in the room.

“Unknown special reward?” Xu Heng’s eyes lit up.

The prize, that’s his favorite thing-.

There is an unknown reward in this forbidden area, so he is looking forward to it very much, maybe his luck will explode again.

However, Yi Kong on the side suddenly sighed softly, “Actually, strictly speaking, to enter this forbidden area, Xu Heng, your current qualifications are not enough!” “Forcing you to enter, I don’t know why Good or bad!”

Xu Heng is very puzzled. He just won the freshman national championship, but he is still not qualified?

The access conditions for this forbidden area are too outrageous.

“First place in the national freshman competition, isn’t that enough?” Xu Heng looked at Yi Kong and felt very puzzled.

Yi Kong smiled slightly, knowing that Xu Heng might be a little unconvinced.

“It is indeed extremely rare for freshmen to come first, but there is still too much luck in it!”

“In the forbidden area, the thing that the airdrop directly falls on the face will never happen. Everything depends on the real strength!”

“If it wasn’t for the final, you killed the cheating guy and completely crushed the record of the two major teams in the country, even if you won the first place, it would be difficult for us to include you in the list.” Hearing this, Xu Heng nodded.

He knew that Yi Kong was absolutely right.

In the preliminary and semi-finals, due to the blessing of lucky blessings, he really took a lot of advantage.

Only in the finals did he show a small hand, and that was because he was forced to do so after the blessing effect was suppressed.

However, this does not mean that his strength is not qualified.

He didn’t make a shot on the field because he didn’t think it was necessary. He could just lie down and win. Why should he work so hard!

Now, if he needs to show his strength, he will definitely show his sharp-edgedness without hesitation.

So, he looked up at Yi Kong, “The freshman competition is not qualified, what about the ring challenge?”

“Ring Challenge?”

“Are you ready to play the ring challenge?”

Yi Kong, who had always been extremely calm, was shocked when he heard Xu Heng’s words.

This arena challenge is not a national freshman competition.

The national freshman game, it was a big scuffle on a field.

As I said just now, the big melee means that there will be a lot of luck in it.

For example, when someone just entered the arena, they saw high-level martial arts skills. After Fusion, they directly crushed and eliminated opponents who were originally stronger than him.

There are also people who can hide in hidden places in the arena.

If you are lucky enough to encounter neither the Mist Ferocious Beast nor the other teams, you can keep going until the end of the game.In this way, it can be regarded as a kind of lucky win.

In addition, there are also things that rely on luck, such as airdrops, smashing the face, fishing and picking up exercises.

Not only that, the help of teammates and the combination of teams may allow some students with poor strength to get a higher ranking.

However, none of this will happen in the ring challenge.

The challenge in the arena is the head-to-head in strength in a simple venue.

There’s nothing fancy, and it’s impossible to have any support from teammates.

And, the most difficult thing is that once you leave the ring, you must accept the challenges of all opponents!

No rejection or avoidance is allowed.

Any reason to avoid the fight will be considered a forfeiture.

“In the ring match, there is no teammate to assist you. Your decision is quite risky. I hope you will consider it carefully!” Yi Kong’s face changed. Obviously, Xu Heng’s words shocked him directly.

And Xu Heng, just nodded without explaining too much.

Seeing Xu Heng’s firm face, Yi Kong did not dissuade him too much. “The ring challenge is not so easy to fight!”

“Since you’ve made up your mind, I hope you can create a miracle again.” Then, Yi Kong disappeared into the room.

Xu Heng didn’t stay too long, he also left the room, and he had to find Teacher Xutian and the principal.

When Xu Heng returned to where the podium was, all the boring processes were over.

Xu Xiaojia, Zhao Han, and the three principals are slowly walking down the podium.

There were extremely happy expressions on their faces.

“I didn’t expect that I, Li Xinghui, could also win a grand prize on the national stage, hahaha!”

“From now on, when I meet my old classmates again, Laozi can really raise his eyebrows, and he doesn’t have to look at those guys’ bragging eyes!” “All of this is due to Xu Heng’s credit, and he will be rewarded well when he goes back, so he must not treat him badly! “The principal’s face was red and he was extremely excited.

As he walked, he kept talking to Xu Tian next to him.

