Su Yuan's face darkened.


After some hard work, Xiaoyu finally selected the biological cat to be transformed.

Su Yuan was stunned for a moment when he saw this result.


Master, after transformation, cats will soon evolve into intelligent creatures, and their genes will be more similar to humans. As they continue to evolve, they will eventually become cats. The difference from humans may be their ears and Tail!

What's the meaning?

They may retain the tail and ears of cats, and their bodies are more flexible and stronger than humans!

Master, this is a video of me simulating the evolution of a cat, you can take a look!

Su Yuan looked at the big screen. From the original wild cats to smart cats and then to cats, the entire evolutionary process was supported by data.

What is the combat effectiveness of an adult cat?

Equivalent to five or six Blue Star special guards!

And how well do they use the environment?

More than sixty times that of Blue Star people. If they live in the water for a long time, they can grow gills and use their gills to breathe, and they can build cities under the sea!

Then let's start the experiment, but once it starts, we can't interfere too much, and we can't enter Shanhaixing frequently!

Master, don't worry, I'm sure! Xiaoyu said firmly.

Later, Su Yuan left Susan at Blue Star to supervise the transformation of Blue Star, and took away Xiaoyu, Chris and Su Xiaoyu.

Return to the Dragon Star Territory.

Regarding the construction of Dragon Star, Su Yuan has no plans yet. The most important thing now is to deal with the primary civilization competition.

Pilot the star battleship and fly directly to the mountain and sea stars.

Arriving at Shanhaixing, Su Yuan began to inject genetic medicine into the wild cats to be transformed.

After injection, the offspring of these feral cats will become increasingly intelligent.

In addition to transforming wild cats, Su Yuan also wants to transform many kinds of creatures.

He needs to make these creatures more terrifying than dinosaurs, so as to bring a huge sense of crisis to the cats and allow them to continue to evolve.

It was busy for more than ten days and hundreds of thousands of organisms were injected.

The bodies of these creatures will change very quickly, and they will continue to evolve under artificial intervention.

Unlike exotic beasts, this evolution is positive.

Leave Shanhaixing and come to the control center.

The control center is a satellite orbiting Shanhaixing. It is a bit like the moon of Blue Star. It looks bumpy on the surface, but it is hollow inside and contains various instruments and equipment.

Although Su Yuan had the data package and instructions issued by the Hong tribe, Xiaoyu had to read these things, and he couldn't understand them.

Master, next, we need to change the environment of the mountain starfish to make its growth cycle faster, thereby speeding up time!

Okay, I also want to see the cats as soon as possible!

Accelerating the growth cycle requires not only special growth chemicals, but also the speed of rotation and revolution of the mountain and sea stars, as well as many other factors.

The whole process is very complicated, and only the equipment of the Hong people can do it.

Let the creatures living on mountains and stars create the illusion of time.

And this accelerated process needs to be slowly changed so that all living things can adapt.

As Xiaoyu started to accelerate. Shanhaixing also gradually began to undergo earth-shaking changes.

Tens of days later, more than ten years have passed on Shanhaixing.

The first batch of intelligent cats began to appear to hunt prey. They were smarter than other wild cats and knew how to use tools to hunt larger creatures.

But their physical fitness is no worse than that of ordinary wild cats.

This gives them more time to play.

It greatly accelerated their reproduction speed, and also allowed them to gradually learn how to learn.

More than a month later, the first tribe of cats appeared. They knew more attacks and learned to keep animals in captivity.

Then their tribes became more and more numerous, constantly attacking each other, and entering a bottleneck period of development.

Master, I think it's time to bring a catastrophe to them. We must keep them in crisis so that they can continue to evolve!

Okay, then let it snow heavily!

In the control center, you can adjust the environment of Mountain Starfish at any time. It is not difficult to make a heavy snowfall.

Soon, the warm environment suddenly turned cold, and heavy snow fell in the sky.

At this time, only the leaves of the cat's body blocked important parts.

They have learned to be shy, but they have not yet learned to make clothes.

This is also because the environment Su Yuan gave them was too good at the beginning.

As the snow falls, there will be less and less food to hunt.

Seeing that many tribesmen were without food, Mao Shan was very anxious.

It is the leader of the tribe and must take the lead in finding a solution.

Seeing Maoshan thinking hard, Su Yuan was worried for him.

Xiaoyu, why don't you help it with a flash of lightning?

Master, it's snowing heavily, and you ask me to create lightning. Isn't this embarrassing?

Want to try it? Just chop it not far from their tribe, set the tree on fire, and finally chop a wild boar to death or something!

Xiaoyu: ...

Why do you have more and more requests?

Xiaoyu worked for a long time, and finally naturally formed a bolt of lightning and struck the ground.

There was a loud bang, frightening all the cats.

The big tree was set on fire, and an unlucky wild boar was also hacked to death.

Mao Shan was also scared, but as the leader, he still took the lead to have a look.

Soon it came to the scene of the incident and found the dead wild boar. It was very excited to see the food.

It was just the flames on the big tree that made it very scared and didn't dare to get close.

Su Yuan stared at this scene closely.

Come over quickly!

Only by overcoming fear and gaining fire can cats develop further.

It’s the same as the Blue Star Civilization back then.

The only difference is that this coincidence was artificially created by Su Yuan.

The cold wind blew, but the fire was still burning and not extinguished.

But the place close to the flame was so warm that Mao Shan couldn't help but step forward.

Gradually it took over fear, watching the flames burn carefully.

After a while, it picked up a branch and tried to light a flame.

It was successful all of a sudden.

Looking at the burning branch in his hand, Mao Shan suddenly felt that the flames were not so scary.

With Su Yuan's intervention, the cats mastered the flames and quickly learned to drill wood to make fire.

Subsequently, cats entered a stage of rapid development.

All this is not just because of the flames, but also because Mao Shan has learned to observe and know how to use his brain to get more of what he wants.

Not long after Mao Shan died, a new leader was recommended.

The leader does not have to be a descendant of Maoshan, but he must be strong, smart, and able to bring development to the tribe.

Otherwise, the tribe will be destroyed by various disasters.

In order to speed up the adaptability of cats.

Su Yuan asked Xiaoyu to further change the environment of Shanhaixing, causing various natural disasters to occur frequently.

More than a month later, the cats developed their first country. More cats living together can generate more fantastic ideas and make them develop faster.

But on the mountain star, the cats felt that after hundreds of years and generations of continuous evolution, their hair had become clean and they could walk upright.

They also look more like humans.

But the tail is still there.

They can do a lot of things with their tails, just like an elephant's trunk, giving them an extra tentacle that humans can use.

This makes their attack power much more powerful than humans.

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