Even, directly hooking up with Xu Tian, ​​there is absolutely no appearance of the principal. “Xu Tian, ​​this time your logistics department has done a really good job!”

“Before, we really neglected the logistics department, so that the resources of the logistics department have been in short supply.”

“Also, after the funds were allocated to the Martial Arts Department, those guys all started to eat and wait to die, and they have no fighting spirit at all!” Xu Tian’s eyes lit up when he heard this.

He seized the opportunity and asked the principal for resources, “Principal, we have to change it. Our logistics department can’t keep declining like this.” “Otherwise, the school is missing a leg!”

The principal nodded and said, “Don’t worry, if you don’t tell me, I will also ask to correct this deformed development.” Behind them, the old gatekeeper followed silently, as if he didn’t care about this at all.

Xu Xiaojia and Zhao Han felt very dazed.

Just now, on the podium, they won the honor that they never dreamed of before, and they still haven’t recovered. “Xu Heng, come out!”

Suddenly, Xu Xiaojia found Xu Heng who was approaching and cried out in surprise.

The others also turned their heads and followed Xu Xiaojia’s voice.

Immediately, Xu Tian, ​​the principal and others all came to greet him.

This is the biggest hero!

Soon, Xu Heng and everyone in the school came together.

They were about to speak when suddenly, another shout came. “Xiaojia!”

A female voice appeared beside Xu Heng and others.

Hearing this voice, Xu Xiaojia, who was behind the crowd, suddenly changed her expression.

She followed the voice, and it turned out to be a figure she was very familiar with. “mom……”

The one who appeared in front of everyone was Xu Xiaojia’s mother, Wang Fang.

Xu Xiaojia saw her mother appear, but her face was a little unsightly, because before she came out, she and her mother had a little quarrel.

However, Wang Fang’s face was not serious at all at this moment, “Xiaojia, your results this time are really unexpected, you actually won the national championship!” “Mom is so proud of you!”

She smiled and looked at Xu Xiaojia kindly.

In fact, the main purpose of her visit this time was not to see Xu Xiaojia, but to meet Xu Heng.

Before the national competition began, she and Xu Xiaojia had a fight because of Xu Xiaojia’s return home.

So after Xu Xiaojia came out, she sent someone to investigate the people around Xu Xiaojia.

Therefore, Xu Heng’s existence is clear to her.

Originally, Wang Fang was not optimistic about the result of their game.

She believes that Nantian University is just an ordinary school that has never achieved any outstanding results before.

In addition, Xu Heng’s strength, she also investigated very clearly, the combat power is 512, the middle-level master.

This strength, even in Nantian University, is still barely enough, and it is not enough to be seen in the national selection.

Therefore, when she heard that Xu Heng actually entered the national final, she was very surprised.

However, she still didn’t take it to heart, because she thought it might be luck.

However, when she heard that, because of Xu Heng’s existence, their team shined brightly in the finals, and they were going to win the championship, she finally knew that she had indeed misunderstood.

Xu Heng, much better than she imagined.

So, before the game was over, Wang Fang rushed here by special plane.

Just now, the scene of Xu Heng being looted by major schools on stage was vividly visible to her.

She is also in a wealthy family herself, and she has basically seen all kinds of big scenes.

However, it was the first time she had ever seen a scene where the school would not hesitate to fight in order to rob people, like the scene just now.

This surprised her very much.

So, with Xu Xiaojia’s relationship, she wanted to come over and win over Xu Heng.

“Xiaojia, your father and your brother have heard about your achievements, and they all praised you!” Wang Fang stepped forward and looked at Xu Xiaojia.

However, Xu Xiaojia was not happy. She knew that it was all because of the national championship, otherwise the family would not come over in person. “Mom, I see.”

Xu Xiaojia responded indifferently, and then walked directly towards Xu Heng.

Seeing Xu Xiaojia’s slightly indifferent look, Wang Fang didn’t mind.

“Mom knows that I was not good enough for you before, but if you are willing to forgive, my mother can make it up to you!” She followed Xu Xiaojia and walked in front of Xu Heng.

·…for flowers

“Xiaojia, your classmate, don’t you want to introduce me?”

Xu Xiaojia looked at Xu Heng, did not speak, but kept silent.

Wang Fang saw that Xu Xiaojia had been silent, so she took the initiative to come forward and wanted to say hello to Xu Heng. “This classmate…”

However, Xu Heng completely ignored it.

He directly crossed Wang Fang’s figure and walked towards Xu Tian and others not far away.

Leaving Wang Fang there, embarrassed and at a loss. “Teacher, principal!”Xu Heng waved towards Xu Tian, ​​the principal and others.

The headmaster was the first to greet him enthusiastically. “Haha, Xu Heng!”

“This time, because of you, our Nantian University is all over the country, and we have a good time!”

“I have discussed with other leaders of the school, and in the future, all the resources of our school will be open to you free of charge.” “Even if it is the imported equipment that requires payment of patent fees, the school will pay all of it for you. Expenses.” As soon as the principal opened his mouth, he directly gave Xu Heng a big reward.

He said that the school will give Xu Heng the greatest preferential treatment in the future, and the school will do everything possible to meet Xu Heng’s requirements to the greatest extent possible.

It can be said that when Xu Heng returns to Nantian University in the future, the treatment of school leaders will be even higher.

However, Xu Heng remained silent.

Xu Tian was a little puzzled, he didn’t understand why Xu Heng didn’t respond at all.

The gatekeeper, who had been silent all this time, seemed to see something.

He suddenly opened his mouth and asked Xu Heng, “That guy just now, what did he say to you!”


As soon as these words came out, the principal, who had been in a state of excitement, also closed his mouth and looked at Xu Heng curiously.

I was looking for Xu Heng just now, but the defender of the arena is stronger than Li Xinghui.

He personally came to find Xu Heng, what was the important reason?

Xu Heng didn’t answer directly, but said, “Principal, I want to set up a ring at the school and play a challenge in the arena.” The principal was shocked, and his originally excited expression changed instantly.

He looked at Xu Heng with a dignified expression, “The ring challenge, that’s very difficult!”

“In the past, there were students in our school who had strong self-confidence and strength, and they made it through the ring. Later, they were directly sent to the hospital. They stayed for a full year, and they also stayed at the first level for this.” “You are sure, you need to Take the risk?”

Xu Heng didn’t speak, just nodded silently.

The old man, who was often silent next to him and didn’t ask about trivial matters, opened his mouth to express his support. “Xu Heng, if you are very confident, then do it boldly.” “What happened, the school will give you the bottom line!” “Li Xinghui, don’t stand in your way!”

Hearing the old man speak, the principal suddenly stopped talking. “Yes Yes Yes!”

Seeing this scene, Xu Heng was very surprised. He didn’t expect that the principal actually listened to the old man’s words.

So, several people reached an agreement and let Xu Heng do it boldly.

“Hey! This is not the national champion, Xu Heng!” “Everyone, come here, Xu Heng is here!”

Just when Xu Heng discussed with the principal and was ready to play the ring challenge.

Suddenly, a group of guys with microphones and big cameras ran over quickly.

There were so many of them that when they rushed over, they surrounded Xu Heng, the principal and others, as if they were going to rob someone again.

One of them, holding the microphone, ran to Xu Heng first.

“Student Xu Heng, I’m a reporter from the national TV station. I want to interview you…” Before Xu Heng could answer, another person came running.

He was also holding the microphone and looked in front of Xu Heng, “Hello, classmate, I’m from Jinshan News. I want to interview. After you won the championship, how do you feel?” After the two of them, there were several others. ran over. “Student Xu Heng…”

“Hello, Xu Heng, I’m in the noon news live room, can I say hello to the netizens in the live room…” One after another remembered, running to Xu Heng, wanting to interview Xu Heng, Got Xu Heng a big head.

He didn’t expect that he escaped the first day of the first year, and he did not escape the fifteenth.

So, Xu Heng took a deep breath and spoke directly to all the microphones in front of him. “This time’s national championship is too easy to win, and once it is challenging, there is no challenge.” “The level of the freshmen this time is too bad, basically all garbage!”

“I will set up the ring at the school. If anyone disagrees, we will see you in the ring!” Hearing this, all the reporters in the audience were stunned.

The passers-by around were silent for a moment.

The netizens in the webcast room were also directly boiling.

Is this Xu Heng so arrogant? Guang.

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